RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting April 26, 2011 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Daniel Murphy, Cherry Valley Elementary ASB President. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons CHERRY VALLEY ELEMENTARY STUDENT PRESENTATION Jenna Farnworth, Cherry Valley teacher and ASB advisor, introduced the ASB Officers who spoke about Earth Month activities: Daniel Murphy, President; Megan Nelson, Vice President; Kailyn Meats, Secretary; and Grant Soule and Dallin Millard, Activity Coordinators. The ASB has created an Idle-Free Zone in the parent pick up areas, asking parents to turn off their engines while waiting in line for their students. The ASB also created posters of Earth Day issues; had Earth Spirit Day where different grade levels wore the three color elements of the earth; and collected trash from the recess field. The ASB Officers thanked the School Board for allowing them to present the various ways they observed Earth Month. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt wished Mr. Robertson a belated happy birthday. Mr. Pflugrath and she attended the Board Leadership Meeting last Friday. The Board held a Budget Work Study this evening, beginning at 5:30 PM, and will be planning another work study on the budget. Ms. Oviatt noted that the announcement in the River Current News regarding School Director positions that are up for election was incorrect, in that it showed District #1 is up for election and should read that District #2, along with #3, and #4. Ms. Oviatt also reported on events around the district: Friday, April 22, Cherry Valley Elementary served High Tea and in attendance was Julien Loh from Governor Gregoire’s office. Friday, April 29, Cherry Valley is hosting a PTA Family Dance with a theme of the evolution of rock and roll. Cedarcrest High School’s plant sale will be on April 28-30, and May 5-7. Cedarcrest High School Drama Department will perform “Oklahoma” at 7:00 PM on April 29, 30, and May 5-7. Mrs. Elizabeth Wing, Carnation Elementary teacher, received the Earth Hero Award, which was presented to her on April 14, by King County Executive Dow Constantine. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Carnation Elementary received the 2011 Washington State Inaugural Schools of Excellence in Arts Education Award, which will be presented to them at the May 10th School Board meeting by Dr. Jonelle Adams, Executive Director of WSSDA and Una McAlinden, Executive Director of ArtsEd Washington. May 9-13 is Arts in Education Week. Mrs. Van Noy learned about Stillwater Elementary students who brought in new and used books to give to the library at Cascade View Elementary in Tukwila. The Healthy Challenge begins in May and Board Members are encouraged to sign up. Tolt Middle School Jazz concert will be held on May 4, beginning at 6:30 PM. Mr. Bawden reported that Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath and he attended the WSSDA Regional Meeting last week, getting pertinent information on legislative issues. Mr. Bawden suggested that the district could offer an open house or something for interested school board candidates, before the filing period of June 6-10. Mrs. Van Noy noted the recent WSSDA Regional Meeting brought information on superintendent evaluation and on math curriculum. She mentioned she went to Olympia last week and met with all our legislators, noting Senator Andy Hill is very interested in education. She will be attending the WSSDA Board meetings in Olympia on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Van Noy suggested high school student leaders might be interested in attending the next United Way Community Resource Exchange, connecting homeless individuals with the services they need. She attended one at Qwest Field on Friday, April 22, 2011, and there were a lot of volunteer opportunities. Mr. Edwards was sorry he missed the WSSDA Regional meeting. As Legislative representative, he is staying very attuned through WSSDA. Mr. Pflugrath found the math curriculum session at the WSSDA Regional Meeting very informative on technology and math. Ms. Oviatt reminded the Board of the upcoming Board Breakfast Work Study on May 6, to discuss social media and networking with the Riverview Foundation. She also noted May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation Week and the Board will be thanking the staff. Agenda Adjustment Motion 11-28: To amend the April 26, 2011, Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel Actions and Item D. Service Contracts to reflect current changes; to add Policy 2085 Alternative Learning Experience Programs to Item C under Old Business for Second Reading; and to add a new item under Old Business, Item D. Award of Cedarcrest High School Baseball/Softball Batting Cage and Concession. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous. Hearing of Public None -2- Student Representative Report Mr. Austin Koons reported on the following: ASB: Last Friday there was a pep assembly to recognize winter sports and a variety of clubs and activities. The assembly started out with an intense game of student vs. staff basketball. The students won by a score of 12-8. In the near future ASB will plan the spirit days for Prom’s spirit week as well as a battle of the sexes assembly on Friday the 13th. ASB executive officer elections are going on now. ORGANIZATIONS: FFA: The plant sale takes places this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, as well as next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The group is preparing for state in Pullman May 11 th14th. DECA: Sending five students to Orlando this Thursday. They are currently selling Brown Bear Car wash tickets as a fundraiser. On June 4, there will be a car show in Duvall that they’re partnering with Safeway to plan. The application process has begun for officers for next year. FBLA: They took nine students to state this year and had 4 placers all taking 4th: Connor Clancy, Bessie Ish, Chelsea Judd, and Zach Mabe. They still run the student store and coffee stand every morning. Currently, they’re planning on Senior Grad. Night. Also, they’re accepting applications for officers for next year. NHS: As the year winds down, NHS is trying to get out as many volunteer opportunities as possible to the students, including a car wash May 7, to raise funds for aid in Japan. The next blood drive is May 25, and takes place in the gym throughout the school day. The blood drive is open to the community! TSA: They went to state a few weeks ago and are sending three students to nationals: Keaton Estes, Emily Rule, and Devon Young. At the state competition Cedarcrest had a freshman, Emily Rule, elected as a state reporter. WCTSMA: Leaves Thursday morning to Spokane for the state competition. The team will tour Eastern’s training facilities Thursday and compete Friday and Saturday. Ms. Glynis Bawden continued: RAK: The Well Being Project fundraiser is a huge success! It has been made into a competition between sixth periods and has already collected over $1000. SPORTS: Boys Soccer: 5 of the team’s games have resulted in shootouts, but the team is currently in third place in the league, but lost last night’s game against South Whidbey. Girls Golf: The team continues to lead the league and has won all six league matches to date. The next competition is Wednesday versus Archbishop Murphy. Boys Golf: On Monday the boys competed against Sultan at Blue Boy Golf Course, and will compete next on Thursday against Lakewood in Marysville. Girls Fastpitch: The first game on the home field was last week, and the girls won against Archbishop Murphy, the number one team in the league. They are currently in third place in leagues. The team’s next game is Wednesday against South Whidbey. Track and Field: 12 athletes won first place in various competitions in last week’s home meet, the second of the season. Several competitors attended the highly selective Easton Invite on Saturday, and the entire squad is competing at Kings this Thursday. -3- Student Representative Report, Cont. Boys Baseball: The team did a clean sweep of Granite Falls and currently stands in second place in the league. They have a home game this Wednesday against Sultan. MISCELLANEOUS: The senior countdown is up! 30 days as of today. Friday is opening night for the student production of “Oklahoma!” Other dates are Saturday April 30, Thursday May 5, Friday May 6, and Saturday May 7. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 11-29: To approve the April 26, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Edwards and Oviatt) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for April 12, 2011 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 180440 through 180578 in the amount of $265,112.94, and direct deposits of $12,225.29; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 180579 through 180592 in the amount of $720,862.00, No. 180603 in the amount of $764.00, and direct deposits of $5.50; and ASB Fund Warrant No. 180593 through 180602 in the amount of $10,255.41, and direct deposits of $738.49. Total payroll for April 15, 2011 was $46,526.15, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 180604 in the amount of $210.43, and direct deposits of $36,284.20. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged the resignation of Marilyn Branthwaite, Tolt teacher for 14 years. Approval of Service Contracts, as amended Approval of Budget Status Reports Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the donation to Stillwater from The Intermec Foundation for an active board. Approval of Out of State Travel for TSA Students and Staff to Dallas, Texas, June 21-26, 2011 OLD BUSINESS Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1D: Evaluate the K-12 Academically Talented/Honors program. Task 2: Complete a philosophy statement for honors/highly capable program. Dr. Smith reported the Committee meets quarterly and this is the first year of a two-year commitment. Members are parents Sabrina Parnell, Jeremy Robkin, and Kim Droppo, and staff Christie Isler, Doug Poage, Terry McClintic, Janet Gavigan, Lorna Barth, Tony Minaker, Amie Miller, Tracie Kelly, Judy Harris and Dr. Smith. -4- Strategic Plan Status, Cont. The philosophy statement, yet to be finalized, reads “The Riverview School District is committed to providing opportunities for academically talented and motivated students. Offerings emphasize: Academic Excellence, Rigor, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Leadership.” Next steps include designing the content for our district’s web page for honors/academically talented and finding a person to complete an external evaluation of the program. Dr. Smith reminded the Board to think about the next cycle for program review when the Board meets with Mike Vidos for a Work Study on June 7. Mr. Bawden also asked that the Board review Goal 2, Objective A, Task 3, on defining community involvement in reduction of operating expense, for inclusion in next year’s Strategic Plan. 2011-12 Budget Development The Board discussed the budget at their Work Study held prior to the Board Meeting. They looked at projected costs with the House budget and unknown costs of the Senate budget. They also reviewed possible budget reductions to address the district budget shortfall. The Board agreed to hold another budget work study on May 10, from 5:30-7:00 PM. Second Reading Policy 2060 Remediation Programs; Policy 2065 Federal and/or State Funded Special Instruction Programs; Policy 2081 Career and Technical Education; Policy 2086 Alternative Learning Experience Programs Diploma; and Policy 2085 Alternative Learning Experience Programs Motion 11-30: To approve Policies 2060, 2065, 2081, 2085 and 2086 for Second Reading. (Edwards and Pflugrath) Unanimous. Award of Cedarcrest High School Baseball/Softball Batting Cage and Concession Bids were opened today and Erickson McGovern, architects, is recommending the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder, CDK Construction Services for $660,700.00. Motion 11-31: To award the Cedarcrest High School Baseball/Softball Batting Cage and Concession to CDK Construction Services in the amount of $660,700.00. (Bawden and Oviatt) Unanimous. NEW BUSINESS Resolution 11-01 Arts Education Month Proclamation The Board proclaims May 2011 as Arts Education Month and calls on all students, staff, families and community to join in this special observance. Motion 11-32: To adopt Resolution 11-01. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous. -5- REPORTS NSBA Conference Report The Board attended the National School Board Association (NSBA) Conference in San Francisco from April 8 to April 11, 2011. They reported on some of their favorite sessions. Ms. Oviatt: 101 Successful Ways to Stay Connected to Your Students, Staff, Parents & Community – bottom line was to hire a PR person Focus On…Learner Centered Education 2010 National Teacher of the Year Sarah Brown Wessling – An example, determine which way students want their papers edited – students more engaged when receiving edit information via electronic devices 75 Websites in 75 Minutes: Practical Web for Today’s Assistants Way Cool Tools Mr. Bawden Bargaining Health Insurance – panel of lawyers for districts and unions Civic Capacity & Trust Capital – turned out to be salesperson for surveys Abandon Grade Levels? A standards-based education system district-wide – How one district threw out K-12, and had 16 levels which teachers preferred Mrs. Van Noy Teacher Evaluation: Linking Student Achievement & Teacher Performance – two-tier evaluation, proficient in standards Education Foundations: 7 Philanthropy Lifeline Lessons from 3,000 Districts – foundations and schools work out Memorandum of Understanding on working together, Board had liaison on foundation Mr. Pflugrath Program Evaluation: Assessing Impact on Student Performance & the Budget – passed out template information RU on Facebook: Dealing with Students & Social Networking – a lot of liability out there Google-licious: How to Find Anything on the Internet – So many apps that can be used in the classroom Parents Guide to Facebook – might be worthwhile to have a class for students and parents on how to set up security Mr. Edwards Accountability in Money Matters – Board investing district dollars and good stewardship An Ounce of Prevention: Avoiding Litigation through Proactive Anti-Harassment Measures – legal liability continues to grow Student Transition from Middle School to High School – how important it is to have success in the 9th grade, 80-90% more likely to drop out if not successful in 9th grade iTouch..iLearn: Implement the iPod Touch – using iTouch for ELL students in preschool -6- Construction Report Mr. Robertson presented the monthly project report. Tolt Middle School/Transportation Department Storm Drainage, parking, and Paving Improvements Permit application and drawings are being reviewed by the City of Carnation for approval. The mandatory SEPA/DNS comment period expired March 30, 2011, and no comments or appeals were received. Carnation Elementary School – Modernization Punch-list corrections are ongoing with 99.5% of the project complete. Cedarcrest High School – New Baseball Field and Miscellaneous Improvements Concrete footings and piers for additional bleachers and bleacher installation have been completed at the home side football field, as well as roofing installation and painting at the new bleacher roof structure. Improvements and retrofitting of the existing announcer/press box at the football stadium is ongoing. Construction of the west parking lot is ongoing, with paving in progress as weather permits. The concrete floor slab has been poured for the concession/restrooms building. Concrete walks, bleacher pads and “plazas” surrounding the varsity and junior varsity softball fields are complete. Asphalt paving surrounding the softball fields is in progress as weather permits. Softball bleacher construction is complete at the varsity and junior varsity softball fields. The baseball field has been uncovered and work to complete the dugouts, irrigation, and drainage installations continues as weather permits. The district will plan a Ribbon Cutting for softball varsity field when paving is completed. Cherry Valley Elementary School – Additions and Modernization HVAC and electrical trim is complete at cafeteria/kitchen addition. Kitchen flooring and equipment installation is in progress. Exterior stucco siding installation is also complete at the addition. Remodeling and modernization at classrooms 11-14 and 22-24 is complete. Renovation of Phase III restrooms is complete; however, finished flooring is not yet installed. School administration offices have been relocated to unoccupied classrooms to allow Phase IV work related to the administrative office addition to proceed. Exterior masonry, demolition, framing, installation of new doors and windows has been competed at the administrative office addition. Floor preparation, HVAC, fire sprinkler, and electrical installations are ongoing. Storm drainage installations at the Cherry Valley Road Right-of-Way are proceeding as weather permits. -7- Construction Report, Cont. Riverview Learning Center HVAC, plumbing, fire suppression, and electrical systems installations are ongoing. Exterior siding installation is complete. Drywall hanging is complete; texturing is in progress. Remaining concrete sidewalks and pads are expected to be poured by the end of April. Exterior painting will proceed as weather permits. Site fencing installation is expected to be complete by the end of April. Mr. Robertson complimented the crews who worked so hard and fast to complete the drywall. Superintendent Report On May 11, the annual WASA Metro Community Service Recognition will be held at the Puget Sound Educational Service District. Sue Davenport will be the recipient for the Riverview School District. The Riverview School District would like to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Cedarcrest High School renovation at the softball facilities. We would like to hold the event before a varsity girls’ fastpitch game at the varsity field. To date the rainy weather has delayed the completion of the paving of the parking lot and entry areas to the softball facilities. The bid opening for the softball/baseball concession/restrooms and batting cages at Cedarcrest High School was held this afternoon with five general contractors submitting bids. Since the last board meeting I have attended the weekly construction meetings, a WaNIC (Washington Network for Innovative Careers) Board meeting, the monthly REA/Superintendent meeting, Cherry Valley Elementary School Literary High Tea, Board Leadership meeting, Chief John Lambert’s Retirement Event and the Riverview PTSA Council meeting. During my illness, Dr. Smith attended the Center for Collaborative Support meeting last week. Legislative Report Mr. Edwards reported the regular legislative session adjourned on April 22, with a special 30-day session beginning on April 26. With a projected $5.3 billion budget shortfall between the end of this fiscal year and the next biennium, the House and Senate have some major differences to resolve around the budget. Most agree the largest issues are a Senate proposal to reduce K-12 salaries by 3%, tuition in the colleges and universities, the disability lifeline, and whether to adopt new revenues to bridge the shortfall. The Senate’s proposal to send a constitutional amendment to the voters to lower the debt limit from 9% to 7% is a big sticking point, with labor and the construction industry lining up with some House Democrats to oppose the shift. The Senate has said it won’t move the capital budget without the constitutional amendment; the House has said it won’t do the capital budget until the bond bill passes. This issue could go down to the wire. -8- Legislative Report, Cont. Mr. Edwards continued that earlier last week, the Senate’s two-year spending plan closed a projected $4.8 billion budget shortfall in the fiscal year that begins this July and ends June 30, 2013. K-12 education is hit harder in the Senate budget than the House budget, with proposals to make deep cuts in employee salaries, transportation, and separate programs designed to help student achievement, teacher development, and system improvements. Also in the crosshairs are alternative learning experience (ALE) programs, with both the House and Senate proposing less of an FTE for ALE students. OSPI is also tapped for at least another $2 million in reduced appropriations. On the plus side, the Senate proposal adds $64.3 million for K-3 class sizes in high-poverty schools, nearly $40 million more than the House. Both budgets include funding for the teacher/principal pilot programs that started last year. Mr. Pflugrath added that Marie Sullivan, WSSDA Director of Governmental Relations, noted that education is funding 1-1/2% of the overall budget reductions, taking a bigger hit than any other budget. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the April 26, 2011, School Board meeting at 8:55 PM. __________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -9-