Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 12, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons
Ms. Oviatt mentioned the School Board held a Board Work Study Breakfast on Friday, April 1st,
in Fall City to discuss the NSBA Conference. Friday, April 8th, the Board left for San Francisco
to attend the NSBA Conference and returned home late last night. The Board will report on the
conference at a future meeting; however, Ms. Oviatt noted it was a great conference and the
presenters included Condoleezza Rice and Daniel Pink, as well as Juan Enriquez.
Ms. Oviatt congratulated the following for their accomplishments:
Mr. Bruce Murdock on receiving State Science Teacher of the Year.
The Cedarcrest Floral Design Team for placing 2nd at the State Competition.
The FBLA for all their awards at the Washington State Business Leadership Conference.
Caitlin Gard who has qualified for the third year in a row to participate in the 2011
Washington Geographic Bee that was held at Pacific Lutheran University on Friday,
April 1, 2011.
Ms. Oviatt also noted the following upcoming events:
The students at UW Bothell and Cascadia Community College are putting on an Earth
Day celebration and would like to invite our greater community to join them after school
on Thursday, April 21st.
Jazz and Java this Friday April 15th, at 7:00 PM at Cedarcrest High School.
Cherry Valley Elementary Literary High Tea is April 21st at 4:00 PM.
Snoqualmie Valley Community Network Board 2010-11 meets on April 27th and May
25th from 6:30-8:00 PM in the District Boardroom; and their Rise and Shine Breakfast is
June 2nd at 7:00 AM.
"Celebrate the Class of 2011" with Senior Awards Night, June 1, 2011, 6:30 PM.
CHS Performing Arts Department is producing Oklahoma! with performances on April
29th, April 30th, May 5th and May 6th at 7:00 PM.
Mr. Bawden thanked the Board Members for taking time away from their work to attend the
NSBA Conference. One session of interest to him was “Selling Your Story,” how to use a oneon-one sales pitch to tell all the good things going on in the district.
Mr. Bawden reminded the Board of the upcoming WSSDA Regional Meeting on April 21st, and
noted all Board Members would be attending the meeting at Highline School District.
Mrs. Van Noy said she really enjoyed the conference and meeting other board members from
across the nation. She mentioned the upcoming Conference on Education at Seattle University
and will send out information to the Board.
Mr. Pflugrath was thrilled to see the State Science Fair results, noting a big step up in the quality
of Cedarcrest students’ projects this year. He noted the NSBA Conference was one of the better
conferences. He came across cool web tools and services for classrooms offered by Google for
free and offered to send the information out.
Mr. Edwards echoed the other Board members and again congratulated Mr. Murdock for his
state Science Teacher of the Year award.
Ms. Bawden said she is working on a Media Arts project about student representative positions
and asked if she could film a bit of the Board meeting. She also thanked Carnation Elementary
and PARADE program for the beautiful new artwork in the Board room.
Mr. Koons said ASB is planning an assembly for Friday and noted Senior/Junior Prom is in a
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 11-21: To amend the April 12, 2011, Agenda by postponing indefinitely Item A. NSBA
Conference Report and Item B. Board Leadership Initiatives Progress Report from Old Business,
and Item C. Legislative Report from Reports. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
Dr. Anthony Smith introduced Mary Sue Linville, Director, and Colin MacRae, Loss Control
Consultant. with Washington Schools Risk Management Pool. He also introduced Mary Barr
and Sandy Bechtel from Riverview Human Resources Department who worked very hard on the
Boundary Invasion training. The Risk Pool works with seventy districts and five ESD’s,
focusing on meeting property and liability needs. He thanked both Mary Sue and Colin for
working with us and their willingness to address our needs on a prompt basis. Mary Sue Linville
spoke to the incentive offered school districts every year, with this year’s focus on professional
staff to student Boundary Invasion. She reported Riverview School District received 100% on
their Risk Assessment Survey and congratulated Riverview for their outstanding job. She
presented a plaque to the staff and noted the district will also receive a minimum of 3% off their
total property and liability costs through the Risk Pool for their success. Mr. Robertson added
that Washington Risk Management provides a great service to districts, as well as the training
incentive and financial savings. He praised Dr. Smith for making a priority of this all-staff
Motion 11-22: To approve the April 12, 2011, Consent Agenda as presented. (Van Noy and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for March 22, 2011 and Board Work Study
Minutes for March 4, 2011, March 22, 2011, and April 1, 2011
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 180201 through 180315 in the amount of $189,056.31, and direct
deposits of $12,484.64; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 180316 through 180330 in the
amount of $712,234.36; ASB Fund Warrant No. 180331 through 180344 in the amount of
$9,333.18, and direct deposits of $147.00; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 180345
through 180352 in the amount of $9,893.95, and direct deposits of $10,539.99. Total payroll for
March 31, 2011 was $1,945,960.25, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 180353 through
180439 in the amount of $645,954.88, and direct deposits of $967,981.86.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts
Cherry Valley Elementary School Change Order
The Change Order, in the amount of $66,529, is for removal and replacement of existing
insulation in remodeled classrooms to bring up to code.
Motion 11-23: To approve the Change Order for Cherry Valley Elementary in the amount of
$66,529, as presented. (Bawden and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Cedarcrest High School Baseball Field Concession Stand Foundation Change Order
At the February 8, 2011, Board Meeting the Board approved the Concession Stand Foundation
for the Baseball Field at an estimated $29,000. The higher costs of plumbing, electric rough-in
and paving have brought the final cost to $49,554, which has been approved by the Architect.
Motion 11-24: To approve the Change Order for the Cedarcrest High School Baseball Field
Concession Stand Foundation in the amount of $49,554.00. (Edwards and Van Noy)
Board Agenda Topics
The Board agreed to add the NSBA Conference Report to the April 26th agenda. The May 6th
Board Breakfast Work Study will focus on social media and also on partnering with the
Riverview Foundation during this budget crisis.
Board Agenda Topics, Cont.
There will be a Work Study scheduled on the Strategic Plan with Mike Vidos either June 7 or
June 21. The Board added District-wide Remediation Plan/Policy to the “parking lot.”
Make-Up Days Added to End of School Year
Three days of school were missed due to snow (November 23 & 24, and January 12). The
district is asking the make-up days be added to the end of the school year as June 16, 17 and 20,
making the last day of school Monday, June 20, 2011.
Motion 11-25: To amend the 2010-2011 school calendar by adding three make-up days of June
16, 17 and 20, making the last day of school June 20, 2011. (Van Noy and Bawden)
First Reading, Policy 2060 Remediation Programs; Policy 2065 Federal and/or State Funded
Special Instruction Programs; Policy 2081 Career and Technical Education; Policy 2085
Alternative Learning Experience Programs; and Policy 2086 Alternative Learning Experience
Programs Diploma
These policies have been reviewed by administration and show the recommended changes.
Motion 11-26: To approve Policies 2060, 2065, 2081, 2085, and 2086 for First Reading.
(Pflugrath and Edwards) The Board requested more clarification in Policy 2085 on the Choice
alternative program before Second Reading. Unanimous.
Deletion of Policy 2090 Traffic Safety Education
As the district no longer provides Traffic Safety Education, this Policy can be deleted.
Motion 11-27: To approve Policy 2090 for Deletion. (Bawden and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported enrollment FTE was up in April by 4.93 FTE, making it two months in a
row of increased enrollment. Enrollment count since September is up 2.33 FTE students. He
suggested the new home construction and sales in Duvall could be part of the increase.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson reported as follows:
1. He thanked the Board for permitting him to take vacation over Spring Break to visit family
out of state and miss the National School Board Association Conference with the school
Superintendent Report, Cont.
2. Since the last board meeting, he attended the four weekly construction meetings during the
week of March 28th but missed the following week due to vacation. Bill Adamo and Tim
Ausink represented the district at the four meetings, discussed construction items over the
phone with him and e-mailed the agendas and minutes so he could remain up to date on the
construction projects.
3. In addition to a number of school events in the next week, he will be attending meetings with
the Center for Collaborative Support, Riverview District-Wide PTSA, Washington Network
for Innovative Careers (WaNIC), and the monthly REA/Superintendent Meeting.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the April 12, 2011, School Board meeting
at 8:05 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.