RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting March 22, 2011 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Carnation Elementary students. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons CARNATION ELEMENTARY STUDENT PRESENTATION Carnation Elementary fourth grade students in Mrs. Elizabeth Wing’s class presented information on having a healthy environment at Carnation. Students learn to recycle, reduce, reuse, and rethink. In 2009, Carnation Elementary recycled 17% of products and today they recycle 68%. The students led the Board in a pledge to recycle; had a “recycle” fashion show; performed an original song about plants; and shared their outdoor experiences with plants and animals at Oxbow Farm. They also spoke about healthier foods in our schools, using local fruits and vegetables. Mr. Poage, Principal, thanked the students and Mrs. Wing, noting Mrs. Wing was recently selected again as a King County Earth Hero. Mrs. Wing thanked the Board for the opportunity to bring this presentation to the Board and announced that Carnation Elementary is a Level 2 King County Green School. She also introduced and thanked Sarah from Oxbow Farm. The Board thanked the students, parents, and staff. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt led with quite a few items: The Riverview/Snoqualmie Valley Transition Fair will be held at Tolt Middle School on May 3rd, at 5:30 PM, for families of students with disabilities who would like more information on transitioning students ages 18-21. The Board held a Work Study at 5:30 PM this evening on Board Initiatives, centering on #1 and #6. Mr. Bawden and Ms. Oviatt met with Mr. Robertson for their Board Leadership meeting last Friday. Mrs. Van Noy and Ms. Oviatt attended a Saul Haas Foundation breakfast. Saul Haas Foundation helps students who need funding for class and activity fees. Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Robertson, and Ms. Oviatt attended the Friends of Youth Annual Luncheon at the Bellevue Hyatt in which Riverview was recognized several times. Ms. Oviatt thanked the principals for their help during Classified Employees Appreciation Week and for the tours of the newly remodeled buildings. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Ms. Oviatt noted, in checking the school newsletters, Carnation Elementary is holding a Science Fair and Kindergarten registration is occurring. Cedarcrest High School Knowledge Bowl captured their 3rd straight Puget Sound Regional Title and students are heading to the State Tournament. Cherry Valley is holding their Literary High Tea in April. Testing season is now until May. Also in the CHS newsletter were four pages listing Honor Roll and Academic Letter winners, with student representatives Glynis Bawden and Austin Koons winning both. Ms. Oviatt noted Mr. Robertson was on King 5 News for attending Rachel’s Challenge with Mrs. Van Noy and Leanne Christensen. She thanked the student representatives for writing an article on their recent visit to the state legislature. She noted the Young Band Festival for 5/6th grade bands and jazz band will be held at Tolt Middle School on March 23rd, at 7:00 PM. Mr. Bawden mentioned that Mr. Robertson, Dr. Smith, and he toured the Brightwater Educational Center, which was funded by King County to give school groups an opportunity for field trips and environmental projects. Mr. Pflugrath sent the Board an article on American Achievement in International Perspective on the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) taken by fifteen-year olds in reading and math. Raw numbers were analyzed comparing the United States to thirtythree other nations belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OECD nations represent the majority of those at the upper end of the performance spectrum. Mr. Pflugrath reviewed some of the key findings: The US produces many more high-achieving students than any other OECD nation. In both reading and math, the US produces more high achievers than France, Germany, and the United Kingdom combined. The US produces a particularly large number of high-achieving readers. In this subject, the US also produces more high achievers than Japan and Korea combined. The US also produces many more low-achieving students than any other OECD nation, including even two developing economics, Mexico and Turkey. In both reading and math, the US produces more low achievers than France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom combined. In spite of overall test scores best described as mediocre, the US continues to send so many students to top universities and to produce so many innovative scientists and entrepreneurs. Mrs. Van Noy thanked Ms. Oviatt for making the Thank You cards for the Classified staff appreciation. Mrs. Van Noy explained she missed the last Board meeting as she attended a meeting at Microsoft hosted by United Way with Bill Gates who spoke about education and teaching and learning. She also attended the League of Education Voters’ Breakfast; a Technology Access Foundation (TAF) Leadership Breakfast; the 45th Legislative District Town Hall meeting; and the Robotic Fair at Qwest Field. She mentioned how much she enjoyed visiting the Transition Program in action at CHS after the Classified Employees appreciation. Mrs. Van Noy also noted she would be seeing U.S. Representative Dave Reichert on Friday and thanked Dr. Heikkila for preparing such great information on the school district to share. She also noted she would miss the April 12th Board meeting as she would be on vacation. -2- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mr. Edwards attended the Town Hall meeting in Woodinville with local state legislators, noting it was standing room only. He enjoyed visiting and touring the buildings for Classified Employees’ Week. He mentioned the article on the CHS website about Katy McClintic excelling at the Central Sound Regional Science and Engineering Fair by winning the Grand Champion Award, along with five special awards. Cedarcrest students won all but four of the awards at the fair. Freshman Jake Knoth won another major award – the Peoples’ Choice Award – with his project entitled “Self-Guided Robotics Platform.” Agenda Adjustment Motion 11-19: To add an item to the March 22, 2011 Consent Agenda, Item G. Out of State Travel for DECA Students to Orlando, Florida, April 29-May 3, 2011, and to amend the Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel Actions and Item D. Service Contracts to reflect current status. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous. Student Representative Report Mr. Koons reported on: ASB: ASB helped out with the 8th grade parent night tours at the high school. The new snack vending machine in the commons seems to be a big hit; it has already had to be restocked after only one week. The Pennies for Patients fundraiser (raising money for patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma) wasn’t as successful as hoped but has promise in the future due to opening it up to the elementary schools. On Saturday we had our Tolo Dance where the ladies ask the guys. This year’s theme was “We Go Together” where each couple dressed as matched pairs. Dancing policies were strictly regulated this year which resulted in a lot of people leaving the dance. ASB and Administration will have a meeting tomorrow to go over the new rules. Ms. Bawden reported on: Organizations: DECA: On March 2nd, members attended the State Career Development Conference in Bellevue, along with close to 3,400 student qualifiers. The club is sending six students to state and five students to Internationals in Orlando, Florida, April 29th through May 2nd. As a fundraiser, members are currently selling car wash tickets. NHS: Seniors can receive their Honors awards for graduation by attending Senior Awards Night. The club is hosting a second blood drive on Wednesday, May 25th, at the high school and community members are invited to donate. NHS is also proposing hosting a car wash to benefit relief efforts in Japan. TSA: 13 students from CHS are competing at the state conference in Bellevue, as well as about 15 from the Tolt chapter. Board members who would like to attend the open project viewing on Friday evening can contact Tim Kennedy. -3- Student Representative Report, Cont. Mr. Koons continued: RAK: On April 18th-19th, the club is fundraising for the water well in Africa. Members recently got their “groovy” tie-dyed t-shirts. Their most recent project has been working with Mr. Garrison to start the “Use Another Word Please” fad which replaces condescending offensive words with less harsh words. WCTSMA: Recently WVSMA changed their name to WCTSMA. The sports medicine club continues to prepare for state in May. Sports: Boys Soccer: There was a large turnout this year for soccer. The team tied their first game 1-1 against Squalicum last Tuesday. They have a game tonight at CHS against Lakewood and a game Friday at Coupeville. Girls Golf: The girls won their first match and have a match today with Arch Bishop Murphy. Boys Golf: The boys also won their first match and are currently tied with Kings for first in league. Today they play in Seattle against Kings and Lakewood. Girls Fastpitch: Their first non-league game was cancelled so the girls’ first game is tomorrow at Coupeville. Track and Field: The first meet was last Thursday at Bothell. There was a good turnout this year. There is a meet on Thursday at Kings and the Holder Invite on Saturday in Yakima. The team also has begun to prepare for their kiddy camp during spring break for young runners! Boys Baseball: Currently their record is 3-1 with their one loss from Lynden. Tomorrow they have a game against Coupeville. Ms. Bawden continued: Miscellaneous: Drill Team’s “Night to Remember” Senior Recognition and State preview is tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23rd, at 7:00 PM in the gym. The Thespian Showcase performance is Wednesday, March 23rd, in the CHS theater at 7:00 PM. Seniors are working on the local scholarships provided through the United Snoqualmie Valley Scholarship Foundation and other local groups. Several Cedarcrest students competed in the Central Sound Regional Science and Engineering Fair at Bellevue College, winning the majority of the awards. The grand champion was Katy McClintic, who received an all-expense paid trip to the international science fair in Los Angeles. Several students will also be participating in the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair in April. Cheer tryouts start in April and Drill Team tryouts start in May. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 11-20: To approve the March 22, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and Van Noy) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2011 -4- CONSENT AGENDA. Cont. Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 180063 through 180170 in the amount of $140,481.42, and direct deposits of $8,194.43; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 180171 through 180181 in the amount of $672,511.16, and direct deposits of $228.17; ASB Fund Warrant No. 180182 through 180197 in the amount of $9,983.82, and direct deposits of $360.68; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 180198 through 180200 in the amount of $267.80, and direct deposits of $1,065.00. Total payroll for March 15, 2011 was $23,139.15, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 180062 in the amount of $109.59, and direct deposits of $18,827.59. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged the retirements of Betty Rich and Renate Oestreich. Approval of Service Contracts, as amended Approval of Budget Status Reports Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donation from ERMA PTA for 2 laptops. Approval of Out of State Travel for DECA Students to Orlando, Florida, April 29-May 3, 2011 OLD BUSINESS Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math, and science by spring of 2011. Task 5: Share comparison statistics on state tests for all schools based on Center for Educational Effectiveness scatter plot analysis. Dr. Smith provided an overview from the Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) on Improvement/Change in Performance from 2009 to 2010 in percentage points, comparing Riverview to State in Reading, Math, Writing, and Science for all grades tested. He also presented the scatter plots for the same results by elementary, middle and high schools. He also provided information and a scatter plot for 3-year Performance vs. Improvement and vs. Poverty comparing Riverview schools to state in Reading and Math. He felt that the assessments have changed so much over time that data viability is hard to compare. Objective 1G: Study other district models for implementing thinking skills/strategies and 21st century skills across the district. Task 1: Complete national research to develop options. The K-12 Committee is progressing and has split into four work groups: Business/Industry Skills; What are schools doing nationally; Book study; and Looking at higher education. -5- Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the improvement of student learning. Objective 2C: Monitor and exercise the Comprehensive Safety Plan. Task 1: Evaluate and revise the Comprehensive Safety Plan. Mr. Adamo explained the Safety Plan is a living document and is provided online for students and staff. The last update was February 2010, and is due for another review. Objective 2D: Implement an annual district policy review process. Task 2: Conduct review using new policy protocol. Task 3: Develop list of policies to be revised and/or eliminated. Task 4: Present list of policies to the School Board. Mr. Robertson reported the Series 2000 policies have all been reviewed and he presented a list to the Board of upcoming First Readings on those with changes. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3A: Continue to implement a five-year Human Resources (HR) plan. Task 4: Provide research on available technology to automate employee records. Dr. Smith highlighted a few points from a report by Sandy Bechtel, HR Coordinator. Our current Applicant Management System is provided by hrmPlus, which also offers a system which provides extensive data maintenance utilizing personnel records. The cost for the software system is $4,500 and an additional $5,100 for installation, training, annual support and license. In order to implement this system, other areas of the HR budget would have to be reduced. We feel the current system is accountable and we’ll have to put any additional software on hold for now. 2011-12 Budget Development Mr. Robertson reported the legislature had a $200 million deficit before the March 27, 2011, revenue forecast was announced. Their plan was to wait until after the March 17th, forecast before either making further cuts in this year’s budget or simply shifting the shortfall to the 2011-12 budget year. The revenue forecast they projected for this year will be $201 million short rather than the $200 million projected earlier. Riverview doesn’t anticipate any more reductions for this year’s budget. We are projecting a 5.16% Ending Fund Balance on August 31, 2011, based on legislative cuts. Recently, we received $36,722 from Safety Net which will add to our Ending Fund Balance for this year. Mr. Robertson reviewed some additional identified expenditures and revenues for the 2011-12 budget, noting the projected shortfall to date is $767,934 for the General Fund. NEW BUSINESS None -6- REPORTS Construction Report Mr. Robertson presented the Construction Report. Riverview Learning Center HVAC, plumbing, fire suppression, and electrical systems installations are ongoing. Exterior masonry veneer is complete and exterior CMU wall construction is complete at HVAC and dumpster enclosures and school signage monument. Exterior siding installation is ongoing. Installation of ceiling and wall insulation has been completed and drywall hanging is in progress. Remaining concrete sidewalks and exterior pads have been prepared for concrete pouring. Cedarcrest High School – New Baseball Field and Miscellaneous Improvements Installation of concrete footings and piers for additional bleachers is in progress at the home-side football bleachers and roofing installation is in progress on the new bleacher roof structure. Installation of new bleachers at the visitor-side football field has been completed. Construction of the west parking lot is ongoing. Underground plumbing is installed and underground electrical installation is in progress at the concession/restrooms building. Concrete footings and foundations have been poured for the concession/restrooms building. Continuous preparation and installation of concrete and asphalt paving surrounding the softball fields is ongoing as weather allows. Varsity and JV softball fields, fencing, bullpens, and dugouts are complete. Concrete bleacher pad installation is in progress at the softball fields. Softball spectator bleachers will be constructed following the concrete curing. Erickson McGovern Architects is preparing bid documents for the completion of the concession/restrooms building and covered batting cage/practice facility. Cherry Valley Elementary – Additions and Modernization Construction of the east access road to 3rd Avenue NE is ongoing but has been temporarily suspended pending suitable weather conditions. HVAC and electrical trim is in progress at the cafeteria/kitchen addition and acoustical ceiling tile installation is complete. Exterior stucco siding installation is ongoing at the cafeteria/kitchen addition as weather permits. Remodeling and modernization at classrooms 11-14 and 22-24 is ongoing but nearing completion. New casework and carpet installation is complete. New ceiling grids and acoustical ceiling tiles have been installed. Electrical systems are complete. Renovation of Phase III restrooms is ongoing. Framing and structural revisions are complete and drywall installation is complete. -7- Construction Report, Cont. Carnation Elementary – Modernization Northwestern Construction and its subcontractors are currently in the process of making punch-list corrections as required. Tolt Middle School/Transportation Department – Storm Drainage, Parking, and Paving Improvements Permit application and drawings have been completed and submitted to the City of Carnation for review/approval. SEPA Checklist has been completed and published along with a Determination of Nonsignificance by Heery International. A mandatory 14-day comment period is currently in progress until March 30, 2011. Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson’s report is as follows: 1. Thank you to the School Board for recognizing the outstanding classified staff members in the Riverview School District during Classified Employees Week. As far as I know, you are the only school board that personally thanks each employee for their efforts in providing a quality education to our students. 2. The state revenue deficit and the pending legislative reduction in school funding continue to be major concerns for our district. While the Riverview School District has been among the most financially stable school districts in the Puget Sound area, the increasing revenue deficit for the state of Washington has negatively affected this year’s budget and created major concern for the 2011-12 school budget. In past years our steady enrollment growth and strong ending fund balance provided advantages compared to our neighboring school districts. Unfortunately, this year we have experienced an enrollment decline. Creating further financial concerns was the December special session where for the first time in state history the legislature reduced school funding in mid-year. This legislative reduction will greatly affect our ending fund balance for 2010-2011 budget. The March 17th state revenue forecast projected another reduction in state revenue by $80 million for this year’s budget and $698 million for the next biennium. We will continue to monitor both the state revenue forecast and the legislative process. 3. Since the last Board meeting, I have had the opportunity to attend the following: the four weekly construction meetings, the monthly REA/Superintendent meeting, Rachel’s Challenge presentation, Brightwater Environmental Education and Community Center tour, Friends of Youth Annual Luncheon, Carnation Science Fair, meeting on possible grant with the Snoqualmie Valley Network and the Snoqualmie Valley School District, Board Leadership meeting. 4. I would like to thank Board members for attending the following events with me: Carol Van Noy for the Rachel’s Challenge presentation at KING 5 television, Greg Bawden for touring the Brightwater Environmental Education and Community Center near Woodinville, Carol Van Noy and Lori Oviatt for the Friends of Youth in Bellevue. -8- Superintendent Report, Cont. 5. As a reminder, the School Board has been invited to attend the Young Band Festival tomorrow evening at Tolt Middle School where all district 5th & 6th grade bands and the Tolt Middle School Jazz Band will perform. Legislative Report Mr. Edwards reported that last Thursday state chief economist Dr. Arun Raha delivered the news that projected state revenues are down nearly $700 million over the next two years. On Thursday, the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee took up a substitute to ESHB 1849. The striking amendment is similar to the Governor’s original restructuring proposal. The substitute would create a Department of Education with a department secretary appointed by the Governor. OSPI would be housed in the new education department and would retain the supervisory duties pertaining to public schools granted under the state Constitution. The State Board of Education, the Office of the Education Ombudsman, and the Quality Education Council would be abolished, as would WSSDA. However, a transition team appointed by the governor would review WSSDA and make a recommendation to the Legislature whether school directors’ needs are best served by a private or public organization. Mr. Edwards encouraged Board Members to contact their legislators on this issue. Mr. Edwards also read excerpts from a political email from Senator Andy Hill to his constituents in the 45th Legislative District, on state spending problems and state employee compensation. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the March 22, 2011, School Board meeting at 9:21 PM. ___________________________________ Board President ___________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -9-