Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 8, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons
Ms. Oviatt congratulated Cedarcrest on winning the Class 2A district championship wrestling
title, and also to our Student Representative Austin Koons for placing first in his weight class.
Mrs. Van Noy noted she attended the Washington State Teacher/Principal Evaluation forum at
the ESD and she handed out materials of the required changes for evaluation in E2SSB 6696.
She will also be attending the WSSDA Conference Committee meeting this Saturday.
Mr. Pflugrath mentioned again how appreciative he was of all the PTA recognition at the last
Mr. Edwards congratulated the Cedarcrest Boys Basketball Team taking first place in the
conference. He also noted that the Rotary Club of Duvall recognized Emma Stapp from
Cedarcrest as their Student of the Month.
Ms. Bawden acknowledged the new artwork in the Board room from Cedarcrest High School.
She also reminded the Board of the CHS Science Fair on Saturday. The Cedarcrest ASB is
fundraising by collecting loose change for “Pennies for Patients.”
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 11-09: To add an item to the February 8, 2011 Agenda under Old Business, Item E.
Cedarcrest Baseball/Softball Batting Cage and Baseball/Softball Field Concession Stand, and to
amend the Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel Actions to reflect current status. (Van
Noy and Bawden) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
Mr. David Koons, along with Susan Gerde, spoke about the Cedarcrest High School parking and
presented a PowerPoint on one solution he had researched. He discovered that NE 150th Street,
Hearing of Public, Cont.
east of Eagle Rock Multi-Age, is a King County road and not a private easement. He suggested
that the gate across the road be removed and overflow guest parking be allowed along
Riverview‟s property on the northern side of 150th east of Eagle Rock.
Motion 11-10: To approve the February 8, 2011 Consent Agenda as amended. (Edwards and
Pflugrath) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for January 25, 2011 and Board Work
Study Minutes for January 25, 2011
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 179468 in the amount of $24,465.20, No. 179550 through 179635 in
the amount of $151,831.13, and direct deposits of $7,507.30; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No.
179469 in the amount of $9,064.75, and No. 179636 through 179652 in the amount of
$907,978.93; ASB Fund Warrant No. 179653 through No. 179664 in the amount of $11,232.63,
and direct deposits of $28.04; Transportation Fund Warrant No. 179672 in the amount of
$127,677.64; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 179665 through 179671 in the
amount of $9,752.69, and direct deposits of $7,641.00. Total payroll for January 31, 2011 was
$1,971,969.32, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 179470 through 179549 in the amount
of $649,706.15, and direct deposits of $987,849.80.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Paul Censullo to Philadelphia for National Computers in
Education Conference
Approval of REA and RSD Letter of Understanding
All-Day Kindergarten Review
Dr. Ken Heikkila presented an overview of his All-Day Kindergarten and ECEAP study. About
50% of the ECEAP students over the last six years still remain in district. Sample sizes are
small, so trends are not feasible to statistically verify differences in achievement between
ECEAP students participating in ½ day kindergarten and those participating in all-day
kindergarten. However, it is interesting to note that for the 4th and 5th grade students served in
all-day kindergarten and previously in ECEAP, these students were not achieving as well in math
as their former ECEAP classmates who served in ½ kindergarten programs. The achievement
levels of previously served ECEAP students and students not having ECEAP do not appear to be
different. The Board thanked Dr. Heikkila for his study and said they were surprised by the
School Improvement Plans: CHS, TMS, PARADE, CLIP
Dr. Anthony Smith introduced Paul Censullo, PARADE Program Manager, noting PARADE
echoes everything in literature about parental involvement and academic achievement. Mr.
Censullo reported the program continues to grow as they now have 137 students, 31 more than
two years ago. PARADE held its first Science Fair on January 26th with nearly 60 students in
grades 5-12 participating. They have their first musical instrument program; drama for K-12
students; and the monthly newspaper “The PARADE Times” published by students. The area of
writing has been a focus and brought the best results over four years. Testing scores have gone
from 32% to 70% meeting standard. Weekly writing labs, creative writing classes and
journalism have all contributed. PARADE has 28 students in the high school program and
spring of 2010 tenth grade assessment scores showed 80% passed in Reading; 75% in Math;
100% in Writing; and 100% in Science. All of their high school students now take math within
the PARADE program as opposed to at home.
Tolt Middle School
Dr. Anthony Smith introduced Principal Janet Gavigan, mentioning Tolt‟s focus and adherence
to true Professional Learning Communities. There are four characteristics that define
Professional Learning Communities: (1) What do we want our students to learn; (2) When will
we know they are learning; (3) How will we respond when they don‟t learn; and (4) How will we
respond when they do learn. Last year, 8th grade science scores were 73.2%, Reading was
85.9%, Math was 68.7% and 7th grade writing reached 83.2%. Principal Gavigan noted in
looking at cohort data (5th grade testing to 8th grade testing) that 17.6% more of students passed
the Reading standards than did in 5th grade. We have concerns in Math, but our value-add is
strong over the three years we have the students. In Writing, we exceeded all our School
Improvement Plans over the last couple of years by getting 80% or above. For the second year
in a row, Science scores from spring of 5th grade to spring of 8th graded were exceeded by 25%.
The staff did a re-haul of the School Improvement Plan to look at more finite data around
students at Level 2 and Level 3 right below standard. We call these students “bubble kids” as
they are right on the bubble below 400. Our plan has more specificity of what we can do for
students at that level, using MAP scores for interventions.
Dr. Anthony Smith, Principal, explained the number one goal of CLIP is high school graduation.
Three years ago, on-time graduation was 49.2% and now is 64.3%; the extended graduation rate
went from 61.5% to 92.9%. As a whole district, on-time is 89.8%, showing a 25.5% difference
for CLIP. Extended-time graduation in the district is 96.9%, showing only a difference of 4%
for CLIP. The dropout rate for the district is 1.2%. CLIP‟s focus is on Math with four days of
math instruction, one hour a day. Twenty-three students took the fall MAP test, ten met standard
or were above. Improvement on an average is +6 points between fall and winter testing.
Cedarcrest High School
Dr. Antony Smith introduced Principal Clarence Lavarias and Principal Intern Mike Ruhland.
Dr. Smith credited Cedarcrest‟s success to their great leadership in the Accreditation process,
doubling the AP offerings, math labs, low dropout rate, and the learning targets implemented, to
name a few.
School Improvement Plans, Cont.
Cedarcrest High School, Cont.
Mr. Lavarias said their focus is in the area of Math. The last three years scores were 52-58% and
last year fell to 53%. State average was 42%, but the 7th grade scores were 68%. The State has
changed Math Standards three times and the day before the last test, the State said students didn‟t
need to pass Math to graduate, which definitely could have dropped the score. This is the first
year of the new Math curriculum. Cedarcrest is developing clear learning targets using MAP
assessment three times a year. If a 9th grade student enters with Algebra I skills, they will be
more successful in the continuum of the math program. Last year we had five classes of prealgebra and this year only needed two classes. The biggest and most effective thing is the
district-wide K-12 Math Committee, with all of us looking at clear vision, articulation, and
vertical alignment. We hope that this will move up through the ranks for success at the high
school level.
Mr. Ruhland presented charts comparing the Fall MAP Scores grade level equivalent from 7th –
10th grade. Cedarcrest is higher than the National Standard in both 9th and 10th grades. In Math
Specific Concepts, scores in the fall of 2010 were the lowest in the Numbers and Operations
area. This is a main area of concentration in the math labs.
Construction Projects – Change Orders
Cedarcrest Fields and Carnation Kitchen required changes in scope to the projects. A detailed
list was presented to the Board. Steve Storaasli, architect with Erickson McGovern, explained
the different change orders required.
Motion 11-11: To approve changes for the Cedarcrest Baseball Field in the amount of
$123,419; changes in the Softball field in the amount of $98,720; changes in the Concession
Stand in the amount of $29,000; and changes in the Carnation Elementary Kitchen in the amount
of $139,071. (Pflugrath and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Cedarcrest Baseball/Softball Batting Cage and Baseball/Softball Field Concession Stand
Mr. Storaasli explained the baseball/softball batting cage was an alternative bid on the original
bid package for the fields‟ project. The batting cage at that time was 4 cages with fencing and a
dirt floor, with the alternate to build a roof. The new batting cage has added storage rooms,
concrete floor, artificial turf in the cages, fencing between each cage, mats, and lighting. The
Concession Stand was not in the original bid and would include a concrete base, men‟s and
women‟s restrooms, and the concession area.
Motion 11-12: To approve going out to bid on the Cedarcrest Baseball/Softball Covered Batting
Cage and to approve the Baseball/Softball Field Concession Stand for the Small Works Roster.
(Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Ms. Oviatt recessed the Board Meeting at 9:00 PM for a 5-minute break and called the meeting
back to order at 9:05 PM.
Board Leadership Initiatives Progress Report
Ms. Oviatt noted the Board held a Work Study and added some bullets to the Initiatives, as
Develop Plan/Process to Obtain More Public Input
Brainstorm group – paragraph of expectations
Identify key communicator groups
Schedule a roundtable for key communicators
Annually reconnect with contacts/ have as Board Initiative every year
Quarterly communication
Explore Community Resources to Conduct Collaborative Efforts with the School
Brainstorm 10-12 groups to invite to a roundtable
Identify collaborative efforts where community resources involved
Board Agenda Topics
The Board reviewed future agenda topics with no changes. They added one item to the „parking
lot‟ of vertical alignment in curriculum.
First Reading, Revised Policies 2015 Program Compliance; 2020 Program Evaluation; 2030
Curriculum Development; 2055 Interscholastic Activities; 4025 Complaints Concerning Staff or
Programs; 5005 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action; 5080 Military Leave; 6580
Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying; 6590 Sexual Harassment
Policies 2015, 4025, 5005 and 6580 are all revised with the correct wording now required for
Non-Discrimination law. Policies 2020 and 2030 are under the Series 2000 review and have
only small clarifications. Policy 2055 Interscholastic Activities has incorporated the wording
from WAC 392-190-040 for Title IX survey requirements. Policy 5080 Military Leave has
clarified that the spouse leave is unpaid. Policy 6590 Sexual Harassment has been approved by
administration to include wording under the district‟s Boundary Invasion Training Program.
The Board asked that the Military Leave policy be clarified as to the longer term deployment
before being brought back for Second Reading.
Motion 11-13: To approve Policies 2015, 2020, 2030, 2055, 4025, 5055, 5080, 6580 and 6590
for First Reading. (Van Noy and Pflugrath) Unanimous.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported enrollment was down only 0.68 FTE from January; however, the district
is still 42 FTE less than budgeted.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson reported:
1. On January 27th, I attended a presentation by the Office of Public Instruction on the
Implication of 2776 held at the Puget Sound Educational Service District. The focus was on
providing superintendents and board members a walk-through of the new funding formula
structure to be implemented in September 2011.
2. On February 4th I met with Bob Malte, the new CEO for the Evergreen Hospital Medical
Center, and Laurene Burton, Administrative Director for Governance and Community
Our conversation centered on how the Evergreen Hospital could provide
community outreach to the Riverview School District. Today, I discussed some options with
our District Ad Team and will provide suggestions to Mr. Malte and Ms. Burton.
3. Since our last Board meeting, I have attended our four weekly construction meetings, and
participated in numerous meetings and conference calls with district representatives and
consultants regarding change orders, a small works roster project and a future bid for the
covered batting cages/storage at the baseball and softball facilities.
4. Thank you to Dan Pflugrath and Danny Edwards for volunteering to join Bill Adamo and
myself for the exit conference with our auditor on February 14th at 1:00 PM.
5. As a reminder, the Cedarcrest High School Science and Engineering Fair will be held on
Saturday, February 12, with the public viewing at 2:00 PM and the awards presentation at
2:45 PM. In addition, Riverview School District mid-winter break is scheduled from Friday,
February 18th through Tuesday, February 22nd.
Legislative Report
Mr. Edwards reported on the legislature‟s progress for the 2010-11 supplemental budget. On K12 funding, the Senate spending plan would protect local effort assistance, but would make
retroactive cuts to K-4 class size enhancement of about $25 million. The bill that passed the
House cut $42 million from K-4 and included a $5 million contingency fund for districts that
experienced financial issues during this school year. The Governor‟s plan to bring all state
entities representing early learning through college under a state Department of Education is in
SB 5639. This bill would eliminate the State Board of Education and WSSDA and abolish the
separately elected office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the February 8, 2011, Board Meeting at
9:42 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.