Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
January 25, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance, led by the Eagle Rock Multi-Age Student Council.
Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons
Mr. Bawden
The Eagle Rock Multi-Age Student Council members presented a skit about bullying and respect
at Eagle Rock. Student leaders were Chad Lantz, President; Calyse Tapert, Vice President;
Jenny Martin, Secretary; Calum Bryant and Sameenah Piel, Room 3 representatives; Quinn
McInnis and Olivia Looney, Room 2 reps; and Aleea Piel and Kyle Jacobson, Room 1 reps.
They provided their “Blueprint for Success” on the process of good decision making. The
student leaders also explained the various functions of the Student Council. The Board thanked
the students, parents and staff at Eagle Rock for the very enjoyable presentation.
Ms. Oviatt excused Mr. Bawden from the Board meeting as he was out of town for his work.
Ms. Oviatt reported the Board held two Work Study sessions, one on legislative issues and the
other on Board initiatives. She announced the Board and student representatives would be
attending the WSSDA Legislative Conference in Olympia on February 27 and 28. Meetings
with the district legislators have already been scheduled.
Ms. Oviatt also noted that Mrs. Van Noy and she attended a Washington Policy Center
Education Breakfast last Thursday, with guest speaker, Dr. Andres Alonso, Superintendent of
Baltimore City Schools. Dr. Alonso has turned around one of the worst school systems in the
country. During his first 30 days, he spoke to over 3,000 parents and community members.
Mr. Pflugrath said he attended the Cedarcrest Senior Project panels on Friday and heard five
great presentations.
Mrs. Van Noy attended the WSSDA Board meeting in Olympia last weekend, discussing budget
and legislative issues.
Mr. Edwards noted material was available on the back table on the various education committee
members in the state legislature and asked the community to contact their legislators as they hear
plenty from Board members but not community members.
Mr. Edwards congratulated Austin Koons for being “outstanding wrestler” at the West Seattle
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 11-05: To amend the January 25, 2011 Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel
Actions to reflect current status. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
Riverview PTSA officers presented the Board with tokens of their appreciation for School Board
Appreciation Month and thanked them for all their hard work.
Cedarcrest High School ASB Officers, Loren Meyers, Natalie Anderson, Lauren Houk and
Austin Koons, donated a commemorative collage for the Board Room, thanking the Board for all
they do for students in Riverview.
National Board Certified Teacher Recognition
Mr. Robertson introduced the new National Board Certified Teachers: Matthew Stewart,
Kathleen Switaj, and Joan Zoet from Tolt Middle School, and Molly Trautman from Cherry
Valley Elementary. He noted the district currently has 19 National Board teachers. Dr. Smith
congratulated the staff for their endurance and hard work in becoming Certified. Each teacher
spoke a little about their particular project. The Board thanked the teachers and presented them
with a NBCT pin, as well as adding their names to the plaque.
Ms. Oviatt recessed the Board meeting at 7:29 PM for a 15-minute break to serve refreshments
brought by the district PTSAs. Ms. Oviatt called the meeting back to order at 7:44 PM.
Student Representative Report
Ms. Bawden proceeded with the Student Report as follows:
ASB: The Martin Luther King Jr. Day assembly was successful, despite having one of the same
presenters from last year due to last-minute scheduling problems.
 FFA: Members are attending the Country Living Expo on Saturday, January 29,
sponsored by WSU and the Cattlemen’s Association.
Student Representative Report, Cont.
The Floral team placed first at the last competition, and there is a forestry and agriculture
mechanic competition coming up. Third year FFA members are applying for state
degrees. A PTSA grant has allowed the horticulture department to finish the garden
DECA: Four members qualified for state at a recent area competition. Members that
qualify at state will move on to nationals, held this year in Orlando, Florida. In
November, members Tyler Nesbitt, Kyle Kussman, and Ali Mahowald attended a
conference in Washington DC.
FBLA: The club is partnering with a Duvall Chamber member to provide volunteer help
at the Duvall Fire Department, where interested members will be doing mostly clerical
work including scanning old documents for storage. About 30 members will be attending
the West Central Region Winter Conference on February 9 at the Meydenbauer Center in
Bellevue. The top 5 winners in each category will be eligible to compete at state in those
events. Members are also partnering with the President of the Duvall Chamber of
Commerce to assist students in running small businesses and writing business plans.
NHS: The blood drive last week was a huge success, 96 people donated, enough to save
the lives of over 230 local patients. The second drive is on May 25th. Members will also
be volunteering at the upcoming PARADE science fair.
Mr. Koons continued with the report:
RAK: On February 11th RAK will have their Ixtapa lunch where they pay for someone
else’s meal. On the 9th of Feb. they’re going to have a meeting devoted to the water well
in Africa. On Valentines Day RAK will pass out “I am loved” buttons to everyone in the
VSMA: Sports medicine club is scheduling their ping pong tournament and has started
studying for state.
 Wrestling: The wrestling team is currently undefeated in league and has their last league
match this Thursday at Granite Falls.
 Boys Basketball: The team is currently 7-2 in league and just had an amazing win against
ABM on Friday beating them 50-48. Playoffs start in 2 weeks. They have 2 big games
this week against Kings and South Whidbey whom they’ve previously lost to.
 Girls Basketball: The girls are 5-4 in league and play Kings tonight and South Whidbey
on Friday. CHS is currently tied with Granite Falls in league but if the girls win tonight
they’ll be 3rd in league which is what they need to go into districts.
 Senior Seminar for first semester finished Friday.
Motion 11-06: To approve the January 25, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Van Noy and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2011, Board Work Study
Minutes for January 7, 2011, and Board Work Study Minutes for January 18, 2011
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 179281 through 179353 in the amount of $144,684.21, No. 179390
through 179446 in the amount of $50,850.10, and direct deposits of $12,750.53; Capital Projects
Fund Warrant No. 179354 through 179377 in the amount of $1,155,452.65, No. 179447 through
179460 in the amount of $174,791.91, and direct deposits of $1,098.72; ASB Fund Warrant No.
179378 through 179387 in the amount of $6,299.56, No. 179461 through 179466 in the amount
of $5,085.96, and direct deposits of $150.54; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No.
179388 through 179389 in the amount of $2,620.00, No. 179467 in the amount of $30.60, and
direct deposits of $1,627.50. Total payroll for January 14, 2011 was $10,274.03, which includes
direct deposits of $6,722.27.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Reports
Riverview Education Foundation Grant Awards
Sue Davenport, REF President, presented a check for $40,932.34 for the 2010 REF Grants to
Riverview staff. She noted this was their most successful year ever and REF has donated over
$300,000 since 1992. She thanked the School Board for all their support.
Motion 11-07: To approve the donation of $40,932.34 for 2011 grants from the Riverview
Education Foundation. (Pflugrath and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Construction Update
Mr. Robertson reported on the construction projects.
Carnation Elementary Modernization
Classes returned to the newly renovated classrooms on January 3, with 99% of the work
Kitchen renovations were completed and the kitchen re-opened for service on January 10.
Removal of the contractor’s staging area was done on January 11, and the temporary
portables were removed on January 16.
The contractor is in the process of making punch-list corrections.
Commissioning of the building’s HVAC system is approximately 85% complete and is
expected to be done by the end of February.
Construction Update, Cont.
Riverview Learning Center
Framing and roofing of the building is nearing completion.
Rough-in of the HVAC, plumbing, fire suppression, and electrical systems are in
Cherry Valley Elementary Additions and Modernization
Cherry Valley is in Phase 3 of 4 phases.
Six classrooms (16-21) have been completed and classes returned on January 3. The
teaching walls are the highlight of the remodel.
Remodeling and modernization of classrooms 11-15 is in progress.
Framing of the cafeteria addition has been completed, as well as the roofing. Windows
and exterior door frames have been installed, along with the exterior masonry brick
veneer. Rough-in HVAC, electrical, and plumbing installations have been completed; the
addition has been insulated and hanging of sheetrock is in progress.
Windows have been installed at the administrative office addition and the exterior has
been wrapped with a weatherproof membrane.
Cedarcrest Field and Miscellaneous Improvements
The field work is mainly weather dependent as we wait for drier weather.
Eight out of ten columns for the covered grandstands are poured on the home side of the
football field, and they are working on the bleacher footings on the visitor side. We are
adding 800 home seats which will be under the new covering, as well as 400 visitor seats.
This part should be ready for spring sports.
Eagle Rock’s covered walkways are finished and benches were added around the
Mr. Adamo added that the feasibility survey of the 20-acre parcel property owned by the district
east of Cedarcrest has been completed and we are awaiting the final paperwork. Everything
looks very good for the building of a new school in the future when, and if, our enrollment
increases by at least 400 students.
School Improvement Plans K-5
Principals from Carnation, Cherry Valley, Stillwater and Eagle-Rock submitted their School
Improvement Plans and spoke to their improvement strategies.
Stillwater Elementary
Mrs. Wright explained how well the Professional Learning Community’s process was working in
Reading and they plan to incorporate that into the Math strategy. Based on MSP testing, grade
level teams will assess learning targets for students not meeting standard.
Eagle Rock Multi-Age Program
Mrs. Harris and Eagle Rock staff provided an overview of interventions in each classroom,
targeting reading, math, and spelling based on MSP testing.
School Improvement Plans K-5, Cont.
Cherry Valley Elementary
Mrs. Becker noted Cherry Valley added a three-year School Improvement Goal in Science,
based on the process strands of the science standards as measured by the assessments. This year
the focus is on inquiry and students are currently working on a project “What’s growing in your
school” with swabs of germs from different areas of their school.
Carnation Elementary
Mr. Poage explained Carnation has targeted math in every grade and this year had the best ever
scores with 75% of students meeting standard. They used more assistance from LAP and Title I
with EA’s in every class during math time; continued the after school grades 3-5 math club; and
added bilingual support for the club and in classrooms. The Professional Learning Community
focus is on developing strong math vocabulary and EA’s are being trained by the Math TOSA.
Strategic Plan Status
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1A: Continue implementation of increased Student Learning Protocols and Learning
Targets district-wide.
Task 2: Evaluate and edit a five-year plan to increase the personalization of student
learning district-wide. Plan should be based on research and include Student Learning
Protocols, Learning Targets, and training opportunities. Dr. Smith noted this is year 4 of
a 5-year plan with classroom visitations in district and out. Next year, we will invest
more time in identifying strengths. All administrators will do the Administrator
Evaluation Survey with training at their workshop in August. In November, Dr. Smith
did walk-throughs with Mr. Lavarias and noted the learning targets at the high school are
going very well.
Objective 1D: Evaluate the K-12 Academically Talented/Honors program.
Task 1: Provide mid-year report on two-year evaluation process for honors/highly
capable student program. Dr. Smith meets quarterly with a team including a principal,
teachers and parents. In the second meeting they worked on an articulated K-12
philosophy for the academically talented program. The goal is to have the philosophy
statement done by the end of this school year. At the next meeting the committee will
choose one from two sources for help in evaluating the program next year.
Objective 1E: Identify additional interventions to support student learning.
Task 1: Research “best practice” districts with respect to “Response to Intervention.”
Task 2: Define the conditions and a timeline for implementing a “Response to
Intervention” model. Dr. Heikkila explained Response to Intervention (RTI) requires a
more efficient use of resources, a researched-based foundation, and a time approach to
problem-solving on a student-by-student basis. RTI promises to make general and
special education stronger and more effective by using all the resources a school has to
assist children. In Washington, 170+ districts reported implementing RTI in their federal
fund applications and 11 pilot districts are supported through OSEP State Personnel
Development Grant. Washington is one of 7 states receiving Intensive Technical
Assistance from the National Center on RTI.
Strategic Plan Status, Cont.
RTI places emphasis on prevention and early intervention, providing immediate support
to students who are at risk for poor learning outcomes.
Riverview is at the awareness level of RTI; however, Carnation Elementary is focusing
on learning about RTI as evidenced by principal leadership in this framework and a
professional learning community exploring RTI. The next steps for Riverview include
establishing a core team to explore RTI; learning from other districts, e.g. White River,
Franklin Pierce, Bremerton, and Richland; and establishing a year-to-year outline of
benchmarks in establishing the RTI framework.
Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the
improvement of student learning.
Objective 2D: Implement an annual district policy review process.
Task 2: Conduct review using new policy protocol. The Superintendent’s Office gave an
interim report on Series 2000 policies being reviewed with approximately half of the
policies finished.
Second Reading, Policy 4020, Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Substances
Motion 11-08: To approve Policy 4020 for Second Reading. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson presented each Board member a Certificate of Appreciation for School Board
Recognition Month, thanking them for their hard work and professionalism.
He thanked Dan Pflugrath for serving on a Cedarcrest Senior Project panel on January 21st. Dr.
Ken Heikkila, Dr. Anthony Smith, Kaye Wetli and he represented the District Office and
enjoyed serving on the panels.
He asked for two Board members to attend the exit conference with the auditor along with Bill
Adamo and himself. Mr. Pflugrath and Mr. Edwards agreed to attend on February 14th at 1:00
Mrs. Van Noy and he will be attending a presentation on the Implications of 2776 on January
27th at the Puget Sound Educational Service District. The focus is to provide school
superintendents and Board members a walk-through of the new funding formula structure that
will be implemented in September 2011.
In addition to the four weekly construction projects meetings, he also attended construction
planning meetings for future paving projects at Tolt Middle School and Transportation and
meetings with Chartwells and Board Leadership.
Legislative Report
Mr. Edwards noted that appointments have been made with each of our legislators during the
upcoming WSSDA Legislative Conference in February.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the January 25, 2011 Board Meeting at
9:35 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.