Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
October 12, 2010
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Bawden, Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons
Mr. Bawden noted that the scheduled Work Study Breakfast for Friday, October 8, turned into a
leadership meeting with only two Board members attending. An excellent Board Roundtable
was held last week with PARADE and CLIP programs, and tonight’s Roundtable was on Art,
showing that the success of our programs is due to the hard work of the staff. Last week, the
Riverview Education Foundation golf tournament was held and Mr. Bawden thanked all who
participated and volunteered.
Mrs. Van Noy reminded the Board to take the survey on CORE 24 graduation requirements. She
said she is hoping to get “Waiting for Superman” shown with a panel discussion afterwards at
the upcoming state WSSDA Conference in November.
Mr. Edwards attended his WSSDA leadership class on October 1st and 2nd and they viewed
“Waiting for Superman.” The tone of the film was charter schools are much better than public
schools. However, it did mention that only one out of five charter schools were actually better
than public schools.
Mr. Edwards invited Board members to attend the Duvall Rotary Club candidate forum on
Wednesday at 7:30 AM, at the Twin Dragon Restaurant. All six candidates for the area
legislative races will be there.
Ms. Bawden reported that this is Spirit Week at Cedarcrest, leading up to the homecoming game
on Friday and dance on Saturday. She also noted the Senior Class will be meeting next week for
graduation packets.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 10-81: To amend the October 12, 2010 Consent Agenda by revising Item D. Approval
of Service Contracts. (Edwards and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Motion 10-82: To approve the October 12, 2010 Consent Agenda as amended. (Oviatt and Van
Noy) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for September 28, 2010; Special School
Board Meeting Minutes for October 5, 2010; and Board Work Study Minutes for October 5,
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 178011 through 178013 in the amount of $45,689.08, No. 178084
through 178179 in the amount of $94,809.59, Void No. 178011 in the amount of $27,138.04 and
reissue No. 178210 in the amount of $16,121.85, and direct deposits of $12,699.81; Capital
Projects Fund Warrant No. 178180 through 178188 in the amount of $547,872.72, and direct
deposits of $602.09; ASB Fund Warrant No. 178189 through No. 178202 in the amount of
$5,995.84, and direct deposits of $130.56; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 178203
through 178209 in the amount of $2,321.62, and direct deposits of $7,595.02. Total payroll for
September 30, 2010 was $1,892,588.89, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 178014
through 178083 in the amount of $639,214.21, and direct deposits of $919,101.10.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Resolution 10-15 Tolt Middle School Final Acceptance
Board Leadership Initiatives Progress Report
The Board developed eight initiatives with completion dates instead of goals for the 2010-2011
year. Mrs. Van Noy and Mr. Pflugrath presented a draft action plan for Initiative #1 – Develop
Plan/Process to Obtain More Public Input. As noted, there is no plan for collecting public input
in Riverview School District. The Board would like to develop a way to establish two-way
communication with the community and key communicators, in particular, on Board issues.
This could involve surveys and Board Constant Contact through email. Discussion followed.
Mr. Bawden reported that Initiative #2 – Set Education Performance Goal in Superintendent’s
Annual Review, was completed at the October 5, 2010 Work Study.
WSSDA Legislative Assembly Report
As Legislative Representative for Riverview School Board, Mr. Edwards attended the two-day
WSSDA Legislative Assembly at the end of September. The Legislative Pre-Assembly speakers
included Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn, Deputy Superintendent Alan Burke,
State Board of Education Executive Director Edie Harding, State Chief Economist Dr. Arun
Raha, State Budget Director Marty Brown, Governor Gregoire’s K-12 Policy Advisor Judy
Hartmann, and attorney Thomas Ahearne, who represents the plaintiffs in the McCleary v.
Washington school funding lawsuit.
WSSDA Legislative Assembly Report, Cont.
The second day delegates spent approving or reaffirming nearly 80 positions and proposals
related to legislative issues. In addition, delegates voted on which of those issues should have
the highest priority. With the bleak economic and revenue outlook presented at the PreAssembly, delegates gave the highest priority to Education Finance Implementation, stating “The
WSSDA shall initiate and/or support legislation that fully funds and implements all aspects of
Washington’s redefined program of Basic Education as outlined in ESHB 2261.” Another high
ranked position calls on the Legislature to fully fund the costs of any K-12 programs or services
mandated through legislation.
Board Agenda Topics
The Board added a Work Study at 5:00 PM on December 14th to discuss Board Initiatives. They
also cleaned up the “parking lot” items, eliminating six and adding one item: Tour of SOAR
Database w/Anthony Smith.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported the October enrollment was up 2.92 FTE from September. However, the
enrollment is still 39.21 FTE under budget, which equals $200,000 less revenue than expected.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson reported on the following:
He is meeting with the new President of Cascadia Community College, Dr. Eric Murray,
tomorrow at 2 PM.
The Tolt dam evacuation drill was held on September 29th, for Tolt and Carnation schools, as
well as the District Office. The Carnation-Duvall Police Department and the City of
Carnation assisted along with the Riverview Transportation and Maintenance departments.
The drill went well with positive feedback. He noted that the district is working on a master
inventory for all Sealand emergency containers.
On October 3rd, the Riverview Education Foundation held another successful golf tournament
with proceeds designated for the 2011 school grants. The REF held the tournament at The
Golf Club at Echo Falls and made approximately $11,000.
Since the last Board meeting, he has attended the WASA Fall Conference at SeaTac, and the
King County WSSDA Directors’ Regional Meeting held in the Riverview Board Room.
Both meetings provided excellent information on topics such as the federal Education Jobs
legislation and the projected revenue loss facing the 2011 legislature.
On October 28th, Mr. Adamo and he will attend the Duvall City Council meeting to present
and answer questions on the 2010 Riverview Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan. He reminded
the Board that the format changed this year with Riverview holding the public hearing on
May 25, 2010, at the request of the City of Duvall.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the October 12, 2010 School Board
Meeting at 8:30 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.