Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
September 28, 2010
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons
Mr. Bawden
Ms. Oviatt announced Mr. Bawden has been excused from tonight’s meeting due to illness. Ms.
Oviatt reminded the Board of tomorrow night’s WSSDA Regional meeting being hosted by
Riverview; the October 3rd REF Golf Tournament, the October 5th Roundtable with CLIP and
PARADE; the Work Study on October 5th after the Roundtable on Superintendent Goals; and the
October 8th Breakfast Work Study to discuss AYP at the Raging River Café in Fall City.
Ms. Oviatt polled the Board and they agreed to donate the remaining $100 in the Board checking
account to REF. This account has not been used for several years and Bank of America will start
charging fees. Originally, the account was set up for Board members to deposit their own
expense funds and then use their money for flowers or cards as they saw fit.
Ms. Oviatt noted Cedarcrest High School’s Healthy Challenge was beginning if they wanted to
participate. She also noted the state-wide Taste Washington Day is tomorrow. The Food
Service Department is participating by serving locally grown produce from Full Circle Farm and
Oxbow Farm to feature what is grown right here in our valley. The produce will be served on
the salad bars at all seven schools at lunch. FFA members from Cedarcrest will be participating
by being present in cafeterias to promote agriculture.
Mr. Pflugrath mentioned he received an email from Boyd Benson, Duvall City Engineer,
requesting the District to join a table top exercise with the Citizens Emergency Response Team.
Mr. Robertson responded that Mr. Adamo would be attending on behalf of the District.
Mrs. Van Noy noted that the WSSDA Regional Meeting being held tomorrow would bring
School Board members and Superintendents from districts in King County, as well as members
of the State Board of Education, WSSDA Executive Board, and Mr. Bob Butts, Governmental
Relations, OSPI.
Mr. Edwards mentioned he attended the WSSDA Legislative Assembly in Vancouver, WA, last
Friday and Saturday and will be attending his WSSDA Leadership class next weekend. He
advised the Board that on October 13th, the Duvall Rotary will be having a forum for all six
candidates from the 45th Legislative District at the Twin Dragon Restaurant at 7:30 AM.
The Board agreed to move the Student Representative Report permanently under
Communications instead at the end of the meeting due to the lateness for the students.
Student Representative Report
Ms. Bawden and Mr. Koons reported as follows:
 The theme for homecoming this year has been selected: Bright Lights, Big City and will
be held at the EMP in Seattle on October 16th.
 Spirit days have been chosen; officers are busy planning assemblies leading up to
 FFA: This year’s officers have been selected and the first meetings have started, kicking
off the year with “fun, food, and Wii Dance.” Members have already competed at the
Evergreen State Fair.
 DECA: Officers were selected over the summer, and the first meeting of the year took
place last week. Members are starting the annual cookie dough fundraiser, $14-$17
dollars per box.
 FBLA: Members are preparing for the first leadership conference, November 5, at
Marysville-Pilchuck HS. The eight officers are planning to attend the National Fall
Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, November 17-21. The new student store
“The Pack Shack” is off to a great start, offering everything from school supplies to
Cedarcrest t-shirts and beanies. The “Growling Grounds” espresso stand is open every
morning at school and at all home football games.
 NHS: Official meetings have not started yet, but prospective members should be getting
their invitations soon and applications for officers positions are pending.
 TSA: starting meetings, recruiting new members.
 RAK: The personal products drive will happen in November. The club will be celebrating
“National Make a Difference Day” on October 23rd. Also the club this year will celebrate
its 10 year anniversary originally started by Samantha Ritter and Hadley Rose. Also Ms.
Filer encourages the Board to do the Healthy Challenge.
 VSMA: (Vocational Sports Medicine Association) is having its first meeting next week to
elect new officers for the year. The club will work to fundraise and study for the Sports
Medicine state competition in April.
 Football: Their current record is 1-3 right now with their next game at Sultan Friday, the
1st. Monday, the 27th, the football team helped out RAK’s road side clean up.
 Cross country: The team is going strong with the season off to a great start, at the most
recent large invitational the boys’ team took everyone by surprise by taking 3 rd place
overall. This Saturday most of the athletes are traveling to Yakima for the exclusive
Sunfair Invite. They are rated in the Top 10 in the state.
Student Representative Report, Cont.
 Girls’ Soccer: The girls are suffering with a lot of injuries this year but hold a record of
1-3-1. Their next game is against South Whidbey, followed by Granite Falls.
 Volleyball: At a preseason tournament the girls went 2-3. Currently they have a 1-3
record. With no more tournaments to focus on their goal is to make it to districts. They
play Granite Falls Tuesday the 28th.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 10-79: To amend the September 28, 2010 Consent Agenda by revising Item C.
Approval of Personnel Actions; and Item D. Approval of Service Contracts. (Van Noy and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
Heather Gillette, Washington State PTA (WSPTA) Region 2 Director, addressed two issues.
First, she presented an opportunity for board members to support all the local units in the district
through one membership option, a “Friends of the PTA” membership that allows you to join at
various levels. She provided a brochure. Next, she informed the Board that WSPTA has joined
the National PTA’s effort to support the adoption of Common Core State Standards. Through a
generous grant provided by the Gates Foundation, National PTA is working with state PTAs to
inform members about the standards, and at the same time strengthen the state association’s
advocacy capacity. A total of eight states, including Washington, were chosen by National PTA
to receive sub grants to educate the public about the benefits of common core standards.
The Board thanked Ms. Gillette for sharing the information.
Motion 10-80: To approve the September 28, 2010 Consent Agenda as amended. (Van Noy
and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for September 14, 2010
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 177858 through 177893 in the amount of $68,932.48, No. 177894
through 177960 in the amount of $79,108.33, and direct deposits of $7,257.11; Capital Projects
Fund Warrant No. 177961 through 177985 in the amount of $1,000,083.17; ASB Fund Warrant
No. 177986 through 178009 in the amount of $7,935.55, and direct deposits of $265.96; and
Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 178010 in the amount of $319.00 and direct deposits of
$795.00. Total payroll for September 15, 2010 was $11,113.58, which includes General Fund
Warrant No. 177856 through 177857 in the amount of $1,943.34, and direct deposits of
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged the generous donation from Carnation Elementary PTSA.
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Mr. Robertson and Dr. Smith to the AASA National
Conference in Denver, CO from February 16-19, 2011
Approval of CHS Music Department Spring Trip to Anaheim, CA in May 2011
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for CHS DECA Students and Marc Hillestad to Washington,
D.C., for the DECA Conference from Nov. 11-14, 2010
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for CHS FBLA Students and Donna Bielstein to Washington,
D.C. for the FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference from November 17-21, 2010
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Marcy McCauley and Julia Alness to Minneapolis, MN for
the National Assistive Technology Conference from Oct 20-23, 2010
Construction Update
Riverview Learning Center
 Paving of 50th Street (formerly Bagwell Street) is complete. Roadway striping and
signage installation is pending review and approval by city engineer.
 Installation of building utility systems is ongoing.
 Construction of building foundation footings and stem walls are poured and forms
 Backfill of the underground storm water detention vault is complete.
Carnation Elementary Remodel
 Interior remodeling of the 1980’s wing classrooms, faculty lounge and restrooms is
ongoing. New tile wall and floor finishes are being installed at the student and staff
restrooms. Electrical rough-in is completing at classrooms to be followed by drywall
installation, and larger windows have been installed in the classrooms and library.
 Gymnasium remodeling has been completed and the space has been returned to the
school for student instruction this week.
 Library remodeling is nearing completion and is expected to return to use for school
instruction this week.
 Plumbing installation is nearing completion in the 1980’s wing.
 Northwestern Construction has demolished portions of the kitchen to upgrade the
structure and install new kitchen equipment. Structural improvements are ongoing.
Construction Update, Cont.
Cherry Valley Elementary Additions and Remodel
 The 1957/65 wing was returned to school use for student instruction beginning 08/31.
 The east parking lot has been graveled temporarily to allow staff/parent parking.
 Grading of the east access road to Third Avenue NE is ongoing.
 Rough framing of the administrative office addition is complete and roofed.
 The concrete building slab of the cafeteria/kitchen addition has been poured; framing
will begin shortly.
 Classroom remodeling of the 1980 wing (classrooms 15-21) ongoing. Interior framing,
enlargement of existing window openings, HVAC and electrical system upgrades are
Cedarcrest High School Fields Project
 Excavation of the new storm water detention pond is ongoing.
 Construction of the outfield “crib-block” retaining wall is complete.
 Construction of the retaining wall between the softball and baseball fields is complete
and backfilled.
 Placement of fill material to bring the baseball field to the required elevation is
 Baseball visitor team dugout footings have been constructed.
 Baseball bleacher footing layout is in-progress.
 Varsity and junior varsity softball field restoration is in-progress.
 Softball home team dugout footings have been excavated.
 Installation of the storm water drainage systems is ongoing.
 Construction of new covered walk-way roofs at Eagle Rock Multi-Age Center is
 Five of approximately seven footings for the football grandstand roof structure have
been constructed underneath the existing home-side grandstands.
 Due to ongoing wet weather conditions, the project is currently tracking behind
schedule. CDK Construction is working additional days and weekends as weather
permits to bring the project back on schedule.
Strategic Plan Status
Dr. Smith updated the tasks of the Strategic Plan.
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math,
and science by spring of 2011.
Task 1: Monitor Student Online Assessment Resource (SOAR), an online student
assessment data repository system that is highly accessible to teachers. This is being
monitored. Burlington-Edison SOAR staff will meet with Dr. Smith tomorrow to review
how this is working in Riverview.
Strategic Plan Status, Cont.
Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the
improvement of student learning.
Objective 2A: Ensure the financial integrity of the district.
Task 3: Since significant operating expenses need to be eliminated in the 2010-2011
budget, define community involvement in that process. The supplemental levy
eliminated the need for involvement at this time.
Task 4: Complete Riverview Education Association fair contract negotiations.
Negotiations were completed on August 24th. Dr. Smith will be discussing with REA
other district models for a more timely settlement. He thanked both teams for all their
time and effort in reaching a fair contract.
Task 5: Determine the feasibility of presenting an enhanced/supplemental Education
Program Maintenance & Operations levy. The Supplemental Levy was passed on August
17, 2010.
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective 3A: Continue to implement a five-year Human Resources (HR) plan.
Task 1: Provide a two-year progress update of the five-year HR Plan.
presented in the spring of 2010.
This was
Objective 3B: Continue to implement the district’s Communications Plan.
Task 1: Share results of communications audit and provide written recommendations.
Leanne Christensen and Anthony Smith are breaking down the audit to a 5-year plan,
working first on the short-term goals of revamping the district website, and a districtwide staff survey on communications. Dr. Smith read a quote from the audit, “The
Riverview School District is doing a commendable job implementing an effective
communications program in light of the lack of funding and staffing available. If I were
to grade the Riverview School District’s program, I would rate it a B+.” He noted there
were a lot of positives but definitely room for improvement, such as more 2-way
AYP and Assessment Update
Greg Lobdell, Center for Educational Effectiveness, presented a summary update on the district’s
assessment improvement vs. performance. The district is out performing the state averages in
every aspect at every grade level with the exception of sixth grade math. The 7th and 8th grades’
results are extremely strong, as is 10th grade. The transition between elementary and middle
school continues to need attention across the state. He complimented Riverview as their data
submitted is exceedingly clean. Dr. Smith noted that Robin Nordquist does a phenomenal job.
Riverview is definitely growing in results more than the state, with this year the largest growth in
reading and math that we’ve seen.
AYP and Assessment Update, Cont.
Dr. Ken Heikkila reported on Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). AYP is one of the cornerstones
of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) signed into law January 2002.
In Washington, it is primarily a measure of year-to-year student achievement on the Washington
assessments in reading, writing, and mathematics. Each year the state must “raise the bar” in
gradual increments so that by 2013-14, all (100%) of students will achieve proficiency (meeting
standards Levels 3 and 4) in each subject area. The law requires the analysis of data in nine
groups of students to determine if each group made the established target. If any group does not
make AYP, the school/district does not make AYP at that grade level. The law also specifies
consequences for schools and districts receiving Title I, Part A funds which do not meet the AYP
targets for two or more years in a row. After two consecutive years of not meeting AYP targets,
a school enters Step 1 of school improvement.
Dr. Heikkila compared Riverview to surrounding districts in that all six did not make AYP in
2010: Issaquah, Lake Washington, Monroe, Northshore, Riverview, and Snoqualmie Valley. As
the other larger districts had more schools not making AYP, Riverview had Tolt Middle School
and Cedarcrest High School. However, Tolt Middle and Cedarcrest High schools are not Title I
schools so have no sanctions at this time. That does not mean that Tolt and Cedarcrest staff are
not taking this seriously. As an ending note, over 1/3 of Washington school districts are in
district improvement after two years of not making AYP. The probability of all schools reaching
AYP in 2013-14 at 100% proficiency is highly unlikely.
Superintendent Report
1. Attached are preliminary school district values for the 2011 tax year for all King County
school districts. It estimates that Riverview School District will decrease taxable valuation
by 2.7% which is less loss than thirteen other King County School Districts.
2. Since the last board meeting I attended a WaNIC meeting at Lake Washington School
District, a board leadership meeting and an Educational Service District meeting besides the
four weekly construction meetings.
3. I attended the Fall WASA Conference at SeaTac on today and will again attend tomorrow.
4. Anthony and I will attend the WSSDA Regional Meeting tomorrow evening at the Riverview
School District Board Room.
5. Wednesday, September 27th, will be the annual Evacuation Drill for Tolt Middle School,
Carnation Elementary School and the District Office.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
6. The Taste Washington Day will be held in all Riverview school cafeterias on Wednesday,
September 29th. FFA members are helping to facilitate this day by being in all cafeterias to
answer questions and help serve food. Local farms in the Snoqualmie Valley will provide
produce for the event.
7. The Riverview Education Foundation Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, October 3rd
at the Golf Club of Echo Falls.
8. This fall the Riverview School District is conducting their five-year Consolidated Program
Review of Federal Programs. Dr. Ken Heikkila will lead the process which will be submitted
in mid-December. Five years ago we also had a site visit as part of our program review.
This year we only have the written documentation format.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the September 28, 2010 Board Meeting at
9:10 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.