Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
August 24, 2010
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Mr. Bawden
2010-2011 Riverview School District Budget
No one wished to speak.
Ms. Oviatt noted Mr. Bawden was absent as he was in Oklahoma at the Kayak Nationals and
wished him good luck. Ms. Oviatt and Mr. Bawden met with the Superintendent last week for
their Leadership Meeting and also got a tour of Carnation Elementary School. She reminded the
Board that Thursday is the Welcome Back event with Mr. Pflugrath speaking on behalf of the
Ms. Oviatt announced the Board held a Work Study before the meeting tonight to discuss the
REA/RSD Tentative Agreements. She thanked everyone who was part of the negotiation teams
and appreciated their effort and time in this process.
Mrs. Van Noy said she will attend the WSSDA Board Retreat this coming weekend in Mulkiteo,
working on the WSSDA Strategic Plan and legislative issues. She thanked the Riverview
Schools Committee and everyone that worked to pass the Supplemental Levy.
Mr. Edwards and Mr. Robertson attended the WSSDA Finance Workshop in Olympia on August
12th and found it very informative. Mr. Edwards then stayed Friday and Saturday for his
WSSDA Leadership class, noting they are reading “The Death and Life of the American School
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 10-70: To amend the August 24, 2010 Agenda by adding Item F. Final Acceptance of
the Tolt Middle School Additions and Remodel Project under OLD BUSINESS; and to amend
the August 24, 2010 Consent Agenda by revising Personnel Actions and by adding Item F.
Approval to purchase two 16-passenger buses. (Van Noy and Pflugrath) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
Mr. Perry Garrison, REA President, first recognized Sandy Aiken, CHS teacher, for coordinating
the staff phone calling in support of the Supplemental Levy. He announced that the teachers had
met today at 5:00 PM at Tolt Middle School and were briefed by the REA Negotiating Team on
the Tentative Agreements. The Agreements were ratified by a 99% yes vote.
Motion 10-71: To approve the August 24, 2010 Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and
Van Noy) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for August 10, 2010
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 177559 through 177597 in the amount of $182,995.20, and direct
deposits of $1,097.23; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 177598 through 177601 in the amount
of $9,428.14; and ASB Fund Warrant No. 177602 in the amount of $438.50. Total payroll for
August 13, 2010 was $14,689.48, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 177556 through
177558 in the amount of $2,739.74, and direct deposits of $8,602.29.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Report
Approval to purchase two 16-passenger buses
Construction Update
Sean Ryan updated the Board on Construction projects.
Carnation Elementary Remodel
Phase 2 of the project is nearing completion for the start of the school year.
Hazardous Materials abatement has completed and final clearance samples have been
Riverview staff members have started moving furniture, etc., back into classrooms.
Wall demolition is ongoing to enlarge classroom window openings.
Construction Update, Cont.
Carnation Elementary Remodel, Cont.
Plumbing installation is nearing completion.
Portions of the kitchen have been demolished to upgrade the structure and install new
kitchen equipment.
One issue: Casework installation has lagged due to untimely deliveries. Northwestern
Construction is working to obtain final units needed for Phase 2 and installation for the
start of school.
Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements
The new storm water detention ponds excavation is ongoing.
The crib-block outfield retaining wall construction is underway. The lower wall has been
installed and the upper wall installation is ongoing.
Installation of the footings and wall for the retaining wall between the softball and
baseball fields is ongoing.
Installation of the storm water drainage system is ongoing.
The sheet metal roofing installation at Eagle Rock is expected to be completed in the next
few days.
Cherry Valley Elementary Remodel and Additions
Phase 1 is nearing completion for the start of school.
Riverview staff members have started moving furniture, etc., back into classrooms.
Temporary portable classrooms have been inspected and are ready.
The storm water detention vault has been completed and the back fill and cover is nearing
Framing for the addition at the administrative office is ongoing. The main entrance will
be open for the faculty and students at the start of school.
Carpet installation for Phase 1 will be completed on 8/24/10.
The gym roof decking replacement has been completed as well as the new roofing
Casework installation for Phase 1 has been completed.
Final sink installation is expected to be completed on 8/25/10.
The City of Duvall inspector stated today that they did not anticipate any problems with
school operations commencing for the new school year.
Riverview Learning Center
Improvements to the Bagwell Street right of way and utility installation is nearing
completion. CDK anticipates they will begin installing the new paving the first week of
Excavation of the underground storm water detention vaults has been completed. The
storm water vault installation is ongoing.
Underground utilities installation into the building footprint is ongoing.
CDK has begun installing formwork for the building footings.
Construction Update, Cont.
Tolt Middle School Remodel
Allied Construction has completed punch-list items.
Erickson McGovern recommendation to the School Board for Final Acceptance of the
Tolt Middle School Remodel project performed by Allied Construction.
CDK is nearing completion of miscellaneous work activities including: rebuilding the
south wall at L-Building Room 909, painting mismatched areas, hydro-seeding sparse or
damaged lawn areas, and expanding outside sidewalks approaching L-Building.
2010-2011 Riverview School District Budget Adoption
Mr. Adamo reviewed the budget information for all five funds. He noted the amounts listed on
Resolution No. 10-14 are expenditure limitations for 2010-2011 and also the set levy amounts
for 2011. The proposed undesignated Ending Fund Balance for 2010-2011 is $1,976,083 or
6.9%. Mr. Adamo also highlighted some of the General Fund Budget revenue and expense
changes from the June presentation.
Motion 10-72: To approve Resolution 10-14, adopting the Riverview School District #407
2010-2011 budget as follows:
General Fund
Transportation Vehicle Fund
Capital Projects Fund
Debt Service Fund
Associated Student Body Fund
$ 415,000
$ 3,510,270
$ 859,201
and setting the excess levies for the calendar year 2011 as follows:
Maintenance and Operations
Debt Service Fund
Capital Projects Fund
Transportation Vehicle Fund
$ 6,959,000
$ 3,744,445
$ 967,581
$ 250,000
(Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous.
2008-09 State Audit Acceptance
Motion 10-73: To accept the 2008-09 State Audit Report as presented. (Pflugrath and Edwards)
August 17th Election Results
Mr. Robertson presented today’s election results on the Supplemental Levy with it passing at
51.06%. Final certification will be on September 1st. He also shared the daily results as the
counting of ballots progressed, prepared by Paul Censullo. This is the first supplemental levy and
the first August election and he truly appreciated the voters saying yes. This is also the most
critical election we have ever had considering the legislature reducing funding for education and
looking at perhaps a $3 billion deficit next year.
Second Reading, New Policy 2033, Online Learning
This policy is required by OSPI by August 31st.
Motion 10-74: To approve Policy 2033, Online Learning for Second Reading. (Edwards and
Oviatt) Unanimous.
Final Acceptance of the Tolt Middle School Additions and Remodel Project
Erickson McGovern Architects and Heery International recommend the acceptance of this
project performed by Allied Construction.
Motion 10-75: To accept the Tolt Middle School Additions and Remodel Project as Final.
(Pflugrath and Oviatt) Unanimous.
REA/RSD Bargaining Agreement Ratification
The REA has ratified the 2010-2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement Tentative Agreements.
Motion: 10-76: To ratify the 2010-2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the
Riverview Education Association and the Riverview School District. (Oviatt and Van Noy)
Superintendent Report
1. Orientation for Austin Koons, new student representative, will occur on September 8th so he
will be prepared for the September 14th Board Meeting. He is an outstanding student and
will bring a lot to the Board. He also was one of the students who went to South Korea to
visit Duvall’s sister city.
2. A handout was shared on new staff and building moves for the upcoming school year.
3. He thanked Dan Pflugrath for agreeing to provide the board welcome at the All Staff
Welcome Back on August 26th.
4. To date our enrollment numbers are approximately 10 less than budgeted. Hopefully, we
will have more students enroll this week since the construction may have delayed families
from enrolling at Cherry Valley and Carnation Elementary Schools. I will send the School
Board a tentative enrollment count on the first day of school. The enrollment for the fourth
day of school is the actually date that counts for our September enrollment.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
5. We have used .5 FTE of the 1.0 FTE certificated contingency position to add a 3rd grade
teacher at Cherry Valley Elementary to address their large class sizes of 31, 31 and 31. With
four teachers the class sizes will now be in the 23-24 student range.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the August 24, 2010 Board Meeting at
7:52 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.