RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting June 22, 2010 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Mr. Bawden called the June 22, 2010 Board Meeting to order at 5:35 PM and immediately entered into Executive Session to discuss one personnel and one negotiation issue for approximately 90 minutes. EXECUTIVE SESSION Personnel & Negotiation Issues At 6:50 PM, the Board agreed to continue the Executive Session after the Board Meeting. CALL BACK TO ORDER Mr. Bawden called the Board Meeting back to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Bawden, Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Mr. Bawden noted every year the Board chooses one organization that exemplifies community service and student support. The 2010 Community Service Award is given to Friends of Youth. Mr. Pflugrath praised Friends of Youth for their support of students and families, usually behind the scene. Friends of Youth is a very important part of our school district in youth and family services, such as Parenting Resources, Healthy Start, Substance Abuse Resources, Counseling Services, and Prevention Services. Paula Frederick, Director of Community Treatment Services, and Barbara Luniuck-Rakita, Prevention Program Supervisor, thanked the School Board for this honor. Barbara works at Tolt Middle School with the Safety Net Program, helping students to be more successful in school. She noted Friends of Youth applied for a King County grant for Tolt Middle School and Twin Falls Middle School and hopes to be implementing some other programs soon. The Board presented a recognition plaque to Paula and Barbara for the 2010 Community Service Award. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Bawden thanked the Board members who made the time to attend the end of the year events. He noted student representative interviews were held yesterday, with five very excellent candidates. He announced Austin Koons, a junior at Cedarcrest, was selected to be the new student representative. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mr. Bawden mentioned he would be out of town from June 23 to July 2. He also noted that due to his schedule he would be stepping down from the WSSDA Nominating Committee. Mrs. Oviatt said it was fun to attend the Cedarcrest High School Graduation and hand her youngest son his diploma. Mrs. Van Noy said she was going to Olympia this weekend for the WSSDA Board Meeting. Mr. Pflugrath felt the graduations and moving up events were great, with some being quite emotional. Mr. Edwards dittoed the praises and noted the great 8th grade speaker at the Tolt Moving Up Ceremony. Agenda Adjustment Motion 10-54: To amend the June 22, 2010 Agenda by adding Item D. Approval of the Annual Highly Capable Program Application, under NEW BUSINESS. (Van Noy and Pflugrath) Unanimous. Hearing of Public Mr. Perry Garrison, Riverview Education Association President, spoke to the Board about the progress of the union negotiations. With over 30 teachers in the audience, Mr. Garrison noted we are here to express our support for our negotiating team. Our goal, as an association, is to have a just and fair contract before the current contract expires on August 31, 2010. We are concerned with the slow pace of negotiations. After the June 25th scheduled meeting, the teams are scheduled to meet again on August 10th. Unless the pace picks up, we feel it will be difficult to get a settlement to present at our general meeting on August 24th. On a different note, our members have expressed a strong willingness to support the district levy in August and are looking forward to hearing how we can help. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 10-55: To approve the June 22, 2010 Consent Agenda as presented. (Edwards and Bawden) Bawden – yes Edwards – yes Van Noy – yes Pflugrath – yes Oviatt – abstain Motion passed. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for June 8, 2010; Board Work Study minutes for June 4, 2010; and Board Work Study Minutes for June 8, 2010 -2- CONSENT AGENDA, Cont. Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 176811 through 176902 in the amount of $141,205.04, and direct deposits of $14,581.54; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 176903 through 176914 in the amount of $123,615.85; ASB Fund Warrant No. 176915 through 176930 in the amount of $19,810.86, and direct deposits of $34.93; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 176931 through 176932 in the amount of $152.00. Total payroll for June 15, 2010 was $37,618.34, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 176933 through 176934 in the amount of $145.05, and direct deposits of $29,578.60. Approval of Personnel Actions Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Budget Status Report Approval of 2010-2011 Board Meeting Schedule Approval of Policy 1000, Legal Status and Organization, for reference change only Approval of Deletion of Policy 1120 Annual Goals and Objectives of the Board (added to Policy 1005), Policy 1125 Committees, Policy 1130 Consultants, and Policy 1135 Consortia Approval of Riverview Principals’ Association 2010-2013 Agreement OLD BUSINESS RSD Activity Code of Conduct Dr. Smith noted that five years ago we needed a unified Athletic Code of Conduct with the middle school and the high school, and he took it upon himself to finally accomplish this. He thanked Jason Frederick, CHS Athletic Director, and Tom Oldenburg, TMS Athletic Director, for working together to get this policy up to speed and aligned with the surrounding districts. The Activity Code will be posted on the district and secondary schools’ websites. One main goal was to have a clear appeal process for Athletic and Activity discipline from the start of the process to the finish. He brought to the attention of the Board that there are different academic standards for the middle school and the high school. As a result of completing this Code, both Mr. Frederick and Mr. Oldenburg have also worked on having similar athletic packets and will be working towards a coaches’ handbook. Mr. Robertson thanked Dr. Smith for taking on this project. Motion 10-56: To approve the RSD Activity Code of Conduct as presented. Edwards) Unanimous. -3- (Oviatt and OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Construction Update Sean Ryan updated the Board on Construction projects. Carnation Elementary Modernization Northwestern Construction of Washington has mobilized on site and begun selective demolition activities in the 1980’s wing. The contractor has placed new footings inside the 1980’s wing and continues to install new interior walls and new electrical wiring. Phase 2 of the project commenced on June 21st and the contractor has full site access for the summer months. Riverview staff members have moved furniture, equipment and supplies out of impacted classrooms to allow the planned construction activities. Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements Mass excavation is ongoing and CDK is performing cuts in the soil to start placing the new retaining walls along the new grandstands. Cherry Valley Elementary Remodel The building permit was issued by the City of Duvall on June 17th. School district staff have started clearing rooms of furniture, equipment and supplies to facilitate the work over the summer. Contractor site mobilization has begun. Temporary portable classrooms will be delivered and installed in the upcoming month for the phased construction to occur over the school year. The two older portables have been unloaded and are ready to move this week to the Transportation/Maintenance area for storage use. Riverview Learning Center All building permits have been issued. Site clearing is nearing completion. Improvement to the Bagwell Street right of way and utility installation is expected to start tomorrow. Tolt Middle School Remodel Erickson McGovern and BCE Engineers have finalized the design of planned improvements to take place in the summer of 2010 to the data, camera/security, exterior lighting systems and structural retrofitting of the southeast wall at L Building Room 909. Steele Corp. is contracted to install the planned improvements in the data and sound systems on the campus. By waiting to do this part at the end of the remodel instead of including it in the bid, the district has saved half the cost. -4- Preliminary 2010-2011 General Fund Budget Bill Adamo reviewed the General Operating Fund Budget Highlights, noting that most have been given to the Board in recent meetings. The good news is that the estimates have come true; the bad news is the deficit has changed from an estimated $400,000 to $470,000 for next year. We are hoping to rectify that with the passage of the Supplemental Levy in August. One revenue area of note is a loss in the interest-earned revenues; another is the additional expense of classified employees attending the Welcome Back meeting. The district has eliminated any budget for election expenses for next year. Enrollment is the financial driver for state revenue and next year’s budget is based on 3,026 FTE students. In 2008-09 the actual undesignated ending fund balance was $2,310,609. We are projecting $1,964,202 for 2009-10, using approximately $400,000 of fund balance; and next year $1,493,800, using another $470,000 of fund balance. A rough guess is that expenses will increase another $400,000 in 2011-2012, including the opening and operating expenses of the Riverview Learning Center, leaving us with well over $1.2 million deficit. If the supplemental levy would fail, we will have very serious budget issues in 2011-12. Strategic Plan Status Dr. Smith will update the tasks. Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the improvement of student learning. Objective 2A: Ensure the financial integrity of the district. Task 7: Successfully complete negotiations of the certified staff collective bargaining agreement. Dr. Smith advised the timeline will be changed to September 15, 2010. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3B: Implement the District’s Communications Plan. Task 2: Share results of communication audit and provide written recommendations. Dr. Smith advised that the audit is complete but we are waiting for the results from Leanna Albrecht. Task 5: Provide communication program metrics that demonstrate improvement in program. Leanne Christensen presented an overview of the 123 school-related articles sent to the local papers this year, along with 18 articles in the September 2009 Riverviews. Articles were also sent monthly to Paul Censullo for publication on the district website. As of March, articles were also sent to the Snoqualmie Valley Record and the Valley Voice (an on-line local news website) per their request. State and National science articles were sent to the Seattle Times. This averages about 3 more articles a month over last year. She presented a graph showing how many articles each month, and a list of employees highlighted each year since September 2007. Objective 3C: Develop and implement a Parent and Community Relations program. Task 4: Lead and monitor employees in new protocols. Dr. Smith changed the timeline to September 15, 2010. -5- Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Dr. Smith advised the Board that the Strategic Plan edits for the new 5-year plan are done and he will be sending out a draft with highlights and rationale for the changes. He asked the Board to please send back any suggestions or questions they may have. NEW BUSINESS Appointment of Legislative Representative According to policy, the Board needs to appoint a Board Legislative Representative every two years, in an even year, in June. Motion 10-57: To appoint Danny Edwards to serve as Legislative Representative of the Riverview Board of Directors for the next two years. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. First Reading, Revised Policy 1005, Key Functions of the Board; Revised Policy 1115, Board Meeting Schedule; New Policy 1120 Commitment to Strategic Planning; New Policy 1125 School Director Legislative Program; and Revised Policy 1140 Negotiations As part of the Strategic Plan review of the Policy Series 1000, the Board has considered these changes. Motion 10-58: To approve Policy 1005, Policy 1115, Policy 1120, Policy 1125, and Policy 1140 for First Reading. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous. Review of Procedural Changes to Policy Series 1000 The Board reviewed the procedural changes for information only. Approval of the Annual Highly Capable Program Application According to Policy 2050, Highly Capable Programs, the board must annually approve the district’s highly capable application. This application describes the number of students served by grade level; the district’s plan to identify students; program services; instructional program description; professional development; program evaluation and fiscal report; and assurances that the district is legally compliant. Doug Poage, Principal, submitted the application for approval. Motion 10-59: To approve the 2010-2011 Highly Capable Program Annual Application, as presented. (Van Noy and Bawden) Unanimous. REPORTS Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson reported this has been an outstanding school year by any measure – academic success on test scores, over 220 seniors graduating from CHS, PARADE and CLIP, $2.4 million in college scholarships, outstanding success in science and career and technical education -6- Superintendent Report, Cont. competitions, numerous high school students serving as state officers, four construction project bids significantly below projections, low interest rates on bond sales, retention of quality staff, board presentation at WSSDA Convention, successful CHS accreditation review, Great Schools Award to Cherry Valley Elementary, passage of M & O, Technology and Transportation levies, etc. He will be attending the Annual WASA/AWSP Conference in Spokane on Sunday, June 27th to Tuesday, June 29th and then take vacation until Monday, July 12th. He thanked the School Board for attending the following school district events during the past month: Senior Awards Senior Projects Rube Goldberg Science Event Rise & Shine Breakfast CLIP/PARADE Graduation CHS Graduation 8th Grade Moving up Ceremony Retirement Barbeque Board Meetings/Work Studies Student Representative Interviews Upcoming Exit Conference with Auditor RECESS Mr. Bawden recessed the Board Meeting at 8:19 PM for a five-minute break and entered into Executive Session at 8:25 PM for approximately 30 minutes to discuss one personnel issue. EXECUTIVE SESSION, Cont. One personnel issue continued. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Bawden called the meeting back to order at 8:50 PM. There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the June 22, 2010 Board Meeting at 8:50 PM. __________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -7-