Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 25, 2010
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Bawden, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Ms. Fields
Mrs. Van Noy
2010 Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan
No one asked to speak to the 2010 Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan.
Mr. Bawden mentioned that Mrs. Van Noy was excused from tonight’s meeting as she had a
work-related priority. He noted that Board Leadership met with the Superintendent on May 21st.
Yesterday, May 24th, the Board held a Special Board Meeting on the Supplemental Levy
With only one retirement this year, the Board cancelled the Retirement Open House for June 8th
and will share in the Transportation Department’s recognition on June 9th for Linda Evett’s
retirement after 36 years as a Riverview Bus Driver.
Ms. Oviatt and Mr. Bawden will be handing out diplomas at the Riverview Alternative Program
Graduation on June 7, and Mr. Edwards and Ms. Oviatt will be handing out diplomas at
Cedarcrest’s Graduation on June 11.
Other end-of-the-year events mentioned included Tolt Middle School National Junior Honor
Society Induction Ceremony on June 10th at 4 PM, 5th grade transition at Tolt on June 3rd at 2:45
PM, Senior Awards Night at CHS on June 1st at 7 PM, Senior Projects on June 4th at 11:30 AM,
and Rube Goldberg Event at CHS on June 2nd at 3:30 PM.
Mr. Pflugrath noted he went to the CTE Engineering Advisory Council and he has approval to
sign our plan when it arrives. Today he attended a phone conference with the WSSDA Small
Schools Committee on the joint legislative study on costs of small districts.
Mr. Edwards said he missed the baseball awards banquet tonight and noted he had been asked to
be Master of Ceremonies at the Baccalaureate on Friday June 4th.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 10-44: To amend the May 25, 2010 Agenda by adding Item E. Cherry Valley
Elementary Construction/Modernization Bid Award, under OLD BUSINESS, and by amending
the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, and Consent Agenda, Service Contracts. (Bawden and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Motion 10-45: To approve the May 25, 2010 Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and
Oviatt) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for May 11, 2010, Special Board Meeting
Minutes for May 13, 2010, Board Work Study Minutes for May 6, 2010, Board Work Study
Minutes for May 11, 2010, and Special School Board Meeting Minutes for May 24, 2010
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 176471 through 176566 in the amount of $80,990.18, and direct
deposits of $6,060.13; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 176567 through 176572 in the amount
of $23,489.34; and ASB Fund Warrant No. 176573 through 176583 in the amount of $7,269.30,
and direct deposits of $8.75. Total payroll for May 15, 2010 was $37,877.47, which includes
General Fund Warrant No. 176584 through 176587 in the amount of $1,389.63, and direct
deposits of $28,955.34.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Budget Status Report
Approval of Donations
Approval of Gift to Coach Brandon Barstaad from the CHS Baseball Booster Club in the amount
of $790
Construction Update
Tim Ausink, Heery International, provided a brief update on the construction projects.
Carnation Elementary
Northwestern Construction has mobilized on site and begun selective demolition
activities in the 1980’s wing.
Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements
Building permits were issued by City of Duvall on May 21, 2010.
CDK has begun site clearing construction activity.
CDK’s bid is below the final estimated costs prepared by the architect.
Cherry Valley Elementary
A public hearing was held on May 18, 2010 in front of the Hearings Examiner to approve
the Site Plan Review. The Notice of Decision was issued on May 21, 2010 granting Site
Plan approval subject to the conditions specified by the City of Duvall. Building permits
should soon follow.
Northwestern Construction of Washington was awarded the bid and based on the final
project cost estimate from the architect, constructions costs are currently tracking below
Riverview Learning Center
CDK Construction Services is the General Contractor.
City of Carnation is expected to issue the Building Permit on May 28, 2010.
Tolt Middle School Remodel
Building commissioning of the HVAC system has been completed.
Erickson McGovern and BCE Engineers are finalizing design and contractor pricing of
planned improvements to take place in the summer of 2010 to the data, camera/security,
and exterior lighting systems, and structural retrofitting of the southeast wall at L
Building, Room 909.
Mr. Robertson publically thanked Tim Ausink of Heery International for all his hard work and
great organization with the previous projects and looked forward to working with him for
another couple of years on the four new projects.
2010-2011 Budget Development
Mr. Robertson reported an additional increase in WSIPC fees of $2,600 has changed the deficit
to $1,038,600. After working with the budget plan, the remaining deficit is $33,600, pending
contract negotiations. The supplemental levy is needed to restore funds cut by the state. He has
met with the PTSA officers and presented information and background on the state funding and
supplemental levy. The district webpage has information on the Supplemental Levy. Mr.
Adamo and he met with a reporter from the Valley Record last week on the Supplemental Levy.
2010-2011 Budget Development, Cont.
Mr. Adamo and Mr. Robertson met with Lloyd Hara, King County Assessor, last week at his
request. It was a very informational meeting. The assessment process changed in 2010 by using
an immediate drop instead of using the 3-year rolling assessment. Mr. Hara said he saw no
change in assessed value for 2011. In the future, King County will be using a 2-year average
along with trend analysis for future assessments, which may result in quicker changes in
assessment than in the past. Commercial property will experience a significant drop; however,
Riverview does not have a lot of commercial tax assessments.
2010 Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan
Mr. Adamo advised the goal for the Plan was to keep the impact fee schedule stable. Through
student generated rates and reduced construction estimates, this was possible. A single family
fee will be $5,628.15 and multiple family fee will be $2,169.25.
Motion 10-46: To adopt the 2010 Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan as presented. (Oviatt and
Pflugrath) Unanimous.
Strategic Plan Status Update
Dr. Smith will update the Objective and Tasks.
Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the
improvement of student learning.
Objective 2D: Develop and implement an annual district policy review process.
Task 4 & 5: Develop and present a list of policies to be revised and/or eliminated to the
School Board. Mr. Robertson reported all policies in the 1000 Series have been reviewed
and shared a list of suggested additions, changes and deletions. The Board agreed to hold
a work study at 5:00 PM on June 8 to review the individual policies.
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective 3A: Implement a five-year Human Resources (HR) plan.
Task 2: Provide HR metrics that demonstrate improvement in HR program. Dr. Smith
complimented Sandy Bechtel on elevating her leadership in Human Resources. Four
areas were measured: employee turnover, recruitment, retention, and training and
development. For certificated staff, our turnover decreased from 11.4% in 2007-08 to
6.59% in 2008-09. Classified staff turnover decreased significantly from 11.7% in 200708 to 4.57% in 2008-09. Certificated administrator turnover has remained steady at 0%
for the past two years. A major project for recruitment was the implementation of a new
online application program. We also recruited new teachers by attending the Washington
State Career Fair in Tacoma and Dr. Heikkila attended the Western Washington
University’s CSD Special and Rehabilitation Services Career Fair for the second year in a
row. Providing new teachers with the extra help and valuable tools they need is an
important part of retaining staff. Our district also offers a wide-range of staff
development opportunities to our employees at no charge.
Strategic Plan Status Update, Cont.
Objective 3B: Implement the District’s Communications Plan.
Task 1: Complete external audit of communications program by Gay Campbell of
National School Public Relations Association. Dr. Smith reported that Leanna Albrecht,
Northshore Communication Director, will do the audit on May 27th.
Task 2: Share results of communication audit and provide written recommendations.
This will be shared at the end of June.
Task 3: Complete an analysis of effective electronic communication systems that
districts use to communicate with parent and community stakeholders. Dr. Smith said
this will start next year. Administrators were trained today by NWRDC on their
offerings. Northshore has an exceptional process as an example.
Task 4: Apply for one district level award to recognize district success. Dr. Smith felt
this would not happen this year and perhaps not in future years due to his priority of
student and staff needs.
Task 5: Provide communication program metrics that demonstrate improvement in
program. Leanne Christensen will present this information at the second meeting in June.
Objective 3C: Develop and implement a Parent and Community Relations program.
Task 2: Study possible options for consistent training in customer service models for all
staff. Dr. Smith said the options have been studied and staff will get training at the
Welcome Back gathering, and this task will be revisited as necessary.
Task 3: Develop five-year program to train all employees. Dr. Smith feels there needs to
be more resources and knowledge in order to complete. He is still waiting for a proposal
from Dave Mrocek and may need to go in a different direction.
Task 4: Lead and monitor employees in new protocols. This was done with training last
August. Today, administrators at their Ad Council Meeting had a one-hour training from
Joy Landsdowne on the stages of this process and Dr. Smith modeled learning targets. On
June 22nd, Joy Landsdowne is coming back to have a ½ hour meeting with each principal
to map out next steps. On August 23rd, four teachers from each building are being trained
in Learning Targets.
Student Representative Report (moved up in the agenda due to the late hour)
Ms. Bawden updated Cedarcrest’s ASB and Organizations:
ASB: The new officers for next year are Loren Meyers, Austin Koons, Lauren Houk, and
Natalie Anderson. Prom was very successful and a perfect night aboard the Argosy
Cruise Ship. Class ASB elections are underway, with voting next week.
FFA has a livestock show coming up on June 3-4. Their final banquet is on June 10 and
they are working on a slideshow for it.
Student Representative Report, Cont.
DECA’s officer elections are currently taking place. The spring Safeway Takeover is
Tuesday, June 1. DECA will be helping out again with Safeway’s Duvall Days Car
FBLA currently held officer elections and is preparing for their national competition after
the end of the school year. They are also working on making Cedarcrest “green.”
NHS members are working on their community hours.
TSA had 23 students qualify for nationals, with eleven currently preparing for the
competition in Baltimore, Maryland from June 26-July 3. They are also holding elections
for next year’s officer positions.
RAK is still “busting” people for being kind and setting up their officer elections for next
year. The Healthy Challenge for spring health goals is almost over.
Ms. Fields reported on Sports and Miscellaneous items:
Track – Students are preparing for the state competition this Thursday through Saturday,
and will be competing in 4x4 team, javelin, triple jump, and 110 high hurdles.
Girls’ and Boys’ Golf – Three students and one alternate are going to state.
Softball, Baseball, and Boys’ Soccer had great seasons and are done for the year.
Graduation is in 2-1/2 weeks, on June 11th; Senior Awards Night is June 1; Senior
Slideshow is June 8; and Senior Project presentations are June 4. Drama class
productions are occurring tonight and tomorrow; Rube Goldberg is Wednesday, June 2;
and there is another guitar concert on June 3.
On behalf of the Board, Mr. Bawden thanked Ms. Fields for her two years of service as Student
Representative. The Board presented her with a small token of appreciation. Mr. Robertson
added that it has been great to see how Courtney has grown over the two years as she is a very
outstanding representative. Ms. Fields thanked the Board and Superintendent for their guidance
and for all they do for the district.
Mr. Bawden recessed the Board Meeting at 8:30 PM for a 15 minute break to enjoy refreshments
and say goodbye to Courtney Fields, Board Student Representative. Mr. Bawden called the
meeting back to order at 8:45 PM.
Cherry Valley Elementary Construction/Modernization Bid Award
Motion 10-47: To approve Resolution 10-09 to recommend award of the General Construction
Contract for the construction/modernization of Cherry Valley Elementary School to the lowest
bidder, Northwestern Construction of Washington, Inc., in the amount of $6,518,000, plus
Alternates A-1, B-1B, C-1, and E-1A in the amount of $69,110, for a total contract amount of
$6,587,110. (Edwards and Bawden) Unanimous.
Motion 10-48: To approve Resolution 10-10 certifying the construction/modernization of Cherry
Valley Elementary School will be completed for the purposes for which the state matching funds
are provided, as required by WAC 392-344-130. (Oviatt and Pflugrath) Unanimous.
Cherry Valley Elementary Construction/Modernization Bid Award, Cont.
Motion 10-49: To approve Resolution 10-11, certifying that the facilities of Cherry Valley
Elementary will be used for instructional purposes for at least five years and that the useful life
of Cherry Valley Elementary will be extended by at least thirty years. (Bawden and Oviatt)
Community Service Award Nomination
Mr. Pflugrath nominated Friends of Youth. He said there are so many deserving companies in
the area but felt Friends of Youth is there for our students and families that need help. They are
a vital piece of the puzzle for our kids with counseling, family support, drugs and alcohol, and
academic support.
Motion 10-50: To select Friends of Youth to received the 2010 Community Service Award to be
presented at the June 22, 2010 Board Meeting. (Pflugrath and Bawden) Unanimous.
Appointment of Pro/Con Committee for Voter Pamphlet
The Board has advertised and requested applicants for the Pro and Con Committees for the
August 17, 2010 Voters’ Pamphlet.
Motion 10-51: To appoint Wendy Tumbleson and Pam Werner to the Committee Advocating
Approval for Proposition No. 1. No one applied for the Committee Advocating Rejection for
Proposition No. 1. (Oviatt and Edwards) Unanimous.
Superintendent Report
1. Riverview School District was one of 258 Washington school districts to sign up for
Washington’s Race to the Top. These districts represent 96.3% of the student population
across the state.
2. On May 14th Wendy Tumbleson was honored at the Washington Association of School
Administrators luncheon for her service to the Riverview School District as an outstanding
community volunteer.
3. On May 18th I attended a supplemental levy meeting at the League of Education Voters’
office in Seattle. Representatives from the Seattle and Bellevue School Districts and the
Puget Sound ESD also participated.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
4. On Thursday, May 20th, a NWAAS Accreditation Team visited Cedarcrest High School to
review and assess their school improvement efforts. The team members spent their time at
the school reviewing the self-evaluation materials, listening to the building’s School
Improvement Plan presentation, interviewing students and staff, and observing the overall
operation of the school. The review team wrote commendations regarding successes of the
program goals as well as suggestions for strengthening our program. At the conclusion of the
visitation, the site team recommended approved status (full accreditation) for the six-year
cycle for Cedarcrest High School. The Cedarcrest administration and staff are to be
commended for their efforts in obtaining full accreditation. Staff put hours and hours into the
5. Regarding the August 17th Supplemental Levy, Wendy Tumbleson and Pam Werner have
agreed to lead the schools committee. Also last week I provided information on the
supplemental levy to the District-wide PTSA officers.
6. On May 17th Bill Adamo and I met with Lloyd Hara, King County Assessor, on property
assessment and levies. I appreciate that Mr. Hara scheduled the meeting at the district office
and explained how assessments will be handled in the future. I’m impressed he came out to
spend time with the District.
7. On May 24th Dr. Anthony Smith and I attended the Orchestra Concert at Carnation
Elementary School.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the May 25, 2010 Regular School Board
Meeting at 9:07 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.