Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 27, 2010
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Bawden, Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Ms. Fields
Bruce Murdock and Kellie Halverson, CHS Science Teachers, presented an overview of local,
regional, and state science fair results. From the local fair held at CHS in late February, 13
students competed in the new Central Sound Regional Science & Engineering Fair on March
13th, and 17 competed in the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair held over the
weekend of March 26. At the State Science Fair, 350 projects were on display and everyone
from Cedarcrest came back with some recognition. The main benefit of the Science Fair is that it
validates the scientific process. It also provides an outlet for students with the drive to explore
outside the curriculum. Several students spoke about their projects.
Topi Viljamaa, 10th grade, did a psychological study on the effects of sleep deprivation on
mental capabilities and won a Red Ribbon at the Regional Fair. A. J. Shutte, 9th grade, won a
Blue Ribbon at Regional and a Red Ribbon at State on Hand Sanitizers and Computer
Keyboards. Michael Matwichuk, 9th grade, won 3rd in state for engineering, designing and
building solar panels. Andrew Burnell, 9th grade, won 1st place at Regional’s in category and 2nd
place in the overall winners at Regional’s for his design of a Chemically Powered Refrigerator.
He also won 1st in State engineering category, as well as the National Society of Professional
Engineers “Most Innovative Engineering” Award. Dan Ho, 10th grade, developed his project on
friction versus shoes – what shoes are least likely to slip on a wet tile floor. He received a White
Ribbon from State. Taylor Cramer, 9th grade, engineered magnetic bumpers, using opposing
electronic magnets to reduce impact of model cars, making crashes less severe. He received a
Red Ribbon in Physics at the State Fair.
Mr. Murdock said CHS has held a Science and Engineering Fair for 3 years and one goal was to
get to the International Science Fair. The goal has been realized. Ms. Halverson introduced
Katy McClintic as one of two representatives from Washington to the Intel International Science
and Engineering Fair in San Jose, California, this May. Katy received a Blue Ribbon at the CHS
Fair, a Blue Ribbon and Grand Champion at the Regional Fair, and a Blue Ribbon at the State
Fair, as well as second in Overall Grand Prize winners at the State Fair. At the State level, Katy
received an all-expense paid trip to participate in the Intel International Fair in San Jose,
California in May and her teacher, Kellie Halverson, will accompany her. She was awarded the
Evergreen State College Natural and Physical Science Scholarship; the Ohio Wesleyan
University Outstanding Achievement in Science Scholarship; and the American Psychological
Association Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools Certificate of Award Outstanding
Research in Psychology. Katy’s project “Working Memory Span and its Correlation to Gender,
GPA, Sleep, and Other Factors" will compete with over 2000 students from across the country
and around on the world.
The teachers congratulated all the students who participated in the fairs, saying “We are so proud
of these kids.” On behalf of the Board, Mr. Bawden congratulated the students, parents and
faculty for all their hard work.
Mr. Bawden announced Ms. Bawden and Ms. Fields were excused from the Board meeting to
study for exams. He noted last Thursday the Board held a work study on the budget, and last
Monday a Special Board meeting was held to award the bid for Carnation Elementary
Mr. Bawden noted his daughter and seventeen sports medicine students attended the Washington
Vocational Sports Medicine Association State Conference at the Great Wolf Lodge in Grand
Mound. They finished 31 out of 44 in their first showing as a team. Also they had the top two
freshman finishers in the competitions: Andrew Burnell and Kerby Callison.
Mrs. Van Noy mentioned she attended the WSSDA Board of Directors meeting on Friday and
Saturday in Seattle. Alan Burke, OSPI Deputy Superintendent, presented on Race To The Top.
Tomorrow, she will hear Bill Gates, Sr. speak on state income tax, and she will attend the
Alliance for Education breakfast. She noted the WSSDA Legislative Proposal request is due
May 24th.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 10-28: To amend the April 27, 2010 Agenda by adding Item B. Riverview Learning
Center Bid Award under OLD BUSINESS, and amending the Consent Agenda with Revised
Personnel Actions. (Bawden and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Motion 10-29: To approve the April 27, 2010 Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for April 13, 2010, and Special School
Board Meeting Minutes for April 19, 2010
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 176047 through 176184 in the amount of $149,836.68, No. 176214 in
the amount of $56.06, and direct deposits of $8,135.98; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No.
176185 through 176194 in the amount of $308,347.50; and ASB Fund Warrant No. 176195
through 176213 in the amount of $11,518.83, and No. 176215 in the amount of $2.36. Total
payroll for April 15, 2010 was $44,504.20, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 176039
through 176046 in the amount of $1,728.53, and direct deposits of $31,969.85.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
The Board noted retired teacher, Patricia Morrison, would return to substitute for Mike
Yakovich’s class for the rest of the year.
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Report
Approval of Depository Services Resolutions for Governmental Entities
King County moved their banking services from Key Bank to US Bank, requiring Riverview to
submit signature card information.
Cedarcrest High School Fields Project Bid Award
Erickson McGovern reviewed the bid tabulation for the Cedarcrest High School Fields Project
and recommended awarding the bid to the lowest bidder, CDK Construction Services.
Motion 10-30: To award the Cedarcrest High School Fields Project to CDK Construction
Services, Duvall, WA, in the amount of $3,508,000 base bid, and Alternate A-2, Football
Stadium Roof, in the amount of $441,175, for a total amount of $3,949,175. (Oviatt and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Riverview Learning Center Bid Award
Erickson McGovern reviewed the bid tabulation for the Riverview Learning Center construction,
noting the lowest bidder was CDK Construction, Duvall, Washington.
Motion 10-31: To approve Resolution 10-06 to recommend award of the General Construction
Contact for the construction of the Riverview Learning Center to the lowest bidder, CDK
Construction, in the amount of $3,817,000, plus Alternates A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, and E-1 in the
amount of $5,750, for a total contract amount of $3,822,750. (Edwards and Bawden)
Motion 10-32: To approve Resolution 10-07 certifying the construction of the Riverview
Learning Center will be completed for the purposes for which the state matching funds are
provided, as required by WAC 392-344-130. (Van Noy and Bawden) Unanimous.
Construction Update
Tim Ausink, Heery International, provided an update on the construction projects.
Carnation Elementary
Modernize the 1980 and 1989 wings with new flooring, bathroom finishes, painting, casework,
upgrade the mechanical systems to allow cooling throughout the building, re-roof the 1980 and
1989 wings, upgrade the fire alarm, extend the P.A. system to the portables.
Heery coordinated the installation of the temporary on-site classroom facilities
(portables) for classroom relocation during school remodel and the new permanent
portable purchased by the District. These facilities are complete and were occupied
following spring break.
Bid opening took place on April 15, with notice of intent to award the contract to
Northwestern Construction of Washington, Inc.
Heery is currently working to contract consultants to provide construction materials
testing and inspections.
The bid came in under budget.
Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements
Building a new baseball field, improve the softball field, increase parking capacity, improvement
of existing gravel parking area, new stormwater management systems, covered walkways at
Eagle Rock Multi-Age site, additional wetlands protection, additional bleacher seating at the
football stadium, and the addition of a roof structure over the home-side bleachers at the football
Bid opening took place on April 22. Erickson McGovern Architects recommended CDK
Construction Services to the Board.
City of Duvall is currently drafting final conditions of permit approval. Issuance of the
Building Permit is expected to take place prior to May 5, 2010.
Heery is currently working to contract consultants to provide construction materials
testing, and inspections.
The bid came in under budget.
Riverview Learning Center
Construction of new facility to house the PARADE program, the CLIP program, the alternative
high school and middle school programs, restrooms, administration offices, records keeping,
staff bathrooms and a multi-purpose room.
The project is currently under Building Permit review which is expected to be complete
in May.
As requested by the City of Carnation, the district, design team, and Heery met with two
neighbors along Bagwell Street to review the street improvements. There was no
opposition from the neighbors in attendance.
Logging of trees on-site to clear land was completed on April 20. In addition, five
additional trees deemed potentially hazardous by a third-party certified arborist were
removed as a precaution.
Bid opening took place on April 27. Erickson McGovern provided bid certification and
made a recommendation to the School Board.
Heery is currently working to contract consultants to provide construction materials
testing and inspections.
Project is forecasting to be within budget.
Construction Update, Cont.
Cherry Valley Elementary
Modernize the 1980 and 1989 wings with new flooring, bathroom finishes, painting, casework,
upgrade the mechanical systems to allow cooling throughout the building, re-roof the 1980 wing
and the gymnasium, upgrade the fire alarm and clock system, add a cafeteria and kitchen, pave
the gravel parking lot, and construct a drive-way to 3rd Avenue.
Third-party constructability review of the Construction Drawings is in progress.
One of the three temporary portables has been delivered to the school and is being
Work has commenced to relocate two existing portable classrooms from Cherry Valley to
the transportation garage near Tolt athletic fields to be used for District storage. The
relocation will take place at the completion of the school year.
A public meeting was held on April 21 in front of the City of Duvall Planning
Commission to approve the Site Plan Review. The Planning Commission granted
approval without protest. One small issue was addressed to add a traffic bump on 3rd
Street to slow traffic.
The Building Permit application was submitted to the City on March 10. The City of
Duvall provided plan review comments on April 22, to which the design team is in the
process of compiling responses.
Advertisements have been sent to the appropriate papers indicating that the bid
documents will be available for bidding as of April 28.
Heery is currently working to contract consultants to provide construction materials
testing and inspections.
The project is forecasted within budget.
Tolt Middle School Remodel
Building commissioning of the HVAC system is still in progress with some minor issues,
but expected to complete this month.
Heery is working through the City of Carnation to obtain a variance from the City’s
signage code to approve the replacement of the school reader board with a new electronic
Allied Construction submitted claims against the project in early December. Allied
provided final documentation to the district, Heery, and Erickson McGovern to finalize
the agreement and settlement, and payment was made on April 16.
Erickson McGovern is donating a new Thunderbird steel sign to be mounted on the Tolt
gym. Repainting of the lettering will be done when the sign is mounted.
M&O Supplemental Levy
Motion 10-33: To authorize the superintendent to proceed with the process for running a
Supplemental four-year Educational Programs Maintenance and Operations Levy on August 17,
2010, in the amount of $1,130,000 at an estimated tax rate of 38 cents per $1,000 assessed
valuation in 2011; $1,170,000 at an estimated tax rate of 38 cents in 2012; $990,000 at an
estimated tax rate of 31 cents in 2013; and $950,000 at an estimated tax rate of 30 cents in 2014,
and to authorize participation in the Local Voters’ Pamphlet. (Bawden and Oviatt) Discussion
followed on the pros and cons of an August or November election. Unanimous.
M&O Supplemental Levy, Cont.
Mr. Robertson reminded the Board that this temporary levy would help restore one all-day
kindergarten session, classroom textbooks, and continue to maintain teachers that the legislature
eliminated funding.
2010-2011 Budget Development
Mr. Robertson reviewed previously presented budget information and reiterated the 2010-2011
budget deficit is $1,014,000. In order to balance the budget, the following will have to be
Use Ending Fund Balance
(retain teachers despite the legislature
eliminating I-728 funding)
Reduce Special Education Expenditures
Reduce 3.0 FTE Certificated Staff
(1.0 FTE one-year position, 2.0 FTE are
due to less need and the loss of I-728 funds)
Eliminate Purchasing Textbook Series
Remaining Deficit
$ 19,000
The reduction of 3.0 FTE certificated staff has been adjusted through attrition as 1 FTE was a
one-year only position that ended and 1 FTE was, unfortunately, a death in our school family.
There remains 1 FTE that will either have to be a reduction in force or a resignation/retirement of
a certificated staff member.
Mr. Bawden spoke for the Board in saying the Board understands with the current budget deficit
projections that we may have to have a reduction in force for 1 FTE position if no one resigns or
retires. The Board regrets that this is the situation. Mr. Robertson added we are not looking at
sending RIF notices to all our provisional employees as many districts do.
Mr. Robertson reminded the Board this scenario doesn’t contain funds for REA contract
negotiations this year.
Strategic Plan Status Update
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1E: Evaluate and improve district programs.
Task 3: Report on the evaluation results and provide recommendations for future
improvement of the ELL program. Dr. Ken Heikkila presented an update on the English
Language Learner (ELL) Program. A review of the ELL program was completed in
March 2009 with five focus areas identified to address in a multi-year plan: 1) define role
of ELL Specialist; 2) separate elementary and secondary program structures; 3) provide
professional development for all staff; 4) instruction linked to ongoing progress
monitoring; and 5) coaching model at each school site.
Strategic Plan Status Update, Cont.
Present work being done:
1) Developing a revised role for the ELL Specialist
ELL Specialist is now working directly with the teachers who work with the
students on a daily basis. Previous ELL program was a pull-out model working
with individual students generally one time per week with little or no connection
with the general education classroom teachers.
ELL Specialist is also conducting team meetings with multiple teachers for an
identified student to specifically identify language learning goals. This team
meeting process is currently being refined at Tolt Middle School.
ELL Specialist follows up with teachers to assist with the targeted goals for
identified ELL students.
2) Professional Learning Communities are meeting at both the elementary and secondary
Elementary focus: One student from each elementary identified as ELL has been
the focus of study throughout the year.
Secondary focus: The secondary team has four members of Tolt and CHS staff
assisting in the development of practices that will enhance the learning for
identified ELL students.
Future work to be done:
Instructional focus will be targeted to a much greater degree through the
refinements to the consultation model (elementary) and team meeting process
Summer 2010, first general education staff will be enrolled in GLAD (Guided
Language Acquisition Design) training. This is a best-practice classroom model.
Progress monitoring of English language acquisition will be in place for identified
Each school will have daily on-site expertise from at least one staff member
knowledgeable about best practices in Ell support and instruction.
Task 4: Complete a philosophy statement for honors/highly capable program. Dr. Smith
felt that the Honors/Academically Talented Committee will have to work on a philosophy
statement. Some samples might be: Do we cluster in 6/7th grade Language Arts or have
continuous program of Honors Language Arts; or Do we need entry and exiting criteria
for PAT program for placing kids, etc. He noted Cedarcrest High School is adding two
AP classes next year: AP Art and AP U.S. History.
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective B: Implement the District’s Communications Plan.
Task 2: Share results of communication audit and provide written recommendations. Dr.
Smith reported he is working with an employee in Northshore School District for a 1-1/2
day evaluation process of our communications plan, prior to the end of the school year.
Objective C: Develop and implement a Parent and Community Relations program.
Task 2: Study possible options for consistent training in customer service models for all
staff. Dr. Smith and Mr. Pflugrath are working with Dave Mrocek.
Strategic Plan Status Update, Cont.
Dr. Smith mentioned the Strategic Plan update is coming together, as there may be some
monumental changes after the Community Forum. A final draft will be presented to Mike Vidos
to review and then emailed to the Board. The plan will be presented at the June 22nd Board
meeting for approval.
In regards to a district data dashboard, Dr. Smith is working with Greg Lobdell of the Center for
Educational Effectiveness. Mr. Lobdell suggested that the Board consider “what are the
important indicators” for Riverview. Dr. Smith thought a work study with Mr. Lobdell would be
Race to the Top
The Board agreed to move this topic to the next Board Meeting Agenda. They also agreed to
hold a Work Study on May 6th at 5:30 PM in the District Office Conference Room B on this
subject, inviting a principal, the REA President, and Dr. Smith to join them.
First Reading, Revised Policy 6220, Bid Requirements
A minor change in the law for small works projects changed the wording.
Motion 10-34: To approve Revised Policy 6220 for first reading. (Edwards and Van Noy)
Student Representative Report
This topic will be moved to the next Board Meeting Agenda as no student representatives were
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson thanked the Board for the birthday cake and gift card presented at last Thursday’s
Work Study.
He thanked Carol Van Noy for organizing the School Directors, Directors of Finance and
Superintendents’ meeting on April 21st at the ESD to further discuss running supplemental
levies. This levy would provide an opportunity for local school districts to replace a portion of
the funding eliminated by the legislature during the past sessions.
On April 19th, Mr. Adamo and Mr. Robertson participated in the OSPI video conference on the
2010 Legislative Session. The result of the 2010 legislative session is a revenue reduction of
$526,000 to Riverview for the 2010-2011 years. This follows a $1,074,898 revenue reduction by
the legislature for this year 2009-10.
Mr. Robertson mentioned how pleased he was with the bid openings.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the April 27, 2010 School Board
Meeting at 9:27 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.