Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 23, 2010
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance, led by Stillwater Elementary first grade students from Ms. Carlson’s class.
Mr. Bawden, Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Ms. Fields
Mr. Edwards
Cathy Carlson’s 1 st
Grade class presented information and science demonstrations on magnets.
Presenting were Cassidy Wright, Rachel Garat, Ben May, Jackie Arriaga-Torres, Trace
Crossland, Jacqueline Taylor, and Sidra Griffin. The Board thanked the students, parents and staff for the presentation.
Mr. Bawden announced Mr. Edwards was excused from the meeting as he was not feeling well.
The Strategic Plan Community Forum is Saturday from 9:00-12:00 PM at Tolt Middle School and the Riverview Education Foundation Auction is that same night at 6:00 PM. Three Board members will be attending a workshop at the ESD on Wednesday, March 31 st
from 4:30-6:30
PM. All five School Board members will be attending the National School Board Association
Conference in Chicago from April 9-12.
Mr. Bawden shared two articles from the Woodinville Weekly; one was about important dates for Northshore School District’s budget development, and the other was a Letter to the Editor about Northshore’s budget priorities from a citizen.
Mr. Bawden noted King County announced they received grant money from the federal
Communities Putting Prevention to Work Initiative to address obesity and tobacco use. Mr.
Robertson mentioned the district provided a letter of support to King County Public Health for the grant and that Dr. Heikkila is researching how to apply for funds.
Mrs. Van Noy said Seattle School District Director, Peter Maier, is setting up a meeting for directors and superintendents on legislative issues. K&L Gates will host the meeting on April 7 from 12:00-1:30 PM. Mr. Maier wants to discuss running the supplemental levy dollars in
August or November, coordinating the dates for districts to support each other.
Mrs. Van Noy reported that Superintendent Robertson was selected as Duvall Hero of the Week by Valley Voice.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 10-17: To amend the March 23, 2010 Agenda by moving New Business before Old
Business to accommodate speakers; and to amend the Consent Agenda, Regular School Board
Meeting Minutes for March 9, 2010, and Personnel Actions to reflect current changes. (Van
Noy and Bawden) Unanimous.
Motion 10-18 : To approve the March 23, 2010 Consent Agenda as amended. (Bawden and
Oviatt) Discussion followed.
Motion 10-19 : To change the wording in the Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for March
9, 2010 under Communications to read “School districts the size of Riverview and Snoqualmie
Valley could be affected by this.” (Pflugrath and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Motion 10-18 : Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for March 9, 2010, as amended
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 175392 through 175528 in the amount of $156,278.91, and direct deposits of $5,497.04; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 175529 through 175554 in the amount of $545,418.22; ASB Fund Warrant No. 175555 through 175572 in the amount of $18,311.94; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 175573 in the amount of $20.00. Total payroll for
March 15, 2010 was $21,073.79, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 175575 through
175580 in the amount of $1042.97, and direct deposits of $16,069.26.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Report
Acceptance and Implementation of the Riverview Learning Center Constructability Review
Acceptance and Implementation of the Carnation Elementary School Constructability Review
Math Adoption
Dr. Smith explained the purpose of this presentation is to ask the Board for approval of the K-12
Math curriculum, including Math Expressions at the elementary level, Math Connects at the middle school level, and Holt Mathematics at the high school level. Also, he mentioned he wanted the board to know and approve the fact that we need to use different material for our alternative programs, including PAT, PARADE, CLIP and ERMA. This is the third year of a four-year process. We had a Review Visioning Committee that met the first year to give recommendations to the Math Adoption Committee and about half of that committee went on to the Adoption Committee. We looked at the state recommended list, and all the materials we are adopting are from the state approved list. Rather than piloting several different curricula, we settled on the three curricula and field tested them. We looked for a balance of procedural and conceptual math applications, but this definitely represents a change in district philosophy from conceptual to leaning more towards the procedural. All three curricula have technology tools embedded for student, teacher and parent use.
Jenny Mickelson, Cherry Valley Primary teacher, and Hannah Tobin, Stillwater Intermediate teacher, presented about Math Expressions. The K-5 curriculum spirals and masters towards state expectations at each grade level. One teacher per grade level at each school has been doing field testing this year. This is the best fit for Riverview with strong connections to state standards, home to school connections, and lots of student engagement. Teachers that field tested the curriculum this year will support other teachers in the fall.
Janet Laverne, Tolt Middle School Math Teacher, presented on Math Connects. This curriculum was ranked in the top three by the state, and we wanted something to transition into and from middle school, but yet a little bit different. All five math teachers at Tolt field tested Math
Connects. The amount of materials and teacher resources is overwhelming, and we’ll need to look at what will be most useful. Transition from elementary math is going to be a little difficult because the language is more formal. There are plenty of examples, textbook on line, and progress checks to help students. Honors classes will still be available with this curriculum.
Dr. Smith spoke for the high school staff, David McLaughlin and Bobbie Simoni, who had school-related conflicts tonight. Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 represents a departure from the past Integrated Math. This new curriculum is designed to prepare students for beyond high school education. Our Committee agreed with the State Board that Discovering Mathematics had too many holes in it. As far as advanced math curriculum, Pre-Calc and AP Calc are separate textbooks with two different publishers, and the high school will hold off for another year before their adoption. The goal is to have every student Algebra 1 ready by 9 th
grade. Dr. Smith applauded the Committee members and teachers that field tested the curriculum this year.
Motion 10-20 : To approve the adoption of Math Expressions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt;
Math Connects, McGraw-Hill; and Holt Math, Holt McDougal. (Van Noy and Oviatt)
Mr. Bawden recessed the Board Meeting at 8:07 PM for a 5-minute break to review the math materials. He called the meeting back to order at 8:15 PM.
3-Year RSD Technology Plan
Paul Censullo presented the next 3-year Technology Plan, explaining it is a requirement for Title
II D and E-Rate Eligibility, which gives us a discount on circuits. The Plan has three goals: 1) improving 8 th
grade student tech literacy; 2) improving teacher integration of technology; and 3) technology proficiencies of administrators, teachers and teacher-librarians. The Plan addresses district standards for hardware and software, operational technology budget, maintenance and support, technology plan review and update, and an annual on-line technology survey.
Motion 10-21: To approve the 3-Year Technology Plan as presented. (Van Noy and Pflugrath)
Student Representative Report
The Board agreed to move the Student Representative Report up in the agenda to accommodate the late hour for the students. Courtney Fields reported as follows:
The bulletin board outside of Mrs. Bosshart’s room has been finished and now students have a place to look at the calendar to stay aware of everything that is coming up, as well as folders where than can place their suggestions.
Mr. CHS contestants have been established and an assembly is being coordinated for sometime in the beginning of April.
KCLS came in and asked for student opinions on what we would like to see in the design for the new Duvall Library including giving input on what kind of furniture they should use, different spaces to study, and overall designs. The plan looks great for students.
FFA : Eight members are headed to the district competition tomorrow, March 24 th
and 10 th
. The floral design team is preparing for state on April 9 fair is coming up on April 14 th th
. Judging for the Puyallup
. Plants are growing well for the May 1 st
plant sale, and horticulture students just planted the second batch of lettuce and are hoping to harvest by the end of April.
DECA : The Teddy Bear Drive was a success, and the bears are going to be taken to
Seattle Children’s Hospital on Wednesday. Four DECA members will be moving on to the International Career Development Conference: Taylor Fields, Connor Clancy, Tyler
Nesbitt, and Alyssa Johnson. For the month of April, DECA is planning a barbeque, laser tag event with TSA, and selling car wash tickets. At the end of the year, they will be helping out again with the annual Duvall Car Show at Safeway.
Student Representative Report, Cont.
FBLA: Jessica Peck (a senior) has competed at State three times and also been to the national competition. This year she placed in three different events at the regional competition and will again be competing at State.
NHS: National Honor Society just finished Pennies for Patients similar to what was done for Haiti Relief. The funds will be donated to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of
America. Next week they will be doing a bake sale for the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and members are being taught how to purchase the Mariner’s tickets for the game where a percent of the proceeds will be donated to the CCFA. On April 3 rd
there is an Easter egg hunt for kids at the Memorial Park in Carnation where members can volunteer. Earth week is coming up, so members are brainstorming ideas for how to get involved.
Glynis Bawden continued the report:
TSA: State is this Saturday, the 27 th
. Lots of members are going!
A food drive is being organized and it’s going to be huge. Everyone in the health classes and people throughout the school are working on health goals, and RAK got their very cool t-shirts. They are still “busting” people for being kind and having meetings about once a month.
SPORTS: Spring sports are just getting started with games.
Track: Last week’s home meet was a success with many Cedarcrest athletes placing first in their races. There is another meet this Thursday at Kings which will finalize which athletes go to Saturday’s Holder Relays.
Baseball: Both varsity and JV had games yesterday, the C-team had a game today at
McDonald Park and both JV and varsity have games tomorrow. Varsity has won every game so far.
Yesterday’s game was cancelled and the varsity game moved to today.
Boys’ Soccer:
Home game today against Sultan, next game is Thursday against South
Whidbey (also at home).
Today the boys’ team competed at Sultan’s Blue Boy golf course and the girls competed at Carnation golf course.
Drill: State competition this Saturday at the Sun Dome in Yakima
Glo-lo Tolo Dance was a success! Everyone enjoyed the theme and music, and the school looked fantastic.
The drama department’s Guys and Dolls production is in the rehearsal stage and the first show is April 23.
Construction Update
Sean Ryan, Heery International, provided an update on the construction projects.
Construction Update, Cont.
Carnation Elementary
The City of Carnation issued the building permit on March 1, 2010.
Advertisements were sent out to the Seattle Times and The Daily Journal of Commerce indicating that the documents were available for bidding as of March 22, 2010. Bid opening is scheduled for April 15, 2010.
Heery is coordinating the installation of the temporary on-site classroom facilities during the remodel. These facilities are on track to be completed and operational by the April
Spring Break.
Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements
A meeting was held on March 1, 2010 with the School District, Heery, and the design team to submit final design drawings of the over sized storm water detention pond and dispersal trench for the City of Duvall’s approval. The City agreed with the design parameters and is currently reviewing the documents for permit issuance.
Cherry Valley Elementary
The building permit application was submitted to the City of Duvall on March 10, 2010.
Plan review comments from the Fire Marshal were provided to Erickson McGovern.
Third-party constructability review of the Construction Drawings is in progress.
Riverview Learning Center
Third party constructability review of the Construction Documents has been completed.
The design team has reviewed the comments provided and submitted their responses.
The City of Carnation has requested that the design team meet on March 25, 2010, with the neighbors along 50 th
Street to review the street improvements. The City has agreed not to change the name of 50 th
Street to Bagwell, saving the district a lot of money.
Tolt Middle School Remodel
Allied Construction is to provide final documentation to the District, Heery, and Erickson
McGovern to finalize the agreement and settlement.
Allied is still finishing punch list items.
Once final acceptance is approved by the Board, then there will be a 45-day wait before the release of the retainage to Allied.
2010-2011 Budget Development
Mr. Robertson recapped this year’s budget:
Last year, legislative cuts in I-728 funds, Math Science funds, and State transportation revenue totaled $1,074,898.
The Ending Fund Balance (EFB) is projected to be 7.29%.
$250,000 of EFB was used to balance the 2009-10 budget and retain teaching staff (20 teachers), despite the legislature cuts.
With revenue changes during the school year, the EFB was further reduced by $141,000.
Utilities and substitute costs have exceeded budgeted amounts.
2010-2011 Budget Development, Cont.
He shared information on the 2010-2011 Budget:
Revenue Increases:
We anticipate enrollment increase of 49 FTE students compared to the 2009-10 budgeted enrollment. Revised enrollment projections will be compiled following April and May counts.
Additional funding of $274,000 due to February Maintenance & Operations Levy passing.
Projected Loss of Revenue from Legislative Sessions to date:
Eliminate Highly Capable
Eliminate K-4 Ratio
-$ 27,000
- 423,000
Eliminate Remaining I-728 - 394,000
Levy fund formula revised with Governor - 104,000 by 2%, House reinstates to 4%, Senate reduces to 1%.
District Financial Changes:
Decrease in Transportation allocation -$333,000
Decrease of 18.75 FTE Special Education - 95,000
Increased expenses in utilities and substitutes ?
Possible Add of 1.0 FTE due to TMS enrollment ?
? Curriculum & Math textbook purchases
Budget Parameters:
Maintain minimum of 5% Ending Fund Balance
Use some ending fund balance to save some staff positions eliminated by Legislature reductions
Based on projected FTE enrollment to date
Overall deficit (depending on final budget reduction by the Legislature)
Deficit -$1,345,000
Possible use of EFB (+400,000) -$ 945,000
House Version (+527,000) -$ 418,000
This scenario doesn’t contain funds for REA contract negotiations which began yesterday.
Supplemental Levy Election
The Legislature has approved school districts’ to go back to taxpayers for an additional 4% supplemental levy to partially replace funding eliminated by the legislature. This would increase our Levy Lid from 24.7% to 28.7%. As an example, there are school districts currently at 32% and they would increase to 36%. The possible election dates are August 17 and November 2,
2010. If the Board decides to go to the voters, Riverview could collect approximately $499,000 additional funds for the 2010-11 school year. The full amount ($948,000) could be collected during the 2011-12 school year and possibly restore some of the budget reductions from 2010-
11. This is a temporary supplemental levy that would enhance the recently approved
Educational Program Maintenance and Operation Levy passed in February.
2010-2011 Budget Development, Cont.
A lot of school districts won’t be able to use the supplemental levy as they had already built in extra capacity in their February levies. It has been the practice of Riverview School District to always be fair and reasonable in our levy formula.
Some of the challenges for the future 2011-2012 budget include the continuation of the Federal
Stimulus Funding; State Revenue picture changing for better or worse; costs of opening the
Riverview Learning Center; and possibly no Ending Fund Balance available to help offset staffing previously eliminated by the legislature.
Strategic Plan Status Update
Dr. Smith will update the Objective and Tasks.
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1B: Improve State assessment scores in reading, writing, and math to meet or exceed
80% of students meeting standard with 60% of students meeting or exceeding standard in science by 2010.
Task 6: Define comparable districts (Local and National) to benchmark for student learning. This is still ongoing as we work with the Center for Educational Effectiveness.
Objective 1C: Increase student performance in the arts, social studies, health/fitness, career and technical education, and world language as measured by classroom-based assessments.
Task 1: Create final plan for implementation of classroom-based assessments in the areas of social studies, health/fitness, the arts, and world language. This is completed and ready to be approved by the administrators before going out to staff.
Objective 1D: Implement Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
Task 3: Monitor and report progress of PLCs. PLCs continue to grow. We’ll be putting together a cheat sheet for PLCs to use, for example, PLC must be data driven.
Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the improvement of student learning.
Objective 2D: Develop and implement an annual district policy review process.
Task 3: Conduct review. Mr. Robertson reported that the review of the 1000 Series has been finished. A list of policies to be revised, eliminated or added will be presented to the Board in May. As part of the protocol, the School Board should also read the policies and comment on any concerns.
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning.
Objective 3B: Implement the District’s Communication Plan.
Task 2: Share results of communication audit and provide written recommendations.
The district is in the process of negotiations with the Director of Communications from
Northshore to provide the audit.
Strategic Plan Status Update, Cont.
Task 3: Complete an analysis of effective electronic communication systems that districts use to communicate with parent and community stakeholders. Dr. Smith and
Leanne Christensen will be meeting for a half day on this. The next step will be for the district to have electronic communications with the public at large.
Legislative Report
Due to Mr. Edwards' absence, there was no report.
Superintendent Report
On March 15 th
Bill Adamo and I attended a meeting with the City of Carnation staff, assistant fire marshal and head of the Carnation Post Office for the purpose of addressing the future Riverview Learning Center and the District Office. The concern was the District
Office address has been on 50 th
Street along side the future site for the RLC. The present gravel street is actually Bagwell Street. Our concern was the potential expense in changing our address to Bagwell with legal documents, contracts, payroll, vendors, etc. It was agreed upon that is was appropriate to change the one block of Bagwell to 50 th
Street since it contacts with 50 th
Street to the east. The rest of Bagwell Street is actually on the west side of
Highway 203. The Riverview Learning Center will also have a 50 th
Street address. I will also attend a March 25th meeting with the City of Carnation and the neighbors on Bagwell
Street (50 th
Street) to discuss street improvements which will occur with the construction of the Riverview Learning Center.
On Friday, March 19 th
I participated in a board meeting for the Washington Network for
Innovative Careers (WaNIC) along with the superintendents from Bellevue, Issaquah, Lake
Washington, Mercer Island, Northshore, and Snoqualmie Valley. WaNIC was established to provide advanced-level Career and Technical Education programs based on rigorous academic and industry standards preparing students for post-secondary education and successful entry into high-skill, high-demand careers and employment. Enclosed is a brochure on the WaNIC course offerings. Earlier this school year I attended the groundbreaking ceremony at Lake Washington Technical College for the new building to be shared by WaNIC and Lake Washington Technical College. Mr. Robertson passed out a brochure for WaNIC courses in 2010-2011.
The Riverview School District Strategic Planning Community Forum will be held on
Saturday, March 27 th
from 8:15 AM to 12:00 noon at the Tolt Middle School Multipurpose
Room. Attached is an agenda for the event.
The Riverview Education Foundation is hosting their annual dinner and auction on Saturday,
March 27 th
at the Columbia Winery. This is the REF’s major fund raiser which greatly benefits the students in the Riverview School District.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the March 23, 2010 Board meeting at
9:50 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.