Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
January 26, 2010
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance, led by Erin Lemons, Eagle Rock ASB President.
Mr. Bawden, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Mrs. Van Noy arrived at 7:55 PM.
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Ms. Fields
Mrs. Judy Harris, Program Principal, introduced teacher Deborah Edwards and students from all
three ERMA classes. As part of their Health and Wellness program, the students presented a skit
about “Germ Busters.” The students were Michael Tiffany, Jenny Martin, Emma Spani, Alice
Ish, Brielle LeBlanc, Eileen Babcock, Riley Bryant, Griffin LeBlanc, Emma Chaffin and Trail
Sammarco. Mrs. Edwards shared slides of the students’ project on growing germs in a petri dish
from playground equipment they swabbed. At the end, the students quizzed Board Members on
health and wellness. Parents who helped were Cami LeBlanc, Pam Martin, Michelle Wolf, and
Christianne Flynt. The Board thanked the students, staff and parents for the informative and fun
Mr. Bawden noted the importance of discussing the district’s budget with the legislators. He
mentioned the Board will have a Work Study on February 7th at the WSSDA Legislative
Conference to prepare for their meeting with the legislators. As a reminder, the Board, Student
Representatives and Superintendent will be attended the WSSDA Legislative Conference in
Olympia on February 7th and 8th.
Mr. Bawden attended Senior Projects last Friday and was impressed with the civic service-based
Ms. Oviatt also enjoyed her five Senior Projects presentations, including one on Hopelink. She
mentioned that Mr. Edwards and she would be attending the WSSDA Leadership Program this
year, which begins in March.
Mr. Pflugrath noted he was also very impressed with the Senior Projects he heard.
Mr. Robertson, too, was very complimentary of the Senior Project presentations, noting two of
the five were near perfect presentations. He passed out certificates to the Board for School
Board Appreciation Month, thanking them for their outstanding service to the community. He
truly appreciates their commitment, professionalism, and the endless hours spent making
Riverview the best it can be.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 10-03: To amend the Consent Agenda by adding Item I. Approval of Resolution No.
10-01, Racial Imbalance, as part of the State Match D-Form process. (Bawden and Edwards)
Hearing of Public
Pam Werner and Sue Davenport represented the Riverview PTSAs in thanking the School Board.
Ms. Davenport thanked the Board and read her favorite quote from Forest E. Witcraft, “A
hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived
in, or the kind of car I drove…but the world may be different because I was important in the life
of a child.” Mrs. Werner read a quote from John Wooden, “It’s amazing how much can be
accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit.” Thank you for you for the endless hours
spent in saving taxpayer’s dollars, keeping our boundaries, lobbying our legislators, and
agonizing over what to put in a levy or a bond, while always thinking of what’s best for our kids.
Mr. Bawden thanked the PTSA parents and officers for all their work too.
Mr. Bawden recessed the Board meeting at 7:30 PM for a five-minute break to thank the PTSAs
and share some refreshments. Mr. Bawden called the meeting back to order at 7:35 PM.
Motion 10-04: To approve the January 26, 2010 Consent Agenda as amended. (Oviatt and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for January 12, 2009 and Board work Study
Minutes for January 12, 2010
Approval of Warrants (Appendix B)
General Fund Warrant No. 174713 in the amount of $3,627.71, No. 174716 through 174785 in
the amount of $87,630.19, and direct deposits of $1,332.19; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No.
174714 in the amount of $1,270.11, and No. 174786 through 174792 in the amount of
$109,301.34; ASB Fund Warrant No. 174715 in the amount of $631.09 and No. 174793 through
174794 in the amount of $94.67. Total payroll for January 15, 2010 was $32,533.04, which
includes General Fund Warrant No. 174795 through 174796 in the amount of $192.40, and direct
deposits of $24,512.20.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Report (November and December)
Approval of Donations
The Board thanked RHYTHM for their donation to Cedarcrest High School for band competition
Approval of Superintendent Employment Contract Extension
Mr. Bawden noted that Mr. Robertson’s contract was extended to June 2013.
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Conrad Robertson to AASA Conference in Phoenix
Approval of Resolution 10-01, Racial Imbalance
Riverview Education Foundation Grant
Kathy Klein, Grant Administrator of the Riverview Education Foundation, presented a check in
the amount of $34,874.48 for thirty grant awards to Riverview staff. The Foundation is
appreciative of the strong community support allowing REF to provide grants. Ms. Klein
mentioned the two fundraisers this year: the REF Auction on March 27 at the Columbia Winery
and the REF “Run Duvall” during Duvall Days. Registration is available on-line. Other officers
attending this evening were Laura Knox, Maria Mahowald, Sue Davenport, Jack Bradley, Robyn
Vergillo, Jeremy Robkin, and Rob Tiffany.
Motion 10-05: To approve the 30 REF Grants awarded to staff in the total amount of
$34,874.48. (Pflugrath and Bawden) Unanimous.
Construction Update
Sean Ryan from Heery updated the Construction Projects.
Carnation Elementary
Construction drawings are currently 85-90% complete.
Erickson McGovern submitted drawings for building permit review in early December.
The City of Carnation has already provided review comments and Erickson McGovern is
Heery is coordinating the installation of temporary on-site classroom facilities during
school remodel. These facilities are expected to be completed and operational by the
April spring break.
Construction Update, Cont.
Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements
The City of Duvall indicated late December/early January that in order to allow the
dispersal trench, the project would need to oversize the storm water detention pond in
order to meet the City’s requirements for flow rates out of the pond. The design team
submitted the revised design analysis to the City on January 14, 2010, for their review.
Based on a follow-up conference call with the design team, the City appears to be in
favor of the latest design and Erickson McGovern and AHBL are developing the final
documents for submittal.
Cedarcrest High School Remodel
CDK Construction is nearing completion on the remodel of the FBLA student store.
Riverview Learning Center
Construction document development has been completed.
The City of Carnation has indicated that the site plan was approved on January 26.
The design team can submit for building permit review.
Tolt Middle School Remodel
Testing of building mechanical systems are nearing completion for optimal performance
in the commission process. Only approximately 3 items remain to be completed.
Allied Construction submitted claims against the project in early December. Heery and
Erickson McGovern have reviewed the documents submitted and have discussed their
findings with the district. Erickson McGovern is acting as point contact with Allied to
discuss finalizing the claims.
Cherry Valley Elementary
Construction drawings and the construction phasing plan are about 95% complete.
The design team has submitted drawings for site approval and responding to review
comments from the City.
Heery is coordinating the installation of the temporary on-site classroom facilities during
school remodel. These facilities are expected to be completed and operational shortly
after the completion of the school year.
Board Member, Mrs. Van Noy, arrived at 7:55 PM.
Elementary School Improvement Plans
Carnation Elementary, Stillwater Elementary, Cherry Valley Elementary, and Eagle Rock MultiAge Program presented their School Improvement Plans.
Elementary School Improvement Plans, Cont.
Eagle Rock Multi-Age Program
Judy Harris, Program Principal, reported last year’s WASL results were stellar, with 100% of 3rd
grade students meeting standard in reading and math, 90% of 4th grade students passed in reading
and math, and 88% in writing. The 5th grade science scores showed improvement but were still
lower than expected. The challenge will be to maintain the high numbers, while improving in
Writing Conventions, in Math Probability and Data, and in Science. Another challenge this year
is we accepted eight students who have never taken a standardized test before. MAP online will
be their first test and we need to make sure these students are test prepared as well as knowledge
prepared. Science also presents a challenge; however, we are working hard with staff training,
getting more hands-on materials, and finding integration between science and math.
Cherry Valley Elementary
Darcy Becker, Principal, shared their goal in Reading, Writing, Math, and the Arts was 80% of
students meeting standard. We are experiencing a steady progress towards meeting this goal with
85.9% of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students meeting standards in Reading, 74.5% in Math, 81.6% in
4th grade Writing, and 72.6% in 5th grade Science. We are in the process of writing a new threeyear improvement plan. She shared information about the “Learning Room” which currently
serves struggling students from kindergarten through fifth grade in reading and math. Mrs.
Becker credited Lisa Powers, Title I Coordinator, for turning the former “Reading Room” into a
Learning Room for all grades. Dr. Smith added Cherry Valley is one of 14 schools in the state to
receive the School of Distinction and the Great Schools award twice over the last three years.
Stillwater Elementary School
Amy Wright, Principal, reported Stillwater students met improvement goals in Reading at 4th and
5th grade, Math at 3rd and 4th grade, and were close to meeting goals in Writing; however,
Science needs work. The Learning Improvement Team (LIT) will be looking at science
standards; integrating writing resources and implementing them in the writing process; using the
detailed data in Math from the MAP testing; and following a Reading Action Plan using the
DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) assessment and WASL data. Grade
level teams take the reading data and make collaborative decisions for kids as far as
interventions. They look at the problem, analyze why, and determine what they’re going to do as
a grade-level team. Volunteer tutors, trained specifically in intervention strategies, meet once a
week with students. Mrs. Wright said their goal for next year is to take the math data and do
something very similar to the reading plan. Dr. Smith spent significant time at Stillwater, and
the two words he used to describe Stillwater’s program were energy and continuity.
Carnation Elementary School
Doug Poage, Principal, said their focus needs to be in the area of Math, while making good
progress in Reading, Writing and Science. Their target is the struggling learners, which are
predominately Hispanic. In September, Katie Haack was hired with support of TAP funds, to
focus on the struggling 5th graders who did not meet the WASL Standard in Math as 4th graders.
A plan was developed to use Stimulus Funds for Title I to provide additional bilingual support by
hiring an Educational Assistant to work on Fridays with students, parents and staff; an additional
Education Assistant for kindergarten struggling students; and hiring two parent volunteers to
Elementary School Improvement Plans, Cont.
Carnation Elementary School, Cont.
help support students during math times for 1st and 2nd graders. Former PAT students also come
from Tolt to tutor students. He shared ideas for next year’s use of the remaining Stimulus Funds.
Dr. Smith appreciated Doug’s commitment to incorporate arts throughout, showing results in
Reading and Science.
Student Representative Report (moved up in the agenda due to the late hour)
Courtney Fields reported on:
 All classes are working on designing a Facebook page to make communicating with their
classmates easier and more effective.
 A suggestion box is going to be put in the main office at CHS for students to let their officers
know of any ideas they have. This is part of a plan put in action to increase student voice and
let students have more input in school decisions.
 The bulletin board outside of Mrs. Bosshart’s room is going to be decorated next week so
that each class will have a place to post upcoming events.
 FFA: During Duvall’s Random Acts of Kindness Week, FFA planted primroses in planters
around town. Member Amanda Mattingly placed in Job Interview competition, so she moves
on to state. Tomorrow, the FFA sales team competes in Arlington, and 12 FFA members are
headed to the WSU Country Living Expo on Saturday.
 DECA: The officers are working on a Teddy Bear Drive for next week for Seattle Children’s
Hospital. They are also having a fun officer-night-out this Saturday where they will be going
bowling. About 25 members recently attended the Area 3 DECA competition. Four students
qualified for state this year: Taylor Fields, Connor Clancy, Alyssa Johnson, and Tyler
Nesbitt. Lauren Houk also placed first in one of her Role Plays. There are also a few other
students who will be competing at State in events that begin at the state level.
 FBLA: The FBLA Winter Conference is coming up on February 10th, so members are busy
preparing for competitions. Members are still working at the Growling Grounds espresso
booth, remodeling their student store, and selling River Current subscriptions.
 NHS: National Honor Society is continuing their Haiti Relief Fund where they have been
setting up jars at lunch for students to donate. At this point they have raised a couple hundred
dollars. The middle school recently did a community service project for the Puerta Abierta
Foundation in which they put together care kits to send to South America. Once they finished
this project, they sent the idea to the high school and they are now looking into doing the
same event. Foodball was a huge success, and students continue to work toward their 30
hours of community service. The officers are also working on planning the end of the year
celebration for all of the members.
 ConnectedEDU: Half-Day Friday classes for ConnectedEDU continue and the students are
still working on perfecting their projects and working on their presentation.
Student Representative Report, Cont.
TSA: They currently have 72 members, making them the largest organization at Cedarcrest
and the second largest chapter in all of Washington. They also have about 23 students
participating in TSA at the middle school. Currently, they are preparing for their state
competition. They have also been doing multiple fundraisers such as Carnations for a Cure
where they sold carnations during lunches to raise money for cancer research.
RAK: They are still “busting” people for being kind and having meetings about once a
month. They will be taking their club photo this week and are starting to sell the RAK purple
T-Shirts. They did a coat drive in December which was a huge success. They received
hundreds of coats and warm clothes.
Glynis Bawden continued the report:
 Wrestling: The boys are currently first in league. Just last week they had a great win against
Archbishop Murphy High School with a score of 59-19. So far in their season they have won
two tournaments and have had almost their entire lineup place at each one.
 Girls’ Basketball: The girls have had a couple of losses lately, but they are still 3rd in league.
They play Lakewood away tonight, with 3 home games left.
 Boys’ Basketball: The boys’ basketball team is 3rd in the league behind Kings and
Coupeville. They currently have 5 wins and 2 losses under their belts and have 3 players that
are in the top 12 scorers in the league. Daniel Campbell just recently broke 2 Cedarcrest
records, scoring 41 points and sinking the most 3 pointers in one game.
 This Thursday at the wrestling match, and Friday at the girls’ basketball game, donations will
be collected for Coaches vs. Cancer.
 First semester senior project is over. Students presented on Friday and are incredibly relieved
to have one more thing off of their plates.
 February 18th is the annual Talent Show & Competition put on by the Music Department.
Strategic Plan Status Update
Dr. Smith and Dr. Heikkila reported on the Strategic Plan Tasks.
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1A: Increase the personalization of student learning by implementing a non-evaluative
Student Learning Protocol and providing staff development specific to learning targets.
Task 2: Develop a five-year plan to increase the personalization of student learning,
district-wide. Plan should be based on research and include Student Learning Protocol
and Learning Targets. Dr. Smith explained we are in year three of the plan. He provided
the Plan to the Board last year. Last summer, all teachers were trained on the LID Day
on Student Learning Protocols.
Strategic Plan Status Update, Cont.
Objective 1D: Implement Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
Task 2: Provide coaching support for principals and teachers engaged in PLCs. Dr.
Smith reported this is ongoing at the building principal level and district level at Ad
Council meetings. Elementary and Secondary PLCs will be split with elementary
principals working on learning targets and secondary principals working on Math MAP
data by getting inside student numbers and disaggregating data. The MAP people will
also come to an Ad Council meeting and do a webinar.
Objective 1E: Evaluate and improve district programs.
Task 1: Provide plan for two-year evaluation process for honors/highly capable student
program. Dr. Smith reported he will seek outside help with a plan.
Task 2: Report on the progress of the ELL program evaluation. Dr. Heikkila reviewed
the five different areas of focus: Role Definition, Program Structure; Professional
Development; Progress Monitoring; and Coaching Models. He summarized the progress:
the ELL specialist role has been defined and implemented; the program structures for
elementary and secondary are defined and implemented; ELL Professional Learning
Communities are developed for elementary and secondary; and progress monitoring tools
are in process through the ELL Professional Learning Communities.
Objective 1F: Implement an improved Special Education program.
Task 1: Implement Transition processes for students meeting High School graduation
Task 2: Implement Transition processes for students whose educational requirements
will end at age 21. Dr. Heikkila reported last year the School Board started the
conversation regarding transition/post-school planning for Special Education students and
Professional Learning Communities were implemented focusing on post-school outcomes
for 18-21 year old students. Revisions were made to CTE processes related to offerings;
networking was established with Snoqualmie Valley School District to explore meeting
some transition needs collaboratively; parents were encouraged to attend regional
transition fairs; and Jodi-Ann Rodrigues, who has vast experience with 18-21 year olds,
was hired. This year changes were made for students meeting graduation requirements
by engaging high school counselors and special education staff to delineate least
restrictive setting for post-school planning activities, and a plan to be implemented in
2010-2011 to have counselors attend all IEP meetings for students planning to meet
graduation requirements. Changes for the 18-21 year old students involved increasing
the amount of time spent by students in the community venues, learning daily living and
work skills; having course work/program defined for students 18-21; and planning and
implementing the district’s first “Transition Fair” jointly with Snoqualmie Valley School
District this April 20th at Chief Kanim Middle School. Next year, we will be refining the
plan and hope to have a second “Transition Fair” anticipated at Tolt Middle School in
April 2011. In the future, we look to a community-based site for 18-21 year olds,
possibly in conjunction with Snoqualmie Valley School District.
Strategic Plan Status Update, Cont.
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective 3C: Develop and implement a Parent and Community Relations program.
Task 2: Study possible options for consistent training in customer service models for all
staff. Dr. Smith hoped to meet with Dave Mrocek, who was referred by Mr. Pflugrath, to
see if he could provide a few nuggets to use in planning our continuous training program
in customer service as part of our new employee induction. Dr. Smith thought perhaps
these 2 or 3 nuggets could be suggested to our speaker at the August Welcome Back to
also incorporate. We are working towards a 5-year plan.
Mr. Robertson complemented Dr. Smith on last Friday’s CPT detailed schedule, as well as Dr.
Heikkila who put a plan together for educational assistants resulting in some dynamic
conversations. The feedback on all the activities was highly positive.
Legislative Report
Mr. Edwards, Legislative Representative, spoke to the priority issues established at the WSSDA
Legislative Assembly a few months ago, ranking HB2661 Basic Education Funding and
Unfunded Mandates at the top. The January Legislative Session opened with a $2.6 billion
deficit in the State. Representative Hope from Lake Stevens proposed a bill using David
Iseminger’s funding structure. Also the House Education Appropriations Committee continued
its public hearing on HB 2776 which would adopt new funding distribution formulas for K-12
education. Ms. Oviatt is working on discussion points for meeting with the legislators: Fully
Fund Basic Education under HB 2661, understand unfunded mandates, read and consider
Iseminger plan, boundary issues process, and Highway 203 safety. Mr. Robertson added the
importance of bringing our budget deficit concerns to them also. Mrs. Van Noy added that
WSSDA reluctantly supported SB6518 which would temporarily increase school districts’ levy
lid by 4 percent which would allow districts to request a “supplemental” levy from voters if they
already had a levy in place, and also temporarily increase LEA allocations by 2%. Boosting the
local levy lid seems to relieve the pressure on the Legislature to fulfill its constitutional
obligation to fully fund Basic Education while putting the burden on the districts to raise their
own funding.
Superintendent Report
1. On Thursday, January 21st, I concluded the last of the twenty presentations on the
Educational Programs Maintenance & Operation Levy, the Technology Levy and the
Transportation Vehicle Fund Levy. This year we received levy presentation requests from
the Duvall City Council, Carnation Chamber of Commerce and the Carnation Senior
Superintendent Report, Cont.
Last week the district levy information was mailed to all box holders in the Riverview School
District. In addition, each building sent election information via the Constant Contact lists.
The Riverview School Committee presented at many of the levy presentations, posted
election signs and is providing telephone calls reminding people to vote.
2. Thank you to school board members who served on Cedarcrest Senior Project panels on
January 22nd. I also served on a panel and enjoyed the new community service format.
3. Last week I met with Ken Carter, the interim Carnation City Manager. I appreciated his
philosophy of city government working with school districts on construction projects to save
the taxpayers money. I look forward to a positive working relationship with him.
4. This afternoon the District Calendar Committee met to develop school calendars for 20112014 school years. The committee is composed of two classified employees, three teachers
from elementary, middle school and high schools, two parents, a community member, a
building principal, and the superintendent. Cheryl Layman assists the committee but as a
non-voting member. This is the third time that this broad-based committee has worked
together to develop three-year school calendars to better meet the calendar needs of parents
and employees.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the January 26, 2010 Board meeting at
10:06 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.