RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting January 12, 2010 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Bawden, Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Ms. Fields COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Bawden noted the Board had a Work Study last Thursday on Board Goals and a Work Study prior to tonight’s meeting on legislative issues for the Legislative Conference in February. Ms. Oviatt mentioned she and Mrs. Van Noy attended the Rudy Edwards’ retirement party at Snoqualmie Valley School District this afternoon. Mr. Edwards has been a long-serving Board Member of Snoqualmie Valley. Mrs. Van Noy added that Snoqualmie’s past superintendent Rich McCullough was at the retirement party and gives his best to all at Riverview. She noted, especially to the student representatives, that the last week in January is United Way Hunger Action Week and encouraged clubs to participate by taking the Hunger Challenge or other options at unitedwayofkingcounty.org/hunger. Mrs. Van Noy said next weekend will be her first WSSDA Regional meeting as an officer. Mr. Edwards thanked Amy Wright for hosting the administrative/board holiday event at her home. He explained that during the last week of school in December he delivered pocket calendars to all staff from the Board and they were very much appreciated. Ms. Fields noted DECA competition is tomorrow in Bellevue and Senior Project practice presentations are underway. Final Senior Project presentations will be on Friday, January 22. Cedarcrest wrestling team won two tournaments in the last two weeks and both girls’ and boys’ basketball teams are 3 and 0 in conference league. Ms. Bawden thoroughly enjoyed the Martin Luther King, Jr. assembly at Cedarcrest this morning, with two college football players speaking about physical strength and relating to making changes in one’s life. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Hearing of Public Cheri Nelson and Carolyn Alldridge spoke about the district’s zero tolerance weapon policy and two separate student incidents they felt were not treated the same. One incident involved a knife on a school bus and the other involved a Co2 air pellet gun on the school campus. As both were dangerous weapons, they felt the Dangerous Weapons policy should have been followed the same for both. Mr. Bawden said he would review this with the Superintendent. Wendy Tumbleson, Riverview Schools Committee Chairperson, was introduced by Mr. Robertson. Mrs. Tumbleson has volunteered to lead the committee this year for the levy elections. She is helping with the levy presentations, Schools Committee mailings, setting up telephone bank, and sign waving. Mr. Bawden, on behalf of the Board, thanked her for all her efforts. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 10-01: To approve the January 12, 2010 Consent Agenda as presented. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for December 8, 2009, Board work Study Minutes for December 14, 2009, Board Work Study Minutes for December 15, 2009, and Board Work Study Minutes for January 7, 2010 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 174233 through 174426 in the amount of $234,592.72, No. 174473 through 174597 in the amount of $232,401.14, and direct deposits of $2,711.62; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 174427 through 174430 in the amount of $128,454.77, No. 174457 through 174472 in the amount of $235,453.78, and No. 174598 through 174608 in the amount of $299,506.22; ASB Fund Warrant No. 174431 through 174456 in the amount of $22,363.08, No. 174609 through 174626 in the amount of $11,376.75, and direct deposits of $36.24; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 174627 through 174635 in the amount of $8,742.99, and direct deposits of $7,218.00. Total payroll for December 15, 2009 was $27,723.58, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 174225 through 174232 in the amount of $941.97, and direct deposits of $21,977.01. Total payroll for December 30, 2009 was $1,899,978.59, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 174636 through 174712 in the amount of $637,106.19 and direct deposits of $946,403.22. Approval of Personnel Actions Approval of Service Contracts -2- OLD BUSINESS National Board Certified Teacher Recognition Mr. Bawden congratulated the six new National Board Certified teachers and presented each one with a special pin, as well as adding their names to the plaque in the Board Room. Those teachers are: Vanessa Hair, Tiffany Ingham, Stacey Kelley, Mike Miyoshi, Catherine Mulligan, and Nancy Timson. The Board also recognized the past National Board teachers in the audience. The teachers expressed their appreciation to the district for their commitment to the staff success in this program. Presentation by Erickson McGovern Architects on Upcoming Construction Projects Steve Storaasli, principal owner, and Stan Zielinski, architect, from Erickson McGovern Architects provided updates, drawings and phasing plans for the upcoming construction projects at Carnatuion Elementary, Cherry Valley Elementary, Riverview Learning Center, and the Cedarcrest Fields Projects. Carnation Elementary Remodel The existing facility will be remodeled in the 1980 and 1989 wings with new flooring, painting, casework, bathroom finishes, re-roofing, upgrading the HVAC system, teaching walls, and lighting. The Millennium Wing will receive new cabinets and teaching walls, with new finishes in the bathrooms. Kitchen equipment will be replaced and new cabinets and bookshelves will be installed in the library. The project will be done in three phases, starting in May with the 1980’s wing, in the summer for the rest of the school, and finishing the 1980’s wing in the late fall. Bids are expected to be awarded in April. Prior to spring break, a permanent portable to replace the old one and three leased portables will be brought in, allowing 10 classrooms to be moved from the 1980’s wing into the portables. The library will remain. This project is on schedule and under budget at this time. Riverview Learning Center This new facility will house the PARADE program, the CLIP program, the alternative high school and middle school programs and is expected to open in the fall of 2011. Bids are scheduled to be awarded in March. Site plans and material and color selections were shown to the Board. Cherry Valley Elementary School The existing facility will be remodeled in the 1980 and 1989 wings with new flooring, bathroom finishes, painting, casework, and upgraded mechanical systems. The 1980 wing and the gym will be re-roofed. A cafeteria and kitchen facility will be added, along with an addition to the administration offices in the front of the building. The gravel parking lot will be paved and a driveway to 3rd Avenue will be constructed. The City of Duvall has requested that a new bike lane and sidewalk be built adjacent to the school along Cherry Valley Road. -3- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Presentation by Erickson McGovern Architects on Upcoming Construction Projects, Cont. Cherry Valley Elementary School, Cont. The bid is expected to be awarded in April, with the project ending in August 2011. Phase 1 will begin in the summer of 2010, bringing in one permanent and three temporary portables for classroom use during the construction. Different classrooms will be rotated to the portables as work progresses throughout the building phases. Cedarcrest Fields Project The Fields Project covers three areas: 1) covered walkways at Eagle Rock; 2) new visitor bleachers, additional home bleachers, and, budget permitting (alternate bid), a covering over all the bleachers on the home side of the football field; and 3) a new baseball field, additional paved parking lots, and covered batting cages. Bids expect to be awarded in March, with work starting on the baseball field in May, bleachers and roof covering in the football field area during the summer, as well as Eagle Rock’s walkway. RECESS Mr. Bawden recessed the Board meeting at 8:55 PM for a five-minute break and called the meeting back to order at 9:00 PM. NEW BUSINESS Board Agenda Topics After review, the Board made no changes to the future agendas. Legislative Representative Mrs. Van Noy announced her resignation as Legislative Representative due to the demands of work and being on the WSSDA Board of Directors. She recommended Danny Edwards as Legislative Representative to fill her term. Motion 10-02: To accept Mrs. Van Noy’s resignation and appoint Danny Edwards to fill the Legislative Representative position until the term ends in June 2010. (Van Noy and Pflugrath) Unanimous. REPORTS Enrollment Report Mr. Robertson reported that enrollment was down 12.18 FTE students in January; however, the district is still averaging 52.1 FTE over budget. -4- REPORTS, Cont. Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson thanked the Board for requesting the presentation from the architects. 1. To date, I have provided levy presentations on the Educational Programs Maintenance & Operation Levy, the Technology Levy and the Transportation Levy to PTSA officers district wide; staff at ERMA, Carnation and Stillwater Elementary, Tolt Middle School and Cedarcrest High School; and PTSA meetings at Eagle Rock, Carnation Elementary, Tolt Middle School and Cedarcrest High School. This week I will also be presenting to Rotary, Transportation/Maintenance staff, Carnation Senior Citizens, Duvall City Council and Cherry Valley staff. 2. Thank you to Carol Van Noy for attending the Update on Basic Education Funding Legislation on January 7th at Snoqualmie Middle School. The presentation by Isabel MunozColon, senior budget analyst for OSPI, was also attended by Dr. Anthony Smith, Dr. Ken Heikkila, Paul Censullo, Bill Adamo, Janet Gavigan, Darcy Becker, Perry Garrison, Lisa Taylor, Wes Pierce and I. 3. The design meetings for the Riverview Learning Center, the Cedarcrest Fields Project and the remodeling projects for Carnation and Cherry valley Elementary Schools are entering the final stages and continue to be held twice per month. 4. As a reminder, the Cedarcrest High School Senior Projects presentations will be given on Friday, January 22nd beginning at 11:30 AM. RECESS Mr. Bawden recessed the regular Board Meeting at 9:10 PM and immediately entered into Executive Session to discuss one personnel issue for approximately twenty minutes. EXECUTIVE SESSION Superintendent Contract Extension ADJOURNMENT Mr. Bawden called the meeting back to order at 9:35 PM, and there being no further business, adjourned the January 12, 2010 Board meeting at 9:35 PM. _______________________________ Board President ___________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -5-