RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting November 24, 2009 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Ms. Fields COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Bawden thanked the student representatives, superintendent and Board members for attending the WSSDA Conference in Seattle last week. He announced Mrs. Van Noy was elected to represent District 2 on the WSSDA Board of Directors. Mr. Bawden will also represent District 2 on the WSSDA Nominating Committee. Mr. Bawden attended the Cedarcrest High School production of “Our Town” praising the students and community members involved. Mr. Bawden asked that the scheduled Work Study for December 4 be changed to December 3 at 7:00 AM at the Raging River Café in Fall City to discuss Board goals. He confirmed that the Work Study on December 15 would be at 5:30 PM to discuss Strategic Plan public input process. He asked Board Members to have a Work Study on December 14 at 6:00 PM by visiting Monroe School Board’s presentation on the Lighthouse Project. Ms. Oviatt also enjoyed “Our Town” commending the high school and middle school students for a great job. She congratulated Cedarcrest students, Devon Young, Aaron Shell, and Kathy Brusewitz, for winning 3rd place with their “Seeds of Life” video about the benefits of college in the 2009 Higher Education Coordinating Board Student Film Contest. These students are in the TSA Club with advisor Tim Kennedy. “This video surprised all of us when it was shown at the WSSDA Conference,” she said. Agenda Adjustment Motion 09-73: To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, and Service Contracts to reflect current changes. (Bawden and Van Noy) Unanimous. -1- CONSENT AGENDA Motion 09-74: To approve the November 24, 2009 Consent Agenda as amended. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for November 10, 2009, and Work Study Minutes for November 10, 2009 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 173736 through 173900 in the amount of $145,276.76, and direct deposits of $874.48; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 173734 through 173735 in the amount of $249,058.60, No. 173901 through 173910 in the amount of $263,703.13, and No. 173960 through 173961 in the amount of $100.00; ASB Fund Warrant No. 173911 through 173945 in the amount of $48,546.73; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 173946 through 173949 in the amount of $1,655.84. Total payroll for November 13, 2009 was $36,037.64, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 173950 through 173959 in the amount of $3,321.20 and direct deposits of $26,149.24. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Approval of Service Contracts, as amended Approval of Budget Status Report OLD BUSINESS Construction Update Tim Ausink, Heery International, updated the construction projects. Riverview Learning Center Construction document development is ongoing. The City of Carnation has provided Site Development Review comments to the design team who is now working on addressing each comment for eventual approval by the City. The district’s traffic consultant is completing the Traffic Impact Analysis and Heery will submit the document to the City of Carnation for review and approval. Cherry Valley Elementary Construction drawings and the phasing plan are currently in development. The SEPA checklist draft has been completed and submitted to the City of Duvall, the Lead Agency, for review. The City of Duvall has reaffirmed their request of a new bike lane and sidewalk adjacent to the school along Cherry Valley Road. This is part of the City’s Transportation Plan for biking and walking paths. The design team is proceeding with design work on a 4 ft. bike path and a 4 ft. sidewalk. The district has expressed their concerns about student safety in this area. Heery is receiving contractor’s proposals to provide temporary on-site classroom portables during the remodel. -2- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Construction Update, Cont. Cherry Valley Elementary, Cont. The Board requested site drawings of Cherry Valley Elementary to reacquaint themselves with the project. Carnation Elementary Construction drawings are currently in development. The SEPA checklist has been completed and published on 11/20/09. Erickson McGovern is scheduling an appointment to submit the application and plans for building permit review next week. Heery is receiving contractor’s proposals to provide temporary portables for classroom facilities during the school remodel and one new double portable to replace two of the very old portables. Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements The City of Duvall has agreed to allow the existing pond outflow to remain as currently constructed. Additional geotechnical testing has been done and analysis of the tests is ongoing with the engineers. The design team is proceeding with plans to handle storm water generated by the completed project via a dispersal trench at the district’s adjacent site to the northeast. This brings us back to five or six months ago when the district first proposed this and the City went a different direction. There is a possibility that a hearing to approve an amendment to the previous hearing examiner’s decision will be necessary for final approval of the proposed storm water management design. Cedarcrest High School Remodel CDK construction has provided the necessary close-out documentation for final acceptance and Erickson McGovern is compiling documentation to present for School Board acceptance. CDK Construction has provided a proposal and has agreed to remodel the FBLA student store area. Tolt Middle School Remodel Testing of the building HVAC mechanical systems is ongoing for optimal performance in the commission process. Allied Construction has submitted preliminary close-out documentation to Erickson McGovern. Erickson McGovern and design engineers are providing check-up on the status of Allied’s punch list corrections which are still ongoing. Tolt Middle School Field Improvements Final documentation is being gathered by the contractor for project close-out. -3- Strategic Plan Update Dr. Smith provided information on the Objectives and Tasks due. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3A: Implement a five-year Human Resources (HR) plan. Task 1: Report on progress of new five-year HR plan. Dr. Smith and Sandy Christian, HR Coordinator, reviewed the 5-year HR Plan which began in the 2008-09 school year. The Plan emanates from a Personnel Services Support Review report provided by Sherrie Evans, Consultant, Educational Management Solutions, on November 1, 2008. The Plan incorporates Ms. Evans’ recommendations in addition to Riverview’s HR Department’s draft summary of critical objectives and tasks as part of the Strategic Plan. Each year of the 5-year Plan, identifies the following Objectives, with varying tasks from year to year: Identify Goals to Provide Additional Staff to Support HR Functions of the District Use of Technology HR Records and Processes (Year 1-4) Legal Compliance Training Expand Existing Operating Calendar (Year 2-3) Develop a System for Retaining Historical Records (Year 3-5) Future HR Program (Year 5) Objective 3C: Develop and implement a Parent and Community Relations program. Task 2: Study possible options for consistent training in customer service models for all staff. Dr. Smith will meet with Ms. Oviatt and Mr. Bawden for further clarification on this Task. Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1B: Improve State assessment scores in reading, writing, and math to meet or exceed 80% of students meeting standard with 60% of students meeting or exceeding standard in science by 2010. Task 3: Provide ongoing staff development opportunities in the areas of math and science. This task has been discussed. Task 4: Ensure that all schools and programs provide opportunities for students not meeting standard to improve. This task has been discussed. Objective 1E: Evaluate and improve district programs. Task 1: Provide plan for two-year evaluation process for honors/highly capable student program. This task has been postponed until January 15, 2010. Task 2: Report on the progress of the ELL program evaluation. This task has been postponed until January 15, 2010. -4- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Strategic Plan Update, Cont. Objective 1F: Implement an improved Special Education program. Task 1: Implement Transition processes for students meeting High School graduation requirements. This task has been postponed until January 15, 2010. Task 2: Implement Transition process for students whose educational requirements will end at age 21. This task has been postponed until January 15, 2010. Student Representative Report Due to the late hour, the Board agreed to move the Student report up in the agenda. Ms. Fields reported on the following: ASB: The Senior Class officers have designed class sweatshirts and order forms are available. ASB officers are still working on a service project to do. The Halloween Assembly last month was a great success with lots of games and class competitions. Organizations: FFA is making and selling Cornucopias for $20 for Thanksgiving decorations. DECA is working on putting together gifts for CHS Staff Appreciation. The products from the Red Apple Morley Fundraiser came in and officers are working on more ideas for future fundraisers. The officers are also finalizing sweatshirt and polo shirt designs to be ordered soon. FBLA sent eight members to the National Fall Leadership Conference in Denver, Colorado. Last week, many members planted trees at Chinook Bend in Carnation to preserve a salmon habitat. Their current focus is preparing students for the upcoming competition in February. The Espresso stand is going well but the student store is still under renovation. NHS has begun Foodball, with groups putting out boxes for collecting food, creating posters, and spreading the word. Foodball will start the first week of December. ConnectedEDU students are working on perfecting their projects and presentation. Ms. Bawden continued with: RAK just finished their annual personal products drive with Mrs. Carlson’s class having the most products. RAK is working on catching students “in the act” of doing kind things. Every time someone does something kind and is “busted” they will be recognized for being amazing! Sports: Cross Country: The girls placed 3rd in State Competition, while the boys were the Academic State Champions, but finished 9th in District playoffs. Girls’ Soccer: The girls place second in league, losing in the State Tournament. They finished the season with a record of 12-7-1. -5- Student Representative Report, Cont. Sports, Cont.: Football: The football team finished the season with 8 wins and 2 loses. The defense set a school record with 26 total takeaways, while the offense boasted a 1,000+ yard rusher in Jacob Kriegbaum. All-Conference players were: Dakota Bunce, Jacob Kriegbaum, Alex Gibbs, Mark Bishop, and CJ Mowry. Winter Sports: Games have yet to begin, but girls’ and boys’ basketball and wrestling have their first matches the first weekend of December. Miscellaneous: The orders for Seniors’ caps and gowns are due in Mid December. The play “Our Town, by Thornton Wilder, put on by the CHS drama department was a huge success! Ms. Fields thanked the Board for including the student representatives in their WSSDA presentation. She thought the different points of view between Governor Gregoire’s and Dr Yong Zhao’s speeches were very interesting. Ms. Bawden found Dr. Donna Beegle’s speech on Generational Poverty very moving. She also enjoyed the session by Tukwila Students talking about their experiences in the most ethnically diverse school district in the United States. Forty-two languages are spoken besides English at Foster High School. Mr. Edwards spoke for the Board in saying they were very proud of how well the students represented Riverview School District at the Conference. They were prepared, poised, and professional. RECESS Mr. Bawden recessed the Board Meeting at 8:45 PM for a five-minute break, and called the meeting back to order at 8:50 PM. Voter Pamphlet Pro-Con Committee Nominees For each measure of a district that is included in the voters’ pamphlet, the Board shall formally appoint Pro and Con committees (max of 3 members each) to prepare arguments advocating voters’ approval or rejection of the measure. Members shall be appointed from persons known to favor or oppose the measure as appropriate. If such persons are not immediately known, the district should employ some formal means of notifying the public that members for the proponent or opponent committee are being sought. The Board announced they are seeking Pro and Con Committee members and will also advertise on the District’s website. Formal appointments will be made at the December 8, 2010 Board meeting. Second Reading, Policy 6800, Operations and Maintenance of School Property Motion 09-75: To approve Policy 6800 for Second Reading. (Pflugrath and Oviatt) Discussion followed. Unanimous. -6- NEW BUSINESS Washington Lighthouse Project The Board discussed possibilities of bringing the Lighthouse Project to Riverview. The Washington Lighthouse Project commits the Board/Superintendent to five years of training, leading districts to higher levels of student achievement. They all agreed more information was needed from WSSDA. Some of the concerns were time, leadership, commitment, professional development, Lighthouse curriculum, and cost. They will be attending the Monroe Board’s presentation on the Project on December 14th at 6:00 PM. First Reading, New Policy 2038, Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 New policy language is from WSSDA’s recommended language which is consistent with the 504 Handbook. Previously Section 504 Guidelines were under Procedure P2040-2 and last updated in 2001. Administrators have reviewed the language. Motion 09-76: To approve Policy 2038 for First Reading. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. REPORTS WSSDA Conference Report The Board discussed highlights from the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) 3-day conference in Seattle last week. Outstanding speakers included Governor Gregoire speaking on Washington education; Dr. Yong Zhao, Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University, speaking on international and comparative education; and Dr. Donna Beegle, author and nationally recognized speaker, talking about generational poverty. Sessions of specific interest were: Communicating with Your Constituents in a Struggling Economy – Enumclaw School District Engaging the Community in Budget Priorities – Northshore School District How to Conduct a Transparent Superintendent Search – North Thurston School Board Our Community Partnerships Office: A Story of Transformational Volunteerism – South Whidbey School District Online Board Self Assessment – The Center for Educational Effectiveness School finance 2: Beyond the Budget – North Thurston School District Consolidation of School Districts: The Research and What is Happening in Washington State – ESD 113, WSSDA Task Force on Small Schools, Rural Education Center, Easton School District Effective Practices for Leading the Team – WSSDA Cadre Aim High: Using Washington’s School Board Standards - WSSDA Starting a Walking School Bus Fierce Conversations – a variety of table talk discussions Find Funding for Education Reform – David Iseminger – Lake Stevens School Board -7- REPORTS, Cont. WSSDA Conference Report, Cont. The Board and Superintendent felt one of the best sessions was Riverview’s “Student Voice: The Benefits of Student Representation on Your Board.” Many board members and superintendents throughout the conference complimented Riverview on their informative presentation. Superintendent Report On November 23, Bill Adamo, Dr. Anthony Smith, Jon Gores of D.A. Davidson, and Mr. Robertson had a telephone conference call with Justin Russelo of Moody’s Investor Service in San Francisco regarding our bond rating for the fourth bond sale of $11,600,000. Based on that successful conversation, we hope to continue receiving an A1 bond rating which will enhance our sale of bonds in January. Mr. Russelo said that Riverview is in excellent financial condition with a strong ending fund balance, increased enrollment, and community support on levies and bond issues. Mr. Robertson thanked the school board for the opportunity to attend the Washington State School Directors’ Association Conference with them last week. He enjoyed the Riverview’s presentation, noting it was well received by the standing room only crowd. The student absentee rate has dropped significantly over the past two weeks from a peak absence of 16.4% on November 6th. Our staff absenteeism has actually been lower than normal. Since the last board meeting, he has met with members of the Riverview Schools Committee and PTSA officers to provide information on the upcoming February 9 levy election. In addition, levy articles, brochures, and PowerPoint presentations have been posted on the district and school websites and sent to parents through Constant contact. Riverview is again fortunate to have a number of teachers receive National Board Certification. The new recipients will be acknowledged at a January school board meeting. On November 12, Bill Adamo, Anthony Smith, Janet Gavigan, Doug Poage, Jenny Bullard and Mr. Robertson toured the Tolt earthen dam facility with a guide from the Seattle Water Department. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the November 24, 2009 Board meeting at 10:15 PM. ________________________________ Board President __________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -8-