RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT #407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting June 23, 2009 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE Mrs. Van Noy, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards MEMBERS ABSENT Mr. Bawden COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS, AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mrs. Van Noy said the School Board is deeply saddened, along with the community, for the loss of Josh Ward on the last day of school. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. Ms. Oviatt noted that tonight at 7:00 PM the LDS church is holding a youth gathering for those involved in sports and activities with Josh. Tomorrow at 9:30 AM the LDS church will hold a viewing, with the memorial service at 11:00 AM. The PTSA‟s will be hosting a lunch at Carnation Elementary after the service. Mr. Pflugrath noted that 2008 Cedarcrest graduate, Nicole Rhodes, was also injured in the same accident and our thoughts and prayers are with her. He thanked the Crisis Response Team in helping students and staff on Friday and Monday at the school. Mr. Edwards spoke about the Tolt Middle School Moving Up Ceremony, held in the Cedarcrest gymnasium, noting it was fully packed with parents and students. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Bawden attended the Cedarcrest High School graduation, with 194 students participating. He remarked on the great speaker, Mr. Armstrong. The Board unanimously agreed to hold a Special Board Meeting on Thursday, June 25, at 8:00 AM in the Cedarcrest High School Conference Room to approve the 2009-2012 PSE Collective Bargaining Agreement. Mrs. Van Noy noted that the student representative interviews will also be at Cedarcrest on June 25, beginning at 9:00 AM. Mrs. Van Noy acknowledged the brightly colored, beautiful artwork displayed in the Board Room by Eagle Rock Multi-Age and Cherry Valley students. The Board congratulated Mr. Robertson and Mrs. Layman for another year of great work with the Board and presented Mrs. Layman with a bouquet of flowers. Mr. Pflugrath mentioned the Public Hearing meeting last Thursday for property owners on Bagwell Street across from the District Office. Plans for Bagwell Street were discussed in relation to the Riverview Learning Center. -1- 2009 Community Service Award Presentation Mrs. Van Noy congratulated the Cascade Community Theatre on being selected for the School Board‟s 2009 Community Service Award. She read a brief biography of the Theatre, noting the idea began with a Cedarcrest student‟s Senior Project in 2003. Mr. Bawden expressed his thanks through an email that Mrs. Van Noy read, saying in part “… I hope the district and CCT will share a long and productive relationship. This is a great example of the „momentum‟ I like to talk about – the community coming together to build successful and exciting programs, which builds more excitement and then attracts more support and participants…” Mrs. Van Noy presented the 2009 Community Award plaque to Suzan Greenfield, Secretary of CCT, and pictures were taken of Board members and the CCT members present: Wendy Habek, Steve Borquez, Suzy Murdoch, Suzan Greenfield, Beverly Webb, and Jane Pattinson by phone. Agenda Adjustment Motion 09-34: To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, to reflect additional information. (Edwards and Oviatt) Unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 09-35: To approve the June 23, 2009, Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and Edwards) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for June 9, 2009, Board Work Study Minutes for June 9, 2009, and Board Work Study Minutes for June 16, 2009 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 171575 through 171737 in the amount of $149,578.96, and direct deposits of $388.74; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 171738 through 171750 in the amount of $122,428.44; ASB Fund Warrant No. 171751 through 171776 in the amount of $18,669.86; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 171777 through 171778 in the amount of $466.25. Total payroll for June 15, 2009 was $63,856.63, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 171799 through 171800 in the amount of $11,615.70, and direct deposits of $38,731.28. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Budget Status Report Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous PTSA donation to Carnation Elementary, as well as the donation from Costco of 95 back packs to Carnation Elementary students. Approval of Amended Superintendent Contract Mr. Pflugrath noted that the Superintendent had turned down any salary increase but the Board offered a few more days of vacation to spend with his family in Montana. Approval of 2009-10 Facility Use Fees and Extended Day Care Fees -2- OLD BUSINESS Construction Update Mr. Sean Ryan, Project Manager, reviewed the status of the Construction Projects. Carnation Elementary The project is in the design phase and preliminary analysis indicates that the project is currently under budget. Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements Design development is nearing completion. A public hearing was held on June 9th with a hearing examiner for approval of the Site Plan Review. The hearing examiner has 30 days to respond, but he thought 7-10 days would be enough time. He is very ill and not able to complete his response as of yet. The City of Duvall has requested additional information be verified as part of the site plan approval on the northeast corner of the site as it pertains to drainage. Double survey crews are working to gather information as soon as possible. Cedarcrest High School Remodel CDK and subcontractors continue to work on punch list items. Cherry Valley Elementary The Schematic Design estimate is expected to be submitted the end of June. Riverview Learning Center The District and design team met with the City of Carnation on June 11 to review the updated site plan that identified Bagwell Street improvements. The City was in favor of this plan. The District notified property owners along Bagwell Street and held a community meeting on June 18, 2009 to inform them of the scope of the project. Tolt Middle School Field Improvements The contractor continues to work on punch list items. Tolt Middle School Remodel In Building B, Multi-Purpose Room, the lighting has been completed and new ceiling tiles installed. The Building D locker rooms are underway. At Building K, Allied has completed framing the overbuild and band/choir room addition. Installation of the roofing shingles is nearing completion and the exterior finished are being put into place. In Building L, all that remains is the paint and drywall corrective work. Demolition of the main canopy is underway. A meeting was held with the District, Allied, Heery, and Erickson McGovern on June 22 to discuss the remaining work and project schedule. After Board questioning, it was noted that there will be occupancy when school starts with the exception of the new band/choir area. Also, punch list items will be ongoing after school starts. Mr. Robertson noted that on Friday the maintenance/custodial staff helped moved the LRC and classrooms into storage space on campus, beginning their shift at 3:00 PM and working until 2:30 AM, including John Mark who was supposed to be on vacation. -3- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. 2009-2010 General Fund Preliminary Budget Mr. Adamo presented the preliminary 2009-10 General Operating Fund Budget, noting that a few changes may occur between now and the final in August. He felt this was the best budget the district has had accuracy-wise, especially in personnel. There is a significant change in pension costs, due to the reduction by the state for employers‟ contributions. Also, there is a major increase in Special Education federal “IDEA” funds. The budgeted enrollment for revenue purposes was set at 2,977 FTE. The 2009-10 preliminary budgeted revenue is $28,341,201, with expenditures at $28,734,357. The adjusted ending fund balance still remains over 7%, which allows us to continue to sell our bonds successfully. The Board discussed the district‟s assessed valuation and the safety net funding. Strategic Plan Status Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3A: Evaluate and revise the Human Resources (HR) plan. Task 6: Provide mid-term assessment of the plan. Dr. Smith reported that all recommendations from the HRMPlus review have been put into a 5-year master plan for Human Resources. The district has been using the electronic employment applications since the beginning of April. Task 7: Study the feasibility of adding an administrator to manage Human Resources. From HRMPlus‟ perspective, the logical next step for administration hiring at the district would be a Human Resources Director. However, before any increase, current staffing and the financial landscape would have to be considered. Riverview is not in a place fiscally or with student enrollment to consider this. Dr. Smith noted that Mary Barr has functioned as an HR assistant which has been tremendously helpful. He would like to keep this Task as a placeholder on the Strategic Plan to review in the future. Dr. Smith mentioned that he would be meeting with Mike Vidos tomorrow to work on a draft of the Strategic Plan for the Board to review. He reminded the Board that Saturday, March 27, 2010 has been set aside for the community forum on the next 5-year Plan Dr. Smith noted that Goal 1, Objective G, Task 6 was discussed at the last meeting. NEW BUSINESS 2009-10 School Board Meeting Schedule Motion 09-36: To approve the 2009-10 Board Meeting Schedule. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. -4- REPORTS Student Representative Report Ms. Oviatt noted four members of the CHS baseball family participated in the All-State Baseball Series in Yakima. Players Travis Cook and Cameron Padron participated and Scott Goldsberry and Brandon Baarstad led the coaching staff. Travis Cook was named 2A Player of the Year and Coach Goldsberry received the honor of Coach of the Year. Superintendent Report Mr. Roberson spoke about another excellent school year: academic success on test scores; seniors meeting WASL graduation requirements; $1.4 million in college scholarships; state athletic, drill and music accomplishments; successful negotiation of labor agreement; relations with staff; meeting strategic planning goals; construction projects within budget; low interest rates on bond sales; retention of quality staff, etc. He noted he would be attending the Annual WASA/AWSP Conference in Spokane on June 2830, and then takes vacation until Monday, July 13. The Puget Sound Educational Service District (ESD) received a petition for transfer of territory from Riverview to Lake Washington by Bradley Landis, petitioner. The ESD is gathering appropriate information from the King County Assessor‟s Office. The Board will be updated as more information is provided. Mr. Robertson thanked the School Board for attending so many of the district and building events during the past month. RECESS Mrs. Van Noy recessed the meeting at 8:25 PM for a 5-minute break and entered into Executive Session at 8:30 PM to discuss a negotiation item for approximately 15 minutes. EXECUTIVE SESSION Negotiation Item ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Van Noy called the meeting back to order at 8:45 PM and, there being no further business, immediately adjourned the June 23, 2009 School Board Meeting at 8:45 PM. __________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Superintendent MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -5-