College of San Mateo Draft Three Year Professional Development (PD) Plan 2016/2017 through 2018/2019 The three year plan for professional development aligns with the college mission of providing an outstanding, rigorous and inclusive education for the residents of San Mateo County. The plan supports the institutional priorities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Improve Student Success Promote Academic Excellence Develop Responsive, High-Quality Programs and Services Support Professional Development Implement the Integrated Planning Cycle and Ensure Fiscal Stability and the Efficient Use of Resources Enhance Institutional Dialog The plan is overseen by the Center for Academic Excellence Committee, whose Chair serves as professional development coordinator. The professional development coordinator will implement the plan under the management of the Academic Support and Learning Technologies Division, which will also oversee the budget and provide staff support. Rationale To serve students effectively in a rapidly changing, global environment, CSM employees must have opportunities for professional growth throughout their careers. Professional development opportunities are vital for college employees to have productive and satisfying careers and for them to engage in innovative efforts that address students’ evolving needs. The institution as a whole benefits when the achievements of individuals are acknowledged and celebrated (CSM Institutional Priorities 2013/2014 - 2015/2016). As Vincent Tinto and Brian Pusser posit in the report titled Moving From Theory to Action: Building a Model of Institutional Action for Student Success (National Post-Secondary Education Cooperative, 2006) “One of the ironies of higher education is that the faculty, as a matter of practice, are the only faculty in education from elementary school to college that are literally not trained to teach their own students. This does not mean that there are not many talented and well-trained faculty who bring to the task of educating students a broad repertoire of teaching and assessment skills. As a matter of prior training and practice, though, most faculty enter the teaching profession untrained for the task of educating students. It is for this reason that faculty development, indeed staff development generally, is a critical part of any long-term institutional strategy to increase its capacity to promote students success.” The Center for Academic Excellence is charged by Academic Senate Governing Council to promote student success by providing and facilitating professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, and administrators. The CAE fosters an enhanced, effective pedagogy and a supportive learning environment. Its values and priorities include: A. Provide and facilitate professional enrichment that inspire, nurture, and reward faculty and staff efforts to achieve teaching excellence (Institutional Priorities 1-3, 4). B. Collaborate with programs to identify and overcome current teaching and learning obstacles including addressing the achievement gaps of underrepresented and underperforming students (Institutional Priorities 1-3). C. Create and implement a shared vision of best practices and innovative, inclusive pedagogy designed to achieve greater student success (Institutional Priorities 1-3, 5). 1 D. Provide a forum for sharing professional development experiences and projects (Institutional Priorities 4 and 5). E. Create an environment that encourages cross-discipline communication (Institutional Priorities 4 and 6). Priority A: Provide and facilitate professional enrichment that inspire, nurture, and reward faculty and staff efforts to achieve teaching excellence (Institutional Priorities 1-3, 4). Priority Action Plan Outcomes/Evaluation Timeline A.1 Implement New Faculty Institute, a 10 month professional learning program for new full time faculty coordinated with division and district orientation programs Goal: 100% participation by new faculty. Report participation, workshop topics and agendas, participant feedback. Use feedback to improve following year. Started 2014/2015, ongoing A.2 Professional learning series - five workshops each that culminate in participant earning a certificate of achievement, recognition, and some other reward Series may include the following strands: Reading Apprenticeship Habits of Mind Technology in the Classroom Student Service and Support Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Writing across the Curriculum Capstone projects Learning Communities Adjunct Issues Evidence-Based Teaching Kognito training Leadership training Safety and Working with Difficult Students Goal: 30 faculty per year earn certificates. Report participation, workshop topics and agendas, participant feedback. Use feedback to improve topics, delivery of instruction, and learning strand components Start fall 2016 A.3 Support adjuncts with flexible scheduling of workshops, explore alternate modes of delivery Goal: 50 adjunct faculty per year participate. Report the activities that are targeted to adjuncts, document alternate delivery forms Ongoing A.4 Develop a robust menu of workshop for Flex Days with mostly in-house facilitators Goal: Increase yearly participation to 250 enrollments (duplicated). Report participation, workshop topics and agendas, participant feedback Ongoing A.5 Bring in outside presenters when needed to provide expertise, perspective and training Goal: four or more presentations by outside facilitators per year. Report Ongoing 2 activities and sign-ins, workshop topics and agendas, participant feedback A.6 Provide funding for faculty travel to conferences and workshops domestic and international Goal: Provide travel funding for more than 50 faculty per year. Report usage of fund Started 2015, ongoing Priority B: Collaborate with programs to identify and overcome current teaching and learning obstacles including addressing the achievement gaps of underrepresented and underperforming students (Institutional Priorities 1-3). Priority Action Plan Outcomes/Evaluation Timeline B.1 Work with Student Equity Plan to provide professional development workshops around social justice, and culturally responsive pedagogy Goal: Have two or three workshops per semester that contain topics of social justice and culturally responsive pedagogy. Report participation, workshop topics and agendas, participant feedback. Use feedback to improve topics, delivery of instruction, and learning strand components Ongoing B.2 Support division and department efforts to drive systemic change, for example use of multiple modes of assessment, acceleration, integration of academic support services and student support services, and others Goal: Provide workshops and inquiry groups as needed to support efforts. Report activities related to this goal. Ongoing B.3 Collaborate with groups needing professional development support, including, but not limited to, SafeZone, Safety Committee, CSMCares, Psychological Services, DSPS, EOPS, VROC Center, Learning Communities, Distance Education Program to provide professional development Goal: Provide workshops and inquiry groups as needed to support efforts. Report activities related to this goal. Ongoing Priority C: Create and implement a shared vision of best practices and innovative, inclusive pedagogy designed to achieve greater student success (Institutional Priorities 1-3, 5). Priority Action Plan Outcomes/Evaluation Timeline C.1 Work with DIAG, BSI, ASGC to share practices and training that focus on “below the green line” organizational elements of information, identity, and relationships to drive Goal: Increase awareness of the importance of relationships to the systems Ongoing 3 institutional change. Practice routines that promote the development of a shared vision in the organization. Provide strategies for groups to develop “below the green line” routines at meetings and interactions C.2 Promote evidence-based best practices in teaching by increasing awareness of, and modeling of, good practice in all PD offerings Goal: Modeling student centered teaching strategies will encourage use of best practices. Use existing items on Campus Climate and Satisfaction Survey to evaluate. may need additional survey items. Ongoing C.3 Offer small seed grants for faculty and staff who want to develop a project to enhance student success or assist in institutional advancement Goal: Two or more projects per year are funded. Report on projects annually Start 2016 ongoing C.4 Develop Center for Academic Excellence (18-206) as a central location for: professional learning events including use of educational technology, housing a library of resources, displaying of professional development projects, CAE Committee meetings Goal: Center for Academic Excellence will have a lively calendar of events occurring in the center. It will have an up-to-date library of books for staff to check out. It will display faculty and staff professional development projects. Ongoing Priority D: Provide a forum for sharing professional development experiences and projects (Institutional Priorities 4 and 5). Goal Action Plan Outcomes/Evaluation Timeline D.1 Promote the dissemination of professional development experiences in workshops and on the CSM webpages Goal: Two or more dissemination workshops per year, two or more blog style articles on the PD webpages per year. Report annually Ongoing D.2 Develop a more robust CAE webpage with space for stories about change efforts underway Goal: two or more blog style articles on the PD webpages per year. Report annually Ongoing D.3 (& C.4) Develop Center for Academic Excellence (18-206) as a central location for: professional learning events including use of educational technology, housing a library of resources, displaying of professional development projects, CAE Committee meetings Goal: Center for Academic Excellence will have a lively calendar of events occurring in the center. It will have an up-to-date library of books for staff to check out. It will display faculty and staff professional development projects. Ongoing 4 Priority E: Create an environment that encourages cross-discipline communication (Institutional Priorities 4 and 6). Priority Action Plan Outcomes/Evaluation Timeline E.1 (& C.1) Work with DIAG, BSI, ASGC to share practices and training that focus on “below the green line” organizational elements of information, identity, and relationships to drive institutional change. Practice routines that promote the development of a shared vision Goal: Increase awareness of the importance of relationships to the systems in the organization. Provide strategies for groups to develop “below the green line” routines at meetings and interactions Started 2015, ongoing E.2 Support interdisciplinary groups affecting change by providing facilitation services and organizational support for meetings and workshops, for example, College Assessment Committee professional development efforts Goal: Provide facilitation services two or more times annually. Report annually Started 2014, ongoing E.3 (& C.4, D.3) Develop Center for Academic Excellence (18-206) as a central location for: professional learning events including use of educational technology, housing a library of resources, displaying of professional development projects, CAE Committee meetings Goal: Center for Academic Excellence will have a lively calendar of events occurring in the center. It will have an up-to-date library of books for staff to check out. It will display faculty and staff professional development projects. Ongoing Other Priorities: F: Support classified staff and administrators by providing professional development resources specific to their needs. Goal Action Plan Outcomes/Evaluation Timeline F.1 Conduct quantitative and qualitative investigation into professional development needs of classified staff and administrators, and establish plan for meeting needs Goal: Establish plan for meeting needs of classified staff and administration Report early spring 2017 Start fall 2016 F.2 Work with classified senate and administration to develop and implement plan for classified staff and administration professional development Goal: Provide two or more workshops annually for classified staff and/or administrators. Annually report participation, workshop topics and agendas, participant feedback. Use feedback to improve topics, delivery of instruction, and learning strand components spring 2017, ongoing G: Engage in district -wide efforts to create, expand, and improve professional development for staff across the district. 5 Goal Action Plan Outcomes/Evaluation Timeline G.1 Work with departments, divisions, other colleges in the district, and the district office to provide a coordinated professional development program. Goal: Develop a district-wide calendar of professional development events. Communicate with departments and divisions to coordinate professional development. Report annually Started 2015, ongoing H: Engage in local and statewide professional development initiatives. Goal Action Plan Outcomes/Evaluation Timeline H.1 Collaborate with state 4C/SD network, Stanford University, RP Group, Online Education Initiative (OEI), Student Equity Network, California Community College Success Network (3CSN), and other local and state organizations to provide professional development opportunities to CSM staff Goal: Bring two or more PD events to CSM campus annually. Send three or more CSM staff annually to statewide training off-site. Report annually Ongoing Budget ProposedPDBudgetAcademicYear(AY)2016/2017 Initiative NewFacultyInstitute AdjunctPDprogram Allocation $3,000 $10,000 RequestforProposalInnovations $9,000 ReadingApprenticeshipInitiative* $7,000 MINDSET4.0/FYSInitiative* $10,000 SpeakersandWorkshops* $25,000 6 GESLOAssessmentProject $10,000 Travel Facultycoordination(50%releasetimeplussummer hourly) $20,000 $90,500 Total *PotentialFundingSources: FYSinitiative StudentEquityPlan BSI $184,500 Revised 2/22/16, TM 7