Diversity in Action Group Meeting Minutes September 15, 2009 Members Present Sylvia Aguirre-Alberto Martin Bednarek Fauzi Hamadeh Kate Motoyama Henry Villareal Student Services/Multicultural Center Counseling/Int’l Students Student Services/Student Activities Language Arts/Speech Communication Admissions & Records/Dean Members Absent or Excused John Vehikite EOPS The meeting was called to order by Chair Villareal at 12:05 p.m. Minutes from the May 20th meeting with no changes and the September 3rd meeting with minimal changes were approved. Fauzi Hamadeh stated that the DIAG student representative for this year will be Steffi Santana. She attended the IPC workshop on September 11th and plans to attend our next DIAG meeting. Chair Villareal asked this recorder to remind him (via the meeting minutes) to develop a form to request funding for DIAG programs. Fauzi Hamadeh will forward the template currently used by Associated Students for Henry to use as a guide. Henry Villareal, Sylvia Aguirre-Alberto and Kate Motoyama attended the IPC workshop on September 11th. DIAG must develop a plan for the academic year 2009/2010, due November 9, 2009. The plan will contain 3-5 goals that are tied into the IPC’s five institutional priorities. Henry will forward copies of the workshop handouts to DIAG members who did not attend the workshop that includes a template to be used for each goal. He also stated that other IPC committees may have similar goals and choose to work together with DIAG. DIAG goals could be pulled from the mission statement. It was suggested a meeting or two be devoted to formulating DIAG’s goals and creating the 10-16 page document. Kate Motoyama suggested each member might formulate a goal, and to streamline the process one individual could draft the narrative for all 3-5 goals. She was volunteered to be that individual. Goal ideas: To communicate to the CSM campus community how and why diversity needs to be included in the institutional planning process. To institutionalize diversity college-wide. To keep the DIAG programming calendar active and diverse. To measure and document how current budget cuts impact student success (one example is cuts to labs). The next DIAG meeting will be September, 22nd, 2009 1:15 – 2:30 p.m. The next appointed DIAG meeting will be October 6th 12 – 1 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. 1