Penultimate Draft* for Gastrulation in Amphibians Ray Keller

Penultimate Draft* for
Gastrulation in Amphibians
Ray Keller
Dave Shook
Department of Biology
University of Virginia
Charlottesville VA 22903
Gastrulation: From Cell to Embryo
C. D. Stern, editor
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
*Note that the fate map color scheme was changed in the last edition to render the
presumptive ectoderm in shades of yellow. That change had not been made in this draft,
and the germ layers are shown in the traditional colors: yellows and greens for
presumptive endoderm, shades of red and magenta for presumptive mesoderm, and
shades of blue for presumptive ectoderm.
Among vertebrates, gastrulation has been most intensely studied in the
amphibians, particularly in regard to the cell and tissue movements, but refinement of the
fate maps and deeper analyses of the various cell motilities underlying these movements,
and their regulation, suggest that there is still much to be learned. We will review what is
known of the presumptive fates and the major movements of gastrulation in selected
species of Anurans (tail-less amphibians), of Urodeles (Caudata, tailed amphibians), and
of Gymnophionans (Caecilians, or legless amphibians), as well as selected species in all
groups that have large yolky eggs. Gastrulation evolves and varies with the evolution of
reproductive strategy and the attendant differences in egg size, yolk content, distribution
of yolk, and rate of development (see Chapter XXX-Arendt). Gastrulation in large, slowdeveloping eggs differs substantially from the common model systems, and analysis of
these variations broaden our knowledge of how morphogenetic machines function and
adapt to the different biomechanical loads placed on them by variations in yolk. We will
discuss the cell motilities driving gastrulation here, and review these behaviors and their
relation to tissue movements in more detail elsewhere (see Chapter XXX- Keller Cell
Understanding the cell movements of amphibian gastrulation requires
understanding the differences among amphibians in the representation of the presumptive
tissues in the surface, or superficial, epithelial layer versus the deep, mesenchymal
region. The common method of gastrulation in amphibians involves involution of the
presumptive mesodermal and endodermal tissues. However, involution of superficiallylocated presumptive mesodermal cells only rolls them over on to the roof of the future
gut cavity, and it does not bring them in to the middle layer of the body plan. For this to
occur, these cells must undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and leave
the epithelium to join the deep region. In some species, such as Xenopus, there are few
superficially-derived mesodermal cells, and the morphogenetic, force-generating
consequences of their EMT are negligible. In other species there are many superficial
presumptive mesodermal cells, and when and where they undergo EMT serves an
important biomechanical function in gastrulation, in addition to placing the presumptive
mesoderm in the middle layer.
Gastrulation in the tail-less amphibians (Anura) is best understood in the common
model system, Xenopus laevis, which rose to prominence from the late 60s due to the fact
that it is easy to raise, in plentiful supply, and can be stimulated to mate or to shed eggs
for in vitro fertilization with readily available hormones (Kay and Peng, 1991). Xenopus
has one of the least complicated gastrulations, in part because it has the least presumptive
mesoderm in its surface layer. Its mechanism of gastrulation is representative of those
anurans with moderate egg sizes and amounts of yolk, a type of egg that has been the
predominant model in embryological work, but it lies at the extreme within this category
in having the least superficially-derived presumptive mesoderm.
Cell Fates and Movements in Xenopus
Xenopus gastrulation centers on the movements of the involuting marginal zone
(IMZ, Fig. 1, top row). The IMZ is an annulus of tissue consisting of an outer, superficial
epithelial sheet of cells (Fig. 1M) and a thicker, underlying deep region of mesenchymal
cells (Fig. 1I) lying at the margin of the floor of the blastocoele at the end of the blastula
period, before the so-called pregastrulation movements begin (Keller, 1991; Keller, 1975;
Keller, 1976; Minsuk and Keller, 1997; Nieuwkoop and Florshutz, 1950). The
superficial IMZ consists of presumptive notochord (light magenta), a bit of presumptive
somitic mesoderm (light red), presumptive hypochord (grey; D. Shook, unpublished
results), and the presumptive suprablastoporal endoderm. The presumptive endoderm in
the IMZ is called the suprablastoporal endoderm to distinguish it from the sub-blastoporal
or vegetal endoderm, which is composed of larger cells and lies below of the site of
blastopore formation (light green, Fig. 1). The suprablastoporal endoderm consists of a
subclass of the presumptive endoderm, the presumptive bottle cells (yellow, Fig. 1),
which are characterized by a stereotyped cell shape change during gastrulation, and the
remaining non-bottle cell suprablastoporal endoderm (yellow; Fig. 1). Beneath the
superficial layer of the IMZ lies the multi-layered deep region of the IMZ, which consists
presumptive notochord (magenta), presumptive somitic mesoderm (red), and presumptive
head, heart and lateroventral mesoderm (orange) (Fig. 1) (Keller, 1976). Above the IMZ
lies the animal region or “animal cap”, which also consists of an outer epithelial layer and
several tiers of deep mesenchymal cells. It is composed of presumptive ectoderm,
including the presumptive epidermis (light blue), the presumptive forebrain (blue), and
presumptive spinal cord and hindbrain (dark blue) (Fig. 1) (Keller, 1975; Keller, 1976).
Gastrulation actually begins with what are often called “pregastrula movements”,
which are in fact the first gastrulation movements, and they initiate the involution of the
double-layered IMZ, as it turns inward and back on its inner surface and moves across the
animal cap (blastocoele roof) (Fig. 1, three columns on the right).
The events
surrounding the involution of the IMZ is first represented on the surface with the
formation of a local depression, the blastoporal groove on the dorsal side, which is
formed by invagination, a bending inward of an epithelial sheet (Baker, 1965; Hardin and
Keller, 1988; Keller, 1978; Keller, 1981; Perry and Waddington, 1966). This bending
occurs as the cuboidal presumptive bottle cells undergo apical constriction, expand
basally, elongate in the apical-basal axis, and thereby become wedge shaped (Figs. 1E-F,
Fig. 2A-B). The shallow blastoporal groove marks the site of the initiation of
gastrulation, but its contribution, and thus the contribution of the formation of the bottle
cells to the total depth of the archenteron is small. As the bottle cells form, the IMZ
rotates and begins involution (lower curved, black arrows, Fig. 1F, Fig. 2A-B). We
attributed the intial rotation of the IMZ to the formation of the bottle cells, but it now
appears that although bottle cells contribute to the local deformation of the surface to
form the shallow blastoporal groove (Hardin and Keller, 1988), the massive movements
of the entire IMZ are driven by the “vegetal rotation” movements, which occur within the
large mass of vegetal endoderm (Winklbauer and Schuerfeld, 1999) (straight, black
arrows, Fig. 1E-F; dashed arrows, Fig. 2A). These movements begin before and extend
through the period of bottle cell formation. The central vegetal endodermal cells move
Figure 1. Presumptive fates and movements of gastrulation are shown in right lateral view (A-D), in
midsagittal plane (E-H), in a 3 dimensional diagram of the deep involuting marginal zone (IMZ; I-L), and
in a 3 dimensional view of the superficial epithelial layer of the IMZ. The superficial IMZ in the far right
row fits over the deep IMZ in the second to last row. Prospective fates are shown as follows: epidermis
(light blue, Ep), forebrain (blue, Fb), spinal cord-hindbrain (dark blue, Sc-Hb), superficial endoderm
(yellow), superficial endoderm-bottle cells (green), vegetal endoderm (light green, VE), superficiallyderived notochord (light magenta), deep-derived notochord (magenta), superficially-derived somitic
mesoderm (light red), deep-derived somitic mesoderm (red), hypochord (grey), leading edge mesendoderm
(orange) of the head (Hd), heart (Ht) and lateral-ventral body (Lat-vent); Note that the light colored,
superficially-derived components join the darker colored deep components in the course of gastrulation and
neurulation. This color scheme is continued in all figures. Dorsal is to the left and vegetal at the bottom.
Gastrulation begins with the pulling of the IMZ vegetally and rotation inward as the result of the
Winklbauer vegetal rotation movements (black arrows, E), with a minor component from apical
constriction and formation of the bottle cells (lower arrows, B, F); these movements involute a substantial
amount of the axial mesoderm (notochord, cf. magenta in E-F and I-J) and bring the leading edge
mesendoderm (cf. orange in E-F and I-J) against the blastocoele roof. The mesendoderm then migrates
animally across the blastocoele roof (upper black arrow, F, J). In early gastrulation, the dorsal IMZ
undergoes thinning in the radial direction and extension in the animal-vegetal direction (white arrows, E, F)
by radial intercalation. After involution, the dorsal IMZ undergoes convergence and extension (white
arrows, G-H, K-L) coordinately with the overlying neural tissue (black arrows, C-D), closing the blastopore
and elongating the dorsal anterior-posterior axis. (Based on (Keller, 1991; Keller, 1975; Keller, 1976;
Winklbauer and Schuerfeld, 1999)
animally, towards the blastocoele floor while the floor moves dorsally and comes to lie
against the dorsal blastocoele roof (dashed arrows, Fig. 2A), where it begins migrating
toward the animal cap (grey arrows, Fig. 1F, 2C); the outer vegetal endoderm moves
vegetally, rotating the attached IMZ and initiating its involution (lower black arrows, Fig.
1F; Fig. 2A, B). Like bottle cell formation, vegetal rotation begins dorsally, proceeds
laterally, and reaches the ventral sector by midgastrulation. The region of the blastocoele
floor and inner IMZ that vegetal rotation brings into contact with the overlying
blastocoele roof is often called the mesendoderm because both mesodermal and
endodermal cells are found at this leading edge of the “mesodermal” mantle (asterisks,
second column, Fig. 1, Fig. 2C). After attaching to the overlying blastocoele roof, this
mesendoderm migrates directionally toward the animal pole, using the overlying roof of
the blastocoele as a substrate (grey arrows, Fig. 1F, G; Fig. 2C-D) (Davidson et al., 2002;
Holtfreter, 1944; Nakatsuji, 1974; Nakatsuji, 1975a; Nakatsuji, 1976; Winklbauer, 1990;
Winklbauer and Keller, 1996; Winklbauer and Nagel, 1991; Winklbauer et al., 1996;
Winklbauer and Selchow, 1992; Winklbauer et al., 1992). The most advanced point of
initial contact of the mesendoderm with the overlying roof of the blastocoele, before it
begins migration, is beneath the anterior hindbrain/posterior forebrain, and thus is
actually quite far anterior in the future body plan (Poznanski and Keller, 1997). The cleft
that forms rapidly with this initial involution is called the Cleft of Brachet (CB, Fig. 2B).
As vegetal rotation and bottle cell formation initiate involution of the IMZ, the
dorsal IMZ and the presumptive posterior neural tissue animal to it, undergo a rapid
increase in area, which occurs anisotropically and is directed vegetally (white arrows,
middle column, Fig. 1; small arrows, Fig. 2A-B) (Keller, 1975; Keller, 1978; Keller,
1980; Wilson and Keller, 1991). The rapid vegetal extension is the result of radial
intercalation (discussed below, pp. ) of multiple layers of deep mesenchymal cells in
these regions, which produces a thinner but longer array (thinning and extension) (Keller,
1980; Wilson and Keller, 1991; Wilson et al., 1989)(small arrows, Fig. 2A-B). This rapid
vegetal extension and thinning is an active, force-producing process and it appears to aid
the rotation of the IMZ at the initiation of its involution but is not necessary for it (see
below, pp. ). As a result of the radial intercalation, the dorsal IMZ and the posterior
neural tissue thin from about 5-6 deep cell layers to about 2 layers over the period from
late blastula to the midgastrula stage (Keller, 1980).
At the midgastrula stage, the dorsal IMZ, consisting of the presumptive notochord
and somitic mesoderm, and posterior neural tissue just animal to it, begin to narrow in the
mediolateral axis (convergence) and elongate in the anterior-posterior axis (extension)
(Jacobson and Gordon, 1976; Keller, 1975; Keller, 1976; Keller, 1984; Keller, 1986;
Keller et al., 1985; Vogt, 1929) (white arrows, Fig. 1G-H, K-L; black arrows, Fig. 2C-D).
These paired movements of convergence and extension simultaneously narrow the
mediolateral aspect or the circumblastoporal aspect of the IMZ and elongate it in the
anterior-posterior direction. Combined, these movements also result in closure of the
blastopore and aid the continued involution of the IMZ as well (Fig. 1, two right
columns). These functions involve complex three-dimensional aspects of gastrulation
and will be discussed further below (pp. ). For now, note that the dorsal IMZ and
posterior neural tissue extend posteriorly across the yolk plug while converging over it
primarily from the dorsal side (third column, Fig. 1), such that the point of blastopore
closure is on the ventral side of the vegetal endoderm (pointers, second column, Fig. 1).
This anisotropic convergence and extension of the notochordal and somitic mesoderm
carries the suprablatoporal endoderm with it to form the elongate roof of the archenteron
(cf. the two right columns, Fig. 1). The bottle cells are carried inside by contact with the
deep mesoderm; they move anteriorly because of the migration of the mesendoderm (Fig.
2B-C), and the archenteron extends behind them by convergence and extension of the
posterior neural tissue and dorsal IMZ (Fig. 2C-D). These dorsal bottle cells then spread
once again to form a large area of the archenteron lining (RSBC, Fig. 2E). This process
of “respreading” progresses laterally and ventrally in the same order that the bottle cells
formed (follow the green areas in the right column, Fig. 1). The distortion pattern of the
suprablastoporal region corresponds to the convergence and extension movements of the
underlying dorsal (presumptive notochordal and somitic) mesoderm (cf. two right
columns), whereas the presumptive head, heart and lateroventral mesoderm first fans out
across the animal cap as a sheet, and then converge on the animal pole (orange, Fig. 1,
third column). Finally, it is important to know that the bottle cells form in the superficial
IMZ above the boundary between the converging and extending mesoderm and the
spreading head, heart and lateroventral mesoderm; later they respread across the inner
surface of these latter tissues (cf. third and fourth columns, Fig. 1).
The posterior neural tissue (dark blue), located immediately animal to the dorsal
IMZ, also undergoes the initial thinning and extension in the first half of gastrulation
(white arrows, Fig. 1E, F; small arrows, Fig. 2A-B) and convergence and extension in the
second half of gastrulation (white arrows, Fig. 1G-H; black arrows, Fig. 2C-D). The
posterior neural region converges and extends in parallel with the underlying IMZ, after
the latter involutes (black arrows, Fig. 2C-D). We believe that the neural tissue extends
somewhat faster than the underlying axial and paraxial mesoderm, resulting in a net force
for involution of the remaining IMZ (white curved arrows, Fig. 2C-D). Note that the
limit of involution (LI, Fig. 1) separating the IMZ from the presumptive neural and
epidermal tissue begins as a very large circle and decreases tremendously by the end of
gastrulation (Fig. 1, left column). The corresponding extension movements are likewise
very large, with the neural tissue being only 5 to 7 cells in length at the dorsal midline at
the outset of gastrulation, and hundreds at the end of neurulation. Both the convergence
and the extension involve coordinate behaviors of the tissues bounding one another
across the limit of involution (Keller and Danilchik, 1988).
Because the annular region just above the IMZ has the special properties of undergoing
convergence and extension coordinately with the underlying mesodermal tissue, we
designated it the non-involuting marginal zone (NIMZ, Fig. 1A), meaning that it comes
to lie at the margin of the closed blastopore but does not involute (Keller and Danilchik,
1988). The dorsal sector of the NIMZ undergoes an active convergence and extension
independent of other tissues (Keller and Danilchik, 1988). These movements are induced
in the NIMZ by planar contact with the dorsal IMZ (the Spemann Organizer) (Keller et
al., 1992c) and also contribute to make neural tissue (Doniach et al., 1992; Keller et al.,
1992c; Sater et al., 1993). The ventral sector of the NIMZ, consisting of the presumptive
ventral, posterior epidermal tissue, may show additional special behaviors corresponding
to the convergence and thickening movements occurring in the corresponding part of the
IMZ (see pp. ).
These are the general movements of Xenopus gastrulation, as they are currently
understood. Although they are geometrically complex, they are probably the least so
among the amphibians studied in detail thus far. We will now discuss in more detail each
of the major component movements of Xenopus gastrulation and then move on to other
species of anuran, using Xenopus as a guide to comparable movements, and as a contrast
to those that are different.
The Mechanism and Function of Convergence and Extension
We generally separate these movements into two components, the convergence
component and the extension component, because convergence is not necessarily linked
to extension but is a mechanical force generator that can drive cells into either extension
or thickening, or more commonly, both. Conversely, extension is not always driven by
convergence but can also be driven by thinning, as described above. In addition, the
geometric convergence of cells toward a point or a midline does not necessarily mean
that extension will result (see Chapter XXX-Keller Cell Movements). When we use the
terms “convergence and extension” or “convergent extension”, we are referring to
biomechanical linkage of the convergence of cells with extension in the active, forceproducing mechanism, and likewise “convergence and thickening” or “convergent
thickening”, refers to the linkage of convergence with thickening of the tissue in the same
fashion. There are many convergences of cells toward lines or points in morphogenesis
that have nothing in common with these biomechanically specialized, force-producing
movements (see Chapter XXX – Keller Cell Movements).
Convergent extension is an active, force-producing process that forms a dynamic
“embryonic skeleton”, which both shapes and supports the embryo.
In the whole embryo, the convergence component constricts the blastoporal lips
and closes the blastopore while the extension component lengthens the dorsal axial and
paraxial structures and defines the anterior-posterior axis of the body plan (Fig. 3A-B).
But a fundamental question is whether these tissue deformations are active forceproducing processes, or are they generated by forces produced elsewhere in the embryo?
In explants of the dorsal sector of the gastrula, both the neural and mesodermal tissues
actively converge and extend without an external substratum or exogenous source of
deforming force (Fig. 3C-E) (Keller and Danilchik, 1988; Keller, 1984; Keller et al.,
1985). The axial and paraxial mesoderm stiffen by a factor of 3 to 4 during convergence
and extension (Moore et al., 1995) and explants of these tissues can exert a pushing force
in extension of about a half micronewton (Moore, 1994). These tissues can extend and
lengthen the dorsal region of the embryo without the overlying blastocoele roof serving
as a substratum (Keller and Jansa, 1992). Indeed, the notochordal and somitic mesoderm
together form a stiff array that appears anchored posteriorly and laterally in the vegetal
endoderm, and they cannot be diverted in their direction of extension by external forces.
Because the mesoderm involutes and migrates across the roof of the blastocoele, it gives
the impression that it is a migratory population that conforms to the shape of its substrate,
the animal cap or blastocoele roof. This is true of the early-involuting, leading edge,
presumptive head, heart, and lateroventral mesoderm (orange, Fig. 1), but only to a
degree, as these cells also have internal interactions that generate forces not necessarily
mandated by directly by the substrate (see (Davidson et al., 2002). The late involuting
presumptive notochordal and somitic tissues can shape themselves independent of this
substrate, and when offered this substrate off-axis, on one side or the other, or both, they
do not correspond to the substrates in their shape, but instead the “substrates” move, or
are pulled in to congruence with the somitic and notochordal tissue, which remain
unchanged in the direction and shape of their convergent extension (Keller and Jansa,
1992). Thus the axial and paraxial mesoderm form a dynamic, constantly changing
“skeleton” that is able to support and also shape the embryonic body plan.
Extension of both the mesodermal and neural tissues involves two processes:
thinning and extension and convergence and extension (Keller and Danilchik, 1988). In
the first half of gastrulation, multiple deep layers of the dorsal mesoderm and neural
tissue intercalate along the radius of the embryo (radial intercalation) to form a tissue
array that is primarily thinner and longer (Fig. 3F-G) (Keller and Danilchik, 1988;
Wilson, 1990; Wilson and Keller, 1991; Wilson et al., 1989). This radial intercalation in
the IMZ, and the NIMZ (posterior neural) just above it, is biased such that the tissue
spreads anisotropically, elongating in the anterior-posterior direction, rather than
spreading in all directions (Wilson, 1990; Wilson and Keller, 1991). In contrast, radial
intercalation in the animal cap results in spreading in all directions (Keller, 1978; Keller,
1980), although perhaps not completely isotropically (Bauer et al., 1994). Little is known
of the cellular and molecular basis of radial intercalation. Although the early radial
intercalation, occurring before the deposit of extracellular matrix on the roof of the
blastocoele, may be independent of this matrix, the later radial intercalations driving the
late epibolic movements and the extension of the NIMZ and IMZ depend on integrinmediated interactions of the deep cells with the fibronectin-containing extracellular
matrix at their basal surfaces (Marsden and DeSimone, 2001).
The second process, convergence and extension, occurs as a result of intercalation
of cells between one another along the mediolateral axis to form a narrower, longer array
(Fig. 3H-I) (Keller et al., 1989; Keller and Hardin, 1987; Keller and Tibbetts, 1989;
Keller, 1984; Keller, 1986). Because the convergence movements are organized around
the circumference of the blastopore, this is squeezed shut, and at the same time, the
extension movements push the blastopore and the head apart and elongate the axis (Fig.
3A-B). The geometry of how these movements occur is not obvious, and we will return
to the subject again in the context of the global patterning of these cell behaviors (pp. ).
It should be kept in mind that the sequence of radial and mediolateral intercalation
involves only the multiple layers of deep cells in Xenopus, and it applies to both the
Fig. 3. Diagrams show the role of the convergence and extension movements in the closure of
the blastopore, involution, and body axis elongation in the embryo (A-B) and the active, force
producing nature of these movements in explants (C-E). During gastrulation, convergence and
extension of the posterior neural tissue (arrows, dark blue, A) and the deep mesodermal tissue
(curved arrows, A) close the blastopore and drive involution. During late gastrulation and
neurulation, the posterior neural tissue and underlying axial and paraxial mesoderm converge and
extend in parallel (black arrows, white arrows, respectively, B). In sandwich explants, consisting
of two sectors of the mesodermal and neural tissue sandwiched together with their deep surfaces
together, both the posterior neural and the mesodermal regions will converge and extend in
culture, without external forces or adhesion to a substrate, showing that convergence and
extension are driven from within (C-E). The initial phase of convergence and extension consists
mostly of thinning and extension, driven by intercalation of multiple layers of deep cells along the
radius of the embryo (radial intercalation) for form a thinner, longer array (F-G). In the second
phase, cells intercalate along the mediolateral axis (mediolateral intercalation) to form a narrower,
longer array (H-I). The superficial epithelial cells are thought to be passively stretched; they
initially elongate in the axis of extension (J-K) and then intercalate mediolaterally while returning
to their initial aspect ratio (K-L); they also divide and spread in area. From (Keller et al., 1989;
Keller and Danilchik, 1988; Keller and Tibbetts, 1989; Keller, 1978; Keller, 1980; Shih and
Keller, 1992a; Wilson and Keller, 1991)
Fig. 4. The differentiation of the cell motility underlying mesodermal and neural cell
intercalation during convergence and extension of these tissues is shown (A-D), and shown in the
context of one another (E). In the early gastrula, deep IMZ cells show multipolar, protrusive
activity and are pleiomorphic (A). At the onset of mediolateral intercalation, the deep
mesodermal cells form large lamelliform protrusions (black, B) at their medial and lateral ends,
appear to exert traction on one another, elongate in the mediolateral axis, and appear to pull
themselves between one another along this axis (mediolateral intercalation) (B). The are adherent
at their elongated anterior and posterior sides by small contacts (grey dots, B), which often appear
as filiform protrusions in living cells. When the notochordal-somitic mesdoermal boundary
forms (green, C), the internal, bipolar notochord cells continue this protrusive activity (cell #1,
C), whereas those in contact, or those coming into contact with the boundary, spread on the
boundary and form a monopolar cell, with the inner ends continuing the lamelliform protrusive
activity and the boundary ends are frozen at the boundary (cell #2, C). Deep neural cells in
absence of a midline show a bipolar protrusive activity similar to that shown by the deep
mesodermal cells (B), but in the presence of a midline notoplate/notochord (yellow/magenta, D),
their protrusive activity becomes biased toward the midline (D). They appear to exert traction on
one another and intercalate much as the deep mesodermal cells do during bipolar protrusive
activity. The deep midline neural cells (notoplate/future floor plate) remain isodiametric and
show no bias shown to be significant (yellow, D). In the whole embryo, the two layers of deep
cells, the neural on the outside (blue, E) and the mesodermal on the inside (magenta, notochord or
axial mesoderm; red, somitic or paraxial mesoderm) are separated by a layer of fibronectin (fn)containing matrix. They intercalate mediolaterally and converge (white arrows) and extend
(black arrows) together. The notochordal-somitic boundary contains fibrillin fibrils (fbn) that
may function in regulating the behavior of deep mesodermal cells. (From (Davidson and Keller,
1999; Elul and Keller, 2000; Elul et al., 1997a; Elul et al., 1998; Keller et al., 1992a; Keller et al.,
1992b; Keller et al., 1991; Keller and Tibbetts, 1989; Shih and Keller, 1992a; Shih and Keller,
1992c; Wilson, 1990; Wilson and Keller, 1991; Wilson et al., 1989)
presumptive notochordal and somitic mesoderm and the deep posterior neural tissue. In
the dorsal sector of the gastrula, the two types of intercalation generally appear to follow
one another, with the bulk of the radial preceding the onset of the mediolateral.
However, mediolateral intercalation tends to thicken the tissue as well as extend it, and
continuation of radial intercalation during mediolateral intercalation may counteract this
tendency. It is also possible that the bias of the radial intercalation in the IMZ and neural
tissue to produce extension rather than uniform spreading is due to an underlying, cryptic
mediolateral intercalation, although there is no evidence for this. Finally, concerning the
timing of these events, in the dorsal sector of the gastrula, the bulk of radial intercalation
occurs in the first half of gastrulation and mediolateral intercalation begins in earnest at
the midgastrula stage. This sequence of behaviors progresses to lateral and finally ventral
sectors through gastrulation. However, far ventrally, the presumptive posterior somitic
mesoderm (dark red, center columns, Fig. 1), also undergoes a “convergent thickening”
during involution to form a thick collar of mesoderm just inside the ventral lip (dark red,
Fig. 1H, L). Then in the neurula stages, when the notochord extends posteriorly and
pushes the blastopore through this ring of tissue, the mesodermal cells in this ring enter a
sequence of radial intercalation, followed by mediolateral intercalation as they join the
posterior segmental plate as posterior somitic mesoderm (see pp. , and Figure 5) (Keller
et al., 1989; Wilson, 1990; Wilson and Keller, 1991; Wilson et al., 1989).
The superficial epithelial cells of the dorsal IMZ and NIMZ (presumptive
posterior neural tissue) accommodate the convergence and extension of the underlying
deep tissues by elongating temporarily in the axis of extension to an aspect ratio of 2-2.5
(Fig. 3J-K) and then intercalating to form a longer, narrower array, and returning to an
isodiametric apical shape (Fig. 3K-L); they also divide and spread to form a larger area
during this period (Keller, 1978), and form a thinner epithelium (Keller, 1980). The cells
in this region, as in other regions, are linked circumferentially at their apices by a
junctional complex, including tight junctions (Fesenko et al., 2000; Sanders and Dicaprio,
1976), but those in this region appear to be specialized in a way that allows them to
rearrange without breaking the continuity of the epithelium. When animal cap epithelial
regions are grafted to the dorsal IMZ/posterior neural region, they do not rearrange
during convergence and extension, but elongate to an aspect ratio of about 5 or 6, and
then often tear apart from one another (Keller, 1981). Therefore it is likely that the
capacity of the native cells to accommodate convergence and extension by rearranging is
an important, developmentally regulated property.
The epithelial cells are thought to be passively stretched during convergence and
extension by forces generated in underlying deep regions, as these deep cells actively
intercalate to form a longer, narrower array, and likewise in regard to involution, the
epithelial cells are thought to be passively moved inside by the underlying deep cells.
Replacing the native epithelium of the dorsal IMZ/posterior neural region with animal
cap epithelium has minimal effect on involution and convergence and extension
movements, whereas replacing the deep cells with those from the animal cap blocks both
involution and convergence and extension (Keller, 1981). Both neural and mesodermal
regions can converge and extend after the epithelium of these regions has been replaced
at the midgastrula stage with animal cap epithelium (Keller and Danilchik, 1988).
The epithelial layer does appear to have a role in patterning the behavior of the
underlying deep cells. Removal of the epithelium of the dorsal IMZ prior to the onset of
mediolateral intercalation at the midgastrula stage blocks its convergence and extension
whereas removal after this stage does not (Wilson, 1990).
Grafts of dorsal IMZ
epithelium to the ventral IMZ induces both dorsal tissues types and convergence and
extension in the ventral IMZ, showing that the epithelial layer has Spemann organizer
activity in regard induction of both tissue type and cell movements (Shih and Keller,
Polarized Cell Motility Is Thought to Drive Mediolateral Intercalation and Convergent
The mediolateral cell intercalation during convergence and extension appears to
occur as a result of polarized cell motility, a behavioral transformation that is called
“mediolateral intercalation behavior” (MIB). In the early gastrula, the mesodermal cells
are multipolar, isodiametric, and pleiomorphic (Fig. Fig. 4A), but at the midgastrula
stage, they become polarized such that they have large lamelliform protrusions at their
medial and lateral ends and fine filiform protrusions or fine contact points at their anterior
and posterior sides (Fig. 4B) (Keller et al., 1989; Keller et al., 2000; Shih and Keller,
1992a; Shih and Keller, 1992c). The large lamellipodia appear to exert traction on
adjacent cells in the mediolateral axis, generate mediolaterally oriented tensile forces, and
thus the cells become elongated and aligned along the mediolateral axis (Fig. 4B) and
pull themselves between one another, generating a narrower, longer array (Fig. 3H-I). In
the course of this process, a notochordal-somitic boundary develops and the notochordal
cells become “captured” at this boundary. If an internal, bipolar notochord cell (#1, Fig.
4C) contacts this boundary, its invasive lamelliform protrusive activity ceases on the
boundary-contacting end, and that end of the cell spreads on the boundary but does not
cross it, and it rarely leaves the boundary (#2, Fig. 4C) (Shih and Keller, 1992c). This
biased “boundary capture” contributes to the extension of the boundary (Keller et al.,
1989; Keller et al., 2000; Keller et al., 1992a; Shih and Keller, 1992c). Together the
bipolar internal behavior and the monopolar, boundary capture mechanism produces
mediolateral intercalation within the notochord (magenta, Fig. 4E), and the bipolar mode,
indistinguishable from that seen in the notochordal mesoderm, appears to drive
intercalation of the somitic mesoderm (red, Fig. 4E). Boundary capture has not been
described in the somitic mesoderm adjacent to the notochordal-somitic mesoderm
Mediolateral intercalation in the neural region may be driven by two mechanisms
of cell intercalation, a bipolar mode, similar to that seen in the mesoderm, acting very
early and perhaps for a very short time, and a second monopolar mode that actually
carries out most of the convergence and extension of the posterior neural tissue.
Explants of the deep posterior neural tissue of the late midgastrula expresses a bipolar
mode of cell intercalation similar to that seen in the axial and paraxial mesoderm a (Fig.
4B) (Elul et al., 1997b). At this stage of explantation, no midline tissues (notoplate/floor
plate) will develop; they are dependent on longer contact with the underlying notochord,
which is also not present in these explants. However, when explanted with the
underlying mesoderm at the same stage, the protrusive activity of the cells becomes
regionally differentiated. Above the notochord, and attached to it, a double-layered
midline notoplate develops, and it is first distinguished by a specialized protrusive
activity that sets it apart from the deep neural plate cells on both sides. Its deep cells are
rounded in aspect and unbiased in their protrusive activity, although they may have a
slight bias toward the posterior (yellow, Fig. 4D, E) (Elul and Keller, 2000; Elul et al.,
1997a). These cells eventually form the floor plate of the neural tube, with a few
additional cells from the overlying superficial notoplate (Edlund, 2001). They appear to
be carried posteriorly by riding passively on the dorsal surface of the underlying
notochord. In contrast, in the presence of the midline structures of notochord and
notoplate, the protrusive activity of deep cells lateral to the midline, in the “neural plate
proper”, is biased to one side of their perimeter and directed toward these midline tissues
(blue, Fig. 4D, E) (Elul and Keller, 2000; Ezin et al., 2002). This medially-biased
protrusive activity is called the “monopolar mode” of cell intercalation behavior and is
characteristic of the posterior neural tissue (Elul and Keller, 2000; Elul et al., 1998). The
monopolar mode is dependent on the midline tissues of notochord and notoplate, and it
can be redirected toward ectopic grafts of these tissues(Ezin et al., 2002). The notoplate
cell behavior and the monopolar neural plate cell behavior begin in late gastrulation (Elul
and Keller, 2000), suggesting that the midline-independent, bipolar mode of neural cell
intercalation probably only exists for a short time between the mid and late gastrula
stages when the midline develops and monopolarizes the deep neural plate. The bipolar
mode may be an atavistic mechanism that is no longer functions alone in the normal
embryo but is necessary for the function of the monopolar mode that has replaced it (Elul
and Keller, 2000). The fact that the bipolar mode of intercalation as it is expressed in the
neural tissue is a rather poor driver of convergent extension (Elul et al., 1997a) supports
this notion. Even if it is not used, and it is a poor mechanism, the bipolar neural mode of
intercalation is a useful tool because of its deficiencies. Comparison of the ineffective
bipolar neural mode with the effective bipolar mesodermal mode may reveal what
properties are important for efficient translation of local intercalation into convergence
(see Cell Movements, this volume, pp. ).
Convergence and Thickening (“Convergent Thickening”) of the Ventral IMZ
The ventral sector of the IMZ also converges at the blastoporal lip and thereby
contributes to its closure, but instead of extending, this region thickens to form the collar
of presumptive somtic mesoderm lying at the ventral lip of the blastopore at the end of
gastrulation (Keller, 1975; Keller, 1976) (Fig. 1). The events in the ventral sector of the
gastrula initially parallel those at the dorsal sector but occur later. The leading edge,
early involuting mesoderm in the ventral sector, which consists of presumptive
ventrolateral mesoderm, involutes and then migrates and spreads across the blastocoele
roof (orange, Fig. 1, third column) (Davidson et al., 2002). In this regard it resembles the
early involuting mesoderm from dorsal and lateral sectors, which form the head and heart
mesoderm (orange, Fig. 1, third column). However, the late involuting mesoderm,
located more animally in the ventral IMZ, consisting of presumptive posterior somitic
tissue, converges and thickens to form the collar of mesoderm just over the ventral lip
(Fig. 1H. L). This appears to be an active, force-producing process, since it converges
and thickens in explants of the ventral IMZ (Keller and Danilchik, 1988). This
convergent thickening was thought to occur transiently and to precede convergent
extension, at least in explants, but it persists in the ventral sector (Keller and Danilchik,
1988). This deep ventral IMZ contributes to closing the ventral sector of the blastopore
through this persistent convergent thickening, and then this tissue undergoes radial
intercalation, followed by mediolateral intercalation and convergent extension in the
neurula stage as it joins the posterior segmental plate (see pp. and Fig. 5D-E) (Wilson,
1990; Wilson et al., 1989). Neither the cell movements nor the force-generating
mechanisms of this ventral convergent thickening movement are known. Recruitment of
the mesoderm out of this collar and into participation in radial and mediolateral
intercalation, convergent extension, and somite differentiation requires contact with more
dorsal, or anterior structures (see pp.
). Ventral IMZ explants mimic the gastrula
behavior of the ventral IMZ in their convergence and thickening, but they do not undergo
the later, convergent extension behavior that occurs when this tissue is swept alongside
the posteriorly extending notochord (see next section) (Keller and Danilchik, 1988).
Xenopus, and amphibians having similar types of eggs and gastrulation
mechanisms, appear to use this convergent thickening only on the ventral sector of the
gastrula, the majority of the convergence and extension being driven by convergent
extension, and these embryos all converge and extend during gastrulation, and thereby
form an elongate axis and gastrocoele, or archenteron, during gastrulation. Other
amphibians, such as Gastrotheca, appear to close the blastopore using only convergent
thickening, and these species show convergent extension, body axis elongation, and
archenteron elongation as a separate post-gastrular behaviors (see pp. ). It is also likely
that convergent thickening is the mechanism that closes the blastopore of UV-ventralized
Xenopus embryos, which close the blastopore symmetrically, and do not converge and
extend (Gerhart et al., 1981).
Recruitment of the Ventrally-Derived Somitic Mesoderm into the Dorsal Body Axis
The deformation of the IMZ on its way into the interior of the embryo and during
its migration convergence and extension is extreme in both the mediolateral and anterior
posterior directions, and it is difficult to wrap one’s mind around the presumptive
geometry of the tissues at the onset of gastrulation. As a result, there is much
misunderstanding of how the major features and axes are mapped on to the early gastrula.
Part of the confusion arises from the fact that referring to presumptive areas on the early
gastrula fate map as dorsal or ventral has also been taken to mean that dorsally-located
areas in the gastrula form only dorsal tissues of the body plan and that ones located
initially on the ventral aspect of the gastrula form only ventral parts of the body plan.
This is not the case, at least in Xenopus (Keller, 1991).
To begin, the early-involuting, leading edge cell population of the IMZ (orange,
middle and right columns, Fig. 1), forms the future ventral tissues, and all these cells
migrate and spread across the blastocoele roof (middle and right columns, Fig. 1). The
dorsal leading edge mesendoderm or “head” mesoderm (Fig. 1F, J) migrates beneath the
ventral part of the head and into the future liver region (Fig. 1G-H, K-L); the lateral
leading edge migrates laterally across the roof and then ventrally and posteriorly to the
head where it forms the heart (Fig. 1K-L); finally the leading edge ventral mesendoderm
migrates over the ventral lip and forms the ventral body wall, blood, and mesenchyme
(Fig. 1G-H, K-L) (Keller, 1991).
All of this tissue shows the characteristic
mesendodermal migration behavior (see pp. ) (Davidson et al., 2002; Winklbauer, 1990;
Winklbauer and Nagel, 1991). It borders the paraxial (somitic) mesoderm in a region that
is more or less congruent with the area in which bottle cells form and respread (Fig. 1),
and this same region comes to underlie the boundary of the neural plate at the
midgastrula stage (see (Keller, 1975; Keller, 1976; Keller, 1981; Poznanski and Keller,
1997) (Fig. 1). Blood is formed from all dorsoventral sectors of this leading edge
mesendoderm (Lane and Sheets, 2002; Lane and Smith, 1999).
It is the presumptive mesoderm in the animal half of the IMZ that involutes late
and follows the leading edge migratory cells inside, forms the dorsal tissues of
notochordal and somitic mesoderm, and undergoes convergent extension rather than
migration (magenta and red, Fig. 1F-H, J-L). These presumptive dorsal tissues are
represented in all dorsoventral sectors of the IMZ (notochord dorsally, the anterior
somites laterally, and the posterior ones ventrally), and they involute over the entire
blastoporal lip (third column, Fig. 1; Fig. 5A). How do they come to lie dorsally in the
body plan?
The presumptive notochord involutes over the dorsal lip and converges and extends; the
presumptive somitic mesoderm that involutes over the dorsolateral and lateral lips also
converges and extends along side the notochord and forms what will become anterior
somitic mesoderm (red, Fig. 5A-B). The presumptive somitic mesoderm that involutes
over the ventral and ventrolateral lips, undergoes convergent thickening and comes to lie
in the ventrolateral collar of mesoderm (brown, Fig. 5A-B). Dye marks placed in this
collar stream along both sides of the notochord, as it extends posteriorly, and joins the
posterior segmental plate (Keller, 1976). These movements have been observed directly
in explants. Wilson made explants of the dorsal neural and underlying mesodermal
tissues from this stage and peeled off the endoderm of the gastrocoele roof, exposing the
underlying mesodermal cells (Fig. 5B-C) (Keller et al., 1989; Wilson, 1990; Wilson et
al., 1989). Time lapse recordings of these explants show that the notochord and somitic
mesoderm extends posteriorly during late gastrulation and neurulation but the notochord
extends faster (cf. black arrows, Fig. 5D), resulting in shearing the notochord posteriorly
with respect to the somitic mesoderm (illustrated by the posterior separation of the
notochordal component of the blue marks in D from the somitic component in E). As a
result, the notochord pushes the blastopore posteriorly, and the ventral presumptive
somitic mesoderm (dark red, Fig. 5D) streams around both sides of the blastopore and
posterior notochrod (white arrows, Fig. 5D), joins the posterior segmental plate (Fig. 5E).
This posterior shearing explains how the notochord is brought into medial apposition
with the presumptive posterior prospective somitic mesoderm (dark red, Fig. 5A), which
it does not initially contact; in fact, at the outset of gastrulation, the notochord is apposed
Fig. 5. Diagrams show the regional expression of convergence and extension and correlated
tissue patterning and orientation of the major body axes. After involution of the leading edge
mesendoderm, the IMZ consists of presumptive notochord (magenta), presumptive anterior
somitic mesoderm (red), and presumptive posterior somitic mesoderm (dark red) in the dorsal,
lateral and ventral sectors of the gastrula, respectively (A). The future anterior-posterior axes
(white, dashed arrows, pointing posteriorly) and mediolateral axes (green dashed arrows, pointed
medially) are shown. The presumptive notochordal and anterior somitic tissues involute over the
dorsal lip and converge and extend, with the axes redirected as shown (A-B). The presumptive
posterior somitic mesoderm involutes over the ventral blastoporal lip, converges and thickens,
and lies just inside the lip as a thick collar (dark red, B). Movements from this point on are best
illustrated by making a Wilson explant of the dorsal tissues and stripping off the endodermal roof
of the gastrocoele to expose the mesoderm to time lapse imaging (B-C-D). The notochord
extends posteriorly at a faster rate (long arrow, D) than the anterior somitic mesoderm (short
arrow, D) and the notochord shears posteriorly with respect to the somitic mesoderm (shearing of
blue marks, D-E), pushes the blastopore posteriorly through the thick collar of presumptive
posterior somitic mesoderm, which moves around both sides of the blastopore/notochord and
joins the segmental plate (white arrows, D) where it converges and extends (D-E). Note that this
movement shears the notochord along the medial boundary of the presumptive posterior somitic
mesoderm, tissue with which it does not have a boundary in the early embryo (A). As the
posterior somitic mesoderm leaves the circumblastoporal zone, it undergoes radial intercalation to
form a longer, thinner array (thinning and extension) (G), and then mediolateral intercalation to
form a narrower, thicker (convergent thickening), and longer array (convergent extension) (F),
whereas the notochord undergoes a mediolateral intercalation that produces primarily convergent
extension (H). In “Giant explants” consisting of the entire IMZ and NIMZ (posterior neural and
epidermal tissue) (I), the notochord and most of the somitic mesoderm, as well as the neural
tissue, converge and extend (J). When the ventral sector of the explant containing presumptive
posterior somitic tissue (outside the pointers, I) is separated from the dorsal sector containing
presumptive anterior somitic tissue and notochord (inside the pointers, I), the dorsal sector of the
IMZ converges, extends and forms notochord and somitic tissue (K) whereas the ventral sector
converges and thickens for form a shallow invagination and fails to form somitic mesoderm (L).
(From (Keller, 1991; Keller et al., 1989; Keller and Danilchik, 1988; Wilson, 1990; Wilson et al.,
1989). Also see (Lane and Sheets, 2002; Lane and Smith, 1999)
to only the anterior presumptive somites (Fig. 5A). These movements also explain why
the presumptive somitic mesoderm lying in the ventral sector of the gastrula makes
posterior somites, and why dye marks placed in the deep ventral IMZ form “rockets”
passing anteriorly on both sides of the blastopore as the blastopore is pushed posteriorly
(Keller, 1976).
Time lapse recording of cell behavior in Wilson explants during the period of
these movements (Fig. 6D-E) show that these ventrally-derived somitic mesodermal cells
undergo radial and mediolateral intercalation in joining the posterior segmental plate
(Fig. 5F-G) (Wilson, 1990; Wilson et al., 1989). In the circumblastoporal zone, the cells
undergo radial intercalation and thinning and extension as they move out of this region
into the posterior segmental plate (Fig. 5G). Then in a second zone in the posterior
segmental plate, they follow with mediolateral intercalation, convergence, a convergence
that leads to both extension (convergent extension) and thickening (convergent
thickening) (Fig. 5F). In the comparable period, the notochord continues its convergence
and extension with less of the convergence contributing to thickening, which is probably
one of several reasons why it extends faster than the somitic mesoderm (Fig. 5H). The
proportion of convergence causing extension or thickening may be developmentally
regulated by the persistence of radial intercalation, which counteracts the mechanical
tendency of convergence to produce increase in both dimensions transverse to the axis of
convergence (see Chapter XXX- Keller Cell Movements and (Keller et al., 2003).
We view this sequence of behaviors on the part of the somitic mesoderm derived
from the ventral sector of the gastrula as part of the anterior-posterior progression of the
cell intercalation behaviors seen earlier in the mesoderm derived from the dorsal sector of
the gastrula, the difference being that the earlier movements occur around the unclosed
blastopore and constrict it, whereas the later movements occur as the mesoderm is swept
around both sides of the closed blastopore. This sequence is followed by the anteriorposterior progression of the somite segmentation behavior, described in detail by Wilson
(Wilson, 1990; Wilson et al., 1989). Moreover, explant experiments show that both the
convergent extension behaviors and the differentiation as somitic mesoderm require
contact with dorsally-derived sectors of the IMZ (pp. ), but before discussing these
experiments it is important to discuss the presumptive axes in relation to the gastrular
Mapping the Presumptive Body Axes on to the Early Gastrula
Based on fate mapping with dye marks (Keller, 1975; Keller, 1976) and direct
time lapse recording of progressions of cell behaviors and displacements (Keller et al.,
1989; Shih and Keller, 1992c; Wilson, 1990; Wilson and Keller, 1991; Wilson et al.,
1989) we can map the presumptive anterior-posterior and mediolateral axes of the late
neurula tissues (Fig. 5B, D, E), back on to the IMZ, at the onset of gastrulation (Fig. 5A).
The anterior-posterior axis at the midline of the notochord is oriented parallel to the
animal-vegtal axis with posterior being animal-most. Near the notochordal-somitic
boundaries, the anterior-posterior axis passes laterally on both sides as diverging arcs,
parallel to the boundary of the notochord (white dashed arrows, pointing to the
presumptive posterior, Fig. 5A). In the adjacent presumptive somitic mesoderm, the
presumptive anterior-posterior axis arcs laterally around the blastopore and ventrally with
respect to the gastrula geometry (white dashed arrows, pointing to the presumptive
posterior, Fig. 5A). The posterior ends (arrowheads) of the presumptive anteriorposterior axes are brought together at the blastopore by convergence, partly due to
convergent extension in the dorsal sectors occupied by presumptive notochord and
anterior somitic mesoderm (magenta and red territory, Fig. 5A) and partly due to the
convergent thickening in ventral sectors occupied by presumptive posterior mesoderm
(dark red, Fig. 5A). The mediolateral axes run roughly perpendicular to the anteriorposterior axes (green dashed arrows, pointing medially, Fig. 5A B, D, E). The lateral
aspect of the somitic mesoderm lies next to the vegetal endoderm and the medial aspect
lies next to the notochord for anterior somitic mesoderm, and next to epidermal tissue, for
the future posterior somitic mesoderm (green dashed arrows, pointing medially, Fig. 5A).
Note that the meeting point of ventral epidermis and somitic mesoderm lies at the ventral
lip of the blastopore after involution, and it is along this line that the somitic mesoderm is
sheared anteriorly as the notochord pushes posteriorly in the neurula stage (Fig. 5D-E),
explaining why the notochord does not bound posterior somitic mesoderm early (Fig. 5A)
but does so later (Fig. 5E). Together, the presumptive mediolateral axes of the
notochordal and somitic tissue lie perpendicular to the presumptive anterior-posterior
axes and describe arcs that span across the dorsal lip of the blastopore (Fig. 5A). It is
along these arcs that convergence occurs, and that convergence, discussed and diagramed
below, will drive blastopore closure, and involution (pp. ; Figs. 6, 7).
Lane and colleagues (Lane and Sheets, 2002; Lane and Smith, 1999) have
provided evidence supporting the notion that the presumptive posterior end of the embryo
lies in the ventral sector of the gastrula. Their interpretation is largely correct, in that the
posterior somitic mesoderm lies ventrally. One caveat to the blanket statement that
posterior is ventral, however, is the fact that the posterior end of the notochord lies middorsal and is united with the posterior somitic mesoderm by the convergence and
shearing motions described above.
Patterning of Convergent Extension and Convergent Thickening.
In giant explants including all dorsoventral sectors of the gastrula (Fig. 5A-I),
nearly all the IMZ and the neural tissue participate in convergent extension (Fig. 5I-J).
Explants of the dorsal sector alone, which include the presumptive notochord and anterior
somitic mesoderm, undergo convergent extension (Fig. 5I-K) whereas explants of the
ventral sector alone, which include the presumptive posterior somitic mesoderm, do not
(Fig. 5I-L) (Keller and Danilchik, 1988). Moreover, the presumptive somitic mesoderm
in these explants does not develop as expected but forms ventral mesoderm (orange, Fig.
5H). This suggests that the ventral sector depends on contact with dorsal sector tissues
to undergo convergent extension and somitic differentiation. The path of morphogenesis
in the ventral sector in absence of contact with the dorsal sectors is to undergo convergent
thickening; ventral explants involute a small amount at their vegetal edges, and form a
thick ring of mesoderm, with more mesoderm spread up the inner surface of the animal
region, and often form a short “archenteron” there (Fig. 5L). Expression of MIB and the
differentiation of posterior somitic mesoderm, do not spread ventrally into the ventral
(presumptive posterior somitic region) of giant explants of the type shown in Figure 5F
that have been mechanically prevented from deforming (Shih and Keller, 1992c). This
suggests that the effect of dorsal sectors on ventral tissues is a matter of more than just
continuity; there must be proximity brought about by the autonomous convergent
extension of the dorsally-located regions. Where and when this signal is delivered, and
how it relates to the putative, third, dorsalization signal postulated to exist on the basis of
differentiation of large pieces of the gastrula alone and in combination (Slack et al., 1992;
Slack and Tannahill, 1992) is not clear. The way to examine this issue would be to
evaluate the morphogenesis and tissue differentiation of explants, and interaction of
explants, derived from various positions in the giant explant of the early gastrula (Fig. 5I)
and from corresponding zone in the circumblastoporal region and progressively anterior
ones in the posterior segmental plate of the late gastrula or early neurula (Fig. 5D).
Patterning of MIB.
Mediolateral intercalation behavior (MIB) occurs in a progressive pattern (Shih and
Keller, 1992c), a pattern that we will see below, allows specific morphogenetic functions
without which gastrulation fails (Keller et al., 2000; Keller et al., 1992a). Giant explants
of the mesodermal component of the IMZ (Fig. 6A-B) were cultured under mechanical
restraints such that they cannot extend, and the pattern of expression of MIB recorded
(Shih and Keller, 1992c). MIB occurs progressively from anterior to posterior and from
lateral to medial in the IMZ (Fig. 6C). MIB begins in the presumptive anterior somitic
mesoderm and proceeds toward the dorsal midline, just above the blastopore at the early
midgastrula, to form an arc, the vegetal alignment zone (VAZ) (Fig. 6C, early, early
mid). Then the notochordal-somitic mesodermal boundary forms within the VAZ and
proceeds posteriorly, separating the future somitic and notochordal fields (dashed, black
arrows, Fig. 6C, early mid). As the notochord boundaries form, MIB progresses along
their medial aspect, beginning from its origin in anterior VAZ and proceeding posteriorly
(blue arrows, Fig. 6C, late mid, late). Meanwhile, at the origin of the VAZ in the anterior
somitic mesoderm, MIB has been progressing posteriorly along the lateral boundaries of
the somitic mesoderm (blue arrows, Fig. 6C, late mid, late). From this lateral origin in
the somitic mesoderm, MIB spreads medially toward the notochord, and from its lateral
origin in the notochord, it spreads medially toward the midline (black
Fig. 6. The pattern of expression of mediolateral cell intercalation behavior (MIB) is progressive,
beginning in the presumptive anterior regions and proceeding posteriorly, and beginning in the
presumptive lateral regions and proceeding medially in both the notochord and somitic domains.
For reference, the presumptive anterior-posterior axes (white, dashed arrows, A, B) and
mediolateral axes (green, dashed lines, A, B) are shown in the embryo (A) and in giant explants
(B). Diagrams (C) show the expression of MIB as red bipolar cell outlines in explants that are
mechanically constrained and thus allowed to converge and extend. MIB begins laterally in the
presumptive anterior somitic and proceeds medially (early, C), where the two arrays meet to form
an arc, the vegetal alignment zone (VAZ, early mid, C). The notochordal-somitic boundary
forms within the VAZ and proceeds posteriorly (dashed, black arrow, late mid, C). MIB
continues to spread posteriorly in the lateral regions of the somitic and notochordal territories
(blue arrows, late mid and late, C), and from this lateral origin, it proceeds medially in each
tissue, toward the notochordal mesoderm in the somitic tissue and toward the midline in the
notochordal territory (black arrows, late mid and late, C). When unconstrained (D), the VAZ
shortens by MIB, and thus converges to narrow the explant and extend its midline (grey arrows,
early mid, D), a process that continues with the progression of MIB in the notochordal and
somitic territories (grey arrows, late mid, D). In the embryo, the VAZ arcs across the dorsal lip
and is anchored near the vegetal endoderm (dorsal view E, midsagittal view, F), and as it shortens
by MIB (short arrows, E), it tends to pull the IMZ vegetally (dashed red arrow, F) and roll it over
the lip (curved arrows, E, F). The advance of the posterior progression from this point on is
constantly at or near the lip of the blastopore, producing a continuation of the hoop stress that
tends to drive the IMZ over the lip (G). (From (Keller and Jansa, 1992; Keller et al., 1992a;
Keller et al., 1991; Keller, 1984; Lane and Keller, 1997; Shih and Keller, 1992c).
arrows, Fig. 6C, late mid, late). If the explant is allowed to extend, the progressive arcs
of tension developing as a result of the MIB, which pull the boundaries of the explant
inwards and extend it anterior-posteriorly (grey arrows, Fig. 6D). Mapped back on to the
gastrula, the VAZ develops across the dorsal blastoporal lip of the early gastrula, and as it
shortens by mediolateral intercalation, it is thought to exert a hoop stress that would tend
to pull the IMZ over the lip, thus aiding its involution (Fig. 6E, F) (Lane and Keller,
1997). This occurs in early midgastrula stage, and causes a rapid movement of the dorsal
lip vegetally, a “snap down” movement that converts the initial dorsoventrally elongated
aspect of the blastoporal lips to a circular one (see two forms of stage 10.5, (Nieuwkoop
and Faber, 1967). Thereafter, the posterior progression of MIB forms a posteriorly
moving hoop stress at the blastoporal lip, which would continue driving involution (Fig.
6G). These mechanisms will be described (pp. ) and diagramed in Fig. 7, 8.
The progression of MIB seems to be cell-by-cell, with each successive tier in both
the mediolateral and anterior-posterior axes adopting MIB in order (Shih and Keller,
1992c), suggesting that the process may be organized during gastrulation, rather than preprogrammed by events in the blastula stage. When labeled notochord cells from one
embryo are scattered at random through the notochordal territory of an unlabeled explant
from a second embryo at the early gastrula stage, and their behavior recorded, the onset
of MIB in these labeled cells proceeds from anterior-to-posterior and lateral-to-medial
(Domingo and Keller, 1995). This shows that there is within the notochordal domain a
patterning process capable of organizing MIB during gastrulation. Moreover, this
patterning system is capable of inducing MIB and mesodermal fate in prospective
epidermal cells, which would not have normally expressed MIB or mesodermal fates at
all, suggesting that mesoderm tissue fate and MIB are both induced, or can be induced by
organizing signals during gastrulation (Domingo and Keller, 1995; Domingo and Keller,
2000). These inducing signals within the tissue are quite potent when assayed on small
groups of cells, more so than would be expected from competence tests in artificial
circumstances (Domingo and Keller, 1995; Domingo and Keller, 2000), which suggests
that competence tests are relevant measures of what happens in the embryo only when the
right signals are presented in a relevant context.
To visualize how MIB can drive involution and close the blastopore
asymmetrically, we plot the pattern of progression of MIB on to the vegetal view of the
gastrula, as it would appear if the IMZ did not move (indicated by highlighted cells, Fig.
7A-F). Expression of MIB can be viewed as forming consecutive arcs, anchored at both
ends near the boundary of the IMZ with the large central core of vegetal endoderm (Fig.
7A-F). The VAZ forms prior to notochordal-somitic mesodermal boundary formation
(Fig. 7A-B). The boundary forms, beginning anteriorly and progressing posteriorly, and
thereafter in both the notochordal (magenta, Fig. 7) and somitic (red, Fig. 7) tissues
undergo MIB as a series of continuous, progressively more posterior arcs. The progress
of MIB is actually continuous but represented by discrete arcs here for clarity. This
pattern of MIB is equivalent to that depicted in a giant explant (Fig. 6C). In the ventral
sector, where the presumptive posterior somitic mesoderm resides, convergent thickening
takes place (see above and Keller and Danilchik, 1988). Since the mechanism of this
process is not known, it is indicated by boxes (dark red, Fig. 7). The more posterior arcs
of MIB are thought to link up with arcs of convergent thickening behavior somewhere in
the lateroventral marginal zone to form continuous arcs finally encircling the blastopore
(Fig. 7C-F). The ventral sector of presumptive posterior somitic mesoderm undergoing
this convergent thickening is the same region that will involute and thicken, and then
undergo radial and mediolateral intercalation along side the posterior notochord as
described above and in Figure 6.
Fig. 7. The progressive pattern of expression of MIB, indicated by bipolar cells, is mapped back
on to the gastrula IMZ as it would appear if the IMZ did not move, with expression in the VAZ
and somitic mesoderm indicated in red and expression in the notochord indicated in magenta.
Expression of convergence and thickening behavior, the cellular basis of which is unknown, is
indicated by dark red bars where it is expressed in the ventral IMZ in the presumptive posterior
somitic mesoderm.
Biomechanics of Progressive MIB: Hoop Stress Drives Involution and Blastopore
We believe that the progressive pattern of MIB described above has the following
biomechanical consequences. As they shorten by MIB, these arc-like patterns of MIB
generate a “hoop stress” across the dorsal lip, which tends to pull the IMZ over the lip to
form a narrower array that bridges across the vegetal endoderm as the gastrocoele roof
(Fig. 8A-B); at the same time the array becomes longer by extension, and progressively
more so towards the posterior side (Fig. 8A-B). As described above, the arcs of
convergence in presumptive posterior tissues occur by MIB dorsally, indicated by
elongated, bipolar cell symbols, and finished out as a continuous circle ventrally by
merging mechanically with the convergence and thickening behavior, indicated by
rectangles (Fig. 8A). The process begins with the tightening of the VAZ across the
dorsal lip at the early midgastrula stage (Fig. 6E, F). Again, MIB and whatever behavior
underlies convergent thickening, and the resulting convergence and hoop stress, are all
expressed as continuous phenomena, cell by cell, but are depicted as discrete arcs for
Fig. 8. The biomechanical aspects of how progressive hoop stress produces involution and
blastopore closure in Xenopus can be visualized as shortening or arcs of intercalating cells. The
progressive expression of MIB illustrated in Figure 7 and 8, produce cell intercalation and
shortening of the presumptive anterior arc (green, A), which is pulled over the blastoporal lip to
span the roof of the anterior gastrocoele (B). It is followed by shortening of presumptive
anterior-mid (light blue), posterior mid (dark blue), and posterior (yellow) arcs, which also
involute and span those levels of the gastrocoele roof (A-B), the latter forming the rim of the
closed blastopore. Note that shortening of the last two arcs is due to MIB, represented by bipolar
cell symbols, and convergence and thickening, represented by boxes. Note that arc shortening by
cell intercalation requires that bipolar cells intercalate locally to form a narrower, longer array (CD); no dorsally directed activity has it been observed in the mesoderm, unlike the neural tissue
(see text, pp. ). If the arcs are broken dorsolaterally by microsurgical means (E), the isolated
dorsal sector will extend straight out without involuting, while the lateral sectors, consisting
mostly somitic mesoderm, will converge against the vegetal endoderm, extend parallel to the
margin of the blastopore, and thus enlarging it to form the classic “ring embryo” (E-F). (Based
on (Keller, 1981; Keller, 1984; Schechtman, 1942).
As a result of MIB, the bipolar, mediolaterally elongated cells move between one
another to form a shorter, narrower array, and essentially shortening a chain of cells while
making it longer (Fig. 8C-D). There is no evidence that the mesodermal cells undergoing
MIB are biased in their protrusive activity toward the dorsal midline. Nor is there any
evidence that the cells move “towards” the dorsal midline, or that they need to know
where it is in order to converge and extend. If the dorsal midline is removed, the laterally
situated somitic mesoderm continues to extend, whereas the notochord does not; it seems
dependent on contact with the somitic mesoderm, or something associated with the
somitic mesoderm in order to continue convergence and extension (Wilson, 1990; Wilson
et al., 1989). The same appears to be true in ventralized embryos that have no notochord
but do have somitic mesoderm (Youn and Malacinski, 1981). Cell intercalation by the
bipolar mode of MIB simply shortens a chain that is anchored on both ends, and more
cells are brought closer to the midline but it is because of arc-shortening by intercalation,
not midline-directed migration. This is quite different from the cell motility behavior in
the neural plate, which is directed toward the dorsal midline (Elul and Keller, 2000; Elul
et al., 1998) (Ezin et al., 2002). The differences between convergence and extension by
bipolar, mediolaterally directed protrusive activity and by monopolar, medially-directed
protrusive activity and the biomechanics involved in each are discussed in another
chapter (Chapter XXX- Keller Cell Movements).
Breaking the arcs of convergence is the most certain way to stop gastrulation.
Schechtman, in one of the best but most ignored papers in morphogenesis (Schechtman,
1942), and Keller (Keller, 1984) found in Hyla regilla and in Xenopus laevis respectively
that dorsolateral insertions of other tissues, or cuts in this region, isolated the dorsal
sector of the IMZ from the lateral and ventral sectors the dorsal sector. Isolated from the
hoop stress, the dorsal sector extends straight out while the lateral and ventral sectors
converge against the vegetal endoderm and extended parallel to it, and enlarge it rather
than close it (Fig. 8E-F). It is not enough for the local cell behavior to be properly
specified locally; the behavior must be mechanically integrated into the context of the
whole. The information necessary to accomplish this type of morphogenesis is
distributed, and input from the genome is multilevel and contextual, and it includes
specifying the pattern of MIB, specifying the details of MIB that result in traction and
cell intercalation, specification of the cell adhesions to link the cells into chains, and
specification of the biomechanical properties of the tissues (viscoelastic properties,
stiffness) that can transmit the local traction forces into a global tension (hoop stress) (see
Chapter XXX- Keller Cell Movements).
The timing of MIB, notably its progressive expression, is biomechanically
important for involution of the IMZ. The axial and paraxial tissues become stiffer by a
factor of 3 to 4 with convergent extension (Moore et al., 1995), and thus with MIB.
Thus if MIB took place throughout the IMZ all at once in the early gastrula stage, the
IMZ would stiffen outside the blastopore and possibly would not turn the corner during
involution. This may be what happens in embryos dorsoanteriorized to certain degree by
lithium treatment, such that too much of the IMZ forms notochord and extends, resulting
in a proboscis that often does not involute but extends straight out. Failure to involute
under these circumstances may be due to a number of factors, one of which may be
premature stiffness of the IMZ in a preinvolution position. If postinvolution tissue
already undergoing convergent extension is microsurgically removed and placed outside
the blastopore of another embryo, it cannot involute a second time but sits on the
blastoporal lip like a canoe on the edge of a waterfall, seemingly unable to bend around
the lip (R. Keller, unpublished experiments). Genetic regulation of tissue mechanical
properties is an important but largely ignored aspect of research in morphogenesis.
Role of the Bottle Cells: Anchorage and “Re-spreading”
To complete the story of the behavior of the IMZ in gastrulation, we must return
to the bottle cells for a moment. The bottle cells form progressively, first dorsally (Fig.
1F, N), then laterally, and finally ventrally at the midgastrula stage (Fig. 1G, O). By this
time, the dorsal bottle cells are beginning to spread out again (Fig. 1G, O). This process,
which we refer to as “respreading”, is also progressive and occurs in the same dorsal to
ventral order as bottle cell formation. The respread cells form a large area of the lining of
the archenteron (Fig. 1H) (see RSBC, Fig. 2D) (Hardin and Keller, 1988; Keller, 1975;
Keller, 1981). When bottle cells or their progenitors are removed, the archenteron is
truncated to the degree that these cells contribute to the fate map (Hardin and Keller,
1988; Keller, 1981). Nothing is known about the mechanism of bottle cell respreading. It
should be investigated because it is capable of generating what appear to be substantial
forces involved in expanding the periphery of the archenteron. The formation of the
bottle cells seems to be a way to pack a lot of surface area into a small space, and
transport it inside; it is there, during their respreading that the bottle cells of Xenopus
have their greatest effect on morphogenesis.
The bottle cells form an adhesive anchor-point of the epithelial layer endodermal
layer to the underlying mesendodermal cells. When their progenitors or the bottle cells
themselves are removed microsurgically, there is little effect on gastrulation except the
epithelium slips posteriorly as the underlying mesendoderm moves forward and the
posterior axial and paraxial mesoderm extends posteriorly to close the blastopore (Keller,
1981). The epithelium of the IMZ/roof of the gastrocoele peels off the underlying
mesoderm easily except in the region of the bottle cells (R. Keller, unpublished
The molecular basis of this strong adhesion is not known, and no
increased concentration, or activity of an adhesion molecule or a specialized adhesion
molecule has been associated with these cells. Modulation of this adhesion to deeper
tissue, perhaps increasing it even more, could be part of the mechanism of respreading.
The formation of the bottle cells may contribute to rotation and initiation of
involution of the IMZ (Hardin and Keller, 1988), but the vegetal rotation movements
appear to play a larger role (Winklbauer and Schuerfeld, 1999). The apical constriction
of the bottle cells is anisotropic in that it is oriented in the animal vegetal direction, and it
results in movement of the IMZ vegetally rather than movement of the vegetal endoderm
animally, thereby aiding initiation of involution. This anisotropic behavior is not intrinsic
but is a result of the mechanical properties of the surrounding tissues. Again, the genetic
input into the function of these cells is probably a product of specification of their
intrinsic behavior, specification of their geometric configuration, and specification of the
deformability of surrounding tissues (see Chapter XXX-Keller Cell Movements).
Mesendoderm Migration
The leading edge of the mesendodermal mantle becomes apposed to the underside
of the blastocoele roof by the vegetal rotation movements progressively in all sectors of
the embryo, dorsally first, in the early gastrula (Fig. 1F, J), then laterally (Fig. 1G-K), and
finally in the ventral sector by the midgastrula. It does not converge and extend like the
later-involuting, posterior tissues, but instead migrates across the blastocoele roof in a
directional manner, toward the animal cap as a cell stream (Fig. 1F-G, J-K). These cells
act as a stream in the sense that the cells in contact with the overlying roof actively
migrate directionally to the animal pole while the deeper cells ride along on their backs
(Davidson et al., 2002; Nakatsuji, 1974; Nakatsuji, 1975a; Nakatsuji, 1975b; Nakatsuji,
1976; Winklbauer, 1990; Winklbauer and Nagel, 1991; Winklbauer and Selchow, 1992;
Winklbauer et al., 1992) (Fig. 2F). The migrating cells become “shingled”, with each
cell underlapping the posterior portion of its anterior neighbor (Davidson et al., 2002;
Winklbauer and Nagel, 1991; Winklbauer et al., 1992).
This cell stream not only migrates but it also thins and extends as the deeper cells
intercalate radially between the migrating cells (Fig. 2E) (Davidson et al., 2002; Ibrahim
and Winklbauer, 2001; Winklbauer and Schuerfeld, 1999); this radial intercalation occurs
on contact with the overlying blastocoele roof and is called mesoderm surface insertion
(Ibrahim and Winklbauer, 2001; Winklbauer and Schuerfeld, 1999). In addition, the
advancing edge of the migrating mesendoderm toward the animal pole requires lateral
(circumferential) integrity in order to move the normal rate. Explants consisting of
separate parts of the advancing mesendoderm mantle migrate abnormally slow as
individuals in culture, but when their circumferential continuity is restored, their rates of
advance are also restored (Davidson et al., 2002). These and other context dependent
phenomena of cell streams are discussed further (see Chapter XXX, Keller-Cell
These cells migrate on a fibronectin-containing matrix that is deposited on the
roof of the blastocoele progressively from vegetal to animal, beginning in the early
gastrula stage, and it is essential for migration of the involuted mesendodermal cells in
Xenopus as well as other anurans (Darribere and Schwarzbauer, 2000; Darribere et al.,
1988; Johnson et al., 1993a; Johnson et al., 1990; Johnson et al., 1993b; Nakatsuji, 1984;
Nakatsuji, 1986; Nakatsuji and Johnson, 1982; Nakatsuji and Johnson, 1983a; Nakatsuji
and Johnson, 1983b; Shi et al., 1989; Wang et al., 1995; Winklbauer and Nagel, 1991)
(see Chapter XXX- Winklbauer). The matrix has the capacity to guide the migrating
mesoderm towards the animal cap. Matrix deposited by the blastocoele roof on the
substrate is sufficient to guide explants of mesoderm but not individual cells, and the
matrix must be deposited in fibrillar form to guide the cells; if cells are treated with
cytochalasin D, or peptides blocking integrin-mediated interactions with fibronectin,
fibrils are not organized by fibronectin is secreted in molecular form, and this form is
insufficient to guide the mesoderm (Winklbauer and Nagel, 1991). There are some
reports that this matrix is aligned parallel to the axis of migration in urodeles (Johnson et
al., 1992). In urodeles substrates conditioned by the blastocoele roof are capable of
orienting migration of groups and individual mesodermal cells (Boucaut et al., 1996;
Boucaut et al., 1991; Johnson et al., 1990; Nakatsuji et al., 1982; Nakatsuji and Johnson,
1983b; Shi et al., 1987)
The interface between the involuting, migrating mesoderm on the inside and the
overlying animal cap (blastocoele roof) begins as the cleft of Brachet (CB, Fig. 2B) and
elongates as the mesendoderm migrates animally and the posterior neural and
mesodermal tissue extend posteriorly. The integrity of the this interface is maintained by
differences between the pre and post involution cells; when postinvolution cells are
placed on the inner surface of the blastocoele roof they spread, whereas preinvolution
cells integrate themselves into the overlying roof (Winklbauer and Keller, 1996;
Winklbauer et al., 2001). The cell adhesion molecule, UB-cadherin, is essential for this
separation, and this activity may be regulated by activation of Cdc42 by Wnt/Frizzled
signaling, acting through a trimeric G protein, and the Wnt/Ca++ pathway (Winklbauer et
al., 2001) (see Chapter XXX, Winklbauer).
Epiboly of the Animal Cap
The animal cap region undergoes a slow epibolic, or spreading movement
throughout the blastula stage and into the gastrula stage (Fig. 1A-D) (Keller, 1978). This
epibolic movement also occurs by radial intercalation of the deep cells (Fig. 9A), which.
reduces the number of layers in this region from 3 in the late blastula stage to two (one
epithelial, one deep) in the midgastrula stage, compared to reduction from 5-6 to 2 in the
IMZ/dorsal NIMZ over same period (Keller, 1980). Radial intercalation in the animal
cap involves less extreme elongation of the deep cells parallel to the radial axis of
intercalation than is the case in the IMZ/dorsal NIMZ (Keller, 1980), and the spreading
produced is more uniform in all directions than that in the IMZ/dorsal NIMZ, although it
may be somewhat anisotropic (Bauer et al., 1994). Also, on the dorsal side, there is an
area of specialized radial intercalation, which produces a partial interdigitation of two
layers of radially elongated deep cells to form a thickened, crescent-shaped area that
maps to the anterior neural ectoderm and immediately overlies the anterior dorsal
mesendoderm (Keller, 1980). This behavior occurs very early, by stage 11 (midgastrula),
just after the anterior migrating mesendoderm touches the inner surface of this region,
and it contrasts strongly with the surrounding regions, which are reduced to a single layer
of deep cells by this time (Keller, 1980). This may be the first morphological response of
the presumptive anterior neural plate to contact with the underlying mesoderm. The
cellular and molecular basis of this radial interdigitation is not understood, and its
probable role in subsequent brain morphogenesis has not been studied.
There appears to be two phases of radial intercalation that are regulated
differently. Some of the epiboly by radial intercalation occurs before the deposition of
extracellular matrix on the roof of the blastocoele in the late blastula/early gastrula, and
this phase must therefore be matrix-independent. The later stages of epiboly, shortly
before and during early gastrulation, are dependent on the formation of the matrix on the
inner surface of the blastocoele roof (Marsden and DeSimone, 2001).
Fig. 9. In Xenopus, epiboly of the animal cap involves radial intercalation of deep cells and
spreading, flattening and division of superficial epithelial cells (A). In at least some urodeles,
epiboly of the animal cap involves radial intercalation of the deep and the superficial cells (B). In
Xenopus, a partial interdigitation of deep cells occurs in the future anterior neural ectoderm at the
midgastrula stage (C). The locations of these events in the embryo are indicated (D).
Ingression of Superficial Mesoderm in Xenopus
The superficial epithelial layer of the IMZ involutes as a sheet and comes to lie at
the roof of the gastrocoele (Fig. 1G-H) (Keller, 1975; Nieuwkoop and Florshutz, 1950).
This epithelial sheet has within it a small amount of presumptive notochordal (light
magenta, Fig. 1G-H) (Minsuk and Keller, 1997), hypochordal (grey, Fig. 1G-H), and
somitic mesoderm (light red, Fig. 1G-H) (D. Shook, unpublished results), and a
substantial amount of presumptive endoderm of the archenteron roof (yellow, Fig. 1G-H),
including the respreading bottle cells (green, Fig. 1G-H) (Fig. 10A) (Keller, 1975). The
definitive archenteron, defined as an endodermally lined gut tube, is formed from the
gastrocoele by movement of this presumptive mesoderm from the epithelial layer to the
underlying deep region by an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and ingression
(Fig. 10B-C) (Minsuk and Keller, 1997) (D. Shook, unpublished results). Vital dye
marking experiments detected little or no surface presumptive mesoderm in Xenopus, and
because this technique often causes cells to constrict apically and ingress, the little dye
that was found deep was interpreted as an artifact (Keller, 1975). Better marking
methods revealed a small amount of mesoderm in the surface layer in some but not all
embryos (Minsuk and Keller, 1997), including up to 30 or 40 presumptive notochordal
cells in the superficial layer and about 1-3 presumptive somitic cells per future somite (D.
Shook, unpublished work). The presumptive hypochord cells lie lateral to the superficial
presumptive notochord cells and the presumptive somitic cells lie lateral to the hypochord
(D. Shook, unpublished work) (Fig. 1A; Fig. 10A). It is not known whether strain
differences or loss of label in the surface mesoderm in some experiments account for the
fact that not all Xenopus can be shown to have surface mesoderm (Minsuk and Keller,
1997). In any case, it is clear that Xenopus laevis represents the extreme among the
amphibians studied thus far in having the minimum of superficially-derived mesoderm.
These presumptive mesodermal cells begin ingression in an anterior to posterior
progression from the midneurula stage onward through the end of neurulation when most
of these cells have joined the deep region, thereby forming the definitive, endodermally
lined archenteron (Fig. 10C) (Minsuk and Keller, 1997) (D. Shook, unpublished results).
Interestingly, the few cells in each somite that come from the superficial layer lie right
along side the prospective hypochord/notochord. Moreover, these somitic cells move
posteriorly with respect to the deep layer-derived somitic cells, and contribute to somites
that are posterior to the deep somitic mesoderm from their level of origin. These cells
move posteriorly with the notochord as it shears posteriorly in the movements described
above (Fig. 5D, E; D. Shook, unpublished results). The surface-derived presumptive
somitic cells resemble the adaxial cells or slow muscle pioneer cells of the teleost fish in
morphology and position, but it is not known whether they are the equivalent cells, or
play a role in patterning the somitic tissues in the frog, as they do in other vertebrates
(Sporle, 2001). These cells do not express slow muscle myosin or engrailed, which are
molecular markers for adaxial cells, and the other marker used in fish, early expression of
myoD (Devoto et al., 1996; Sporle, 2001), is not relevant in Xenopus, which expresses
myoD everywhere in the somitic mesoderm much earlier (Hopwood et al., 1989).
Removal of the notochordal, hypochordal, and somitic mesoderm from the
surface layer in Xenopus occurs by apical constriction, EMT, and ingression. As this
occurs, the edges of the endoderm meet in the midline (Fig. 10C). Whether the endoderm
migrates dorsally as the mesodermal tissues ingress, or whether it is pulled by apical
constriction of the ingressing mesodermal cells, or both, is not known. In any case, the
amount of mesoderm in Xenopus is small, and its ingression probably has little
biomechanical significance other than removing the little mesoderm that is present in the
superficial layer. Other anurans, such as those discussed below, have larger amounts of
presumptive somitic mesoderm in the superficial layer, but its ingression is also likely not
to have a function in gastrulation, since the EMT and ingression occur during the neurula
stage. However, in some of the urodeles studied, a massive amount of somitic mesoderm
undergoes EMT and ingression during gastrulation, and in these embryos, it appears to
function in convergence and blastopore closure (see below pp. ).
Gastrulation of Other Anurans With Eggs Similar to Xenopus
A number of anurans with eggs similar to Xenopus in yolk content and
distribution have been studied. Bombina (Vogt, 1929) and Discoglossus have been fate
mapped in detail (Pasteels, 1942; Vogt, 1929) and some fate mapping, developmental
anatomical studies, and experimental studies have been done on Bufo (King, 1902), Rana
(Delarue et al., 1994; Delarue et al., 1996), Ceratophrys (Purcell and Keller, 1993), and
Hymenochirus (Minsuk and Keller, 1997). Most appear to have substantially more
presumptive mesoderm in the superficial epithelial layer of the IMZ, and it is located in
the animal half of the IMZ (Fig. 10D) (Vogt, 1929). In these species, the IMZ involutes,
as in Xenopus, resulting in a gastrocoele roof composed of a central notochordal plate
(light magenta, Fig. 10E), bound on both sides by broad areas of presumptive somitic
mesoderm, separating the presumptive notochord from the presumptive endoderm of the
archenteron roof (light red, Fig. 10E); the hypochord has not been mapped in these
species but presumably lies lateral to the notochord, as in Xenopus. These zones begin to
narrow from the anterior toward the posterior during the neurula stage, as the cells in all
three regions undergo an EMT and leave the superficial layer, bringing the medial edges
of the presumptive endoderm in apposition, forming the definitive archenteron (Fig. 10FG, H-I).
Although the superficially-derived mesoderm in all species undergoes an EMT
and joins the deep region, the mechanism of moving the superficial mesoderm into the
deep region varies with the species. Ceratophrys ornata, the Argentine horned frog,
resembles Xenopus in mechanism; the cells undergo apical constriction, form bottle cells,
and these undergo EMT, detach from the epithelium, and ingress. However, there are
broader zones of mesoderm on the roof of the gastrocoele, a central one of notochordal
mesoderm and two lateral ones of somitic which extend around the blastopore (Fig. 10FG) (Purcell and Keller, 1993). Instead of undergoing apical constriction and formation of
bottle cells, the superficially-derived presumptive somitic mesoderm of Hymenochirus
boetegei, an anruan closely related to Xenopus, internalizes its superficial mesoderm by
“relamination”: the superficial mesodermal cells remain in place, and their deep,
basolateral parts become integrated into the underlying deep-derived population of
mesenchymal somitic cells (Minsuk and Keller, 1996) (Fig. 10H). As this occurs, the
endodermal epithelia on both sides seem to move across the somitic mesodermal cells, as
if they were a substratum, and finally cover them over, thereby regulating them to a deep
position (Fig. 10I). The mechanism of this “relamination”, is not understood. Perhaps
the apical surfaces of the superficial presumptive somitic cells become adhesive to the
endodermal cells and actually serve as a substrate for their migration. Alternatively,
perhaps the somitic cell apices actively pull the endodermal epithelium across their apices
by some mechanism that has not been described. The degree to which the physiological
integrity of the epithelium is maintained during relamination is also not known.
Based on the limited number of species described in any detail, it appears that
anurans vary in the amount of superficially-derived somitic and notochordal mesoderm,
with Xenopus being at the extreme minimum and other species having variable but
greater amounts. Moreover, it appears that its EMT and ingression, or relamination, is
confined to the neurula stages. The amount of ingression, and thus the potential for force
Fig. 10. The fate map of the Xenopus early gastrula (A) has presumptive notochord (light
magenta) and somtic mesoderm (light red), as well as hypochord (grey) in the superficial layer of
the IMZ, in addition to presumptive endoderm of the archenteron roof (yellow, green).
Therefore, after involution, the roof of the gastrocoele still contains these tissues in three zones: a
central notochord zone, and a zone of hypochord and somitic mesoderm on both sides (B, C).
Cells of these tissues move out of the surface epithelial layer to join their deep counterparts in the
neurula stages in an anterior-to-posterior progression by undergoing an EMT and ingression (C).
The posterior end is facing the reader in C. The corresponding fate map of most other anurans
mapped thus far (Bufo, Bombina, Ceratophrys, Rana) have larger amounts of notochordal, and
particularly somitic mesoderm, on the surface of the early gastrula (D), and broader zones of
these tissues are found on the roof of the gastrocoele (E). These cells are removed in Ceratophrys
by apical constriction of the epithelial cells, bottle cell formation, EMT, and ingression (F-G),
which brings the endoderm from both sides toward the midline where these tissues meet and seal
off the definitive archenteron. In Hymenochirus, a relative of Xenopus, the superficial
presumptive somitic cells first integrate their basolateral surfaces into the deep somitic mesoderm
(H), and then the endoderm appears to crawl across, or is pulled across their outer surfaces,
thereby removing the superficially-derived somtic mesoderm from the surface (I); this process is
called “relamination” . (From (Minsuk, 1995; Minsuk and Keller, 1996; Minsuk and Keller,
1997; Pasteels, 1942; Purcell and Keller, 1993; Vogt, 1929)
generation is minimal in Xenopus and is perhaps significant in some of the other anurans
where it may have the morphogenetic function of narrowing the archenteron somewhat.
In the urodeles, the amount of superficial mesoderm is much larger, and there the EMT
and ingression occurs in the gastrula stage, as well as in the neurula stage, and it has a
strong morphogenetic significance in gastrulation.
General Features of Urodele Gastrulation Movements
Fairly complete late blastula/early gastrula fate maps have been made for Triturus
(Vogt, 1929), Ambystoma (Pasteels, 1942) and Pleurodeles (Delarue et al., 1994;
Delarue et al., 1995; Delarue et al., 1992), and the developmental anatomy of gastrulation
has been studied in a number of species, notably Triturus (Taricha) torosus (Daniel and
Yarwood, 1939), Splerpes bilineatus (Goodale, 1911), and Cynops pyrrhogaster (Imoh,
1988b) (for others, see (Keller, 1986). Superficially, the fate maps of the commonly
studied urodeles appear similar to those of the commonly studied anurans (Fig. 11), and
their morphogenetic movements are superficially similar. However, there are some major
and significant differences between the anurans and urodeles studied thus far, chiefly
because there is much more superficially-derived mesoderm, especially presumptive
somitic mesoderm (Fig. 11A), and most of it ingresses during gastrulation.
The fate maps generally differ from those of anurans in that the area occupied by
the IMZ is much larger and the area occupied by the presumptive epidermis and neural
plate is much smaller, although there are exceptions to this rule. Therefore, a much
greater area, though not necessarily tissue mass involutes during gastrulation. The IMZ
of many species is relatively thinner than the IMZ of most anurans at the outset of
gastrulation. All this applies to the commonly studied anurans and urodeles, which are
the ones readily available and have a relatively small amount of yolk, and small to
medium sized eggs. Ambystoma, Triturus, and Taricha have relatively large eggs with
relatively less yolk than the commonly studied anurans, and Pleurodeles is smaller but
has a larger yolk mass relative to its size, and thus resembles the anurans more closely.
The urodele blastula cleaves similar to the anuran, although a much larger
blastocoele is formed in the typical case. There are reports that desmosomes form early
in anurans, at stage 7 (early midblastula) in Xenopus (Sanders and Dicaprio, 1976), for
example, and only late, during neurulation in urodeles (Perry and Waddington, 1966), but
the circumapical junctional complex connecting the apices of the epithelial cells does
Fig. 11. The fate map of the lateral aspect (A) and vegetal aspect (B) of the early gastrula of the
urodele embryo shows a massive amount of presumptive somitic mesoderm in the superficial
layer (light red, A, B). During gastrulation, the somitic mesoderm moves toward the boundary
with the vegetal endoderm (dashed arrows, B, C) where it disappears from the superficial layer
and goes beneath the endoderm, in a “subduction zone”, at the bottom of the blastoporal groove,
next to the vegetal endoderm (dotted lines, A, B, C). In a ventral quarter view, looking up at the
bottom of the blastoporal groove (D, and enlargement, box E), the movement of the somitic
mesoderm toward the endoderm and under it, is illustrated. In a sectional view of E, it can be
seen that the result of this movement is to bring the edge of the vegetal endoderm in apposition to
the lateral edge of the presumptive notochord, and removing the somitic mesoderm from the
surface (F). Meanwhile, the dorsal IMZ, consisting of two layers of presumptive notochordal
mesoderm involutes over the dorsal lip (D, enlarged in box G), and in at least some urodeles, such
as Pleurodeles, the deep cells of the presumptive notochord undergo radial intercalation to form
one layer of cells (G) (Fig. 11 continued below)
form in urodeles and binds the surface cells into an epithelial pavement indistinguishable
from that in anurans. As in anurans, the animal cap spreads continuously throughout the
blastula stage as the blastocoele inflates, and the vegetal region shrinks in area in the
same period, similar to that seen in anurans (Xenopus, described above) (Ballard, 1955;
Schechtman, 1934; Schechtman, 1935). Whether this vegetal contraction represents the
surface component of vegetal rotation movements (Winklbauer and Schuerfeld, 1999) in
these species is not known.
Formation of the blastopore occurs with the formation of bottle-shaped cells, the resulting
concentration of pigment in a blastoporal pigment line, and formation of a shallow
invagination, both due to apical constriction of these cells (Holtfreter, 1943a; Holtfreter,
1943b). The apical constriction (Perry and Waddington, 1966) appears similar to that of
anurans (Baker, 1965). The blastoporal groove also spreads laterally and ventrally as the
bottle cells form there as well, but rather than the continuous and rapid spread to the
ventral side, the groove may stop for a time in the lateral regions of the gastrula, and
considerable involution will occur over the dorsal and dorsolateral lips of this horseshoe
shaped blastoporal groove.
In some species, the blastopore later completes itself
ventrally and in others, bottle cells, and a lip never forms midventrally or only at very late
stages near the time of closure. The bottle cells of the dorsal sector also appear to
respread and form the anterior archenteron lining (Vogt, 1929), much as in Xenopus
(described above). However, in the lateral and ventral regions, bottle cell formation
represents the beginning of a very different type of behavior; it is the first step in a
massive EMT and ingression of superficially-derived mesodermal cells (Holtfreter,
1943b; Holtfreter, 1944; Lewis, 1952; Lundmark, 1986; Shook et al., 2002). The
suprablastoporal region just above the dorsal lip is presumptive endoderm of the
pharyngeal/liver region and it is this only this region that respreads and remains epithelial
endoderm. It covers the anterior tip of the presumptive notochord and the prechordal
plate mesoderm (Vogt, 1929). Presumptive anterior, pharyngeal or liver endoderm in the
dorsal, suprablastoporal position, overlying the anterior mesoderm of the Spemann
organizer, is a characteristic that seems to be retained in all amphibians, whereas
superficial, suprablastoporal endoderm in the remaining IMZ is variable with Xenopus
having the most and urodeles the least (dark green, Fig. 11A, B; cf. Fig. 10A; Fig. 1). The
Fig. 11 (continued). Involution of the IMZ then yields a gastrocoele roof with nearly all the
somitic mesoderm removed but containing a midline notochord (H). Posteriorly, the involution
continues, and in explants exposing the blastoporal lip, time lapse recording shows movement of
the remaining posterior superficial somitic mesodermal (light red) and lateroventral mesodermal
(orange) cells moving toward the subduction zone (black arrows) where they undergo EMT and
ingress beneath the endoderm (green) and move off beneath (dashed arrows) it to join the deep
somitic mesoderm (red, in cutaway) (I-K). The notochord is removed during neurulation by
apical constriction and ingression, bringing the endodermal regions together (L-M).
commonly-studied urodeles appear to have no suprablastoporal endoderm in the lateral
and ventral sectors, and the bottle cells forming in these regions are all presumptive
mesoderm undergoing EMT and ingression (see below).
It is likely these dorsal bottle cells serve as an anchor for the epithelial layer, like
those in Xenopus. It has been proposed that they have a more extreme role of actively
crawling inside and pulling everything else with them. Based on his observation that
isolated bottle cells showed motility at their inner, basal ends when cultured in vitro,
Holtfreter proposed that the basal ends of the bottle cells actively migrate inwards during
gastrulation. He proposed this because the protrusive activity of their inner, basal ends is
stimulated by alkaline pH, and the blastocoele is alkaline (Gillespie, 1983; Holtfreter,
1943a). Holtfreter postulated that as a result of their common connection with the rest of
the outer cells through a “surface coat”, which later was discovered to be a function of
their circumapical epithelial junctions rather than a surface coat, the inwardly migrating
bottle cells would pull the IMZ inside (Holtfreter, 1943a; Holtfreter, 1943b). However,
the bottle cells in the dorsal sector do not really move very much with respect to adjacent
mesodermal cells, and thus this mechanism seems unlikely (Hardin and Keller, 1988;
Keller, 1981). It is during respreading that bottle cells dramatically advance with regard
to the surrounding tissues and make by far their greatest contribution to deepening the
archenteron. However, Holtfreter’s idea of mechanical integration of a local motility, a
local traction, to produce a global effect was a pioneering one, appreciated somewhat at
the time, long ignored, and deserving of recognition now.
Initiation of the involution of the IMZ is superficially similar to the involution of
its anuran counterpart, although it is not known whether the vegetal rotation movements
occur in the same way in urodeles. It seems likely that they do, based on the fact that, as
in anurans, the surface of the peripheral blastocoele floor seems to develop an
increasingly acute angle with the adjacent roof of the blastocoele, and then seamlessly
seems to form the cleft of Brachet at the onset of gastrulation (see Vogt, 1929; (Imoh,
The IMZ involutes as it does in Xenopus in that this tissue moves vegetally, turns
around the blastoporal lip, and then moves in the opposite direction across the blastocoele
roof by mesendoderm migration (Fig. 11C-D) (see pp. below, and Vogt, 1929; (Imoh,
1988a). The dorsal IMZ also undergoes convergence and extension, beginning at various
times from the mid to late gastrula stage and into the early neurula, depending on the
species (Delarue et al., 1996; Delarue et al., 1998; Imoh, 1988a; Jacobson and Gordon,
1976; Vogt, 1929). These movements occur in explants and are active, force-producing
movements in the IMZ of Taricha and Ambystoma (Shook et al., 2002) (see pp. below).
The combination of neural plate and dorsal mesoderm of Taricha actively converges and
extends and shapes the neural plate during neurulation (Jacobson and Gordon, 1976).
EMT and Ingression of Somitic Mesoderm in the Commonly-Studied Urodeles
The IMZ of urodeles undergoes a massive epithelial-mesenchymal transition
(EMT) and ingresses (leaves the superficial layer) as it involutes (Fig. 11B-D). It has
been known since Vogt’s vital dye mapping studies that the presumptive somitic
mesoderm represented in the surface layer disappears beneath the endoderm, specifically
beneath what were termed the “lateral endodermal crests”, after the IMZ involutes over
the blastoporal lip (Vogt, 1929). Time lapse recordings of whole embryos and explants
show that the cells in the presumptive somitic and ventrolateral mesodermal regions
move rapidly toward the blastoporal lip and disappear, those closest to the blastopore
disappearing first (dashed arrows, Fig. 11B-C) (Lewis, 1948; Lewis, 1952; Shook et al.,
2002). In the whole embryo, this behavior appears superficially similar to what occurs in
Xenopus. However, the rate of advance of the cells toward the lateral lips of the
blastopore is relatively faster, and time lapse recordings of explants that reveal events at
the bottom of the shallow blastoporal groove, which is normally hidden from view,
reveals a remarkable difference. The presumptive somitic cells undergo apical
constriction and an EMT, and then ingress at the edge of the vegetal endoderm right at
the blastoporal lip (Fig. 11D, boxes E and F). The site of EMT and ingression, called the
“subduction zone” (SZ), is at the bottom of the blastoporal groove in the lateral and
ventral sectors of the gastrula (highlighted with dotted lines, Fig. 11). As a result of the
apical constriction, and the eventual departure of the constricted cells into the deep layer,
the lateral edge of the notochord and the lateral edge of the vegetal endoderm are pulled
together (dashed line, Fig. 11E, F) (Shook et al., 2002). The evidence for this behavior
comes from time lapse imaging of explants, described below.
In contrast to the removal of the somitic and lateroventral mesoderm from the
superficial layer at the lateral and ventral aspect of the blastoporal groove, both the deep
and superficial layer of the presumptive notochord approach the lip and involute together
and intact over the dorsal blastoporal lip (Fig. 11D and grey arrow, box G). Immediately
after involution in at least one urodele, Pleurodeles waltl, the two layers of the notochord
intercalate radially to form one layer (Fig. 11D, box G) (Delarue et al., 1996; Delarue et
al., 1992). This process of involution in the dorsal sector, and involution and subduction
in the lateral and ventral sectors continue to bring the edges of endoderm in apposition to
the notochord though gastrulation and early neurulation such that the roof of the
gastrocoele is lined largely by endoderm and notochord with only a few presumptive
somitic cells remaining between the two by midneurula (Fig. 11H). A “fillet” explant of
the dorsal tissues of the late gastrula, imaged from the ventral side (view I-K in H), shows
the continued movement of the superficial presumptive somitic and lateroventral
mesoderm as they approach the subduction zone (solid arrows, Fig. 11I-J), disappear
beneath the edge of the endoderm, and emerge in the deep layer as mesenchymal cells
(dashed arrows, Fig. 11I-J; cut out, Fig. 11J). This process continues until these tissues
are removed from the roof of the archenteron (Fig. 11K) and have joined the deep region
(Fig. 11M). In the late neurula, the notochord anlage, which in Pleurodeles has become a
single layer by the radial intercalation mentioned above, undergoes apical constriction
such that its lateral boundaries are brought medially. As this occurs, or after it occurs, the
cells undergo EMT and form the deep notochord (Brun and Garson, 1984; Lofberg, 1974;
Novoselov, 1995; Vogt, 1929) (Fig. 11M). This EMT appears to occur by a process of
cell wedging and generating a fan-shaped array of notochordal cells, which brings the
lateral boundaries of notochord near one another. Whether they undergo EMT first, or
the edges fuse with one another first, thereby making a nearly lumenless “invagination”,
is not always clear in a given species (see (Brun and Garson, 1984; Imoh, 1988a;
Lofberg, 1974; Vogt, 1929). In either case, the wedging assures that the edges to be
united are close to one another and removal of all mesoderm from the superficial layer is
completed with minimal distruption of the epithelium (Fig. 11L-M). This type of
notochord formation, or variants of it, also appear in the large, yolky-egged urodeles and
in the Gymnophionans (see pp. ), and elements of it appear in formation of the anterior
notochord of Xenopus (Novoselov, 1995)
Radial Intercalation of the Presumptive Notochordal Region.
In Pleurodeles, double labeling of the deep and superficial regions shows that
immediately after involution of the dorsal sector of the IMZ, the deep and superficial
layers merge and form a single layer by radial intercalation of the deep cells into the
superficial layer (Fig. 11G) (Delarue et al., 1996; Delarue et al., 1992). How this process
occurs is not known. It involves insertion of deep mesenchymal cells into an apparently
intact epithelial sheet, a process that also appears to occur in the animal cap of urodeles
(see pp. ), and also in gastrulation of other organisms such as Petromyzon, the lamprey
(Hatta, 1891). Little is known of the mechanisms underlying this behavior. The result is
a single-layered notochordal anlagen at the dorsal midline (Fig. 11G, H). Whether this
process of forming a transiently, single-layered superficial notochordal anlagen occurs
throughout the urodeles is not known. In the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, it is
difficult to determine how much of the notochord comes from deep and superficial layers
because of potential loss of label from the notochord cells (Shook et al., 2002) but an
estimate would be about 20 percent from the superficial layer (D. Shook, unpublished
results). No large population of deep mesodermal cells are seen to insert themselves into
the notochordal plate of explants of neurula stage dorsal tissues in time lapse records of
this region in explants, suggesting that not all urodeles have radial intercalation into the
epithelial layer (Shook et al., 2002). Or perhaps the resolution of the movies is not
sufficient to show reveal this event. Potentially, the intercalation of deep and superficial
cells into one layer would have morphogenetic consequences if it were an active process;
for example, it could be expected to contribute to extension (large black arrows, Fig.
11G). Alternatively, other forces could stretch the axial tissues, and the intercalation
could be a passive accommodation to these forces. These mechanisms are long overdue
for further study with high resolution cell marking and video imaging methods for
describing cell behavior, both to learn how this process occurs (see Chapter XXX-Keller
Cell Movements) and whether it varies in its distribution among urodeles.
Analysis of the Morphogenesis and Patterning of the Urodele IMZ
Time lapse recording of “giant” explants of the IMZ, which include the presumptive
neural/epidermal tissue, the presumptive mesoderm, and much of the presumptive
endoderm of the early urodele (Ambystoma mexicanum, A. maculatum, Taricha
granulosus), reveal several aspects of the morphogenesis of the urodele IMZ (Shook et
al., 2002) (Fig. 12A-F). Giant explants show convergence and extension of the
notochordal region from late mid-gastrulation through neurulation (white arrows, Fig.
12C-F). As the notochordal region extends, the presumptive somitic (light red) and
lateroventral mesoderm (orange) move toward and disappear beneath the lateral edge of
the vegetal endoderm (black arrows, Fig. 12D-E) until the edges of the notochord are
brought into apposition with the vegetal endodermal region everywhere except in the far
posterior region (Fig. 12F, which is roughly equivalent to Fig. 11J-K). High resolution
time lapse recording of fluorescently labeled cells shows that the epithelial, superficial
presumptive mesodermal cells enter the subduction zone as epithelial cells, and there they
undergo apical constriction and are covered over by the edge of the endoderm as they
undergo EMT, ingress, and reappear in the deep region as mesenchymal cells (Shook et
al., 2002) (Fig. 12D and box in D). As the cells undergo apical constriction, and then
leave the epithelium, they shorten the distance from the edge of the endoderm and the
lateral boundary of the notochord, and essentially pull the two together (see white,
Fig. 12. EMT and subduction of the superficial presumptive somitic mesoderm generates forces
of convergence in the gastrula. Time lapse recordings of giant explants of Ambystoma or Taricha
(A-B), show extension of the notochord (white arrow, C-F), demonstrating that this is an active,
force-producing process in the urodele. As the notochord extends, the somitic cells move toward
the subduction zone (white arrows, enlargement E), which is now exposed on the surface, rather
than being out of sight at the bottom of the blastoporal groove. As they approach the subduction
zone, they undergo apical constriction, EMT, and ingression (E). As they do so, the endoderm is
pulled medially, converging the lateral boundaries of the explant toward the notochord (gray
arrows, E). Time lapse recording of explants show that apical constriction, EMT and ingression,
represented a red highlighted cells, are expressed progressively, beginning anteriorly in the
somitic mesoderm and proceeding posteriorly (blue arrows, C), and from this lateral origin,
progressing medially (black arrows, G), similar to the pattern of MIB expression in Xenopus (cf.
Fig. 7C). The behavior of the IMZ in explants suggests that arcs of hoop stress also function in
blastopore closure and involution in the urodele (H). The notochord components of the arc
converge and extend, as in Xenopus, and although the mechanism is not yet knonw, it is likely to
be by mediolateral cell intercalation (H-I). The somitic and ventral mesodermal components of
the arcs are shortened by apical constriction, EMT and ingression (J-K).
arrows, box in Fig. 12D, which are equivalent to the dashed arrows, Fig. 11E, F). The
force-generating potential of this type of behavior during an EMT is discussed elsewhere
(Chapter XXX-Keller Cell Movements).
Patterning of EMT in the IMZ of the Urodele
The progress of the EMT, as assayed from the progress of apical constriction seen
in recordings of whole embryos (Shook et al., 2002), is very rapidly from the dorsal to
the lateroventral aspect of the IMZ (mapped on to the explant as blue arrows, Fig. 12G).
Apical constriction then progresses in an animal direction from this vegetal origin,
similar to the pattern in Xenopus (black arrows, Fig. 12G). This is inferred from the
relatively rapid movement of the somitic field in the IMZ of the whole embryo toward
the blastoporal groove (Shook et al., 2002). But this progress of EMT can also be
visualized directly by pressing explants of the IMZ between two coverslips, leaving any
cells that undergo EMT without a tissue into which they can ingress. Time lapse
recordings of such explants show that epithelial cells in the contiguous epithelial sheet
undergo the transition to a mesenchymal cell motile behavior, and then spin about as
individual cells in absence of a place to ingress (Shook et al., 2002). The progress of the
EMT is progressive from the vegetal origin toward the animal end of the explant (black
arrows, Fig. 12G).
Overall, this pattern of progression apical constriction, EMT, and subduction is
similar to the progression of MIB in the Xenopus IMZ (cf. Fig. 12G and 7E). EMT in the
urodele may share with MIB in Xenopus the property of progressing from anterior to
posterior along the lateral boundaries of the somitic fields, and medially from this lateral
orgin. However, the configuration of the presumptive axes in the IMZ of urodeles is
unclear. Vogt’s classic vital dye map of the urodele shows the anterior-posterior axis of
the somitic mesoderm distributed more along the dorsoventral aspect of the gastrula IMZ
(Vogt, 1929), much like in Xenopus, but other maps show the presumptive anteriorposterior axis oriented more in the animal-vegetal aspect of the early gastrula (Pasteels,
1942; Vogt, 1929). Also, lateroventral mesoderm appears to occupy the entire ventral
sector of the IMZ, including its animal-most, late involuting part, the part that forms
posterior somitic mesoderm in Xenopus (cf. Fig. 11A, B and Fig. 1). The degree of
similarity of the progressions of MIB and EMT in these groups should be resolved. This
information may bear on the question of whether a common patterning pathway underlies
both the expression these behaviors. The underlying regulatory machinery may be
similar (a “master pattern generator”) but downstream effectors of cell behaviors
diversified. Any differences between the progression in regard to the axes could reflect a
fundamentally different patterning device, or the diversification of a common one.
After a certain time, the EMT is independent of contact with the endoderm and is
regionally autonomous along the dorsoventral aspect of the IMZ. In IMZ explants
isolated at the early gastrula stage, EMT is somewhat delayed, suggesting that normally
the cells respond to cues from adjacent regions, perhaps the adjacent endoderm, to
regulate the onset of EMT. But once it begins in these explants, dorsal explants undergo
EMT next to the notochord, as do lateral explants, showing that continuity along this axis
is not necessary for the propagation along the dorsal to ventral (possibly the presumptive
anterior-posterior) axis (blue arrows, Fig. 12G) (Shook et al., 2002). The fact that EMT
progresses cell by cell from vegetal to animal demonstrates its independence at the early
gastrula stage from the endoderm. This observation appears to rule out the regulation of
the progressive aspect of the EMT by proximity to the tissue under which subduction
occurs, the endoderm. However, the endoderm may “micro-regulate” the exact time of
EMT and ingression in the embryo, but in absence of this control in isolation from the
endoderm, the system defaults to a locally autonomous progression. These issues are
important for regulation, biomechanics, and physiological aspects of progressive EMTs
(see Chapter XXX, Keller Cell Movements). The large area of mesoderm in the broad
IMZ of urodeles offers a much better system to study experimentally these progressions
of behaviors than the compact, thick IMZ of the typical anuran.
The Biomechanics of Blastopore Closure and Involution: Same Geometry and
Mechanics, Different Cell Behaviors
Analysis of the behavior of explants suggest that the removal of large amounts of
superficial mesoderm from the surface layer has biomechanical consequences for
gastrulation. As EMT begins at the vegetal edge of the IMZ in the subduction zone, the
first step in these processes, the apical constriction (darkened cells, inset, Fig. 12D),
appears to pull the remaining, as yet uninvolved superficial cells toward the subduction
zone (white arrows, inset, Fig. 12D) (Shook et al., 2002). The endodermal cells may also
reach across the constricted apices (black arrows, inset, Fig. 12D) and pull the apically
constricted cells toward themselves (see Chapter XXX, Keller Cell Movements). The
global result is that the endodermal and notochordal boundaries are pulled together, and
the edges of the explant are pulled medially (grey arrows, Fig. 12D-E). As a result, the
subduction zone is “reeled in” toward the notochord boundary (black arrows, Fig. 12C-F)
by subduction in the explants. In the spherical geometry of the embryo, the integrity of
the vegetal endoderm is maintained, and the reverse happens: the superficial somitic and
lateroventral mesodermal cells are reeled in toward the subduction zone, pulling the
notochord boundaries in apposition to the edge of the vegetal endoderm (dashed arrows,
Fig. 12H, J). Meanwhile the notochord is converging and extending (see next section),
probably by cell intercalation (Fig. 12I). Therefore, in the urodele, two cell behaviors,
the convergence of the notochord (Fig. 12I) and the removal of the presumptive somitic
mesoderm from the epithelial surface layer by EMT and ingression (Fig. 12J), conspire to
form arcs of hoop stress, similar to those in Xenopus. These moments drive involution
and blastopore closure (Fig. 12H). Overall, this mechanism is very similar in form and
function to those in Xenopus where only MIB and cell intercalation are involved (Fig. 8).
The biomechanical principle of using hoop stress on the surface of a sphere to close the
blastopore and aid involution is preserved, but two cell behaviors are used in the urodele,
whereas one is used in Xenopus.
Convergence and Extension in the Urodeles.
The founding description of convergence and extension was in the urodele
amphibian (Vogt, 1929), and these movements were shown to constitute a forceproducing process that is important in shaping the neural plate (Jacobson and Gordon,
1976). Are these movements active, force-producing processes in gastrulation of
urodeles? In explants, the Pleurodeles IMZ appears to converge and extend in the late
gastrula stage and through neurulation (Shi et al., 1987), which shows that they are
active, force-producing events in the IMZ, but the fact that they are somewhat later than
in Xenopus, during neurulation, suggests that these events have no role in gastrulation. In
explants of Ambystoma and Taricha, however, convergent extension of the notochord
(Shook et al., 2002) (white arrows, Fig. 12C-F) begins in early gastrulation and continues
through neurulation (Jacobson and Gordon, 1976). It is very likely that the convergent
extension of the urodele notochord is due to mediolateral cell intercalation, as in
Xenopus. Cell labeling studies in Pleurodeles shows that the elongation of the notochord
and body axis is accompanied by mediolateral mixing (intercalation) of cells (Broders
and Thiery, 1995; Delarue et al., 1998), much as in Xenopus. In addition there is the
potential for the radial intercalation of deep and superficial cells in the notochord of
Pleurodeles (see pp. ) (Delarue et al., 1996), and perhaps of other urodeles as well, to
contribute to extension. As the notochordal region extends, the deep somitic region,
including those cells added from the superficial layer at the blastopore margins, follows
along by converging and extending somewhat (Imoh, 1988a; Vogt, 1929), but whether it
converges by MIB is not known. It is also not known whether the deep region of the
presumptive somitic mesoderm actively converges in concert with the convergence in the
superficial layer mediated by EMT. Much more work should be done to resolve the
regional cell behaviors in urodeles.
Mesendodermal/Mesodermal Cell Migration
As the IMZ involutes, the leading edge mesendoderm attaches to and migrates
across the inner surface of the blastocoele roof toward the animal cap (Holtfreter, 1944;
Kubota and Durston, 1978; Nakatsuji, 1975b; Nakatsuji et al., 1982; Shi et al., 1989;
Vogt, 1929). This cell stream in Ambystoma appears to be much less cohesive than the
corresponding stream in Xenopus and seems to involve migration of individual cells to a
greater extent than in Xenopus (R. Keller, unpublished observations). However, it clearly
is a cell stream in that the cell movements are coordinated in a common direction and
flow pattern, and it the cells for a 3 dimensional array. Those next to the substratum are
migrating on an external substratum, the blastocoele roof, and those deeper in the tissue
are presumably riding along on the backs of those having access to the substratum. As in
Xenopus, these cells are moving across a fibronectin-containing, fibrillar extracellular
matrix deposited from the early gastrula stage onward, and as in Xenopus, this matrix is
essential for migration (Boucaut and Darribere, 1983a; Boucaut and Darribere, 1983b;
Boucaut et al., 1984a; Boucaut et al., 1985; Boucaut et al., 1984b; Darribere et al., 1984;
Darribere et al., 1986; Darribere and Schwarzbauer, 2000; Darribere et al., 1988; Johnson
et al., 1990; Nakatsuji et al., 1982). The matrix also imparts an animal directionality to
the migration (Johnson et al., 1992; Nakatsuji, 1984; Nakatsuji et al., 1982; Nakatsuji and
Johnson, 1983b; Nakatsuji and Johnson, 1984). Some evidence suggests that the fibrils
of this matrix are aligned anteroposteriorly, and experimental manipulations of this
orientation in culture can orient mesendodermal cell movements (Johnson et al., 1992;
Nakatsuji and Johnson, 1983a; Nakatsuji and Johnson, 1983b; Nakatsuji and Johnson,
1984). When the blastocoele roof is allowed to deposit this matrix in a directional
fashion by placing a blastocoele roof on a coverslip such that it will slide down the
coverslip, cells placed on this matrix will migrate directionally (Nakatsuji and Johnson,
1984). Not all amphibians have an oriented matrix (Nakatsuji and Johnson, 1983a), and
unlike the urodele, in Xenopus, only cell aggregates, not individual cells, respond to
substrate cues by migrating directionally (Winklbauer and Nagel, 1991). As in Xenopus,
the molecular basis of this directional migration in urodeles is unknown.
Epiboly in Urodeles
Epiboly of the animal cap of urodeles appears to occur by radial intercalation.
The animal cap gets thinner and greater in area through the blastula and gastrula stages,
and the overall amount of epiboly appears to be substantially greater than in the typical
anuran (see Vogt, 1929). The cellular mechanism differs in that the deep cells are
thought to intercalate radially into the superificial epithelial layer, at least in many
species, to form a single layer of much greater area (Fig. 9B). This was first proposed by
Holtfreter (1943b), who observed that the uniformly dark pigmentation of the animal cap
gave way to a speckled array of light and dark cells, an event that he attributed to
movement of the less pigmented deep cells out into the epithelial layer. By the same
criteria, labeling the superficial cells with Bolton-Hunter reagent also showed invasion of
unlabeled putative deep cells into the outer epithelial (Smith and Malacinski, 1983).
However, in Xenopus, time lapse recordings show that superficial cells often divide their
apices unevenly, and subsequently the apices of the smaller cells expand an exceptional
amount and dilute any natural label, such as pigment, or artificial labeling, making it
appear as though unlabeled cells from the deep region have appeared (Keller, 1978).
This phenomenon could account for the appearance of unlabeled cells in the urodele.
However, histology of amphibian embryos of several species, and also embryos of the
lamprey, Petromyzon (Hatta, 1891), shows a decrease from multiple layers to only one by
the midgastrula. Notable among these are the California newts, Taricha torosus and
Taricha granulosus. Taricha has been exploited for studying neurulation because of the
simplicity of interpreting experiments done on a single-layered epithelium (Burnside and
Jacobson, 1968; Jacobson and Gordon, 1976).
The obvious course at this point is to discuss the third, and much ignored order of
Amphibia, the Gymnophiona (the caecilians, or legless amphibians), but little is known
of their gastrulation. All have internal fertilization, most bear live young, and of those
that lay eggs, most lay terrestrial eggs near water; some develop into aquatic larvae and
others develop directly without a larval stage (Duellman and Trueb, 1994). The eggs are
difficult to get and little effort has been made to study their gastrulation since the late
Fig. 13. Aspects of gastrulation in Rhacophorus (A-D) and Megalobatrachus maximus, the
gigantic salamander (E-L) are illustrated. Sagittal sections of the late blastula (A) and early
gastrula (B) of Rhacophorus show that it has a very thick marginal zone, which thins dramatically
as it extends vegetally in the first half of gastrulation (C). The blastopore (bp) forms near the
equator and moves vegetally in this period. A small embryo is produced on one side of a large
mass of yolky vegetal cells (D). Midsagittal sections show the Megalobatrachus has a small
eccentric blastocoele and thick marginal zone at the late blastula (E). The animal cap and
marginal zone expand and a large blastocoele is formed by the onset of gastulation (sectional
view, F). The mesendoderm involutes and attaches to the roof of the blastocoele, forming a
crease called the “partition line” (pl) at the onset of gastulation (sectional view, F, surface view,
G); shortly thereafter, a second crease, the blastopore (bp) forms just below the partition line (F,
G). The marginal zone involutes, the mesendoderm migrates across the roof and the dorsal tissues
extend behind it (sectional view H; surface view, I), eventually forming the archenteron where the
blastocoele was located (sectional view, J) A-D redrawn from Ikeda (1902), and E-J redrawn
form Ichikawa (1905).
1800s. However, the gastrulation of the species that have been studied shares features
with gastrulation of anurans and urodeles with large, yolky eggs, making it useful to
discuss them all together.
Why Study Gastrulation of Large, Yolky Eggs?
The urodeles and anurans discussed above gastrulate around the yolky vegetal
endoderm and enclose it, or most of it, during gastrulation. These eggs are generally
relatively small (0.6 to 2.3 mm in diameter), have moderate yolk, and are available in
relatively large numbers, all features that have made several species, particularly
Xenopus, “model” systems. However, many amphibians have large eggs with relatively
more yolk. Amphibians vary greatly, more so than any other chordate, in their
reproductive strategies, and many of them lay relatively small numbers of very large eggs
(up to about 1 cm), with large stores of yolk, and the adults hide, brood, and guard them
in a myriad of different, exotic ways (Duellman and Trueb, 1994). Some of these
develop directly to the adult stage without a larval stage (direct development) (Elinson,
1994; Elinson, 2001). Eggs with large amounts of yolk present a challenge for the
machinery of gastrulation. In eggs with more yolk, the large-celled, vegetal endodermal
region expands, and because of the nature of the patterning mechanisms in the early
embryo, the IMZ tends to develop on the animal edge of the vegetal endoderm, placing it
farther towards one pole of the egg with much more yolk to enclose (Elinson and
Beckham, 2002). This presents a biomechanical challenge to the standard gastrulation
machinery, as we know it from the small-egged model systems. As large eggs evolve as
part of the evolution of reproductive strategy, the strategy of gastrulation also evolves.
Thus gastulation is a diversified process rather than a conservative one. Analysis of large
eggs promises to show how gastrulation mechanisms have diversified under these
circumstances. It is likely that variants of the standard morphogenetic machines of
gastrulation will be characterized, new combinations and timings uncovered, and possibly
new mechanisms discovered. The full performance range of the morphogenetic machines
seen in common model systems can be evaluated, and some of their limitations
Not nearly enough is known about gastrulation in large eggs to draw general
conclusions. We will discuss a few, selected examples that represent several different
ways of gastrulating in the presence of a relatively large yolk.
Radical Radial Intercalation and Epibolic Extension: Gastrulation in Rhacophorus
and Megalobatrachus maximus, the Gigantic Salamander
In Rhacophorus, an arborial frog, a radical radial intercalation and very strong epiboly
spreads the animal cap and IMZ over most of the yolk by the early midgastrula, at which
time a conventional, Xenopus-style gastrulation appears to occur. The egg of
Rhacophorus is about 3 mm in diameter but is relatively yolky and forms a small embryo
on the side of a large yolk (Fig. 13A-D) (Ikeda, 1902). The late midblastula consists of an
animal cap about 3 or 4 layers thick surrounding a small blastocoele and a very thick
marginal zone of 10-13 layers of cells lying well above the equator (Fig. 13A) (Ikeda,
1902). By the time the blastopore forms at or near the equator, the animal cap has
thinned to about 2 cells in thickness but the marginal zone is still 10-12 cells thick (Fig.
13B). By the gastrula stage, the marginal zone thins to about half or less the number of
cell layers seen at the onset of gastrulation and moves to within 30 degrees of the vegetal
pole without a large amount of involution or archenteron formation (Fig. 13C). At this
point, convergence, extension, involution, and expansion of the archenteron occur in a
manner similar to Xenopus.
Based on the decrease in number of cell layers, and the probable amount of radial
intercalation, the amount of vegetal extension of the animal cap and marginal zone is
probably nearly twice that seen in the corresponding phase of Xenopus gastrulation. This
extensive radial intercalation either moves, or allows the movement of the thick supraequatorial IMZ well below the equator before strong convergence and extension and
involution occur to complete gastrulation. The vegetal rotation movement is likely to be
the unseen partner in this dramatic epiboly, as it seems unlikely that epibolic forces alone
could move the IMZ vegetally without the active movement of the vegetal region out of
its way (this is suggested by the behavior of Megalobatrachus, pp. ). In many aspects,
gastrulation in this amphibian resembles gastrulation in the sturgeon, Acipenser
transmontanus (Bolker, 1993a; Bolker, 1993b). In both these organisms, the strategy of
enclosing the large yolk seems to be to move the IMZ substantially below the equator
before initiating convergence and extension, which would result in exogastrulation if
exercised circumblastoporally at the equatorial regions where the IMZ originates.
In the gigantic salamander, Megalobatrachus maximus, the animal cap also
undergoes a large amount of radial intercalation and thinning and spreading (Ishikawa,
1905), but in this organism the extension does not appear to move the IMZ vegetally, but
instead the spreading is directed in the opposite direction and results in an inflation of a
very large blastocoele (Fig. 13E-F). In the blastula, the roof of the blastocoele is 3 or 4
layers thick and the marginal zone about 10 layers thick. By the onset of gastrulation, the
roof of the blastocoele and the marginal zone have thinned dramatically, the latter to
about 2 cells thickness, and the blastocoele roof and the blastocoele has expanded above
the vegetal region (Ishikawa, 1905) (Fig. 13F). The first external sign of gastrulation is
not blastopore formation but formation of the “partition line”, a crease on the dorsal
surface of the gastrula that represents contact of the anterior leading edge mesendoderm
on the inner surface of the thin blastocoele roof (pl, Fig. 13F-G). The partition line,
which reflects the mesendoderm leading edge, advances all the way across the large
blastocoele roof and eventually closes “blastocoele window” at the opposite side
(Ishikawa, 1905) (Fig. 13H, I). The blastopore forms sometime after the partition line
and only slightly vegetal to it (Fig. 13F, G). The marginal zone involutes over the dorsal
lip, which initially curves vegetally a bit, but later reverses its curvature such that its
medial part leads its advance; this probably reflects a strong midline extension. There is
no ventral lip and the mesoderm and archenteron seem to be formed dorsally, in the space
formerly occupied by the blastocoele.
One scenario that would explain this gastrulation is as follows. Again, very
strong epiboly and thinning and extension occur by multiple rounds of radial
intercalation. But the vegetal rotation movements do not occur, or they are weak, and
instead of the IMZ moving vegetally, it expands upward, creating a large vault of a
blastocoele. Then the marginal zone involutes over the dorsal lip into this large vault and
occupies it using mesendoderm migration and convergent extension. The ventral lip
never forms and the mesoderm all goes dorsally, beneath the blastocoele roof. The
vegetal region is uninvolved and unenclosed at the end of gastrulation, to be encircled
later by mechanisms similar to those in Elutherodactylus (Elinson and Fang, 1998).
Megalobatrachus gastrulation is similar to that of Petromyzon, a lamprey (Hatta, 1891),
with respect to the formation of a large blastocoele and then gastrulating into it, while
largely ignoring the endoderm. More work should be done to learn whether this is
Involution On One Side of the Yolk: Gastrulation of the Salamander Desmognathus
fusca and the Gymnophionans, Hypogeophis rostratus and Hypogeophis alternans
These organisms share the property of gastulating by involution of a blastoderm
on one side of a very large vegetal yolk mass without using a substantial blastocoele and
without enclosing the large yolk. Desmognathus, a small salamander, lays large,
unpigmented eggs, about 3.5 mm in diameter, in small bunches (Hilton, 1909). Cleavage
is holoblastic (complete) but uneven such that it produces a central vegetal region of very
large yolky cells and a roof of small cells over a small blastocoele, which immediately
collapses (Fig. 14A). By the early gastrula stage, the blastocoele has disappeared and the
embryo consists of large internal cells nearly covered by a thin epithelial layer of small
blastomeres (Fig. 14B) (Hilton, 1909). Whether the outer layer of small cells moved
vegetally in an epibolic movement or were generated locally by unequal division of the
larger deep vegetal cells is not known (Hilton, 1909). The former seems more likely in
light of more recent work on epiboly. Some thinning of the small-celled region occurs
and it seems likely that radial intercalation and thinning play some role in this epiboly. It
is also likely that very strong vegetal rotation movements pull the small-celled cap
vegetally, to the point of collapsing the blastocoele. The blastopore forms within the
small-celled region as the outer small-celled sheet is said to invaginate directly in to the
larger yolky cell mass to form a crescentic blastoporal groove (Fig. 14B, C, D). This
sheet of cells appears to involute and extend on the dorsal side into the interface between
the outer small-celled layer and the large yolk cells (Fig. 14D, E, F). The initial crescent
blastopore completes itself to form a ventral lip but not much involution occurs there
(Fig. 14E). Most of the mesoderm moves over the dorsal lip, and it occupies a narrow
area on both sides of the axis beneath the neural plate (Fig. 14F) and around the
blastopore (Fig. 14E). The endoderm is not enclosed by the mesoderm during
gastrulation, and this must occur later. The mesoderm becomes multilayered and a gut
cavity forms below the dorsal mesoderm by unknown means (Fig. 14F).
This major feature of this type of gastrulation is the development of a mechanism of
involution that rolls the mesoderm back on to the inner surface of the small-celled
blastoderm, into the interface between this layer and the vegetal cells, without a
blastocoele. This movement resembles the movement of the hypoblast cells back on the
Fig. 14. Features of gastrulation in Desmognathus, a salamander (A-F) and the Gymnophionan,
Hypogeophis alternans (G-M) are illustrated. Desmognathus cleaves to form a blastula with
almost no blastocoele and a cap of small cells (dark shading) around one end of a large mass of
vegetal endoderm (light shading) (A). The small cells form a blastoderm outside the vegetal
mass and a blastopore (bp) forms in the midst of this region (sectional view, B; surface view, C),
as the small-celled epithelium appears to move directly into the deep region (D, enlargement of
section from same embryo as B, C). The epithelium involutes and spreads between itself and the
underlying vegetal cells for form the mesoderm (E). A ventral lip and involution do occur
laterally and ventrally (E), but the mesoderm is restricted to the dorsal side and is limited in
mediolateral extent, as is the small-celled epidermal and neural epithelium remaining on the
surface (cross section, F). What is thought to be mesoderm is shown in red, ectoderm in blue
(dark for neural, light for epidermis) and endoderm in green. Hypogeophis likewise forms a thin
layer of epithelial cells on the surface, but also has a second layer of deep cells slightly more
yolky, between them and the large vegetal mass; it also lacks a blastocoele. The surface
epithelium involutes, mostly over a dorsal lip, and forms the mesoderm (G, sagital section). The
endoderm moves across the undersurface of the mesoderm from the sides, in an anterior-posterior
progression, to form the roof of the gut (H, parasagital section; I-L, cross sections, much as in the
anurans and urodeles. The embryo forms on one side of a large vegetal yolk mass (M), and
elongates and grows at the expense of this yolk to form the characteristic, elongate, legless body
(N). Dotterpfropf (dp), yolk plug; entoderm (en), endoderm; mesoderm (ms), mesoderm;
Beruhrungsstelle vom Entoderm und Mesoderm (x), place of contact between endoderm and
mesoderm; hintere Lippe des Blastoporus (hl), ventral lip of the blastopore; vordere Lippe (vl),
dorsal lip; Urdarmhohle (ud), archenteron. (From Brauer, 1897).
inner surface of the epiblast, between the epiblast and the yolk syncytial layer, in the
teleost embryo (see Chapter XXX- Kimmel). Such a movement could be driven by
traction of the involuted cells on the basal surface of the outer layer, thereby generating a
shearing that would role cells over the lip. How other potential force-generating
processes, such as bottle cell formation, and convergence or convergence and extension
might function in this process, if at all, is not understood. Again, the yolk appears to be
ignored during gastrulation and enclosed later.
Brauer (Brauer, 1897; Brauer, 1899) studied the development of the
Gymnophionans, or legless amphibians, Hypogeophis rostratus, which has an egg 7-8
mm in diameter, and H. alternans, which has an egg 4-5 mm in diameter; most of the
work on gastrulation is on the latter species (Brauer, 1897). Cleavage produces a
blastula much like Desmognathus with a thin shell of small cells, consisting of an outer
epithelium (called “animal” cells) and one or more layers of somewhat larger deep cells
with more yolk (called “vegetative” cells) around a large central yolk mass. The
blastocoele is lacking except for small spaces blow the animal cells, amongst the
vegetative cells, and above the large yolk. The animal cells involute over a dorsal lip, and
move toward the presumptive anterior, largely displacing the vegetative cells, which are
thought to form endoderm (Fig. 14G). The animal cells form the roof of the gastrocoele,
consisting of presumptive mesoderm; the edges of the vegetative, endodermal cell layer
moves beneath the mesoderm from both sides (Fig. 14H-I), eventually meets the
boundaries of the presumptive notochord (Fig. 14J-K), which then rolls up, bringing the
endodermal anlage in from both sides to form the definitive archenteron (Fig. 14K-L).
The gross features of closing the roof of the archenteron and removing the mesoderm
from the surface resemble those in the commonly studied anuran and urodele embryos.
The blastopore completes itself ventrally and the yolk plug closes as in the more
commonly studied amphibians, although there appears to be very little involution on the
ventral side (Fig. 14G-H). As in Desmognathus, the mesoderm is confined to the dorsal
sector of the embryo and does not enclose a significant part of the yolk (Fig. 14I). A
slender body axis forms on one side of a very large yolk (Fig. 14M) and the body axis
elongates dramatically as the yolk is used up (Fig. 14N).
Overall, Hypogeophis shares many features of gastrulation with Desmognathus,
including the involution of a blastoderm into an interface, confinement of the mesoderm
to a narrow, dorsal strip, and failure of this mesoderm to enclose the yolk during
Gastrulation in Gastrotheca: A Symmetric Blastodisc With Delayed Extension
Gastrotheca, a marsupial frog, broods its large, pale yellow eggs (2.1-3.6 mm
diameter) in a pouch on the mother’s back (Elinson and del Pino, 1985). Cleavage,
gastrulation and other aspects of development of Gastrotheca rhiobambae have been
described (del Pino, 1982; del Pino, 1996; del Pino and Elinson, 1983; del Pino and
Escobar, 1981; del Pino and Loor, 1990; Del Pino and Medina, 1998; Elinson and del
Pino, 1985) (Fig. 15A-C). Cleavage is complete (holoblastic) but uneven; the yolk-poor
cytoplasm at the animal cap cleaves rapidly and forms small cells whereas the yolk-rich
remainder cleaves slowly to form large cells over three quarters of the embryonic surface
(Elinson and del Pino, 1985). The animal region expands as the blastocoele forms there,
and eventually it consists of a single layer of cells (Fig. 15A). This blastocoele roof
region, a marginal region just vegetal to it, and a vegetal region can be distinguished in
the blastula stage by differential staining with silver. Dye marking shows that prior to
gastrulation, the vegetal region contracts greatly, and the marginal region moves
vegetally in an epibolic movement (Elinson and del Pino, 1985). The dye marking
experiments suggest that the marginal zone is moved to the vegetal pole by contraction of
the vegetal region; it is not known whether vegetal contraction occurs alone or whether it
Fig. 15. Features of gastrulation in Gastrotheca rhiobambae are illustrated. Gastrotheca forms a
blastoderm at the vegetal end of the embryo, which involutes symmetrically to form a blastodisc
surrounding a small yolk plug and containing a shallow, radially symmetrical archenteron
(orange, A, surface view; B, sectional view). The blastodisc then undergoes extension to form
the embryo on one side of the large yolk mass (C). In sectional view, epiboly brings the
equivalent of the IMZ vegetally, where it undergoes a radially symmetrical involution and
blastopore closure (D-F). Expression of a convergence and thickening of the type seen in the
ventral sector of the Xenopus IMZ, but expressed circumblastoporally (D’) could result in a
symmetrical blastopore closure and involution (F, F’). Regional tissue identity (notochord,
magenta, and somitic mesoderm, red) and regional cell behavior (convergence, black arrows;
extension, white arrows) appear after involution and blastopore closure (G, G’, H). Convergence
and extension would then drive elongation of the body axis (G’-H). A-C are redrawn from del
Pino and Elinson (1983).
is part of internal vegetal rotation movements similar to those described in Xenopus.
Gastrulation begins with migration of cells across the thin roof of the blastocoele roof and
at the other end of the large egg, a blastopore forms at the boundary of the vegetal and
marginal region near the vegetal pole, and the latter involutes to form a symmetrical
“embryonic disc” and a short symmetrical gastrocoele/archenteron (Fig. 15A-B). After
blastopore closure, the embryo elongates, and develops on one side of a large egg (Fig.
15C) (del Pino and Elinson, 1983; Elinson and del Pino, 1985).
The hallmark of this type of gastrulation is the symmetric involution of what
presumably is a symmetric IMZ (Fig. 15D-F). The body axis does not elongate prior to
blastopore closure (del Pino and Elinson, 1983), no notochord or axial extension is
detected, and Brachyury is expressed symmetrically and circumblastoporally (del Pino,
1996). The involution and blastopore closure appear very similar to the events happening
on the ventral side of the Xenopus embryo, including the formation of bottle cells, the
formation of a shallow invagination, and then involution of a collar of mesoderm. This
“embryonic disk” is quite thick initially, about 15 cells (del Pino, 1996). This suggests
that the convergent thickening that occurs in the ventral IMZ of Xenopus may be
occurring throughout the IMZ of Gastrotheca. A convergent thickening machinery
spanning the IMZ would set up a progressive symmetrical hoop stress and drive
involution and blastopore closure (Fig. D’-F’). After blastopore closure, Brachyury
expression becomes asymmetric with the development of an elongated area on one side
of the blastopore, the dorsal side, which extends and forms the notochord (del Pino,
1996). Dye marks show that the area on the dorsal side of the converges and extends and
forms the axis of the embryonic body (del Pino and Elinson, 1983). The embryonic disc
also thins during this period from 15 cells to about 4 by the time the elongated
archenteron expands (Elinson and del Pino, 1985). These facts are consistent with a
delayed convergence and extension driving the elongation of the post involution
mesoderm (Fig. 15G, G’-H). Similarly, Brachyury expression is delayed until after
blastopore closure in Clolesthus manchalilla, a dendrobatid frog (Benitez and del Pino,
2002), and in the large egg (3.5 mm) of Eluthrodactylus coqui, a direct developing frog
(Ninomiya et al., 2001), and probably represents delayed convergence and extension in
these organisms.
Gastrotheca also appears to use an enhanced epiboly to move the IMZ to the
vegetal pole of the egg, and in this organism the vegetal rotation movement is a
particularly strong candidate for providing the motive force. The role of radial
intercalation is unknown; no multi-layered radial intercalation has been described. Once
the marginal zone is near the vegetal pole, why does this organism use the symmetric
gastrulation and blastopore closure, and put off convergent extension and body axis
elongation until later stages? A better question might be, why not? The fast-developing
Xenopus embryo, which gastrulates in 4 hours, telescopes the beginnings of body
elongation into gastrulation and using it as a method of anisotropic involution and
blastopore closure. Such compression of developmental events probably offers no
advantage in the slow developing Gastrotheca, which gastrulates in a week. Or perhaps
symmetrical convergence or convergent thickening movements have advantages over
convergent extension movements in the geometry and mechanics of the vegetal region of
Gastrotheca: the IMZ of this organism gastrulates into a region of the embryo that
essentially has no blastocoele, the blastocoele being a long way away at the other end of
the large embryo, whereas the IMZ of Xenopus rolls directly into the blastocoele.
Comparison of different types of gastrulation provides mechanistic insights in a
number of ways, and one of the most important is the establishing the identity and
distinctness, the separateness of mechanisms (del Pino, 1996). A mechanism may be
displayed alone, in pure, robust form, such that it are easy to analyze in one organism, but
mixed with many others, in modified, weak form, such that it is difficult to analyze in
another. These relatively large, relatively yolky, and slow developing eggs offer the
promise of having many of the mechanisms in the standard model systems in stronger
form, and perhaps new mechanisms, or new uses of known mechanisms as well.
One major strategy of gastrulating with a large yolk is to move the IMZ far
vegetally before doing conventional gastrulation. Two morphogenetic machines are
potentially enhanced in this strategy: radial intercalation and vegetal rotation. We do not
know whether radial intercalation is an active, force-producing process in any of these
organisms, and vegetal rotation has not been characterized outside of Xenopus. Use of
vegetal rotation to move the IMZ in to position is a particularly attractive idea, since the
yolky vegetal endoderm would then become part of the solution to the problem its
increasing size had generated. These organisms should be examined for the presence of
vegetal rotation, as well as active, radial intercalation.
Another strategy is to leave the marginal zone on one side of the yolk, gastrulate
on that side, and enclose the yolk later. One way of doing this is to make a large
blastocoele on that side. This might be done if radial intercalation and epiboly occur in
absence of a vegetal towing device (vegetal rotation) to take up the area at the vegetal
end. Another way of doing this is to gastrulate into an interfacial zone or collection of
small cavities, rather than into a blastocoele. This mechanism may involve specialization
of the mechanisms seen in the common model systems, such as mesendodermal
migration, and perhaps others as well.
These are speculations in absence of enough data, and to understand gastrulation
in these yolky eggs, and eggs specialized in other ways, we need a number of things:
better fate mapping, high resolution live imaging methods to see cell behaviors, use of
explants to probe the mechanical autonomy and force-generating contribution of various
components, and molecular markers to describe tissue differentiation. This requires
adaptation of methods worked out on more convenient species. We need more
collaborative studies of the reproductive ecology, reproductive endocrinology, behavior,
and developmental biology of these organisms. We need to test hypotheses about the
performance parameters of individual morphogenetic machines by making interspecific
combinations, or by engineering eggs with more or less yolk (see (Sinervo, 1990; Sinervo
and McEdward, 1988).
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