South African Avocado Growers’ Association Avoinfo Newsletter, 168:17-19 (Oct 2009). A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF ALTERNATE BEARING THROUGH REVISED GROWTH MODEL CHARTS B. Nigel Wolstenholme1 & Andrew Sheard2 Alternate bearing remains one of the major horticultural challenges in the management of avocado orchards. It also presents marketing and cash flow challenges. It is worst when growing areas are not geographically widely spread, as in small countries like Israel and New Zealand; or if environmental growing conditions are fairly similar, as in California or Peru. In South Africa, with avocados produced under fairly variable climates and soils, the national crop shows less of the alternation typical of the above countries. However, on a regional basis, and especially on a particular farm, alternate bearing is certainly an issue. The senior author was recently (July, 2009) invited to present two talks on alternate bearing to the 4th Australian and New Zealand Avocado Growers’ Association Conference in Cairns, Australia. Alternate bearing (AB) was the major theme of the horticultural sessions, in a Conference dominated by marketing, handling, consuming, and avocado disease issues. New Zealand in particular is plagued by AB, as well as by irregular bearing (IB) in which the regular “on”/”off” crop alternation is regularly upset by cold spells during the critical flowering and fruit set period. The causes of AB and IB are still hotly debated in Australasia. Vested interests muddy the waters by not seeing the whole picture, and by shifting the focus away from the scientifically established facts. More recently, a presentation was made to the KZN Avocado Study Group, organized by Subtrop Technical Advisor (KZN) Andrew Sheard. The authors developed “on” and “off” crop year phenological growth model charts for this meeting, and believe that they are helpful in understanding and managing avocado AB. We herewith offer them as a first approximation for humid, subtropical growing areas in South Africa. We firstly emphasize that the causes of AB are complex and many. There are two main scientific theories. The “starch depletion” theory is based on the well-known correlation between starch storage reserves and yield potential in tree crops. Young avocado orchard yield typically rises in a fairly predictable way until a major crop is set, due to very favourable environmental conditions during flowering and fruit set. Until this time, the vegetative : reproductive balance is tilted heavily in favour of vegetative growth, as the basic tree structural framework develops. Therefore there has been a surplus of well-lit photosynthesizing leaves to meet the relatively small energy (carbohydrate) demands of light fruiting. Surplus carbohydrates are stored as starch reserves – the tree’s buffer against extreme environmental and pest events. The first heavy crop heavily depletes the starch reserves (from the pre-flowering winter peak), and reduces the recovery in starch reserves during summer and autumn. The following season’s flowering is therefore less intense – mainly due to adverse effects on 1 Prof. (Emer.), University of KwaZulu-Natal; 30 Wavell Drive, Pietermaritzburg 3201, RSA, E-mail: 2 Prof. (Emer.), University of KwaZulu-Natal; 30 Wavell Drive, Pietermaritzburg 3201, RSA, E-mail: shoo ot and root flushes during an “on n” season. The resultt is the “offf” crop. Th his pattern then becomes entrenched e , with “boom m and bustt” cycling. However, this explanation e is only partt of the storry. We now w know thatt the heavyy “on” crop n hormoness, mainly in n growing resullts in high concentrattions of antti-flowering gibberellin seed ds. Some gibberellins g moves to nearby sho oot buds, and reducess flower bud d initiation (in la ate summer and autum mn) for the e next (“off””) crop. Th his is easilyy observed on heavy fruitin ng as compared with light fruitin ng branche s. Undoub btedly, we do not yet know the ultim mate causes s of AB, butt seed gibbe erellins und doubtedly p play a role. The grower is more con ncerned witth manage ement of A AB – how can the b boom/bust cropp ping cycle be b ameliora ated? In sh hort, fairly d drastic interrvention is required – especially in mo ore stressfu ul environm ments where e AB is mo ore problem matic. Grow wers have to buy into a full package of remedia al measures s, and by-a and-large tthese are cconsistent w with more nsive “best practice” managemen m nt. Removval of excesss (small) ffruit early in n the “on” inten seas son is surely the most obvious, but b understa andably the e least pop pular option. Pruning resto ores vegeta ative vigou ur in “on” years whe ere the balance has moved exxcessively towa ards fruiting g. Girdling g has a ro ole to play (if properrly used), a as does th he growth retarrdant unico onazole (S Sunny®). Obviously, other ma anagement practices must be optim mized, and Phytophtho ora root rot properly co ontrolled. Figure F 1. The total growth cycle of cv v Fuerte show wing the relattionship betw ween vegetative and reproductive r growth and reserve r starc ch in the trun nks of trees (Whiley & W Wolstenholme,, 1990) Typical T of a humid, subtrop pical climate; low ABI. dard tool forr guiding avvocado orchard management – the Whiley This brings us to the stand enological growth g mod del (Fig.1), well-known n today thro oughout the e avocado et al.. (1988) phe grow wing world – with adap ptation to lo ocal conditions. But itt is importa ant to reme ember that this model was s drawn up p for very specific s con nditions, viz. avocado o orchards in a mild (mes sic) humid subtropica al area, wh here AB is not a big problem ((Whiley, A..W., pers. comm m., 2009). It does nott therefore look at the e two-year ((“on”/”off” crops) cycle e typical of 2 AB orchards. o The T New Ze ealanders were w the firsst to draw u up a two-ye ear chart, in n the form of a circle c with two t hemisp pheres repre esenting th he on-off cyycle, and picctorial repre esentation of ph henological events (flo owering inttensity, fruitt drops, cro op size, sh hoot and ro oot growth flush hes) (Hardy y et al., 200 08). This is s necessarry to accom mmodate th he fact that the Hass fruit here takes more than n one year to t mature, and can be e hung on the tree for up to 18 montths from flo owering (inc cidentally, th hereby grea atly aggravvating AB). For average a So outh African n conditions s, we present an avoca ado “on” cro op growth ccycle (Fig. 2), and a the con nsequent “o off” crop gro owth cycle (Fig. 3). T This theme was develloped in a “work kshop on th he avocado o growth cy ycle” at the Cairns con nference, a and was em mphasized in th he senior author’s a ta alk on AB (without a actually dra awing the explanatorry figures) (Wolstenholme,, 2009). Figure F 2. Phe enological gro owth cycle in an "on" crop season, with vegetative-re eproductive b balance heavily h biased d towards flo owering and fruiting f (Wolsstenholme, 20 009, adapted from Whileyy et al., 1988). 1 Typica al of more stre essful environments, follow wing an "off" sseason; High ABI. Figurre 2 (hea avy crop, i.e. “on” year) y grap phically represents tthe situatio on where repro oductive ev vents domin nate. Thus s flowering is very inttense: starch reserves start off very high, and there t are plenty of fruiting sites ((peripheral shoots) fro om the prevvious (light crop)) season. Fruit F drop will w be prom minent due tto the shee er volume o of flowers and initially set fruits. f The harvested crop will still s be very ry high beccause fruitin ng starts u under very fruitin ng-friendly conditions, and prefe erentially a ppropriatess most of tthe tree’s rresources. All of o this, of course, has a trade-offf – vegetative growth h loses outt big-time. Thus the sprin ng growth flush f is red duced; the summer g growth flussh even more. Thesse flushes proviide the fru uiting sites for next season’s s (“ off”) crop – simply p put, not en nough are formed. Just as s importantt, the two ro oot flushes (late spring/early sum mmer, and especially the autumn a flus sh) are red duced. So the tree g goes into a autumn and d winter witth a huge crop, but rundo own starch reserves, fe ewer fruitin ng sites, lesss flower bu ud initiation n because g about in late summe er; and leavves which h have been of alll the surplus gibberelliins sloshing 3 over--worked ph hotosynthettically, are “tired” “ and more pron ne to photo-inhibition, and have been n inadequattely renewe ed by flushin ng. Talk ab bout a recip pe for disasster! Fig.3 3 depicts the t conseq quences of o the “on”” crop on the next season’s “off” crop phen nological ev vents. Here e reproducttive events play secon nd fiddle. T There is lesss intense flowe ering, with equivalentt fruit drop ps, and a llight crop. This resu ults from lo ow starch reserrves, stressed leaves s and rootts during frruit set, an nd other p physiologica al factors. Vege etative flush hing of both h shoots an nd roots ho owever reco overs dram matically – ssetting the scen ne for next season’s heavy h crop, along with h starch re eserve build dup due to o relatively low fruiting f dem mand. Figure F 3. Phe enological gro owth cycle in an "off" crop season, with vegetative-re eproductive b balance heavily h biased d towards flo owering and fruiting f (Wolsstenholme, 20 009, adapted from Whileyy et al., 1988). 1 Typica al of more stre essful environments, follow wing an "on" sseason; High ABI. The challenge for f the orch hard manag ger is to mo ove the gro owth modells in Figure es 2 and 3 ards the “id deal” shown in Fig. 1, 1 where th he crop iss average, and vegettative and towa repro oductive ev vents are nicely balanc ced. Starch h reserves peak at abo out the sam me level in succ cessive seasons. Figu ures 2 and 3 suggest what need ds to be done. This iss the topic for another occa asion. Ackn nowledgement The authors acknowledg a ge the pioneering wo ork of Ton eagues in ny Whiley and colle deve eloping the avocado growth model concept.. Colin Partridge (Southern Prod duce, NZ) also contributed d useful ideas. erences Refe Hard dy, J., Parrtridge, C., Barber, R., Pak, H. and D Dixon, J. 2 2008. Sprring: Tree manageme m ogy and flow wering. N.Z Z. Avo. Grs’’ Assoc., Pp p 35. nt, phenolo While ey, A.W., Saranah, S J.B., Cull, B.W. B & Peg gg, K. G. 1988. Mana age avocad do growth cycles c for productivity p gains. Qld d Agric. J. 114: 29 – 36 6. 4 Whiley, A.W. & Wolstenholme, B.N. 1990. Carbohydrate management in avocado trees for increased production. S. Afr. Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook 13: 25-27. Wolstenholme, B.N. 2009. Alternate bearing in avocado – an overview. 4th Aust. & N.Z. Avocado Grs’ Conf. Proc. In press. 5