Sandra Bartlett Curriculum Vitae Name: Sandra Bartlett

Sandra Bartlett
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Sandra Bartlett
Work Address: 1109 W. Panola St. Carthage, TX 75633
Office Telephone Number:
College Email Address:
Mississippi Geographic Alliance/National Geographic Society Summer Institute in
Geography, Certified as a Teacher Consultant. Mississippi State University, 1996
Postgraduate Coursework, 1990 - 1996:
Political Science; Geography. Mississippi State University
Education; Computer Technology. Mississippi University for Women
History, Political Science, Education, and Geography. Mississippi State
University, 1983
History and Political Science, Certified Class A, Social Studies. President’s
Scholar, Dean’s List. Mississippi State University, 1980
Teaching Experience
Adjunct Instructor, Panola College at Center, Center, TX. 2002 – to present
Federal Government; Texas Government and Politics; U.S. History I & II; World Regional
Geography (some of these also taught as an ITV class to other campuses).
Adjunct Instructor, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX. Spring 2006
Western Civilization II
Instructor, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS. 1991 - 2002
History of Civilization I and II, (prior to 2000, Western Civilization I and II),
Methods and Materials in Secondary History and Social Studies, University
Supervisor for Secondary Social Studies Student Teachers, World Geography, North
American Geography, Environmental Geography, Geography of Latin America, American
Instructor, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS. 1987 - 1991
Department of Political Science: American Government, Mississippi Model Security
Council (MMSC) Research and Internship, International Relations, Comparative
Government. Grad./Undergrad. level courses: West European Politics, Southern Politics,
Mississippi Government and Politics; Director, Mississippi Model Security Council
Department of History: Early U. S. History, Modern U. S. History, Western Civilization I.
Instructor, Wood Junior College, Mathiston, MS, 1984 - 1986
U. S. History I and II, Western Civilization I and II, Principles of Geography, American
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Mississippi State University, 1981 - 1983
Early U. S. History, Modern U. S. History.
Substitute Teacher, Starkville Independent School District, 1980 - 1981
Varied subjects, grades 6 – 12.
Professional, Technical, and Work-related Experience and Skills
Canvas certification and other Faculty Development workshops 2002- to present
Web CT Workshop, Panola College, Carthage, TX, Aug. 2005
Advising, History/Social Science/Social Studies Education. Division of Humanities,
Mississippi University for Women, 1991- 2002.
Faculty Facilitator, group sessions, MS Hall of Master Teachers and Institute for FirstYear Teachers, MUW Division of Education, Dec. 2000, 2001.
Co-Director of “Teaching Geography Across the Curriculum” workshop for MS public
school teachers, MUW Division of Education June 1999; follow-up workshops Oct. 1999,
Feb. 2000.
Visiting lecturer on demography and population, Mississippi Geographic Alliance
Summer Institute, Mississippi State University, June 1997, 1998, 2000.
Presented lecture, “Six Billion and Counting: World Population Growth and Trends for
the Twenty-First Century,” MS Council for the Social Studies/MS Geographic Alliance
conference, Tupelo, MS, Oct. 1999.
University coordinator and MUW faculty sponsor for Mississippi Geographic Alliance
Preservice Geography and Social Studies Conference for MS social studies methods
students and university methods professors, Hinds Community College, Raymond, MS,
Oct.1997; Sept.1998, Oct.1999, Oct.2000, Oct. 2001.
Faculty facilitator, Newspapers in Education workshop for MUW education majors,
Mississippi University for Women, September 1997.
Faculty co-facilitator, Public Affairs Forum for United Nations ambassadors, MUW, Feb.
Faculty sponsor, MUW social studies methods student field trips, Mississippi Historical
Society Conferences, Jackson, MS, 1996.
Co-developed MUW Humanities Division brochure for Social Studies/Social Studies
Education majors, Spring 1995.
Faculty co-coach for Mississippi School of Math and Science student debate competitors
in “We the People” Constitution debate competition, Columbus, MS, 1993, 1994.
Faculty director of MUW Honors student project, “Geographic Literacy in the United
States,” Spring 1993.
Faculty advisor for MUW student delegations to annual Mississippi Model Security
Council, Mississippi State University, February 1992 - 1998. (Best Delegation, 1997).
Faculty advisor for MUW Environmental Geography Earth Day community and campus
service projects, environmental fundraisers, environmental awareness. Spring 1992 1994, 1996.
Presented lecture, “Our Global Economy,” Civitan Youth Conference, Mississippi State
University Continuing Education, June 1989.
Presented paper, “Think Globally, Act Locally: Women in the Political Process,” and
panel chair, Think Globally, Act Locally: Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement
of Women By the Year 2000 Conference, Mississippi State University, April 1989.
Director, Mississippi Model Security Council. Coordinated visits of United Nations
ambassadors, secured participation of MS high schools/colleges, prepared brochures,
mailings, directed logistics of program and news media. Mississippi State University,
1988 - 1991.
Presented lecture on Battle of Brice’s Crossroads to Starkville, MS chapter of United
Daughters of the Confederacy, Starkville, MS, May 1986.
Keynote Speaker, Phi Theta Kappa scholastic honorary society induction, Wood Junior
College, Mathiston, MS, Spring 1986.
Faculty organizer/advisor, Wood Junior College History Club. Sponsored field trips, fundraisers, projects, 1984 - 1986.
Presented paper, “Idealism and Reality: The Erosion of the Peace Policy with the Teton
Sioux,”Phi Alpha Theta Conference, Jackson, MS, Spring 1983.
Professional Achievements and Publications
“The Geography of France,” Splendors of Versailles: Teachers’ Guide (Entergy and the
National Geographic Society Education Foundation, 1997).
“World Population Growth and the Demographic Transition,” Mississippi Journal for the
Social Studies. (Fall, 1996): 14-16.
Eisenhower Grant, 1999. Collaborated on grant with Dr. Suzanne Bean on “Teaching
Geography Across the Curriculum” teaching workshop for MS public school teachers.
Nominated Faculty Member of the Year, Mississippi University for Women, Spring 2001
(student petition nominated).
Included in Montclair’s Who’s Who: 2006—2007.
Included in Directory of American Scholars, 10th ed.: 2000.
Included in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers: 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998 (student
Included in Publication Outstanding Americans: 1998.