Lecture 2 Log into Linux Questions? Homework 1 posted, due next Tuesday


Lecture 2

Log into Linux


Homework 1 posted, due next Tuesday

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 1


Files and directories

UNIX philosophy

Essential commands

 grep find

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 2

File Information

Use “ls -l” to display complete file info:

$ ls ­l drwxrwxr­x 11 hwang faculty 4096 Jul 25 10:43 qt

­rw­r­­r­­  1 hwang faculty 6455 Aug 19 14:53 readme.txt

lrwxrwxrwx  1 hwang faculty   23 Aug  8 12:59 rt ­> a.txt

prw­rw­r­­  1 hwang faculty    0 Aug 27 15:18 mypipe

Shown: file type, permissions, # of hard links, owner, group, size, last modification time, and name.

File type is indicated by first character

­ Regular file d Directory   l Soft link  p Named pipe   c Char device  b Block device 

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 3

Soft (Symbolic) LInks

Use “ ln -s ” to create soft or symbolic links. A soft link is a pointer to a “real name” for a file.

These are similar to Windows shortcuts but are supported by both the CLI and the GUI.

$ ln ­s target linkname

The source file may be on another filesystem.

You can create soft links to directories.

Deleting the link has no effect on the file.

Deleting the file can leave a soft link to nothing. I.e. a "dangling reference".

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 4

Hard Links

Use ln to create hard links. Creating a hard link creates another “real name” for a file.

$ ln target newname 

Data is not deleted until all hard links are deleted.

Names are aliases, so changes are reflected.

Data must be on the same filesystem as the link.

System call to delete a file is actually “unlink”.

Only the administrator can create hard links to directories (to prevent filesystem corruption due to directory “loops” by unwitting users) .

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 5

File Links

Thursday, January 17 name1

DATA name2

File with two hard links name1

DATA name2

File with one hard link and one soft link

CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 6

Special File Names

A filename whose first character is a period will not show up in normal directory listing.

Use 'ls -a' to list hidden files

This has NOTHING to do with security.

Every directory automatically includes . and .. which are links to itself and its parent directory.

$ cp /etc/passwd .

$ cd ../../../datadir

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 7

Device Files

Device files provide access to hardware. There are two types: character and block

They reside in the /dev directory.

They can be created with mknod by the administrator.

Permissions determine access to corresponding hardware.

Character devices provide sequential access (serial ports) while block devices are used for random access


Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 8

Device Files

See the MAKEDEV man page and the devices.txt file in the kernel source archive for a list of devices. See also man pages for hd (hex dump), od (octal dump), random, etc.

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 9

A Few Standard Device Files



Master IDE drive on first controller

Slave IDE drive on first controller

/dev/hdc Master IDE drive on second controller

              (often is CDROM/DVD drive)

/dev/hdd Slave IDE drive on second controller 

               (often was used for ZIP drive)










Link to CDROM device

First SCSI drive

SCSI CD drive

SCSI tape drive

First primary partition on hda drive

(C: drive in Windows ­ partitioning sda is similar)

Second primary partition on hda drive

First logical partition

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 10

A Few Standard Device Files





Current terminal device

First console device

First pseudo­terminal (xterm) device

File descriptor 0 or standard input

             (1 is stdout, 2 is stderr)

/dev/stdin Alias for /dev/fd/0 (also /dev/stdout,










First serial port (COM1)

First parallel port

Sound card i/o

Null device (bit bucket)

Zero device (all zeroes)

Random number generator

Physical memory

PS/2 mouse port

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 11

Cool Device Tricks

$ dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cdrom.iso # Create ISO image of CD

$ cat /dev/audio > sound.au

$ cat sound.au > /dev/audio

$ program 2> /dev/null


# Record from microphone

# Play sound

# Redirect program error

# messages to bit bucket

$ program /dev/stdin    # Pass stdin as filename argument

$ od ­A n ­N 8 ­t u2 < /dev/random    

                   # Generate 4 16­bit unsigned random #s

You can create, format, and mount disk images!

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=f.img bs=1k count=1440


$ mkfs ­t msdos f.img

$ mkdir a

$ mount ­o loop f.img a

# Create 1.44MB zero file

# Create a file system

# Create a mount point

# Mount the file system

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 12

Cool Device Tricks

// File: random.cpp

// Print 10 random 32­bit integers

#include <fstream>

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()


   int randnum;

   ifstream randstr("/dev/random");

   for(int count=0; count<10; count++) {

      randstr.read((char *)&randnum,sizeof(randnum));

      cout << count << ": " << randnum << endl;



   return 0;


Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 13


Disk devices (/dev/sdc1) contain raw disk data that is not normally accessed directly by the user.

A filesystem contains inode lists and data blocks.

An inode structure (on disk) contains all file info except the file name (owner, group, perms, times, link count, and indexes to the data blocks that make up the file).

A directory block has only filename and inode # pairs.

Use “ls -i” to display inode numbers.

Use mkfs (as administrator) to create a filesystem (format):


Thursday, September 2

$ mkfs ­t ext3 /dev/sdc1

CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 3 14


All files in a UNIX systems are arranged in a tree rooted at /.

No C:, D:, etc drives as in Windows.

Easily add disk space and allow files to maintain the same position in directory tree.

mount is used to attach a filesystem to the tree

$ mount ­t ext3 /dev/sda3 /home

$ mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

$ mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom

$ mount # Display mounted filesystems

Thursday, September 2 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 3 15


List of automatically mounted devices is in


Use df (diskfree) to display the amount of freespace on each filesystem.

umount (not unmount) detachs a filesystem

Many systems have an automounter program running to automount removable media (USB sticks, CD-ROMs, etc.)

Thursday, September 2 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 3 16

Standard Directory Tree








/dev root directory (don't confuse with /root) essential utilities essential libraries essential admin tools configuration files contains user HOME directories root user HOME directory device directory




/usr/lib system files that change (log, spool files) for temp file usage (avail to all users) user applications user application libraries

/usr/local contains applications added by local admin

Thursday, September 2 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 3 17

File Permissions

Regular file permissions are specified for user

(owner), group and other (anyone else).

Permissions are r (read), w (write) and x (execute)

Write permission allows you to alter a file's contents. It does not give you permission to delete the file.

Permissions also apply to named pipes and devices.

Here are some examples:

­rw­r­­r­­ User can read and write, group other just read

­rwxr­xr­x All can read and execute, user can write

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 18

Directory Permissions

Permissions apply to user, group and other.

Read implies permission to get a directory listing.

Write indicates permission to create and delete files in the directory. (Write permission on the file is not required!)

Execute means permission to access files in the directory.

This makes more sense if you think of a directory as a file that contains filenames. (Actually, that's what it is.)

Here are some examples:

 drwxr­xr­x User has full access, others can use ls, cp drwxrwx­­­ User and group have full access, others none

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 19

Changing Permissions

Use the chmod command

You must be the owner (or root) to change permissions.

Symbolic mode examples

$ chmod u=rw,og=r readme.txt

$ chmod uog+rx datadir

Numeric mode (r=4, w=2, x=1)

$ chmod 644 readme.txt

$ chmod 755 datadir

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 20

Additional Permission Info

Special permissions: setuid, setgid, sticky. See

'man chmod' and 'info “File Permissions”'

­rwsr­xr­x setuid (run as owner), chmod u+s

­rwxrwsr­x setgid (run as group), chmod g+s drwxrwxrwt sticky (only allow owner to delete), o+t

Look at perms on /usr/bin/chsh (setuid) and /tmp


Linux also supports ACLs (access control lists) for fine-grained control, i.e. to give individual users special access to directories and files.

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 21

File Ownership

Use chown to change file ownership

$ chown newusername readme.txt

You must be administrator

Copier become the owner of copied files

Use chgrp to change file group

$ chgrp newgroupname readme.txt

You must belong to both old group and new group

Can use chown to change both at once

$ chown newusername.newgroupname readme.txt

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 22

File Timestamps

There are three times associated with a file: last access, modification, and change

Modification time is when file data was altered.

Change time is when owner, group, permission, or hard link count was altered.

“ls -l” shows modification time by default.

Use “ls -l --time=atime” or “ls -l --time=ctime” to see others

You can update access and modification times using touch .

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 23

UNIX Philosophy

Here are a few notes on UNIX programming philosophy:

Write small programs that do one thing well.

Read data from standard input (scanf, cin) and write data to standard output (printf, cout). Such programs are known as filters . Very complex applications can be created combining filters using pipes .

Move core routines into well-documented libraries so that they can be reused.

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 24

Essential Commands

COMMAND DESCRIPTION ls Displays directory listing cd directory Change the current (working) directory cd pwd 

Return to HOME directory

Display the current directory mkdir dirname Create a directory file filename Display file type cat textfile  Display file contents less textfile Page file contents to display (also more) exit or ^D passwd

Leave this session

Change your password man command  Display man pages on command info command  Display info pages on command

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 25

Useful Commands

COMMAND DESCRIPTION apropos string Search the whatis (manual page) database

  for string (same as “man ­k string”) whatis command Display brief description from whatis

  database (same as “man ­f command”) command 

–– help Display brief help on command ps aux kill du foo df grep find tar

Display all processes

Kill a process (requires ownership)

Display disk usage by file or dir foo

Display free disk space

Search for character strings

Find files meeting criteria

Standard UNIX archive tool

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 26


 g eneral r egular e xpression p arser

Used to find strings inside files; prints file name and line by default

Syntax: grep [options] pattern [files]

Options change the way command behaves

-c count lines that match

-i ignore case

-l list names of files w/o line

-v invert matching, selects non-matching lines

-E extended expressions (slower)

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 27

Regular Expressions

Patterns use regular expressions







[ ] anchor to beginning of line anchor to end of line match any single character match one of a set of chars, can be a range, prefix with ^ for inverted match optional - match 0 or 1 time match 0 or more times match 1 or more times

Special match patterns inside [ ]





Thursday, January 17 alphanumeric chars letters digits whitespace

CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 28



$ cd /usr/share/dict/

$ grep in words

$ grep ^in words

$ grep in$ words

# contains "in"

# begin with "in"

# end with "in"

$ grep ^in[[:alpha:]]in$ words # begin and end with "in"

$ grep ^[cd] words

$ grep ^[^a]*$ words

$ grep ^[^ae]*$ words

# begin with c or d

# no a's

# no a's or e's

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 29


Syntax: find [path] [options] [tests] [actions]

Search for files starting at path. Often / or .

Main options; always return true

-follow Follow symbolic links

-maxdepths N Search at most N levels

-mount Don't search other file systems

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 30


Tests return true or false. If false, stops. If true, does next test/action

-atime N

-mtime N last accessed N days ago;

+N for greater than;

-N for less than last modified N days ago

-name pattern file name matches pattern; must be in quotes

-newer otherfile file is newer than otherfile

-type C file is type C – e.g. f for regular file

-user username file is owned by username

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 31


Combine tests with logical connectives

!, -not

-a, -and

-o, -or invert test both test must be true one test must true

Use escaped parentheses to group

Actions are at the end and say what to do with each file that matches


-ls print the name of matching file use ls -dils on matching file

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 32


Any command can be executed

-exec command execute command on match

-ok command ask user confirmation before executing command on match

These actions must end with \; sequence in order for find to know where the embedded command ends

Use { } to represent the matching file

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 33



$ find / -name test -print

$ find . -mtime 2 -print

# find all files named "test"

# modified exactly 2 days ago

$ find . -mtime -2 -type f -print

# regular files modified in last 2 days

$ find . \( -mtime -2 -o -atime -2 \) -print

# modified or accessed in last 2 days

$ find . \( -mtime -7 -a -name "*.cpp" \) -print

# C++ source files modified in last week

$ find . \( -mtime -7 -a -name "*.cpp" \) -exec ls -l {} \;

# execute ls -l on them

$ find . \( -mtime -7 -a -name "*.cpp" \) \

-exec grep ^int {} \;

# print out lines starting with "int"

Thursday, January 17 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 2 34
