Lecture 13 Log into Linux Reminder: Project 3 due next Tuesday today Questions?


Lecture 13

Log into Linux

Reminder: Project 3 due next Tuesday today


Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 1


Basic Web Stuff

Pages on csserver

Basic HTML

PHP & the Web


Dynamic content

Some HTML5 references have been added to the supplemental references page.

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 2

Web Pages on csserver

Every user on csserver can create personal webpages by creating a www_home subdirectory in her home directory.

Browser access to this webspace is given by http://csserver.evansville.edu/~username/

(note the tilde ~)

Webspace directories (including the home directory) must have at least all executable permissions set and often have all read permissions set as well.

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 3

Web Pages on csserver

All pages must have all read permissions set.

The default webpage for any directory is named

"index" with one of the recognized suffixes, e.g., index.html, index.php, or even index.txt. If there is no index page, then a directory URL will return an error.

4 Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13


HTML is the original markup language used on the web. The current standard is HTML5.

HTML5 defines a clean distinction between

Structural semantics – also called HTML5

Presentation – CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Behavior – Javascript (executed by web browser)

HTML5 markup is basically the union of HTML4 and XHTML, so syntax is fairly lax. It deprecates some presentational tags and attributes to be handled by CSS.

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 5

HTML Documents

All HTML documents are structured as follows:

<! DOCTYPE html>



      <!­­ This is a comment ­­>

      <!­­ Meta­data goes here ­­>



      <!­­ page content goes here ­­>



Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 6


Items in <>'s are called tags . Most tags come in open/close pairs with the close tag prefixed with '/'. A few tags are self-closing of the form

<tag />, such as <br /> to produce a line break.

Open/close tags must be properly nested.

Some tags may be used only within certain tags. E.g., <li></li> tags can only be used within list tags.

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 7

HTML Meta-Data Tags

Here are some common meta-data tags that go in the <head></head> part of a document

<title>Title of Page</title>

<meta charset="utf­8" /> (or other charset)

<link … /> for items like stylesheets, favicons

<style></style> for page specific CSS

8 Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13

HTML Body Tags

Here are some common tags that are used to structure content in the <body></body> part of a document:

<h1>Major heading</h1> 

<h2>Subheading</h2> , etc., to <h6></h6>

<p></p> for paragraphs

<ul></ul> for unordered (bulleted) lists

<ol></ol> for ordered (numbered) lists

<li></li> for list items

<img src="..." /> for images

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 9

HTML Body Tags

Here are some common tags that are used to structure content in the <body></body> part of a document:

<h1>Major heading</h1> 

<h2>Subheading</h2> , etc., to <h6></h6>

<p></p> for paragraphs

<ul></ul> for unordered (bulleted) lists

<ol></ol> for ordered (numbered) lists

<li></li> for list items

<img src="..." /> for images

<a href="...">Link</a>

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 10

HTML Body Tags

Here are some tags for grouping items:

<div></div> for structural grouping

<span></span> mostly used for style grouping

<table></table> for tables

<tr></tr> for table rows

<th></th> for table headings

<td></td> for table data

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 11

HTML Body Tags

Here are a few leftover mostly presentation tags:

<strong>bold text</strong>

<em>italic text</em>

<br /> for newlines

<hr /> for horizontal rule (line)

The <script></script> tag is used to enclose Javascript code

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 12

HTML Forms

Forms are used to collect data from users

<form action="URL" method="post">

   <!­­ form elements can only 

        appear in a form ­­>


Where URL is the location of the CGI script to run when the form is submitted.

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 13

Form Elements: Input

Input element has a type attribute

One line of text input

<input type="text" name="name"

       size="65" />

Submit button

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Name attribute is associated with the input value

Value attribute is text label for button type inputs

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 14

Form Elements: Textarea

Textarea element is used to process multi-line text input:

<textarea cols="80" rows="3"


  <!­­ Default value ­­>


Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 15

Form Elements:

Radio Buttons, Check Boxes

Radio buttons

<input type="radio" name="size"

   value="Small" />Small

<input type="radio" name="size"

   value="Large" checked="checked"


Check boxes

<input type="checkbox 

   name="toppings[]" value="Pepperoni"


Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 16

Form Elements: Select Boxes

Pull-down menu

<select name="size">

   <option value="Large"




<select name="toppings[]"


   <!­­ options the same as above ­­>


Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 17

What is CGI?

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) programs run on the web server. The program's standard output is sent to the browser. CGI programs are used to process web form data.

The web server must be configured to run CGI programs. They are not permitted on all sites.

Web servers usually require that CGI programs live in a particular directories and have certain filename extensions (.cgi for example).

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 18

What is CGI?

When a form is posted, each element's data is sent as encoded "name=value" pairs separated by &.

A CGI script receives this data as one long string through standard input. CGI script must decode the input data into a usable form.

After processing the data, a response page must be sent by writing HTML5 code to standard output.

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 19

Why Use PHP?

CGI programs can be written in any language

(Shell, Perl, C, C++, Java, etc.)

PHP was designed specifically for CGI use. It has direct support for accessing form data sent from a browser to the server.

In addition, PHP can be used to generate content for any webpage, not just a response to form data. The PHP interpreter runs as part of the webserver, so PHP code islands can be embedded into any webpage.

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 20

Form Values

Posted form input is processed and placed in the superglobal array $_POST . This is an associative array with the name attribute values as keys. Generally, it is a good idea to copy the values into local variables.

$name = $_POST['name'];

$size = $_POST['size'];

21 Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13

Programming Notes

Errors in CGI PHP code execution are written to standard output, so they show up in the response page along with whatever HTML is rendered.

When a PHP webpage does not render at all, there usually is a syntax error. The error messages are put in the webserver error log.

On csserver this is /var/log/apache2/error.log.

(This file is usually not readable by all, but we try to keep it open manually.)

Tuesday, February 25 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 13 22
