Lecture 14

Lecture 14
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Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Introduction to processes
Creating new processes
Avoiding zombie processes
Note: this material is covered in both BLP and
AUP (as indicated in the syllabus) as well as
the man pages for the various system calls.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Suppose we are writing an application that
requires the production of a nice graph, or the
conversion an image from GIF to PNG formats,
We could do one of the following to solve this
write the required routines from scratch
find and use library routines that do the work
use existing programs such as gnuplot or the PNM
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
The third approach can be very powerful. It is
often the easiest method as well. Why not use
an existing utility that does what is needed and
is known to be efficient and robust?
UNIX allows us run other programs from our
program and communicate with these programs
using a number of different interprocess
communication (IPC) methods.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
UNIX allows us to do this in a manner that is
completely transparent to the user of our
program. That is, we can use gnuplot to
produce our graphs, but the user does not
necessarily need to know that.
In BLP Chapter 11 and AUP Chapter 5, we
learn to run other programs from our program.
In BLP Chapters 13-15 and AUP Chapters 6-8,
we will learn how to communicate (pass data)
with these other programs.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
What is a Process?
A program is a collection of instructions and
data kept in an file.
A process is a running program. It consists of
segments containing instructions, user data,
and system data.
The instruction and user data segments are
initialized from the program.
System data includes the current directory,
open file descriptors, total CPU time, etc.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Parent and Child Processes
A new child process is created by the kernel on
behalf of a parent process (via fork()).
A child inherits most of the system data from
the parent. For example, files that are opened
by the parent, also will be opened in the child.
Each process has a unique process ID (PID - a
positive int). getpid( ) and getppid( ) can be
used to find the current and parent process IDs.
The init process has PID 1.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Process Groups
Each process is a member of a unique process
group with its own process group ID (PGID).
When a process is created it is a member of its
parent's process group.
One process is the process group leader. The
PGID is the same as the leader PID.
Only one process group is the foreground
process group. The terminal device driver
sends tty signals (interrupt, quit, etc) to each
process in the foreground process group.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Additional Process Information
At the command line use “ps ajx” to list the
PIDs, PPIDs and PGIDs of all processes.
A parent may wait for a child to terminate by
using the wait( ) or waitpid( ) routines.
If a child ends before the parent calls wait( ),
then the child lives on as a “zombie” process
until the parent calls wait( ) or ends.
If a parent ends, a child's parent process ID is
set to 1. (The child is adopted by init.)
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Process Creation: system( )
The system( ) function (defined in <cstdlib>)
can be used to run another program (and
thereby create a new process) from an existing
The parent process waits until the program
completes. (See sys_xmpl.cpp)
The program is run just as if the following had
been entered at the command prompt:
$ bash ­c program_name
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Process Creation: fork( )/exec( )
The system( ) function is built upon the fork( ),
exec( ) (both defined in <unistd.h>) and wait( )
(defined in <sys/wait.h>) routines.
fork( ) creates a child process that is a clone of
the parent (identical instruction, user-data, and
system-data segments).
The exec( ) routine reinitializes a process from
a designated program (file on disk).
fork( ) and exec( ) are usually used together.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
The exec( ) System Calls
There are six exec( ) calls. First execl( ) arguments are a vararg list ending with 0.
int execl(char *path, char *arg0, ..., char *argn, (char *)0);
Here is an example:
execl(“/bin/ls”, “ls”, “­al”, “/tmp”, (char *)0);
Recall that a new process is not created by
exec( ). The code and user-data segments are
reinitialized from the indicated program. The
system data segment is not overwritten.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
The exec( ) System Calls
exec( ) is the only way to execute a program
under UNIX. (See exc_xmpl.cpp)
Other exec( ) calls are execlp( ), execle( ),
execv( ), execvp( ) and execve( ):
execv*( ) routines expect the arguments to be
passed in an array (i.e. char *argv[ ]).
exec*p( ) routines look for the program in the PATH
(vs. in the environment's PATH).
exec*e( ) routines pass a pointer to a new
environment array (instead of a copy).
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
The fork( ) System Call
If we only had exec( ) there would be only one
process running on the system. We could run
different programs by having each program call
exec( ) to start a new program.
The fork( ) system call is the only way to create
a new process. The new (child) process's
instruction, user-data, and system-data
segments are almost exact copies of the old
(parent) process segments. (The PIDs and
PPIDs will, of course, be different.)
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
The fork( ) System Call
The child gets copies of the parent's open file
descriptors. The file pointer is in the system file
table and is shared by both processes.
When fork( ) returns, both processes (parent
and child) get different return values (of type
pid_t defined in <sys/types.h>). The child
gets 0 while the parent gets the PID of the
child. Usually the child will do an exec( ), while
the parent either waits for the child or goes off
to do something else.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
The fork( ) System Call
For example, the following code:
cout << “Start of test” << endl;
pid = fork();
cout << “fork() returned ” << pid << endl;
might display (exact order depends on which
process executes first):
Start of test
fork() returned 0
fork() returned 17625
See frk_xmpl1.cpp
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
The fork( ) System Call
Examine frk_xmpl2.cpp
How many processes will be created? Can
output with count=3 appear before output with
See vssh_xmpl.cpp for a very simple shell
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
The wait( ) System Call
wait( ) causes the parent to sleep until any
child terminates:
int status;
switch (fork()) {
case 0: // the child
execvp(program, args);
default: // the parent
pid = wait(&status);
It is not necessary for a parent to wait.
See wait_xmpl.cpp for example code.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Using wait( )
wait( ) returns the child's PID and passes back
the child's exit status in the status argument.
The exit status is encoded and can be decoded
using macros in <sys/wait.h>:
Non-zero if normal termination
Exit status (normal termination)
Non-zero if signal termination
Signal number (if signal term)
Non-zero if stopped
A stopped process is different than a
terminated one (it can be restarted).
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Using waitpid( )
waitpid( ) allows you to: (1) wait on a specific
process, (2) check status without blocking, and
(3) supports job control.
pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid,
int *status,
int opts)
If pid == -1, waitpid( ) waits for any child.
If pid > 0, waitpid( ) waits for child with that pid.
status is defined just as for wait( ).
If opts is WNOHANG, check status and return.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Zombie Processes
Recall that a parent process creates a child
process and that the parent process can wait
for the child to end, receiving the child's
termination status (normal or signal) and exit
value via the wait( ) system call.
In order for the child to terminate completely, its
status information must be received by a wait( )
call. Until this happens, the child process
hangs around, not executing anything, but not
dead either (hence calling them zombies).
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Zombie Processes
See zmb_xmpl1.cpp and zmb_xmpl2.cpp
It is not good for a system to accumulate
zombie processes. They take up resources
and do not produce any results.
This is particularly bad if the parent process is a
server daemon that is not expected to exit in
the normal case.
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14
Avoiding Zombies
If we want to "disown" a child process we can
call fork twice (aka double fork):
if ( (pid = fork()) == 0) {
// child process
if ( (pid = fork()) == 0) {
// "grandchild" process
// parent becomes init when child exits
execvp(program, args);
// child process, so exit
// "grandchild" is adopted by init
waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); // wait for child process
// we're the parent – go on and do our own thing
// we don't have to worry about the "grandchild"
Thursday, February 27
CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 14