CS 215 ­ Fundamentals of Programming II Spring 2014 ­ Homework 11 20 points Out: April 16, 2014 Due: April 23, 2014 (Wednesday) 1. (8 points) For each sequence of characters, draw the binary search tree (BST) that results after inserting the sequence of characters into an empty BST. Then give the order the nodes are visited when the tree is traversed by in­order, pre­order, and post­order scans. a) F, L, O, R, I, D, A b) R, O, T, A, R, Y, C, L, U, B 2. (4 points) Consider the following BST: 50 25 80 20 35 30 27 70 45 33 95 75 47 90 98 93 Re­draw the tree after erasing values 27, 45, and 80. 3. (4 points) Use the integers from 0 to 9 to build a ten­node BST. Draw one example BST for each possible root node value for a tree of exactly depth 4. That is, draw a BST where 0 is the root value, where 1 is the root value, etc. (Recall the definition of the depth of a tree is the maximum depth of any node in the tree.) 4. (4 points) Write a Binary_Search_Tree member function minimum that returns the minimum value in the tree. Note: you are not required to implement this function in a program that runs, but you can if you want to. This function would go in file bst.h from Lecture 35 on April 11. 04/15/2014 Page 1 of 1 D. Hwang