Lecture 4 Homework 1, Process Management Project posted to course webpage Questions? Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 1 Outline Round-robin (RR) scheduling Process management project Multi-level queue scheduling Multi-processor scheduling Methods for evaluating scheduling algorithms Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 2 Round-Robin (RR) Round-robin (RR) scheduling can be thought of as FCFS with preemption at fixed intervals. As its name implies, each process gets some CPU time in a round-robin manner, making it very good for time sharing OS's. Define a time quantum (or time slice) q, usually 10-100ms. The Ready Queue is FIFO. The currently running process gets up to 1 quantum of time. At that time, it is interrupted and transitions back to the READY state. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 3 Round-Robin (RR) Reconsider the first example from last time: Process CPU burst time Arrival time p1 24 0 p2 3 0 p3 3 0 with arrival order p1, p2, p3 Do wait time analysis with q = 4ms. Do again with q = 2ms. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 4 Round-Robin (RR) Wait time is bounded: (n-1)*q ms is maximum wait time between each quantum. Actual performance depends on size of q. One extreme: q = => FCFS Other extreme: q = 1ms, approaches appearance of n processes each having its own processor that is 1/n as fast as the physical processor. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 5 Round-Robin (RR) Making this all work requires hardware support. In particular, context switches are costly. This tends to favor larger q sizes to reduce the number of switches. E.g. for a process with burst size of 10 ms: q = 12ms requires only one switch at the end q = 6ms requires two switches q = 1ms ?? Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 6 Round-Robin (RR) Too large of q size approaches FCFS. Luckily, recall distribution of burst sizes: General rule is 80% of processes should finish in 1 quanta. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 7 Process Management Project Process management project is to simulate a round-robin (RR) schedule with cascading termination (i.e., when any process terminates, its children are terminated). Simulation is parameterized by quantum size (q) and an input file of actions. Each action represents one time unit of execution. A process may hold the CPU for up to q time units, then a scheduling decision must be made. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 8 Multi-level Queue Scheduling (MQS) The processes that do not finish in 1 quantum may be very long as the chart indicates. If we want to minimize the maximum wait time, it might be better to give these processes more time the next time it gets the CPU. Also, processes may have different processing requirements. E.g., interactive foreground processes vs. batch background processes. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 9 Multi-level Queue Scheduling (MQS) For more flexibility, we can partition the Ready Queue into separate queues each with a different scheduling algorithm. Called multilevel queue scheduling (MQS). Example: foreground processes in one queue using RR, background processes in another queue using FCFS. Also must schedule between queues. Example: 80% time choose from foreground queue; 20% time choose from background queue. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 10 Multi-level Queue Scheduling (MQS) Example: different queues for different priority processes. Could be absolute, preemptive. (highest) (lowest) Wednesday, January 19 → System → → Interactive → → Interactive Editing → → Batch → → Student → CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 11 Multi-level Feedback Queue Scheduling (MFQS) Another organization would be to allow processes to move between queue levels. Example: admitted Wednesday, January 19 →q=8 → q = 16 → FCFS → → → CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 12 Multi-level Feedback Queue Scheduling (MFQS) Processes start in first queue, then if do not terminate, put on the second queue, etc. Usually preemptive. Parameters for MQS and MFQS include number of queues schedule for each queue when to put into lower queue when to raise to higher queue, e.g. for aging do admitted process always start in first queue Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 13 Multiprocessor Scheduling Assume homogeneous hardware; any process can run on any processor. Would like to share the load among processors. Two approaches: Asymmetric multiprocessing: all scheduling is done by one processor, the master server. Others only execute code given to them. System data structures are not shared, simplifying system. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP): each processor self-schedules. Common or individual Ready Queues. System data is shared, so must synchronized. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 14 Multiprocessor Scheduling Some issues in conflict in multiprocessor scheduling Processor affinity: once a process is running on a processor, its data is already there, so we would like to keep the process running on the same processor, if possible Load balancing: try to keep utilization evenly distributed; migrate processes when needed. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 15 Multi-Core Processor Scheduling Multi-core processors usually provide a limited number of hardware threads that run on each core. To the OS, each hardware thread appears as a logical processor. Example: UltraSPARC T1 CPU has 8 cores and 4 hardware threads per core giving an appearance of 32 logical processors. OS assigns a software thread to a hardware thread, but the hardware schedules the threads among the actual cores. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 16 How to Choose a Scheduling Algorithm? Select criteria for evaluation and performance measurement. For example, Maximize CPU utilization while keeping maximum response time under 1 second Maximize throughput such that turnaround time is linearly proportional to execution time on average Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 17 How to Choose a Scheduling Algorithm? Our method of evaluation is called deterministic modeling, a form of analysis that uses a synthetic workload to produce a formula or number for comparison. This method is simple and fast to compute, but not very realistic. Using real system traces can give more realistic numbers, but mostly this method is used to explore trends. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 18 How to Choose a Scheduling Algorithm? Queuing models are a more mathematically accurate evaluation method. Need to determine the distribution of CPU and I/O bursts as a probability function and an arrival (process creation) distribution. Using queuing-network analysis can compute utilization, average queue length, average wait time, etc. Still need lots of simplifying assumptions to make the math tractable. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 19 How to Choose a Scheduling Algorithm? Simulations can be used to evaluate algorithms. Most interesting aspect is how to generate data to drive the simulation. Random number generation in some probability distribution (a la queuing models) Trace tapes from actual systems Some drawbacks: expensive, time-consuming, a large software project itself. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 20 How to Choose a Scheduling Algorithm? Can evaluate a scheduling algorithm by implementing it into an actual OS and taking actual measurements. Most realistic, but also costly. Wednesday, January 19 CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 4 21