Lecture 1 Introduction sheet Course webpage Syllabus and schedule, textbooks

Lecture 1
Introduction sheet
Course webpage
Handouts, assignments
Supplemental resources
C++, C, Java comparison
Basic Unix
Syllabus and schedule, textbooks
CS Lab and KC-267
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
What is Unix?
Logging into Linux
Basic Unix commands
Programming using g++
What is C++?
Library headers and namespaces
Constants and types
Console input and output
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
What is Unix?
Unix is an operating system that is highly
Linux is an open-source version of Unix
Ubuntu is a distribution of Linux
CS Lab and Kc-267 have clients that dual-boot
Ubuntu Linux and Windows 7
Linux clients use csserver.evansville.edu for
login and home directory service
Unix is command-line oriented
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Logging into Linux - Console
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Logging into Linux - Putty
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Basic Unix Commands
Changing passwords - old, new, new again
yppasswd - on UE client machines
passwd - on VirtualBox
Creating (sub) directories (i.e., folders)
mkdir <dir1> <dir2> …
Example: mkdir cs215
Listing directories
ls, ls -l, ls -a, ls -la
Example: ls ­l cs215
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Basic Unix Commands
Changing permissions ("change mode")
chmod <mode> <name1> <name2> …
Mode is three sets (owner, group, world) of three
privileges (read, write, execute)
Represented as 9 bits (r,w,x are 1, - is 0) in octal
(base 8)
Example: rwx­­­­­­ is read, write, execute
privileges for owner only becomes 700
Example: chmod 700 cs215
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Basic Unix Commands
Changing directories
cd - to home directory, cd <dir>
Path relative to current directory unless starts with /
Examples: cd cs215, cd /etc
Also, . ("dot" - current), .. ("dot-dot" - parent),
~ ("tilde" - home)
* - 0 or more characters, e.g. project1.*
? - exactly 1 character, e.g. project?.cpp
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Basic Unix Commands
Almost all Unix commands have a "man" (i.e.,
manual) page accessible by the "man"
Examples: man ls, man chmod
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Programming Using g++
Separate text editor - emacs, vim, gedit
C++ source files have extension .cpp
User-defined header files still use .h
Separate compiler - g++
Command line options: ­Wall, ­o <progname>
Example: g++ ­Wall ­o hello hello.cpp
./<progname> is the command to run the
program; default program name is a.out
Separate build facility - make
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
What is C++?
C++ is a programming language based on C
with objects and object-oriented constructs; see
on-line comparison document
Focus will be on the use of classes to design
and implement abstract data types
Minor syntactic differences, for example
Comments can start with // to end of line
Always int main (), never void main ()
No need for void in parameter list
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Library Headers and Namespaces
C++ library headers to not have .h extension
C libraries have same name prefixed with 'c'
Example: #include <iostream>
Example: #include <cmath>
All library names are in namespace std. Prefix
names with namespace. E.g. std::cout
Import names with using statements
Example: using namespace std;
Example: using std::cout;
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Constants and types
Use const to define constants (not #define)
Built-in boolean type bool with literals true
and false
Example: const int MAX_SIZE = 80;
Example: bool done = false;
Library string type string defined in
<string> has =, relops, +. Example:
string word1 = "hot", word2 = "dog";
string word3 = word1 + word2;
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Console Input and Output
C++ I/O is done using character stream objects
Console I/O defined in <iostream>
cin - ("see-in") input stream connected to keyboard
cout, cerr - ("see-out", "see-err") output streams
connected to screen
endl - ("end-ell") newline with buffer flushing
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Console Input and Output
Input streams use extraction operator (>>)
<input stream> >> <variable>
Skips whitespace
Output streams use insertion operator (<<)
<output stream> << <expression>
Both operators return the left-hand stream
operand so that multiple operations may be
chained together
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
Console I/O Example
int anInt;
double aDouble;
cout << "Enter an integer and "
<< "a double: "
cin >> anInt >> aDouble;
cout << "You entered " << anInt << " and " << aDouble << endl;
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1
In-class Exercise
Write a C++ program that asks for two real
numbers and displays which number is the
larger one. E.g., (user input in bold)
Enter two real numbers: 3.4 ­7.3
The larger number is 3.4
Use a text editor to type in the program and use
g++ to compile the program. Test the program.
When you are confident that it works,
demonstrate it to the instructor.
Monday, January 10
CS 215 Fundamentals of Programming II - Lecture 1