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Lecture 6

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Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 1


● getstat exercises

Time structures


The /proc filesystem

Error handling

Handling program arguments

Formatted I/O

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 2

getstat Exercises

Modify getstat.cpp

to display all the information shown by the stat command.

$  stat /etc/passwd

  File: `/etc/passwd'

  Size: 32889   Blocks: 72  IO Block: 4096 regular file

Device: 801h/2049d Inode: 1712752 Links: 1

Access: (0644/­rw­r­­r­­)  Uid: (0/root)   Gid: (0/root)

Access: 2010­09­08 08:17:16.000000000 ­0500

Modify: 2010­08­27 08:16:42.000000000 ­0500

Change: 2010­08­27 08:16:42.000000000 ­0500

 Birth: ­

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 3

Processing Times

Times in the stat struct are of type time_t, which is the elapsed time in seconds since the Epoch began (January 1, 1970, 00:00 UTC).

Information about (some) time routines can be found on the ctime man page. In particular, there are routines for converting between time_t values and a tm struct of "broken down time" values. E.g., struct tm *bt = localtime(sb­>atime);

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 4

Directory Scanning

Use opendir to open a directory. Calls to readdir will return successive directory entries. closedir closes the directory.

  DIR *dp;

  if ((dp = opendir(".")) == NULL)


  struct dirent *entry;

  while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {

     cout << entry­>d_name << endl;


  if(closedir(dp) == ­1)


Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 5

Directory Scanning

The telldir and seekdir routines allow you to reset a directory scan to a prior position.

See the program on pages 124-125 of BLP for an example of using the directory routines to display a directory tree.

Note: Use chdir() and getcwd() to change and get current working directories.

Refer to dirscan.cpp

for another example.

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 6

The /proc Filesystem

Linux uses several pseudo filesystems. These systems do not use up any space on the disk.

They typically provide a means for the kernel to present information to applications or users.

We will discuss briefly only the /proc filesystem which provides an interface to kernel data structures. See man proc for more information.

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 7

The /proc Filesystem

There is a /proc/[number] directory for each running process where number is the process

ID. There are cmdline , cwd , exe , environ , etc. entries.

/proc/cpuinfo provides information about the

CPU and architecture.

/proc/cmdline contains the arguments that are passed to the kernel at boot time.

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 8

The /proc Filesystem

/proc/net contains several entries that provide information about various network layers.

/proc/filesystems provides a list of all filesystems compiled into the kernel.

/proc/ide and /proc/scsi provide information about corresponding devices.

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 9

The /proc Filesystem

/proc/sys contains several entries corresponding to various kernel variables.

These can not only be read, but also set to tune the kernel.

/proc/sys/fs/file-max defines the system wide limit on the number of open files for all processes. This can be changed easily (by root):

$ echo 100000 > /proc/sys/fs/file­max

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 10

Error Handling

Most system routines return -1 on error. The global errno variable (defined in errno.h) also is set when an error occurs and indicates the type of error.


The perror routine (defined in stdio.h) decodes errno and displays a meaningful message on stderr.

The strerror routine (defined in string.h) returns the perror message as a char string. It can be used to display custom error messages.

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 11

Error Handling

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


   if(argc != 2) {

      cerr << "usage: showerrs filename" 

           <<  endl; 



   int fd;

   if((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR)) == ­1)

      { perror("showerrs"); exit(2); }

   if(close(fd) == ­1)

      { perror("showerrs"); exit(3); }

   return 0;


Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 12

Error Handling

Here is example output from running the program on the previous slide:

$  ./showerrs /etc/passwd showerrs: Permission denied

$  ./showerrs /etc showerrs: Is a directory

$  ./showerrs xxxxxxxx showerrs: No such file or directory

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 13

The getopt( ) Routine

The getopt( ) routine parses command line arguments. Successive calls to getopt( ) return option characters and set global variables.

It can detect single character options of the form "-abc" or "-a -b -c". It can parse lines with options that require arguments "-fdata.txt" or

"-f data.txt".

Note: There is a getopt program ( man 1 getopt ) in addition to the getopt( ) routine ( man

3 getopt ). The former can be used by shell scripts.

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 14

The getopt( ) Routine

● getopt( ) permutes argv[ ] so that all nonoptions are at the end.

The getopt prototype is:

  #include <unistd.h>

  int getopt(int argc, char *const argv[], 

             const char *optstring);

See getopt.cpp

for an example.

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 15

Formatted I/O

BLP discusses the C stdio routines: fopen , fclose , fread , and fwrite . In addition, fscanf and fprintf provide formatted output. These routines are part of ANSI standard C.

The equivalent in C++ is the iostream types: e.g., fstream , ifstream , ofstream , along with operators << and >>, and manipulators for formatting.

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 16

Formatted I/O

Note that the read and write routines read and write binary data ( writenum1.cpp

). They DO

NOT do format conversions (like cin / cout or scanf / printf ).

If you need formatted output, using a C++ stringstream or C sprintf to format binary data is recommend (see writenum2.cpp

for a stringstream example).

Tuesday, September 15 CS 375 UNIX System Programming - Lecture 6 17
