CS 495 ­ Senior Project Phase I Fall 2014 ­ Presentation Critiques & Self­Review

CS 495 ­ Senior Project Phase I
Fall 2014 ­ Presentation Critiques & Self­Review
Every student is required to critique all other students' presentations by filling out a presentation scorecard. For the most benefit, poor scores should be accompanied by reasoning in the comment area. The scorecards are given to the presenter for review.
Practice presentations will be videotaped. They will be made available to the presenter only via private YouTube URL within two days of the presentation. The self­review is a critique of the videotaped presentation (i.e., fill out a scorecard for your own presentation, indicate that it is a self­critique), a summary of the audience reaction, and suggestions for how to make the next presentation better. Resubmit all presentation scorecards from the audience along with the self­critique scorecard, and the self­review (summary of audience reaction and suggestions for improvements) in typed up hard copy.
September 25, 2014
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D. Hwang