Leadership Practicum in Marketing Dynamics Marketing Lesson Plan Performance Objective Upon completion of this lesson, each student will identify with successful leadership traits, and will determine the characteristics necessary of successful leaders. Specific Objectives Students will demonstrate skills necessary for leadership. Students will explain what people look for in a leader. Students will evaluate leadership roles. Students will determine the type of leader they want to be or want to follow. This lesson should take six to seven class days to complete. Preparation TEKS Correlations This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. §127.13 Career Prep I (c) Knowledge and skills (6) The student applies the use of self-development techniques and interpersonal skills to accomplish objectives. The student is expected to: (A) identify and practice effective interpersonal and team-building skills with coworkers, managers, and customers, and (B) develop effective leadership skills through participation in activities such as career and technical student organizations. §127.14 Career Prep II (c) Knowledge and skills (7) The student applies the use of self-development techniques and interpersonal skills to improve personal development. The student is expected to: (A) evaluate effective interpersonal and team-building skills involving situations with coworkers, managers, and customers, and (B) participate in leadership and career development activities. §130.348. Practicum in Marketing Dynamics (c) Knowledge and skills. (35) The student knows the importance of teamwork, leadership, and organizational skills. The student is expected to: 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. (A) (B) (C) (D) specify how teams function; use teamwork to solve problems; differentiate between the roles of team leaders and team members; analyze characteristics of good leaders; Interdisciplinary Correlations § 110.42 English (b) Knowledge and skills. (6) Reading/word identification/vocabulary development. The student uses a variety of strategies to read unfamiliar words and to build vocabulary. The student is expected to: (A) expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing; and (B) rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary. (7) Reading/comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies. The student is expected to: (F) identify main ideas and their supporting details; (G) summarize texts; and (J) read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time. §110.57 Public Speaking I, II, III (b) Knowledge and skills. (4) Organization. The student organizes speeches. The student is expected to: (B) Organize speeches effectively for specific topics, purposes, audiences, and occasions; (5) Proofs and appeals. The student uses valid proofs and appeals in speeches. The student is expected to: (A) Analyze the implications of the audience, occasion, topic, and purpose as a basis for choosing proofs and appeals for speeches; (6) Style. The student develops skills in using oral language in public speeches. The student is expected to: (D) Use informal, standard, and technical language appropriately; (7) Delivery. The student uses appropriate strategies for rehearsing and presenting speeches. The student is expected to: (E) Interact with audiences appropriately Tasks Students will complete all note sheets per the multimedia presentations Students will complete assigned activities Students will participate in group discussions and class activities Accommodations for Learning Differences It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website (cte.unt.edu). Preparation Secure computer lab if one is not readily available Copy the handout sheets Have materials ready to go prior to the start of the lesson. Have incentives ready, if specified in the activity Have a list of leaders handy to refer to during lecture 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Instructional Aids Student handouts Multi-media presentations Materials Needed Copies of all activities in this unit Incentives (individually packaged candies) Equipment Needed Teacher computer Projector (for digital presentation) Introduction Learner Preparation Ask students what they look for in a leader Ask what positive skills and negative skills attract or sway them from others Ask students if they have held leadership positions and if so, which type? Hand out Student Notes sheets Lesson Introduction Have students write a leader’s name that comes to mind on the top of their handout sheet. Present multi-media, “How to be a Team Player “, and lead class in discussion. (Take about 15-20 min.) Present multi-media, “Leadership Play Book”, and have students take notes. (About 15 min.) Show “Leaders in the World” Go around the room and ask students to share the leader’s name they wrote down and tell why they chose that person. How many students chose the same person? 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Outline MI Outline Instructor Notes I. How to be a Team Player A. Are you sensitive when your friend has personal problems? B. Are you on time when you are supposed to meet friends? C. Do you offer support or offer to find someone who can help? D. Do you accept your friends as they are? E. Are you excited for your friends when something good happens to them? F. Do you eagerly lend a helping hand? G. If you answered, “Yes” to the questions then you are on your way to being a great teammate! II. Leadership Play Book: Together Everyone Achieves More A. What makes a good/great team? 1. Knowledge 2. Cooperation 3. Flexibility 4. Common Goals 5. Dedication 6. Planning 7. Effort by All 8. Effective Leaders B. Team players become leaders 1. Advancement 2. Bonuses 3. Consideration 4. Manage III. What Color Are You? (Activity) The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate to students that compassion is a necessary quality of a great leader. Often, students choose their school or team leaders by how popular or smart they are, without considering that anyone with the qualities in this presentation would make a good leader. This lesson is to give introspective thought to each student in order to prepare them for the rest of the activities in this unit. This presentation explains qualities of leaders. Students should write down the notes from the slides to keep in their folders for reference. Every member within the group has important information or skills to share. Learning is a life-long process. We grow as we learn. All team members must work together in harmony. Everyone has a job to do to keep the team operating smoothly, It is important for all team members to be able to adjust their ideas and to be able to set their opinions aside in order to achieve the goal the team is pursuing. Multiple Intelligences Guide Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic/ Bodily Logical/ Mathematical Musical/Rhythmic Naturalist Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Application Guided Practice The teacher will present the multi-media presentations and lead the class in discussion during each one. Students will take the “What Color are You?” test and will self-grade to get the results. Students will determine their personality color after scoring. The teacher will lead the class in a discussion. There are numerous activities in this unit. Once this test has been done, the order in which the activities are done is up to the discretion of the teacher. It is suggested that they be broken up so that they are all completed within the time frame. Note: there are a couple of activities that may be used as sponge activities. The teacher will then hand out all other handouts and the class will discuss them. It is suggested these forms and the activities be kept in the students’ folders for testing and use in the event a student should decide to run for club office. Summary Review There are different personality categories and everyone fits into at least one of them. It is helpful to know what type a personality a person has in order for them to work with others on a team. Personality surveys are helpful for use in clubs and other organizations. Leaders play a dual role when faced with responsibility. Everyone possesses some element of leadership qualities. Evaluation Informal Assessment Teacher monitors during activities to check for understanding. Formal Assessment Daily grade on desk assignments; grade on essay; test grade over material. 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. What Color are You? Test Instructions: Compare all four boxes in each row. Do not analyze each word; just get a sense of each box. Score EACH OF THE FOUR BOXES IN EACH ROW from most to least as it describes you: 4 = most, 3 = a lot, 2 = somewhat, 1 = least. A B C D Row 1 Active Organized Warm Learning Variety Planned Helpful Science Sports Neat Friends Quiet Opportunities Parental Authentic Versatile Spontaneous Traditional Harmonious Inventive Flexible Responsible Compassionate Competent Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ E Curious Ideas Questions Conceptual Knowledge Problem solver F Caring People-oriented Feelings Unique Empathetic Communicative G Orderly On-time Honest Stable Sensible Dependable H Action Challenges Competitive Impetuous Impactful SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ I Helpful Trustworthy Dependable Loyal Conservative Organized J Kind Understanding Giving Devoted Warm Poetic K Playful Quick Adventurous Confronter Open-minded Independent L Independent Exploring Competent Theoretical Why Questions Ingenious SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ M Follow rules Useful Save money Concerned Procedural Cooperative N Active Free Winning Daring Impulsive Risk taker O Sharing Getting along Feelings Tender Inspirational Dramatic P Thinking Solving problems Perfectionist Determined Complex Composed SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ Q Puzzles Seeking info Making sense Philosophical Principled Rational R Social Causes Easy going Happy endings Approachable Affectionate Sympathetic S Exciting Lively Hands on Courageous Skillful On stage T Pride Tradition Do things Right Orderly Conventional Careful SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ SCORE _____ Row 5 Add up the scores and put the totals in the boxes below. 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Total Orange A H K N S Total Green D E L P Q Total Blue C F J O R Total Gold B G I M T If any of the scores in the colored boxes are less than 5 or greater than 20, you have made an error. In that case, go back and read the instructions to total your scores. In some cases a person may be a combination of two colors, but usually demonstrates one primary color over all. This test may help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses as you interact with friends, family and co-workers. The next sheet gives descriptions of each of the colors. You may see characteristics of friends and family members on this chart. 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Greens Are innovative and logical Seek to understand the world Need to be competent Require intellectual freedom Are curious Question authority Push themselves to improve Seek perfection in play May become intellectually isolated Are slow to make decisions Value concise communication Look for intellectual stimulation Enjoy intriguing discussions Are sometimes oblivious to emotions Are detached Believe work is play Are drawn to technical occupations Analyze and rearrange systems Focus on the future Bring innovation to society Oranges Are free and spontaneous Are impulsive risk-takers Are active Are optimistic Resist commitment Can become virtuosos Thrive on crises Are drawn to tools Like to be the center of attention Have great endurance Are drawn to action jobs Need variety Are dynamic, animated communicators Are competitive Deal with the here and now Are bold in relationships Are generous Have difficulty finding acceptance Like to live in a casual atmosphere Bring excitement to society Golds Are dutiful and stable Need to be useful Want to be self-sufficient Value organization Desire punctuality Schedule their lives Make and keep commitments Measure worth by completion Are goal-oriented Value rules Prepare for the future Are inclined to join groups Believe work comes before play Safeguard tradition Prefer order and cleanliness Are responsible and dedicated Enjoy positions of authority Desire structure Bring stability to society Blues Are in search of themselves Need to feel unique Must be true to themselves Look for symbolism Value close relationships Encourage expression Desire quality time with loved ones Need opportunities to be creative Compromise and cooperate Nurture people, plants and animals Look beyond the surface Share emotions Make decisions based on feelings Need harmony Are adaptable Are drawn to literature Are drawn to nurturing careers Get involved in causes Are committed to ideals Name____________________________ Date______________________ Class____________ 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Leadership Word Search Directions Find all 15 leadership words by circling words that are either horizontal or vertical. L V I X M C O N T R O L L E A D E R L I V T M M O N X E N B X I B O N A G U R U T I V Y X I O N U O L L O F F I C E R A I C H A R A C T E R G G D A D V I S O R B E A E E I B C U Q C C H O N R O N W S L C H I E F I O M D I R E C T U A B Z S P U N C T U A L D W E L B O S S N N I O T E R E Leader Chief Manager Character Boss Mentor Officer Guide Guru Advisor Direct Head Organizer Punctual Control 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. DIRECTIONS: Make as many words as you can from the word, “LEADERSHIP” below. You may use a letter more than once ONLY IF it appears more than once. LEADERSHIP ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ __________________ 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES You may choose to do all or some of the suggested activities below. Since these are just suggestions, by all means feel free to add your own “spin” to customize the activities for your students. Leadership Activity #1 1. “Who Did It?” a. Make a list of things teenagers may have had the opportunity to do from birth to their current age. (Answers will vary, but here are a few to get you started: played a team sport; played an individual sport; travelled to another country; planted a tree; rode an elephant; rode on a hot air balloon; etc.) The number of opportunities should match the number of students in your class. Give each student a copy of this list and have them go about the room, getting signatures on each activity as it applies to members of the class. Allow about 10 minutes, and then see if anyone was able to get all the blanks filled. b. DISCUSSION: Explain that many people share similar likes and dislikes. This is how groups are established. Ask if anyone found out something about a classmate they did not know before taking part in this activity. Also ask the group if they had trouble getting their list filled out in 10 minutes. Discuss how this could be changed if a team effort were to be used when getting signatures. c. MATERIALS NEEDED: Pre-determined list designed by teacher, paper and pencil. NOTES: 2. “Marooned” Intended to be used after the Multimedia presentations in the Leadership unit. a. Divide the class into teams (by drawing numbers, colors, TV shows, etc.) b. Students are marooned on a deserted island. Depending on how many students are on each team, have each team member list an item they would bring with them if they 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. c. d. e. f. knew there was a chance they would be stranded. They must then discuss the items and select ONE ITEM per team. Team leaders then write their choices on the board. Have each team leader explain the entire team’s suggestions and how they arrived at the ONE ITEM. EXTENSION: have students hypothesize how life would be different with only the items the entire group brought with them to the island. Point out that the key to a successful operation is COMMUNICATION! If all groups were allowed to communicate with each other, the items could have been coordinated in a more efficient manner. MATERIALS NEEDED: paper, pencil and whiteboard or poster board and markers. NOTES: 3. “Take Me to Your Leader” This activity helps students to recall, brainstorm and identify various leaders in business and industry. a. DIRECTIONS: i. Form teams. ii. Instruct the leader of each team to estimate the number of candies their group will need. (DO NOT disclose the objective of this lesson yet!) The leaders will need to get the amount they think they will need and take the candies to their groups. DO NOT LET THEM EAT THE CANDY! When all teams are ready, decide how much time you want to allow, then give them the Student directions. b. MATERIALS NEEDED: Paper/pencil, Internet, assorted candy (miniature bars, individual packages, etc.) 12 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS: The objective of this lesson is to identify as many leaders in business and industry as possible. Your team will need to brainstorm and identify one leader in business or industry for each piece of candy at your table. You will need to list the company and leader associated with it. At the end of the allotted time, your team will have to forfeit any candy that does not correspond to a name on your list! c. After the time allotted has expired, (suggested: 15-20 min) have each team share their answers with the class. Discuss. Eat the candy as a reward! d. ALTERNATIVE INSTRUCTIONS: i. The business leader MUST be the current leader and/or he or she must still be alive. (This makes it a little tougher) ii. Divide the requirements into categories, such as: Retail, Sports, Technology, Entertainment, Food, and Transportation. (You may want to allow more time, but it is your option) NOTES: 4. “Product in a Bag” This product always allows for an interesting discussion! a. Divide the class into teams, using your chosen method. b. Team members will work together to build a product from the items in their paper bag within the allotted time period. (This may take the better part of a class period, but allow time to discuss the results.) c. You will need to prepare the paper bags with the contents prior to class. d. Have each team share their product with the class. Display them in the room. e. MATERIALS NEEDED: Paper bags (one per team); the following items are suggestions, but are not limited to: small paper plates, paper cups, balloons, pipe cleaners, Q Tips, paper clips, tape, sequins, cotton balls, scissors, a couple of markers, string or yarn, drinking straws, construction paper, paper strips, etc. DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS: Your team will take the contents of this paper bag and will make a product that could be sold to customers. You will need to use 13 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. all of the materials in the bag and may not add anything that is not supplied. You are responsible for naming the product and determining how it would be used in the marketplace. f. DISCUSSION: Have each team present their “product”, and tell the class its purpose and name. Ask students to relay what steps they took, problems encountered, etc. g. ALTERNATIVE DIRECTIONS: Have students write a jingle about their product or personalize the product to your school. h. Note the number of groups who use the bags as part of their product! NOTES: 14 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Influential Leaders Report ASSIGNMENT: Research a leader you admire. Type a report with a minimum of 500 words, and include the following: accomplishments this person has made contributions he or she has made to society on the local, national or international level background personal triumphs 15 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Character Traits of a Good Leader DIRECTIONS: Brainstorm with your partner and develop a list of traits, then be ready to share with the class. Positive Traits Negative Traits What traits did others share that were not on your list? 16 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Successful Leaders: Loves to laugh Exudes enthusiasm Appreciates the ideas of others Does the right thing Establishes goals Respects all members Sets a positive example Helps others succeed Instills pride Practices patience 17 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. The Ten Commandments of a Good Leader 1. Believe in something other than yourself. 2. Listen to others. 3. Work as a team, never be a loner. 4. Be considerate of a different opinion. 5. Stand for what you believe in even when criticized. 6. Be a peacemaker above all. 7. Be patient with other people even if they do not see things your way. 8. Stick to the promises you make. 9. Work hard as a leader. 10. Most importantly, thank people for what they do for you even though you may not receive thanks. 18 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Organization Officers’ Responsibilities PRESIDENT: Presides over and conducts club meetings Keeps the meeting to its order of business Handles discussion in an orderly way Coordinates & guides efforts of club members Puts motions to a vote and announces outcome Should be familiar with basic parliamentary procedures Counsels with club officers concerning their duties and responsibilities VICE PRESIDENT: Assists the president in the discharge of his/her responsibilities Presides over the club and committee meetings in the absence of the president Coordinates and guides the efforts of all club committees, serving as an ex-officio member of all Assures that there is a quorum present before beginning the business portion of the Meeting SECRETARY: Takes notes and prepares minutes of each meeting of the club Answers incoming club correspondence Prepares all necessary chapter records Reads letters/correspondence at meetings Keeps a proper record of votes cast Before each meeting, provides a list of pending/potential business for the chairperson TREASURER: Responsible for all financial transactions in and out of the club account Assists in preparing an annual statement of receipts and expenses; Collects all dues, including, but not limited to local, state or national Pays out funds on authorization of the club Helps plan and execute means of providing club income Serves an as ex-officio member of the finance committee REPORTER: Sends club news to state and national organizations, if applicable Prepares articles for publication in school and local newspapers Gathers and organizes all club news Keeps a cumulative file of clippings, pictures, charts, and copies of special programs, etc. Updates club Facebook account, if applicable Assists in building the club’s public image relations notebook 19 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. SERGEANT OF ARMS: Secures the meeting sites Maintains order during the meeting Collects all ballots during voting Endures that meetings are safe from intrusion Maintains proper conduct amongst members during meetings HISTORIAN: Produces (with the help of members) a scrapbook of all club activities and events Works closely with secretary and reporter on all club activities Keeps an accurate record of all events and activities Prepares a summary report at the end of the year to pass to the next year’s Historian, noting significant changes in club operations or activities PARLIAMENTARIAN: Is responsible for being knowledgeable about parliamentary procedures and for ensuring that proper parliamentary procedure is followed Advises the presiding officer/members on points of parliamentary procedure during meetings Recognizes and calls Chair’s attention to irregularities in procedures If needed, explains any irregularity and its effect on the fair and equal rights of all club members Preserves a spirit of harmony within the group 20 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. (Company or Department Name) Meeting Agenda: Date Time Type of Meeting: Meeting Facilitator: Invitees: I. Call to order II. Roll call III. Approval of minutes from last meeting IV. Open issues a) [Description of open issue] b) [Description of open issue] c) [Description of open issue] V. New business a) [Description of open issue] b) [Description of open issue] c) [Description of open issue] VI. Adjournment 21 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. [Organization/Committee Name] Meeting Minutes (Date) Opening The regular meeting of the [Organization/Committee Name] was called to order at [time] on [date] in [location] by [Facilitator Name]. Present [Attendee names] Approval of Agenda The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed. Open Issues Summarize the discussion for each existing issue, state the outcome, and assign any action item.. New Business Summarize the discussion for new issues, state the next steps, and assign any action item. Agenda for Next Meeting List the items to be discussed at the next meeting. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at [time] by [Facilitator Name]. The next general meeting will be at [time] on [click to select date], in [location]. Minutes submitted by: [Name] Approved by: [Name] 22 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Suggested Club Activities This list is compiled from various teachers across Texas. Organize an alumni chapter Show movies, films, videos, etc. during lunch Present awards to students who deserve recognition at an assembly on campus Be responsible for an entire assembly at school Set up a student ethics committee Work for improved school attendance Hold an Achievement Day Present a Teacher of the Month award Recognize teachers on their birthdays Build a student lounge our of unused space Improve the school library Paint the hall Serve on principal’s advisory committee Clean trophy cases and polish trophies Conduct tours of the school for incoming freshmen Plan activities for Crime Prevention Week Host an awards breakfast or luncheon each quarter/semester during the year Host a birthday breakfast for teachers once a month Plan an activity to welcome new teachers in the fall Plan a Yearbook Signing Party Host a father/daughter or mother/son lunch, tea, brunch, etc. Senior breakfast Pizza party Chili cooking contest Progressive dinner Scavenger hunt; include food for a local pantry on the list and donate what is collected Sponsor a Career Day Invite a guest speaker each month to talk about careers during lunch Sponsor tours of local college campuses Arrange tours of major businesses in the area Plant a tree to honor a community leader, veterans, or distinguished citizen Participate in a toys for tots campaign Spend time with children at a shelter or orphanage Entertain children while parents vote Entertain children during open house at your school Maintain a community bulletin board Visit senior citizens in their homes or nursing homes Clean up roadsides and parks 23 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Collect books, magazines, etc. for a senior citizens’ home Set up a clothing drive for those less fortunate Plan a food drive at Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter Walk dogs for the animal shelter Sponsor a baby picture contest at your school. Great for football or basketball team. Have students enter the contest to guess the baby picture “match” up 24 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved.