Branding Practicum in Marketing Dynamics Marketing Lesson Plan Performance Objective Upon completion of this lesson, each student will understand the importance of branding and extended product features. Specific Objective • Students will define branding elements. • Students will explain applicable grades and standards. • Students will distinguish between warranties and guarantees. • Students will design a product package, brand, and label. Terms Brand- name, term, design, or symbol (or combination) that identifies a business or organization and its products Brand extension- A branding strategy that uses an existing brand name for an improved or new product in the product line Brand name- The letters, numbers, or words that represent a brand Brand mark- The symbol or design that represents a brand Trademark- A legally registered symbol, words, brand name, brand mark, or combination Packaging- Physical container or wrapping for a product Label- Information tag, wrapper, seal or imprinted message that is attached to a product or its package Warranty- A promise given to a customer that a product will meet certain standards Guarantee- Another term for warranty that is usually used when promoting a good or service Time When taught as written, this lesson should take three to four days to teach. Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the TEKS listed immediately below. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. §130.348. Practicum in Marketing Dynamics (c) Knowledge and skills. (20) The student knows the importance of branding and extended product features. The student is expected to: 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. (A) define branding elements; (B) explain applicable grades and standards (C) distinguish between warranties and guarantees; and (D) design a product package, brand, and label. (21) The student analyzes the laws and regulations that affect new product development. The student is expected to: (A) differentiate amount laws, regulations, and self-regulatory measures for new-product development; (B) break down consumer protection provisions of government agencies; and (C) clarify how business is affected by government regulation of consumer protection. Interdisciplinary Correlations: §113.41. United States History Studies Since 1877 (c) Knowledge and skills. (28) Science, technology, and society. The student understands the influence of scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and the free enterprise system on the standard of living in the United States. The student is expected to: (A) analyze how scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and the application of these by the free enterprise system, including those in transportation and communication, improve the standard of living in the United States; (B) explain how space technology and exploration improve the quality of life; and Occupational Correlation (O*Net – Job Title: Marketing Manager O*Net Number: 11-2021.00 Reported Job Titles: Account Supervisor, Business Development Director, Business Development Manager, Commercial Lines Manager, Commercial Marketing Specialist, Market Development Manager, Marketing Coordinator, Marketing Director, Marketing Manager, Vice President of Marketing Tasks: Identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics, and cost and markup factors. Develop pricing strategies, balancing firm objectives and customer satisfaction. Use sales forecasting or strategic planning to ensure the sale and profitability of products, lines, or services, analyzing business developments and monitoring market trends. Coordinate or participate in promotional activities or trade shows, working with developers, advertisers, or production managers, to market products or services. Consult with buying personnel to gain advice regarding the types of products or services expected to be in demand. Soft Skills: Speaking, Active Listening, Critical Thinking, Judgment and Decision Making, Social Perception Accommodations for Learning Differences It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website ( 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Preparation Review and familiarize yourself with the terminology. Have materials ready prior to the start of the lesson. References: Textbook: Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C. A. (2005). Marketing Essentials. Woodland Hills: McGraw-Hill Companies. Online: Instructional Aids Textbook Lesson Presentation Instructor Computer/Projection Unit Online Websites Introduction The main purpose of this lesson is to help students understand: Branding Product packaging Ask students if they understand the purpose and importance of branding for a company, providing examples. Ask students how packaging plays a role in the marketing process. 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Outline MI Outline I. Terms Branding Brand name Brand mark Trademark Packaging Label Warranty Guarantee II. Brand a. Purpose b. Elements III. Packaging a. Purposes b. Requirements c. Materials IV. Legal Considerations a. Legal Guidelines b. Food & Drug Administration c. Federal Trade Commission V. Warranty or Guarantee a. Purpose VI. Guided Practice VII. Independent Practice Notes Use presentation as visual aide. Have students write vocabulary terms and meanings. Discuss the purpose of branding and the elements of branding using the PP and resources listed. Discuss purposes and elements of packaging using the PP and resources listed. Discuss packaging standards in regards to local, state, federal, and international laws using the PP and resources listed. Discuss the difference between warranty and guarantees using the PP and resources listed. Allow students 45 minutes to complete guided practice. Allow students up to 90 minutes to complete independent practice and summative. Multiple Intelligences Guide Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic/ Bodily Logical/ Mathematical Musical/Rhythmic Naturalist Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Application Guided Practice Students will research current packaging trends and identify labeling types and brand elements. Students will compare findings with classmates through discussion. Independent Practice Students will complete the Packaging design project to create a new packaging design, including a new brand mark and label for an existing product. Summary Review 1. Define branding elements. 2. Understand warranties and guarantee roles in product promotion. 3. What are important aspects to consider when creating a product package? 4. How does packaging affect product success? Evaluation Informal Assessment Teacher will evaluate student participation throughout the discussion process and contribution to the guided practice activity. Teacher will observe students by walking the classroom during research time and discussions. Formal Assessment Students will be evaluated on Packaging Design Project using the Assigned Rubric. Enrichment Extension Integrate writing skills: Students will write a report after researching and identifying products that provide warranties or guarantees. 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Packaging Design Project Objective: Create a brand mark and unique package for a company. Provide a brief justification report on why you chose the colors, packaging, and name that you did. Company information: Whole Food Crunch is a new company that specializes in healthy grain products. They have created a new cereal product, healthy grain flakes with dried fruit. In an effort to appeal to their target market of children and parents of children, they would like a packaging design that stands out among competitors. Whole Food Crunch prides itself on being good, both healthy for the body and the environment. A future goal of the company is to use product packaging that is environmentally friendly. Whole Food Crunch is open to brand extensions and guarantees ideas that you might suggest to improve sales. Student goal: You will be responsible for creating Whole Food Crunch’s brand mark for the company, creating a cereal name for the grain flakes with dried fruit, and designing the appropriate packaging to attract the correct target market. The packaging should include appropriate labels. 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Assignment Rubric Categories 25 20 15 10 or less Label Included appropriate label type and all necessary and relevant information Included appropriate label type and most necessary and relevant information Included appropriate label type and some relevant information Included a label with no relevant information or did not include a label. Brand mark Created a unique brand mark in alignment with company mission Created a unique brand mark but not very aligned with company mission Created a brand mark not aligned with company mission Did not create a brand mark or used a brand mark that already existed. Package Design Package design appeals to target market, provides product protection, and has a unique design. Packaging design appeals to target market, provides protection, but does not have a unique design. Packaging design appeals to target market, but provides little protection, and does not have a unique design. Package design was not fully constructed. Justification summary Well written using high levels of marketing language with no grammatical errors Well written using marketing terms with no grammatical errors Written using marketing terms with two or fewer grammatical errors Written with three or more grammatical errors Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. 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