Marketing Planning Lesson Plan Practicum in Marketing Dynamics Marketing


Marketing Planning

Practicum in Marketing Dynamics


Lesson Plan

Performance Objective

The student knows the components of marketing research in order to analyze demand, forecast sales, and make other decisions.

Specific Objective

The student can state the marketing research process.

The student can identify methods of collecting data.

The student can describe ways technology is used in research.

The student can design and implement a study.

The student can analyze and interpret data collected.

The student can develop a research report.

The student can make recommendations based on the research report.


Marketing Research - the systematic gathering, recording, analyzing, and presentation of information related to marketing goods and services

Primary data – Data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue under study.

Secondary data – Data that has already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.

Focus group – eight to twelve people who are brought together to evaluate advertising, a particular product, package design or a specific marketing strategy.

Survey Method – A research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys or questionnaires.


When taught as written, this lesson should take four to five days to teach.


TEKS Correlations:

This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.

§130.348. Practicum in Marketing Dynamics

( c) Knowledge and Skills


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(18) The student knows the components of the marketing research process in order to analyze demand, forecast sales, and make other decisions. The student is expected to:

(A) state the marketing research process;

(B) identify methods of collecting data;

(C) describe ways technology is used in research;

(D) design and implement a study;

(E) analyze and interpret data collected;

(F) develop a research report; and

(G) make recommendations based on the research report.

Interdisciplinary Correlations:

§110.47 Reading I, II, III

(b) Knowledge and skills.

(2) The student acquires an extensive vocabulary through reading and systematic word study.

The student is expected to:

(A) expand vocabulary by reading, viewing, listening, and discussing;

(B) determine word meanings through the study of their relationships to other words and concepts such as content, synonyms, antonyms, and analogies;

(4) The student comprehends texts using effective strategies. The student is expected to:

(A) use prior knowledge and experience to comprehend;

(B) determine and adjust purpose for reading; and

(D) summarize texts by identifying main ideas and relevant details.

Occupational Correlation (O*Net – ):

Job Title: Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists

O*Net Number: 13-1161-00

Reported Job Titles: Business Development Specialist, Client Service and Consulting Manager, Client

Services Vice President, Communications Specialist, Market Analyst, Market Research Analyst, Market

Research Consultant, Market Research Manager, Product Line Manager, Project Manage


 Prepare reports of findings, illustrating data graphically and translating complex findings into written text.

 Gather data on competitors and analyze their prices, sales, and method of marketing and distribution.

 Collect and analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits to identify potential markets and factors affecting product demand.

 Devise and evaluate methods and procedures for collecting data, such as surveys, opinion polls, or questionnaires, or arrange to obtain existing data.

Soft Skills: Speaking, Active Listening, Critical Thinking, Judgment and Decision Making, Social Perception

Accommodations for Learning Differences

It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special

Populations page of this website (


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Review and familiarize yourself with the terminology,

Have materials ready prior to the start of the lesson.



Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C. A. (2005). Marketing Essentials.

Woodland Hills: McGraw-Hill Companies.


Instructional Aids


Lesson Presentation

Instructor Computer/Projection Unit

Online Websites


The main purposes of this lesson is to help students understand

Identify methods of collecting data

Design and implement a marketing research study.

Analyze and interpret collected data

Develop a research report

Make recommendations based on research report.

Ask students how can they find out what students at your school are thinking about a particular subject?

Ask students how easy they think it would be to get other students opinions?


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Marketing Research

Primary data

Secondary data

Focus groups

Survey Method

Observation Method


Marketing Research Involves a.

Methods to gather data b.

Analyzing information c.

Reporting findings


Types of Data a.

Primary Data b.

Secondary Data


Data Collection Methods a.

Survey Method b.

Focus Groups c.

Observation Method


Technology’s Impact a.

Online survey’s b.

Customer loyalty cards c.

Social media d.

Large amounts of data


Limitations of Marketing Research a.

Increases value b.

Increases demand c.

Supply and Demand

Instructor Notes

Use presentation as visual aide

Have students write vocabulary terms and meanings

Discuss steps of marketing research using the presentation and listed resources

Multiple Intelligences Guide


Interpersonal Intrapersonal







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Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial



Guided Practice

Students will brainstorm together a list of problems that might be helped by conducting marketing research.

Independent Practice

Students will create a marketing research survey to be conducted on other students at school. They will collect the data from the survey’s analyze the results, make recommendations based on the results and write a report to be presented to the class. .




Explain what is involved in marketing research


Describe the types of data


Explain the different types of data collection


Design and implement a study


Interpret and analyze the collected data


Make recommendations based on data collected.

Informal Assessment


Informal assessment will be made as the student participates throughout the discussion process and contributes to the guided practice activity. Teacher will observe students by walking the classroom during each activity.

Formal Assessment

Students will be conducting a survey of other students at school. They will design the survey, conduct it, analyze the results and write a research paper with recommendations based on the results. They will also create a presentation to the class of their survey methods, data collection, analysis and recommendations using the Assigned Rubric.



Integrate writing skills: Assign students to research marketing research failures. They will discuss the product or service that was being marketed, why the marketing research failed and suggestions for improvement.


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Marketing Research Study

Working in small groups brainstorm an issue at your school on which students are divided. It could relate to selections offered in the cafeteria, after school activities or DECA themes for the year.

Once you have your topic selected, create a survey using the suggestions outlined in the lesson.

Determine the appropriate number of students throughout the school and in each grade that should be surveyed to achieve accurate results.

Once the surveys are completed analyze the data that was collected and report on your findings in a research paper. The research paper should outline the methodology for collecting the data, the survey that was used, how the sample was obtained that matches the general population and any recommendations that should be made based on the data.

Each group will also create a presentation based on the research report to present to the class.

The paper and presentations will be graded using the following rubric.

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Marketing Planning Rubric





Speaking, eye contact, and posture

Written Report Extensive information included with descriptive factors regarding the economic and political system and is well constructed.

Total Score ________

Maximum 100 Points


Student is knowledgeable and includes all information plus additional content in presentation

Student is prepared and has rehearsed extensively

Facial expressions and body language show interest and enthusiasm about the topic


Student shares information required in presentation


Student is missing one or two elements in presentation

Student seems prepared but should rehearse more

Facial expressions and body language sometime show interest

Student is somewhat prepared but is lacking rehearsal

Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm

Speaks clearly, stands straight and makes eye contact with audience 100% of presentation

Speaks clearly, stands straight and makes eye contact with audience 90% of presentation

Information included regarding economic and political systems and is well constructed

Speaks clearly, stands straight and makes eye contact with audience 80% of presentation

Information included regarding economic and political systems

5 or less

Student is missing multiple elements of content and is lacking knowledge

Student is not prepared

Very little used of facial expressions or body language.

Did not generate much interest in topic

Mumbles, slouches and does not look at the audience throughout the presentation

One or more elements are not included regarding the economic and political system


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