International Business Impact Lesson Plan Practicum in Marketing Dynamics Marketing

International Business Impact
Practicum in Marketing Dynamics
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to analyze the impact of an international
economy on business activities and determine the impact of multiculturalism and multigenerationalism
on business activities.
Specific Objectives
 List and analyze the impact of an international economy on business activities.
 Determine the impact of multiculturalism and multigenerationalism on business activities
Trade agreements
Cultural Factors
Economic Factors
Political & Legal Factors
When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately five to seven days to teach.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may
result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
§130.348. Practicum in Marketing Dynamics
(c) Knowledge and Skills
(1) The student knows business concepts and how business satisfies economic needs. The
student is expected to:
(A) analyze the impact of an international economy on business activities
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
(B) determine the impact of multiculturalism and multigenerationalism on business
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
§113.41. United States History Studies Since 1877
(c) Knowledge and skills
(17) Economics. The student understands the economic effects of World War II and the Cold
War. The student is expected to:
(E) describe the dynamic relationship between U.S. international trade policies and the
U.S. free enterprise system such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) oil embargo, the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
§113.42. World History Studies
(c) Knowledge and skills
(23) Culture. The student understands the history and relevance of major religious and
philosophical traditions. The student is expected to:
(B) identify examples of religious influence on various events referenced in the major
eras of world history.
(24) Culture. The student understands the roles of women, children, and families in different
historical cultures. The student is expected to:
(A) describe the changing roles of women, children, and families during major eras of
world history; and
(26) Culture. The student understands the relationship between the arts and the times during
which they were created. The student is expected to:
(A) identify significant examples of art and architecture that demonstrate an artistic ideal
or visual principle from selected cultures;
§113.43. World Geography Studies
(c) Knowledge and skills
(8) Geography. The student understands how people, places, and environments are connected
and interdependent. The student is expected to:
(A) compare ways that humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical
environment, including the influences of culture and technology;
(16) Culture. The student understands how the components of culture affect the way people live
and shape the characteristics of regions. The student is expected to:
(A) describe distinctive cultural patterns and landscapes associated with different places
in Texas, the United States, and other regions of the world and how these patterns
influenced the processes of innovation and diffusion;
(B) describe elements of culture, including language, religion, beliefs and customs,
institutions, and technologies;
(D) compare life in a variety of urban and rural areas in the world to evaluate political,
economic, social, and environmental changes.
(17) Culture. The student understands the distribution, patterns, and characteristics of different
cultures. The student is expected to:
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(D) evaluate the experiences and contributions of diverse groups to multicultural
Occupational Correlation (O*Net –
Job Title: Business Intelligence Analysts
O*Net Number: 15-1199.08
Reported Job Titles: Operations Manager, General Manager, Business Manager
Generate standard or custom reports summarizing business, financial, or economic data for
review by executives, managers, clients, and other stakeholders.
Synthesize current business intelligence or trend data to support recommendations for action.
Identify and analyze industry or geographic trends with business strategy implications.
Soft Skills: active listening, reading comprehension, critical thinking, speaking, coordinating, active
Accommodations for Learning Differences:
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to
accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website (
 Teacher will review the terms in the outline, digital presentation slides and websites to become
familiar with lesson.
 Teacher should locate and evaluate various resources and websites before the lesson.
 Teacher will have assignments and website information ready to distribute to students.
Materials Needed
 Printer paper
 Assignments and website information ready to distribute to students.
Equipment Needed
 Computer with digital presentation and Internet access.
 Projector to show Internet sites.
 Computers for students to conduct research
Learner Preparation
Last year in marketing dynamics you learned about business activities and marketing functions, we will
expand upon that knowledge now. Many business owners choose to expand their businesses into the
global marketplace. This is a big decision for businesses and one that should not be taken lightly. There
are many factors that need to be considered, like the stability of the host country and the culture of the
country. In order to be successful it is imperative that the business owners understand the economic,
political and cultural environment before expanding into that country.
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Ask students if they think it would be a wise decision for a company such as fast food restaurant who
sold chicken to open restaurants in India. Why or why not?
Lesson Introduction
SAY: Explain that most business have to modify their products to fit the culture of their host countries.
ASK: Ask students why they think major fast food restaurants entering the marketing in India do not sell
all-beef patties in India?
SAY: Explain that in Indian culture cows are considered sacred and fast food hamburger restaurants
knew that all-beef would not work well in that culture.
ASK: Ask students if they can think of other factors that affect fast food hamburger entry into the Indian
food market?
SAY: Explain that U.S. restaurants entering the Indian market also had to comply with India’s labor laws,
food safety laws, tax laws and understand the government structure.
ASK: Ask students if they can think of any other obstacles fast food restaurants may have had to deal
with when entering the market in India?
SAY: Explain that it is important that any business research the host country thoroughly, so that they
can better predict if their product will be successful and how it will have to be changed to fit into the
new business environment.
I. International Business
A. Imports – goods or services that are
purchased by one country from another country.
B. Exports – goods or services that are sold by
one country to another country.
C. International Business
D. Trade Agreements are made by two or more
countries that establish guidelines for
international trade and to setup trade alliances
1. NAFTA – North American Free Trade
2. International Business
E. Multinationals are companies that have
operations in foreign countries
 major fast food restaurants
 soft drink manufacturers, and
 Retailers Factors to consider
F. Cultural Factors are differences in language
and culture that make international business
more challenging
1. Language
2. Values
3. Customs
4. International Business
Instructor Notes
Use presentation program slides
and current events as aid.
Many companies produce goods in
another country and import them
into the U.S. or they import
products and turn them into final
products here and sell them
elsewhere. These companies need
to be aware of and many even
benefit by trade agreements
which are in place.
It is important to understand the
economic, political and cultural
environment of the host country
in which you are considering doing
Culture includes the language of
the country, the values that
people hold dear and the customs
that they keep. When opening a
business in another country it is
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
G. Economic Factors must be considered when
considering starting up a business in a foreign
1. Infrastructure
2. Labor
3. Taxes
4. Currency exchange
5. Standard of living
6. International Business
H. Political and Legal Factors
1. Type of political system
2. Governmental policies
3. Government stability
4. Nationalization
5. International Business
I. Technological Factors
1. Technology has changed the way people
get involved in international business.
a. Internet
b. Email
c. Cell phones
d. Computers
II. Culture shared, unifying, and interrelated beliefs
values, and assumptions
J. Learned through
1. Home
2. School
3. Religious institutions
K. Multiculturalism is the appreciation,
acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures in
a society.
L. Multigenerationalism is having several
generations living and working together.
1. Baby boomers (1946-1964)
2. Generation X (1965-1976)
3. Generation Y (1977-1997 also known as
4. Generation Z (early 90’s to present – net
important that you understand the
economic factors of that country.
If you do not take into account the
taxes, currency or labor costs you
may not be able to be profitable.
It is also necessary to understand
the policies that the government
will have your country adhere to.
They may have laws governing
what products you can produce,
how much you must pay workers
or how byproducts are disposed.
Use the digital presentation as aid.
We share certain beliefs as
American’s such as free speech
and the right of women to work
outside the homes and vote. Not
all countries believe as we do and
it is important to understand that,
when visiting other countries.
Multiculturalism is how we all live
together with different cultures.
Because our world is so mobile
states and country with people
from many different cultural
backgrounds. Because of this,
how we run our businesses and
market our products has changed.
There are now multiple
generations that are living
together and working together.
Each generation has different
characteristics, likes and dislikes.
It is a challenge to cater to each
generation at the same time.
Multiple Intelligences Guide
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Guided Practice
Ask students to complete the Lesson Review handout after the lesson presentation. After the class
finishes the lesson, answer the questions as a class.
Independent Practice
Country Expansion Project (team project: 2 students per team)
 Each team will choose a country in which the students are interested in researching.
 Using the Country Expansion Project handout, the team will conduct research for their country
so they can make a decision as to whether or not they should expand into that country.
 Students will write a minimum of a five page essay and create a digital presentation to present to
the class discussing the political and legal, cultural, government and economic environments in
their assigned countries.
 Students will present their digital presentations to the class and turn in their essays for
This project will be evaluated using the assigned rubrics.
What is the role of multiculturalism on business activities?
How does the country’s infrastructure affect business?
How is culture taught?
What types of business activities are affected by the differences in culture?
Informal Assessment
Instructor should observe the work ethic of individuals involved in class discussions and the independent
practice activity.
Formal Assessment
Students will be evaluated on their “Country Expansion Project” essay and presentations by using the assigned
Reverse Marketing Exercise
Student Directions:
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You will divide into small groups, no more than four per group. Each group will choose a product at
random from the products available. You will then decide how you can take this product, which is
currently marketed in another country, and make it marketable in the United States. You may make
minor changes to the product itself and you can completely change the packaging if so desired, however
the intent of the product must stay the same.
Each group must determine the four P’s of the Marketing Mix for their product. You will present your
product to the class.
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Lesson Review Questions
What should countries be concerned with when deciding to enter a new international market?
Why would culture cause businesses to modify their products?
What are some economic factors that need to be considered when researching the prospective host
How can these be an indicator of the success of the business when expanding into that country?
What are some technological factors that must be considered?
Why would multigenerationalism be a factor in marketing and producing products?
How does the stability of a government affect the decision to enter into foreign markets?
How does the country’s political and legal environment affect business activities?
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Country Expansion Project
Student Directions (team project: 2 students per team):
 Each team will chose a country in which the students are interested in researching.
 Team will conduct research for their country so they can make a decision as to whether or
not they should expand into that country.
 Students will write a minimum of a five page essay and create a digital presentation to
present to the class discussing the political and legal, cultural, government and economic
environments in their assigned countries.
 Students will present their digital presentations to the class and turn in their essays for
Country: ___________________________________________________
Presentation Format:
I. Country Information
 Country Name
 Economic Conditions
 Type Of Government
 Work Force Demographics
 Currency
II. Cultural Information
 Business Relations Information
 Etiquette For Country
 Major Holidays
 Major Religions
III. Business Information:
• Civil Disruptions
• Labor Laws
• Labor Costs
• Occupational Safety Laws
• Trade Barriers
• Investment Restriction
• Taxes
• Investment Incentives
IV. Business Recommendation
This project will be evaluated using the assigned rubric.
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Presentation Rubric
5 or less
Number of
8-10 Slides
6-8 Slides
4-6 Slides
1-4 Slides
Use of fonts
and creative
Multiple transitions
between slides and
build effects
Some transitions
between slides and
build effects
Clipart and
Clipart or pictures
are tastefully used
and relevant to the
Clipart or pictures
are used and
relevant to the
or build
No clipart or
pictures are
Title Screen
A creative title
screen with an
informative title
Transitions are
smooth and well
thought out
between slides and
are used on all
A title screen with
an informative title
A single transition
between slides
and no build
Clipart or pictures
are used, but do
not seem relevant
to the
A title screen
Most slides have
some type of
are only
used on a
few slides.
Transitions and
build affects
Transitions are
smooth and well
thought out
between slides and
are used on most
No title
Total Score ________
Maximum 100 Points
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Country Expansion Project
Presentation of
Student speaks with
confidence and
knowledge of
information and makes
a clear and concise
Includes all of the
required elements for
the countries
Includes all of the
required elements for
the countries
Includes all of the
required elements.
Recommendation is
Recommendation well thought out,
presented in a clear
concise manner and is
consistent with facts
presented in country,
cultural and business
Students speak
with knowledge
of information.
Student speaks
with some
knowledge of
Includes at least 4 Includes at least 3
of the required
of the required
5 or less
Student does
not fully
understand their
Includes 1-2 of
the required
Includes at least 3 Includes at least 2
of the required
of the required
Includes only
one of the
Includes at least 7 Includes at least 5 Includes 1-4 of
of the required
of the required
the required
Recommendation Recommendation Recommendatio
is clear, concise
is present and
n is not backed
and mostly
some facts are
up by any facts
consistent with
present to backup from country,
facts presented in recommendation
cultural and
country, cultural
in country, cultural business
and business
and business
Total Score ________
Maximum 100 Points
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.