Lesson Plan Career Exploration and Interview Skills Marketing Dynamics Marketing

Career Exploration and Interview Skills
Marketing Dynamics
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
Students will recognize that careers are ever changing and require continual self-assessment, research, and preparation
to develop and implement responsible decisions.
Specific Objective
• Analyse self-assessment information, including interests, aptitudes, and personal traits
• Research and assess employment trends in marketing careers
• Locate and identify career opportunities that appeal to personal career goals.
• Match personal interest and aptitudes to selected career.
• Model the steps for locating and securing employment
• Use multiple resources to locate job opportunities.
• Develop a resume.
• Prepare a letter of application.
• Complete an employment application
• Participate in mock employment interviews.
• List the standards and qualifications that must be met in order to enter a given career
• Employ critical-thinking and decision-making skills to exhibit qualifications to potential employer.
Resume – snapshot of your experience, skills and talents.
Aptitude – a natural ability or talent
Career Outlook – the future of a career as far as growth or decline
Occupational Outlook Handbook – government handbook that lists pertinent information about most
Internship - an apprenticeship for high school students. Can be paid or unpaid, allows students to
shadow professionals.
When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately 3-4 days to teach.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the
elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.347 (c) Knowledge and Skills
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(10) Students will recognize that careers are ever changing and require continual self-assessment, research, and
preparation to develop and implement responsible decisions.
Analyse self-assessment information, including interests, aptitudes, and personal traits.
Research and assess employment trends in marketing careers
Locate and identify career opportunities that appeal to personal career goals.
Match personal interest and aptitudes to selected career.
Model the steps for locating and securing employment
Use multiple resources to locate job opportunities.
Develop a resume.
Prepare a letter of application.
Complete an employment application
Participate in mock employment interviews.
List the standards and qualifications that must be met in order to enter a given career
Employ critical-thinking and decision-making skills to exhibit qualifications to potential
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
English-English III
• 110.33(b)(1) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when
reading and writing
• 110.33(b)(12) Reading/Medial Library. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words,
images, graphics and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students will continue
to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts.
• 110.33(b)(13) Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning,
drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.
Math-Algebra I
• 111.32(b)(1)(E). Interpret and make decisions, predictions, and critical judgments from functional
Social Studies-World Geography Studies
• 113.43(c)(23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic
questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating
Occupational Correlation (O*Net - http://www.onetonline.org/)
Job Title: Human Resources Managers
O*Net Number: 11-3121.00
Similar Job Titles: Human Resources Manager (HR Manager), Director of Human Resources, Human Resources
Director (HR Director), Employee Benefits Manager, Human Resources Vice President, Employee Relations
Serve as a link between management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and
administering contracts and helping resolve work-related problems.
Analyze and modify compensation and benefits policies to establish competitive programs and ensure
compliance with legal requirements.
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Advise managers on organizational policy matters such as equal employment opportunity and sexual
harassment, and recommend needed changes.
Perform difficult staffing duties, including dealing with understaffing, refereeing disputes, firing
employees, and administering disciplinary procedures.
Plan and conduct new employee orientation to foster positive attitude toward organizational
Identify staff vacancies and recruit, interview and select applicants.
Plan, direct, supervise, and coordinate work activities of subordinates and staff relating to
employment, compensation, labor relations, and employee relations.
Plan, organize, direct, control or coordinate the personnel, training, or labor relations activities of an
Represent organization at personnel-related hearings and investigations.
Administer compensation, benefits and performance management systems, and safety and recreation
Soft Skills: Active Listening, Reading Comprehension, Critical Thinking, Speaking, Coordinating, Active
Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to
accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website.
• Review and familiarize yourself with the terminology, website links, and digital presentations.
• Teacher will have assignments and website information ready to distribute to students.
Instructional Aids
Display for digital presentation, websites for assignments and class discussion
Instructor Computer/Projection Unit
Online Websites
The main purposes of this lesson are to help students understand
• The importance of having a well written resume
• How to research different careers.
• Where to find career opportunities
• The appropriate way to interview.
ASK: Ask students if they know what they want to do after they graduate?
SAY: Explain that the average person will have seven careers in their lifetimes so it is not unusual to be looking at new
careers and interviewing for new jobs even after you graduate and become an adult.
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ASK: When employers are first considering you for a job, what do you think they want to see?
SAY: Explain that most employers will ask to see your resume, even before they met you or ask you to complete a job
application. Your resume shows employers your skills and experience. If you resume is not well-written or does not
showcase your talents, prospective employers may not see how you fit into their companies and not look at you further.
ASK: Once you have the interview how important is it to be prepared and know how to answer prospective questions?
SAY: Employers have many applicants to choose from so it is imperative that you be well prepared and rehearse your
answers before you get to the interview.
I. Choosing a Career
A. Assessing yourself
1. Values
2. Lifestyle goals
a) Where you want to live
b) Transportation methods
c) Type of housing
d) Relationship with family
and friends
3. Interests
4. Skills and aptitudes
5. Your personality
6. Your work environment
7. Your relationships preferences
II. Career Planning
A. Career Assessment
1. Lifestyle Fit
2. Work Values
3. Salaries and Benefits
4. Career Outlook
5. Helpful Personality Traits
6. Work Environment
7. Work Relationships
III. Internships
A. Allows you to explore careers
B. Shadow people in possible careers
C. Evaluate if that is what you really
Instructor Notes
Teacher will lead the discussion
of material, using multimedia
presentations for career
explorations and interviewing
Students will be assigned the
guided practice worksheet and
write their own resumes.
Students will complete the
independent activities, whether
individually, or in pairs or groups
at the discretion of the teacher.
Teacher will move about the
classroom and will monitor the
students’ progress while the
students assume the role of selfdirector.
Explain the importance of career
planning and interviewing skills
to the Human Resource
Managers. Explain to the class
that these managers interview
dozens if not hundreds of
applicants so resumes and
interview skills are important.
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IV. Research Careers
A. There are many options for research
1. Libraries
2. Occupational Outlook Handbook
3. Online Job boards
4. School counselors
5. Career and Technical Education
6. Career Planning
V. Executing the plan
A. Education
1. Where
2. Admission requirements
3. Financial Aid
B. Skills
1. What is required
2. Where can they be obtained
VI. Resume
A. Contact information
B. Education
C. Previous vs. current
D. Skills
VII. Resume formats
A. Chronological
B. Functional
C. Combination
D. Use a simple easy to read font
E. Do not embellish on experience or
F. Do not go over one page
G. It should look clean and professional
Ask the class if know what they
want to do after they graduate.
Have them explain what they
will need to do to obtain those
careers. Lead the class in a
discussion about the importance
of resume’s and interviewing
skills and education.
Go over all the criteria in the
assignment and check for
Multiple Intelligence Guide
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Guided Practice
Students will complete the Resume Worksheet to help guide them to complete their resume. Once they have
completed the worksheet they will write a resume of their own. They can use the templates and/or the wizard in the
word processing application to complete their resume. Once they have completed their resumes they need to exchange
resumes to be proofread before turning in.
Independent Practice
Mock Interviews
Students will use the resumes that they wrote in the guided practice exercise. They will conduct mock
interviews with one another. Using the rubric provided in this lesson they will grade the interviews of two
other students in the class. All students will conduct interviews and be interviewed themselves. They will ask
at least five questions from the list provided in this lesson. The grading rubrics will be turned in once all
interviews have been conducted. Students can share their experiences, which students had the best answers
and why they thought so and which students needed to work on their answers and why.
Career research and planning is a critical step that many students skip in their educational career. Many students
become focused on what they think their ideal career will be without having researched it. They may spend lots of time,
money and effort to get the job of their dreams, only to find out that it is not what they expected. Researching careers
and using internships now can level expectations and help guide students to careers for which they are better suited.
Informal Assessment
Instructor should observe the work ethic of individuals involved in class discussions and the independent practice
Formal Assessment
Students will be evaluated on their Resumes and their interviewing skills. Students will also be assessed on their use of
the word processing skills and the neatness, formatting, grammar and spelling of their resumes.
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Skills Assessments and Career Research
Students will use the internet to take some skills and aptitude assessment tests. These tests can be found on many job
boards. Once they have completed the skills and/or aptitude assessments they will research careers that match those
skills. These should be careers in which they have an interest.
Once they have narrowed down their occupational interest proceed to “The Occupational Outlook Handbook” at
http://www.bls.gov/oco/ .
Search for the occupation in which you are interested and research the following information:
• Description of job
• Working conditions
• Job requirements
• Job Outlook
• Earnings
Type a paragraph that includes all of the above information and turn it in.
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Career Exploration and Interview Skills
Marketing Dynamics
Resume Worksheet
Having a properly written resume is essential to an effective job search. This is important both in high school
and most importantly after high school. You need to make sure that your resume uses proper grammar,
spelling and punctuation. It is always a good idea to ask someone else, a friend, teacher or parent to
proofread your resume once you think you are done.
1. All About You
A. What are you good at? What skills, traits and experience do you have? If you are having a hard
time with this section talk to your parents, friends or teacher to get their input.
• What are you good at?
• What do you enjoy doing?
• What does your family brag about you?
• Are there things that you friends ask you to do for them?
• What are your best subjects at school? Why?
• Have you won any awards, either in school or extra-curricular?
• What honors have you received?
B. Education and Training
• List any Pre-AP, AP or Honors classes that you have taken
• Identify certifications, honors, awards
C. Experience/Work History
• List any jobs that you have had, paid or not (most recent first)
• You can include any jobs working for family business, summer or part time jobs.
Why are you writing this resume (job, scholarships, college application)?
• If it’s for a scholarship, research what they are looking for in qualified applicants.
• If it’s for a job, then research the job requirements predetermined by the company.
Who how you match your resume goals.
• Make sure your resume shows your abilities, skills, and strengths.
• Highlight your accomplishments.
Write your Resume
A. Your resume should include
• Name and Contact Information
• Education and Training
• Honors and Distinctions/Awards
• Experience/Work History
• Skills
• Activities/Volunteering/Community Service
B. Spell check and proofread
C. Ask for feedback
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Resume Research
Why are you writing this resume?
List your strengths, talents, interests, abilities?
List classes that you have taken that are beneficial (AP, Pre-AP, Honors, Career Tech classes)
List each job that you have had, list three or four things about each job that you used (skills,
experience) of what you accomplished in each job. Include all work experiences.
Job #1 ________________________________________________________________
Job #2 ________________________________________________________________
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Job #3 ________________________________________________________________
Once you have written a draft of the resume, check off each of these:
_ used action verbs
_ used specific examples
_ used bullets, phrases
_ used clean design
_ used research
_ used feedback
_ used spell check, proofread
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Career Exploration and Interview Skills
Marketing Dynamics
Possible Interview Questions
Tell me about yourself?
Why should we hire you?
What can you do for us that someone else can’t?
What do you look for in a job?
How long would it take for you to make a meaningful contribution?
Why are you looking for a job?
How would your friends describe you?
How would your parents describe you?
What do you think of your past or present bosses (teachers if no bosses).
What were the five most significant accomplishments in your life so far?
Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?
Why do you want to work for us?
What are your career goals?
What are your strong points?
What are your weak points?
How did you do in school?
What position do you expect to have in 2 to 5 years?
What kind of hours are you working or would you like to work?
What questions didn’t I ask that you expected?
Do you have any questions for me?
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Career Exploration and Interview Skills
Marketing Dynamics
Well Spoken
Thoughtful Answers
Body Language
Firm handshake
Eye Contact
Overall Impression
Total points
Interview Rubric
15 pts Speaks and acts with
confidence. Good posture, head up,
speaks clearly and loudly with
10 pts Has a positive and enthusiastic
10 pts Does not use “um”, “uh”,
“like”, “you know”. Uses proper
20 pts Takes the interview seriously
and answers all questions to the best
of their ability.
10 pts Does not slouch, sleep, or act
5 pts Handshake is firm but not
10 pts Eye contact was appropriate,
not too much, and not too little.
20 pts They did very well in the
interview in all aspects. You would
hire them on the spot.
Needs Improvement
10 pts Shows confidence in
themselves most of the time.
5 pts Does not exhibit confidence.
Head down, mumbles.
5 pts Is generally positive and
5 pts Uses some “um”, “uh”,
“like”, or “you know”. Uses
proper grammar.
10 pts Answers questions
seriously and somewhat fully.
2pts Negative in most answers,
lacks enthusiasm
2 pts Does not user proper
grammar, has lots of pauses
5 pts Slouches in their chair but
otherwise acts appropriately.
3 pts Handshake is either too soft
or too hard.
5 pts Eye contact was good, but
sometimes wondered if they
were paying attention.
10 pts They did pretty well; you
might call them back for a second
0 pts Does not take the interview
seriously and gives short, not fully
thought out answers.
2 pts Slouches, puts their head
down, acts disinterested.
2 pts Like shaking hands with a
dead fish.
2 pts Very little eye contact if any.
5 pts They did not impress you at
all and you would not have hired
them. (Explain why below).
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