Channels of Distribution Unit 2, Lesson 3

Channels of Distribution

Unit 2, Lesson 3

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Channels of Distribution

 Goals

Students will understand the channels of distribution.

Students will evaluate a distribution plan.

Students will identify physical distribution activities.

Students will determine costs associated with distribution.

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Channels of Distribution

Terms to know

Channel of Distribution


Direct Distribution

Indirect Distribution

Exclusive Distribution


Integrated Distribution

Selective Distribution

Intensive Distribution


 Methods of


For-Hire Carrier

Contract Carrier

Small Package Carrier

Bus Carrier

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Channel Members

 The channel of distribution is the path that a product takes from producer to final user.

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Channel Members

Intermediaries are those involved as the product moves from producer to consumer.

Merchant Intermediaries take possession of the product (wholesalers and retailers).

Agent Intermediaries do not take possession.

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Channels of Distribution

Wholesalers – Buy large quantities, store them and then resell them to other businesses.

Rack Jobbers – Wholesalers who manage inventory, stock when needed and provide racks for displays.

Drop Shippers – Own the goods but do not physically handle the products.

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Channels of Distribution

Retailers sell goods to the final consumer for personal use.

Brick and Mortar Retailers – Have a physical store from which they sell their products.

Vending Services – Buy goods and sell through vending machines.

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Channels of Distribution

Direct Mail and Catalog – Can be brick and mortar selling goods to customers while they are at home, or Internet sites with out a physical store.

Television Home Shopping Networks –

TV stations that sell products to consumers.

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Channels of Distribution

 E-Tailing – Retailers selling products over the Internet. Some are an extension of brick and mortar business and some are only found on the


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Channels of Distribution

 Brokers – Paid a commission based on a percentage of the sale price.

They negotiate the sale and then look for other customers. Used often in seasonal products such as food.

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Channels of Distribution

Independent Manufacturer’s

Representatives – Represent several related but not competing manufacturers. Work independently running their own business.

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Channels of Distribution

Direct Distribution – When goods and services are sold directly to the customer from the manufacturer.

Indirect Distribution – Involves one or more intermediary between customer and manufacturer.

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Channels of Distribution

 Exclusive Distribution – Only select distributors are allowed to sell the product.



Channel control

High profit margin

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Channels of Distribution

Franchises are also an example of exclusive distribution. Only licensed franchises can sell the product.

Integrated Distribution – When the manufacturer acts as wholesaler and retailer for their own products.

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Channels of Distribution

 Selective Distribution – A limited number of outlets in a geographic are allowed to sell the product. Those selected must:

Be able to maintain an image

Be a good credit risk

Be aggressive marketers

Be good inventory planners

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Channels of Distribution

 Intensive Distribution – Products are distributed through all suitable outlets. Goal is to sell to as many customers as possible.

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Channels of Distribution

 E-Commerce – Products sold to customers and industrial buyers via the Internet.

 Cyber Monday sales topped $1.25 billion in


Online travel increasingly popular.

Many retailers moving to B2B websites to sell products to industrial customers.

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Channels of Distribution

Methods of transporting goods

Rail – Piggyback and fishyback.

Air – Public and private carriers.

Truck – Public and private carriers.

Water – Intracoastal and internal waterways.

Pipeline – Used primarily for oil and gas.

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Channels of Distribution

 For-Hire Carrier – Transportation company that moves products for business and charge a fee for transportation.

Common Carrier – Transports products on a specific schedule and according to government regulations.

Contract Carrier – Carrier that provides equipment and drivers to transport products according to negotiated contract.

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Channels of Distribution

 Small Package Services

 U.S. Postal Service – Usually ships packages meeting certain size and weight restrictions.

Freight Forwarder – Transportation company that pools many smaller shipments together to take advantage of lower rates.

Express Carrier – Transportation that specializes in delivery of small, lightweight packages and high-priority mail. Shipments are usually less than 150 lbs.

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Channels of Distribution

Bus Carrier – Usually packages weighing less than 100 lbs via a scheduled bus route.

Can make same-day or next-day delivery to small towns and cities.

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