Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Advertising and Sales Promotion
Session Title: Advertising and International Markets Unit 2, Lesson 5
Performance Objective:
The student will illustrate how international, multiculturalism, and multigenerational marketing
affect the advertising industry.
Approximate Time:
When taught as written, this lesson should take three days to complete.
Specific Objectives:
• Illustrate how international marketing affects the advertising industry.
• Explain the impact of multiculturalism on advertising marketing activities.
• Explain the impact of multigenerationalism on advertising marketing activities.
• International Trade – The exchange of goods and services among nations.
• Imports – Goods and services purchased from other countries.
• Exports – Goods and services sold to other countries.
• Balance of Trade – The difference in value between exports and imports of a nation.
• Free Trade – The commercial exchange between nations that is conducted on free
market principles without restrictive regulations.
• Tariff – A tax on imports.
• Import Quota – Limits the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be
• Embargo – a total ban on specific goods coming into and leaving the country.
• Protectionism – A government’s establishment of economic policies that systematically
restrict imports in order to protect domestic industries.
• World Trade Organization (WTO) – A coalition of nations that makes rules governing
international trade.
• North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – An international trade agreement
among the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
• Multinational – Large corporations that have operations in several countries.
• Mini Nationals – Midsize or smaller companies that have operations in foreign countries.
• Globalization – Selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all
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TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.324 (C)(1) The student knows business concepts and explains how business
satisfies economic needs.
130.324 (C)(1)(D) Illustrate how international marketing affects the advertising industry
130.324 (C)(1)(E) Explain the impact of multiculturalism and multigenerationalism on
advertising marketing activities
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
110.33(b)(1)(A) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
…determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple content
areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek, or other
linguistic roots and affixes.
110.33(b)(1)(B) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
… analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to draw conclusions
about the nuance in word meanings.
110.33(b)(1)(C) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
…infer word meaning through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word
110.33(b)(9)(C) – Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text
…make and defend subtle inferences and complex conclusions about the ideas in text and
their organizational patterns.
110.33(b)(11)(B) – Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Text
…translate (from text to graphic or from graphic to text) complex, factual, quantitative, or
technical information presented in maps, charts, illustrations, graphs, timelines, tables, and
110.33(b)(12)(A) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate how messages presented in media reflect social and cultural views in ways different
from traditional texts.
110.33(b)(12)(B) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout, pictures, typeface in
print media, images, text, sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-layered media.
110.33(b)(12)(C) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media.
110.33(b)(12)(D) – Reading/Media Literacy
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…evaluate changes in formality and tone across various media for different audiences and
Occupational Correlation (O*Net-www.oneonline.org/):
Job Title: Geographic Information Systems Technicians
O’Net Job Number: 15-1199.05
Job Description: Geographic Information Systems Technicians– Assist scientists,
technologists, or related professionals in building, maintaining, modifying, or using geographic
information systems (GIS) databases. May also perform some custom application development
or provide user support.
Design or prepare graphic representations of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
data, using GIS hardware or software applications.
Analyze Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data to identify spatial relationships or
display results of analyses, using maps, graphs, or tabular data.
Maintain or modify existing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) databases.
Computers and Electronics – Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic
equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and
Geography – Knowledge of principles and methods for describing the features of land,
sea, and air masses, including their physical characteristics, locations,
interrelationships, and distribution of plant, animal, and human life.
English Language – Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language
including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.
Teacher Preparation:
The teacher will review the terms in the outline, multi-media presentation, and any handouts to
become familiar with the lesson.
Accommodations For Learning Differences:
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be
modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found
on the Special Populations page of this website.
Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion-O’Guinn, Allen, Semenik- Chapter 4
Advertising-Business 2000 Townsley South-Western
Marketing Essentials, Glencoe-McGraw-HillOnline:
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Instructional Aids:
Projector-Multi-Media Presentation
Materials Needed:
Printer Paper
Assignment Handouts
Equipment Needed:
Computers for teacher/students with multi-media presentation and Internet access.
Learner Preparation:
Tell students that the objective for this lesson is to understand how international marketing and
multiculturalism affects the advertising industry.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
Ask: Why is international marketing more important than ever? Discuss answers with class.
Say: As we have gone global with our technology, the whole world is the marketplace.
This marketplace exists because countries need to trade with one another. More U.S.
companies are building headquarters in other countries, and this makes all people potential
employees. Countries are more than ever becoming interdependent on one another.
Show: An advertisement of a large hamburger chain
Ask: Would this ad do well in India?
Explain: That no, it would not, as cows are sacred in India, and major chains have had to
market and advertise products in a different way. In this lesson we will understand how this
marketing affects advertising internationally.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructors can use the presentation program/software, slides, handouts, and notes pages in
conjunction with the following outline.
I. Terms
1. International Trade
2. Imports
3. Exports
Notes to Instructor
Use multi-media
presentation as visual
After introduction,
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Balance of Trade
Free Trade
Import Quota
World Trade Organization (WTO)
North America Free Trade Agreement
Mini Nationals
II. Multinational/Mini National
• There a several factors to consider
when have operations in several
• Political Factors
• Trade Regulations and Laws
• Economic Factors
• Social and Business Etiquette
III. Types of Advertising Marketing Activities
1. Global Advertising
• An advertisement that can be
used worldwide with only minor
2. Multicultural Advertising
• Companies must take into
consideration all cultures and
rituals when advertising
3. Multigenerational Advertising
• Advertising to many different
generations often relies on brand
have students
write/type vocabulary
terms and meanings.
Multinational and mini
national companies
must consider many
factors when having
operations in many
different countries.
Global Advertising –
Audiences can be
broken down by
geographic location.
Differences often
geographic location.
cannot be effective for
ALL consumers
worldwide. If an ad is
used worldwide with
only minor changes, it
is called global
advertising. Have
students try to think of
a product ad that
would be considered
“global advertising”.
These products
usually do not differ
much in culture or
advertising means that
companies must be
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more sensitive to the
social and economic
differences of various
international markets.
Sometimes that
means doing separate
research and analysis
based on the needs of
the country.
advertising relies on
brand recognition. Ask
the students to think
about why that would
be important?
Explain that brand
recognition is passed
on from generation to
generation. You might
use the same laundry
detergent as your
mother because the
smell brings back
good memories.
Companies rely on
this brand recognition
to keep you using their
product. For example,
a large cookie
company’s slogan
might be “Cookies that
taste just like mom’s”.
Ask students to write
down any products
they might use
because their
mothers, fathers, or
grandparents used
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Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Social and Business Etiquette Search
• Individually, research a country of your choice and report the different social and
business etiquette traditions they have.
• Write a one page summary report on your findings.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Student will produce a presentation with that gives an overview of an international chain of
restaurant businesses. The student will report on the following topics in the presentation:
1. Countries in which the business chain has businesses (the company must have
businesses in at least four different countries).
2. Examples of the company’s marketing activities in each country.
3. Compare and contrast the marketing activities in all of the countries.
4. Compare and contrast menus and pricing.
5. Feature three products that are unique to the business for geographic reasons.
Students will prepare and present their presentations to the class and be evaluated by the
Multimedia Presentation Rubric.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
What does NAFTA stand for?
What is multinational?
What is globalization in relation to advertising?
What must companies consider when creating multicultural ads?
What is important to multigenerational ads?
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Instructor will be observant with students during project. Instructor will move about the
classroom setting, providing feedback and making sure that students are clear with directions
and staying on task.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Students will be evaluated on their “Global Marketing Project ” by using the assigned rubric.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Give a quiz on vocabulary words.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
Unit 2, Lesson 5, Global Marketing Project
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III)
Global Marketing Project
Student will produce a presentation with that gives an overview of an international chain of
restaurant businesses. The student will report on the following topics in the presentation:
1. Countries in which the business chain has businesses (the company must have
businesses in at least four different countries).
2. Examples of the company’s marketing activities in each country.
3. Compare and contrast the marketing activities in all of the countries.
4. Compare and contrast menus and pricing.
5. Feature three products that are unique to the business for geographic reasons.
Students will prepare and present their presentations to the class and be evaluated by the
multimedia presentation rubric.
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Advertising and Sales Promotion
Unit 2, Lesson 5, Global Marketing Project
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III)
Multimedia Presentation Rubric
Content: Writing – 40 Points Total
All material is in publishable form; that is, it is thoroughly proofread and without
careless errors. (5=10, >10=5, >15=3)
All your information is well researched, well written, well organized and in your
own voice.
All flaws pointed out by the instructor and/or peer advisors in drafts have been
Material shows strong understanding of major ideas and displays critical thinking
in placement of text, sequencing of pages, and page composition.
Presentation has a title page.
Presentation has a bibliography which follows the MLA citation rules
Content: Technical – 33 Points Total
The presentation includes a minimum of 10 slides.
The presentation includes a variety of text fields, graphics, sounds, and transitions.
The presentation has a professional look with an overall graphical theme that
appeals to the audience, compliments the information, and each slide is visually
neat incorporating a variety of layouts.
Each slide uses text, graphics, sounds, and transitions that communicate and
compliment information being shared.
The presentation visually depicts material and appeals to audience.
Communication – 15 Points Total
Did you use a different form to communicate to the group during your
presentation other than simply screen reading?
You used each slide as lead into the wealth of additional information you
have on the topic.
You maintained eye contact with group and modulated your voice in
addition to your visual on-screen sharing.
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At conclusion of your sharing, you checked for understanding via questions 3
or oral quiz, etc.
You utilized your allotted time effectively.
Technical Organization – 12 Points Total
You can access the GASFS server and have saved your presentation (web 4
site) in your personal folder. You have also made a backup copy of your
presentation to assure against any disaster.
Each member of the audience has been given a handout of your
presentation which includes an area to take notes.
An electronic form of your presentation has been given to your instructor
through a folder which will be set up on the GASFS server by your
Total Points = 100
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