Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Manufacturing Session Title: Setting Personal Career Goals Performance Objective: After completing this lesson, the student will be able to explore the academic knowledge and skills of a career, and set personal career goals to enter that career. The student will research the colleges of interest to them and identify on the Six Year School Plan worksheet which courses are needed to accomplish their education and career goals to the satisfaction of the teacher. Specific Objectives: The student is able to: List his/her personal interests, skills, values, and goals Identify in the Six Year School Plan worksheet which courses are needed to accomplish their education and career goals Set up primary career goals Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. Principles of Manufacturing: 130.322. (c)(2)(A)(D) …explore academic knowledge and skills required for postsecondary education; …evaluate personal career goals; Interdisciplinary Correlations: Career Preparation I: 127.13(c)(9)(A)(B)(C)(D) ... evaluate and compare employment options, including salaries and benefits; …compare rewards and demands for various levels of employment in a variety of careers; …determine how interests, abilities, personal priorities, and family responsibilities affect career choices; …determine continuing education opportunities that enhance career advancement and promote lifelong learning. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 1 Teacher Preparation: The teacher should review the Setting Personal Career Goals PowerPoint presentation and the internet links in the presentation. The Personal Goals worksheet and Six Year School Plan worksheet should be printed. The teacher should have the Achieve Texas Manufacturing booklets in the classroom or have computer access to them for the students. References: 1. The University of North Texas Department of Materials Science and Engineering: http://www.unt.edu/catalog/undergrad/mtse.htm 2. The Texas Workforce Solutions: http://www.cdr.state.tx.us/realitycheck/start.htm 3. Achieve Texas Manufacturing Booklet: http://www.achievetexas.org/Manufacturing.htm 4. New York State Career Zone: http://www.nycareerzone.org/cz/assessment/index.jsp 5. O*NET Resource Center: http://www.onetcenter.org/IP.html 6. Types of Manufacturing Jobs: http://www.ehow.com/facts_5138657_types-manufacturing-jobs.html 7. College TechPrep of Texas: http://www.techpreptexas.org/index.shtml 8. Texas Tech Prep Document Download: http://www.techpreptexas.org/downloads/index.shtml Instructional Aids: 1. Setting Personal Career Goals PowerPoint presentation 2. Personal Goals worksheet 3. Six Year School Plan worksheet Materials Needed: 1. Pencil 2. Notebook Equipment Needed: 1. Computer with internet access 2. Data projector Learner Preparation: None Required Introduction Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 2 Intro oduction (LS SI Quadrant I): SAY Y: Today we e are going to o learn abou ut personal interests, go oals and care eer choices. ASK K: Have you u thought abo out your career? ASK K: Have you u ever though ht about you ur personal interests and d what job co ould you do with your interests and skillss? ASK K: Did you know k that you can find ca areers that incorporate yyour interestts and skills? ? SAY Y: Different colleges c and d universities s offer cours ses in many careers thatt you can ch hoose from. ASK K: Have you u thought abo out a college e or university you would d like to atte end after you u graduate? SAY Y: You may want to rese earch course es for the ca areer you are e interested in on the computer and find the scho ools that offe er those courrses. SHO OW: Achieve e Texas Boo oklets and diiscuss with students. s Outline O Outlline (LSI Qu uadrant II): Instrructors can use u the PowerPoint pres sentation, slides, handou uts, and note e pages in cconjunction w with the follow wing outline. Outline O Notes to Insttructor MI I. . Introd duction of the lesson A. A Discuss in nterests and d skills neede ed in manufacturing B. B Explain pe ersonal valu ues C. C Describe goal setting e teacher sh hould The revview the pre esentation an nd Ach hieve Texass Ma anufacturing booklet. II. Show w the Setting g Personal Career C Goalss Powe erPoint prese entation A. A Title B. B Interest, Skills, S Values, and Goalss C. C Interest D. D Skills E. E Values F. Goals Slid des 1 to 6 Tea acher will disscuss with h students. onal interestt list III. Perso A. A List intere ests B. B Career us sing the interrest traits des 7 & 8 Slid Tea acher will disscuss students’ intere ests from m their list a and the carreers using tthose traiits. See e reference 4 & 5 linkk to the interrest inve entories IV. Educ cation plan A. A Introduction to the education plan n B. B Pathways s C. C High Scho ool courses des 9-11 Slid Tea acher discussses wha at is meant by an edu ucation, the patthways for a The e Personal G Goals worksheet should be passsed out for students to use e. . Copyright © Texas Educaation Agency, 22012. All rightts reserved 3 ma anufacturing career, and d what high school cou urses are req quired to p pursue vario ous patthways. V. Achie eve Texas manufacturin m g booklet lin nk for inform mation on A. A Classes B. B Jobs inforrmation C. C Salaries Slid de 12 See e reference 3 - link to tthe manufaccturing boo oklet. n VI. High School Plan A. A Students research co olleges B. B Complete e Personal Goals G worksh heet C. C Complete e Six Year Sc chool Plan workshee et Slid des 13 to 14 4 Hand out Six Y Year Sch hool Plan wo orksheet for students to com mplete. See e reference 7 & 8 linkk to the Tech hPrep ma aterials. See e reference 1 - link to tthe Universitty of North Texas Eng gineering Department we eb site. VII. Intere est inventories web site resources Verb bal Ling guistic Logical Mathe ematical Visual Spattial Musica al Rhythm mic Bodily Kinesthe etic Intrapersonal Slid des 15-16 Stu udents will re efer to Refference 4. a and Refference 5. to o ressearch and ccheck the eir personal interests con ntinue completing the e two worksh heets. Interpersonal Naturalist Ex xistentialist Applicattion Guid ded Practice e (LSI Quad drant III): The teacher will help the stu udents begin n listing their interests, skkills, values,, and goals o on the Perso onal Goals Copyright © Texas Educaation Agency, 22012. All rightts reserved 4 Worksheet. Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): The student will finish the Personal Goals worksheet. The students will research the courses at colleges and fill out the Six Year School Plan worksheet. The internet will be used for completing this worksheet. These will be turned in to be checked for a completion grade. Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Question: What have you learned about your interests? Answer: Allow the students to explain their thoughts. Question: What kind of career would you enjoy doing using your interests and skills? Answer: Allow the students to explain their thoughts. Question: Did you find a college or university that offers courses in your career? Answer: Allow the students to explain their thoughts. Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): Watch the students in their discussion to evaluate how much they have learned. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): The Personal Goals worksheet and Six Year School Plan worksheet will be evaluated for being complete to the satisfaction of the teacher. Extension Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): Students could explore the web for other colleges and universities for courses and programs. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 5 Name___________________________________________ Date_____________________ Period______ Interest Skills Values Goals Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 6 Name_________________________________ Date________________ Period___________ Six Year School Plan High School __________________________________________ College _________________________________________ High School Subject English Language (4 credits) Mathematics (4 credits) Science (4 credits) Social Studies/Economics (4 credits) Physical Education (1 credit) Speech (1/2 credit) Fine Arts (1 credit) Foreign Language (2 credits) Electives (5 1/2 credits) College / University Freshman English Sophomore English Junior English Senior English Algebra I Geometry Algebra II 4th year math Biology Chemistry Physics 4th year Science World Geography World History U.S. History Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Government/ Economics Physical Education Fine Arts Foreign Language Foreign Language Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 7 Semester V