Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Manufacturing Session Title: Employability Skills Performance Objective: After completing this lesson, the students will be able to explain the Equal Employment Opportunity Law and how it affects the employer and employee, list some of the expectations of employers, complete a basic work schedule for producing a manufactured product, and write a paragraph about the Equal Employment Opportunity Law that will be evaluated by the criteria in the rubric. Specific Objectives: The student is able to: Explain about the Equal Employment Opportunity Law and how it affects the employer and employee Rate in order of importance 27 expectations an employer uses to hire an employee List 15 basic employer expectations for its worker Develop a simple work schedule Rate in order of importance from 1-10 the tasks of getting the job finished that show effective time management Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. Principles of Manufacturing: 130.322(c)(1)(E)(F)(G) …identify employers' work expectations; …discuss Equal Employment Opportunity law in the workplace; …use time-management techniques to develop work schedules; Interdisciplinary Correlations: Career Preparation: 127.13(c)(1)(B) …demonstrate the application of essential workplace skills in the career acquisition process; Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 1 127.13(c)(2)(B)(C)(E)(F)(G) …demonstrate dependability, punctuality, and initiative; …research positive interpersonal skills, including respect for diversity; …exhibit productive work habits, ethical practices, and a positive attitude; …demonstrate the ability to work with the other employees to support the organization and complete assigned tasks; …identify how to prioritize work to fulfill responsibilities and meet deadlines; 127.13(c)(4)(D) …organize, write, and compile workplace business documents. 127.13(c)(5)(B)(C)(E) …summarize provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act; …research and describe laws related to different careers. 127.13(c)(8)(E) …summarize the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees; United States History Studies History: 113.32(c)(2)(B) …analyze economic issues such as industrialization, the growth of railroads, the growth of labor unions, farm issues, and the rise of big business; History: 113.32. (c)(7)(A)(C) …trace the historical development of the civil rights movement in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, including the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments; …evaluate government efforts, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to achieve equality in the United States; Teacher Preparation: The teacher should review the Employment Skills PowerPoint presentation, notes and all internet links. The Equal Employment Opportunity is THE LAW handout should be printed from the Department of Labor internet link to show and post in the classroom. Assignment handouts should be printed for future use. References: 1. Equal Employment Opportunity Law http://www.dol.gov/oasam/programs/crc/ 2. The Thomas College website Law http://www.thomas.edu/career/tips/employerexpct.htm 3. History of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 http://careerplanning.about.com/od/federallawsus/a/civilrightsact.htm Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 2 4. Work Schedules http://www.ehow.com/about_6706123_definition-work-schedule.html#ixzz1D1KMzDV9 5. Time Management http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_management 6. Employer Expectations http://www.black-collegian.com/career/kyser/kyser_employer_expectations.htm 7. Employability Skills http://www.cte.unt.edu/home/classroom.html 8. Equal Employment Opportunity is THE LAW http://www.eeoc.gov/employers/upload/eeoc_self_print_poster.pdf Instructional Aids: 1. Employment Skills PowerPoint presentation 2. Equal Employment Opportunity Law (paragraph) handout 3. Equal Employment Opportunity Law rubrics 4. Employer Expectations / Time Management handout 5. Equal Employment Opportunity is THE LAW handout (print .pdf from Department of Labor website reference #8 above) 6. Employer Expectations handout (print from www.thomas.edu reference #6 above) Materials Needed: 1. Pen or pencil 2. Notebook paper Equipment Needed: 1. Computer with internet access 2. Data projector and screen Learner Preparation: None required Introduction Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): ASK: Do your teachers ever have expectations of you in their classes? ANSWER: Accept answers and ask students to discuss these expectations. SAY: Employers have expectations for their employees and laws to follow. SHOW: The handout (printed from Department of Labor website or from instructional aides) ASK: Have you seen the Equal Employment Opportunity THE LAW handout and wonder why it was passed? ASK: Have you ever thought about how it could be applied to you? ASK: Do you have any questions about the poster? ANSWER: Answer all questions. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 3 SAY: To oday we are going to exp plore different aspects o of employme ent and how it applies to o you. SHOW: Employmen nt Skills Pow werPoint pres sentation Outline Outline (LSI ( Quadra ant II): Instructors can use the PowerPo oint presenta ation slides, handouts, a and note pag ges in conjunctiion with the following ou utline. MI ne Notes s to Instructtor Outlin . oyment Opp portunity Law w I. Intrroduction to Equal Emplo A. Title (slide 1) B. Before e 1964 (slid de 2) C. Historry of the law (slides 3-4) D. The statement of the law (slid de 5) E. Additions to the la aw (slide 6) F. Stude ent begins writing paragrraph G. Stude ent will be ev valuated by tthe criteria in n the as ssignment ru ubric ut the Equal Pass ou Employyment Opportu unity Law (paragrraph) handou ut for stud dents to answ wer after vie ewing first 5 slides. Give studen nts 5 to 10 minutes to work on n writing a paragra aph. The studentt will have tim me to finish h the assignm ment at the e end of the p presentation.. Distribu ute the Equa al Opportu unity Law in Manufa acturing rubrric to grade th he students’’ paragra aphs. s Work Expe ectations II. Inttroduction to Employer’s on title (slide e 7) A. Sectio B. Definition (slide 8) C. Questtion (slide 9)) D. Stude ents rank the e employer e expectationss on handout E. Thomas College Survey S (slide e 10) F. Link to o the Employer Expecta ation file (Refer to the referenc ce #2 above where this documentt is found.) Pass ou ut the Emplo oyer Expecta ations / Time e Manage ement hando out. Have sttudents fill in n the top of the paper. Show th he Employerr Expecta ations file byy selectin ng the embedd ded link. The e studentts should the en renumb ber their stateme ents as provide ed in the Thomass College file e. III. Time-Manage ement / Work k Schedule A. Sectio on Title (slide e 11) B. Definition (slide 12) 1 Explain n that time manage ement can b be used in businessess, at Copyright © Texas Educatiion Agency, 20012. All rights reserved 4 C. D. E. F. G. Verbal c Linguistic Questtion (slide 13 3 Techn niques (slide e 14) Eisenhower Method (slide 15 ) Examples (slide 16) 1 Stude ents rank the e time manag gement sectio on of handou ut school and home. Review w techniques and me ethods of g what is deciding importa ant. The studentt finishes the e bottom section of th he Employyer Expectations / Time M Managemen nt Handou ut. IV. Work W Schedu ules A. Title (s slide 17) B. Definittion (slide 18 8) C. Differe ent (slide 19 9) D. Designing (slide 20) 2 D. Student example (slide 21) F. Manuffacturing exa ample (slide 22) G. Compllete a basic work schedu ule for produc cing a manufacturing pro oduct Have th he students discusss different schedules after viewing g the slides. Studentts will follow w the examples in slide 2 22 to complete a basic w work schedule V. Re esources See slid de 23. Logical Mathematic cal Visual Spatial Musical Rhythmic Bodily Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Intterpe ersonal Naturralist Existenttialist Ap pplication Guided Practice P (LS SI Quadrantt III): The teac cher will lead d a discussio on on the Equal Employm ment Opporttunity Law. The studentts will prioritize 27 expectattions an emp ployer uses to hire an em mployee. Th he students will rank tassks listed abo out time man nagement. ce (LSI Qua adrant III): Independent Practic Complete e a basic wo ork schedule e for producing a manufa acturing prod duct. The stu udent will wrrite a paragrap ph about the Equal Emplloyment Opp portunity Law w. Summary S Copyright © Texas Educatiion Agency, 20012. All rights reserved 5 Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Question: What did the Equal Employment Opportunity Law do for the workforce? Answer: It equalized the way employers hired their employees and compensated them. Question: Is learning to work on a schedule important and, if so, why? Answer: Accept all answers that are realistic. Question: Should employers have expectations of their employees? Why? Answer: Accept all answers that are reasonable. Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): The teacher will look at the handout Employment Expectations and Time management to check for completion. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): The teacher will use the equal Employment Opportunities Rubric to grade the students’ paragraphs. Extension Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): The teacher can use the employment expectations to have students select other students to help manufacture a mass produced project. One student could act as a supervisor and assign work schedules and production rates for a project. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 6 Equal Employment Opportunity Law in Manufacturing Rubric Task Statement: Students write a paragraph about why there was a need for an equal employment opportunity law in 1964 and how it affects them today. Task Assignment: Students will work as individuals to write a paragraph. The paragraph will be graded on understanding of the law and its importance at the time, effects the law had on society and the student and uses of correct grammar. Criteria Categories (Novice to Exemplary) Developing Accomplished 2 3 Statement of the law Explanation of the law Criteria Concepts/Skills to be Assessed Equal Employment Opportunity Law Novice 1 Basic statement of the law (Possible 33 points) Effects of the law (1-9 points) One effect of the law (10-17 points) One effect the law had on society and/or themselves (18-25 points) Two effects the law had on society and/or themselves (26-33 points) Three or more effects the law had on society and/or themselves (Possible 33 points) Grammar Usage (1-9 points) More than10 grammatical errors (10-17 points) Fewer than 10 grammatical errors, but more than 6 grammatical errors (18-25 points) Fewer than 5 grammatical errors, but more then 2 (26-33 points) 0 to 2 grammatical errors (Possible 33 points) (1-9 points) (10-17 points) (18-25 points) (26-33 points) A = 78-100 points; B = 54-75 points; C = 30-51 points; D = 3-27 points Exemplary 4 Explanation of the law and its effects in 1964 Points Earned Total Points: ___________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 7 Name_____________________________________________ Date______________ Period _________ Write a paragraph stating the need for this law and why it affects you and today's job market. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved Name_____________________________________________ Date______________ Period _________ Rank the statements in order of how important it would be to an employer by placing numbers 1-27 before each item. These 27 statements came from a survey done by a college in Maine. ____ Adjusting to work situations ____ Basic arithmetic skills ____ Basic speaking skills ____ Basic writing skills ____ Being neat and clean in appearance ____ Dependability ____ Following instructions ____ Following safety regulations ____ Getting along with others ____ Giving an honest day's work ____ Having specialized training ____ Knowing your strengths and weaknesses ____ Knowing how to use materials and equipment ____ Knowing what is expected ____ Knowledge of operating procedures ____ Locating information ____ Loyalty to your organization ____ Maintaining good health ____ Managing time and materials effectively ____ Making independent decisions ____ Punctuality ____ Organizing the work activities of others ____ Understanding written information ____ Using initiative and imagination ____ Working as a team member ____ Working under pressure ____ Working without close supervision Below is a list of tasks that a line supervisor needs to do during an eight hour work day. Place a number 1-10 in order of importance in getting the job finished. ____ Breakdown of a major machine ____ Order parts for tomorrow’s production ____ Check on bulletin board for next month’s softball game ____ Check on bulletin board for afternoon production rate ____ Safety check of machine safety guards ____ Do a quality control inspection ____ Schedule an evening out for the team ____ Fill out production forms ____ Discuss employee production problems ____ Read the paper Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved