Lesson Plan Solar Panel Energy System Operation Manufacturing Engineering


Solar Panel Energy System Operation

Manufacturing Engineering

Lesson Plan

Performance Objective

After completing this lesson, students will be able to discuss the principles of a solar panel energy system to the teacher’s satisfaction.

Specific Objectives

 Explain the theory of operation of a solar panel energy system

 Research and discuss terms used in a solar panel energy system

 Discuss a solar panel energy system operational layout


 Alternating current (AC) electrical current that changes direction and strength; it is primarily used by power companies for distribution to residential areas

Direct current (DC)- electrical current that only moves in one direction; it is primarily produced by batteries and solar cells

Solar cell a device that converts sunlight into electrical energy

Kilowatt-hours (kWh)- a unit of electric energy equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour

Grid-linked- a solar electric system that creates electricity and sends the excess energy to the primary electrical grid for use by other customers

Inverter- an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC)

Insolation- the measurement of the amount of solar energy that is created in a specific area; energy levels are usually higher in the southwestern United States than in the Northeastern United States

Photovoltaics (PV)- a method of generating electrical power from a material by exposing it to the sun and converting solar energy (sunlight) into direct current; solar cells are designed from silicon-based materials that exhibit this effect

 Solar module- a durable, weatherproof panel consisting of several solar cells; the cells are interconnected for increased power output

 Stand-alone system independent, battery, or alternative based energy systems that are not connected to the primary electrical energy grid

 Silicon- one of the most common elements in our universe, usually recognized as sand; it is used in many industrial applications, such as semiconductor devices, microchips, and solar cells

 Wafer- a very thin slice of semiconductor material that is used to make integrated circuits and solar cells

 Battery a device that converts stored chemical energy directly to electrical energy in the form of direct current (DC)

Circuit breaker box contains an array of circuit breakers to control electricity into a residence or building; the switches (used as a safety device), installed within an electrical circuit, are designed to stop the flow of electric current through a circuit if the current reaches excessive levels (i.e., short circuits), which prevents fires and electrical shocks

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Electrical meter a measuring device or gauge used to determine the amount of electricity used in a residence or building; electrical energy is usually measured in kilowatt hours


This lesson should take approximately 180 minutes.


TEKS Correlations

This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.

Manufacturing Engineering

 130.329 (c) o (7) The student knows mechanical, fluid, electrical, and thermal systems. The student is expected to:

(C) analyze the effects of heat energy and temperature on products.

Interdisciplinary Correlations

English Language Arts and Reading, English I

110.31 (b) o (1) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it

when reading and writing.

Occupational Correlation (O*Net – www.onetonline.org/ )

Job Title: Solar Energy Systems Engineers

O*Net Number: 17-2199.11

Reported Job Titles: This title represents an occupation for which data collection is currently underway.


 Conduct engineering site audits to collect structural, electrical, and related site information for use in the design of residential or commercial solar power systems.

 Design or coordinate design of photovoltaic (PV) or solar thermal systems, including system components, for residential and commercial buildings.

 Create checklists for review or inspection of completed solar installation projects.

 Create electrical single-line diagrams, panel schedules, or connection diagrams for solar electric systems using computer-aided design (CAD) software.

 Create plans for solar energy system development, monitoring, and evaluation activities.

 Perform computer simulation of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation system performance or energy production to optimize efficiency.

 Provide technical direction or support to installation teams during installation, start-up, testing, system commissioning, or performance monitoring.

 Develop standard operation procedures and quality or safety standards for solar installation work

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Soft Skills

 Critical thinking

 Operation monitoring

 Active learning

 Active listening

Accommodations for Learning Differences

It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special

Populations page of this website.


Review and become familiar with the terminology, website links, and the slide presentation.

Have materials, slide presentation, and websites ready prior to the start of the lesson.


 http://websters.yourdictionary.com

 http://www.thefreedictionary.com

Instructional Aids

Solar Panel Energy System slide presentation and notes

Warm-up Activity (Slide 3)

Solar Panel Energy System Matching Terms and Definitions handout for each student

 Solar Panel Energy System Matching Terms and Definitions Answer Key

 Solar Panel Energy System Quiz for each student

 Solar Panel Energy System Quiz Answer Key


The main purpose of this lesson is to help students understand the operational principles of a solar panel energy system.


 When you enter an automobile that has been in the sun on a hot summer day, what are ways to use the heat energy stored inside?


Solar energy is all around us and we don’t use very much of it to our advantage.

We will discuss the operational principles of a solar panel energy system used in many residential applications.


Videos or photos of solar energy systems

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Introduction of lesson


Bell Work Activity


Warm-up Activity


Solar panel energy system operation




Theory of operations of a solar panel energy system


Solar panel energy system

A. Solar panel energy system terms

B. System layout


Solar Panel Energy System Quiz


Begin Solar Panel Energy

System slide presentation.

Have students work on the

Bell Work Activity .

(Slide 2)

Warm-up Activity

Using the Solar Panel Energy

System Matching

Terms and Definitions handout, students (in pairs) will teach each other the terms and definitions. They may do computer-based research to look up the meanings.

(Slide 3)

Review, discuss, and overview Solar Panel Energy

System Operations

(Slides 4-8)

Each slide is meant to be discussed. Have some background knowledge, and challenge the students to make some contributions to the discussion.


Administer quiz and grade using answer key.

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Multiple Intelligences Guide

Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal







Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial


Guided Practice

The teacher and students search the Internet to find different informational sources to gain more insight into

Unique ways solar energy systems are created and used around the globe

Companies using cutting edge technology to create new solar energy systems

Independent Practice

 Have students write a 100-word essay on “state-of-the-art” technology being used to develop solar

 energy production systems with enough production output to replace the use of fossil fuel energy systems.

Have students research how the early, innovative development of solar powered satellites impacted

Review the current growth of the solar power industry online.


Students review the terms from the Warm-up Activity and key points from the Solar Panel Energy System slide presentation.


Informal Assessment

Teacher will assess students with questions and answers. Students will discuss definitions of terms and key points from the Solar Panel Energy System slide presentation.

Formal Assessment

Teacher will administer the Solar Panel Energy System Quiz.



Students will conduct research on leading solar panel energy system manufacturing companies in the United

States on the Internet and write a paper about the topic.

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Solar Panel Energy System

Matching Terms and Definitions


Match the terms in Section One with the definitions in Section Two .

Section One


Alternating current (AC)


Direct current (DC)


Solar cell


Kilowatt-hours (kWh)








Photovoltaics (PV)


Solar module


Stand-alone system








Circuit breaker box


Electrical meter

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Section Two


________a device that converts sunlight into electrical energy


________a device that converts stored, chemical energy directly to electrical energy in the form of direct current (DC)


________an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC)


________a solar electric system that creates electricity and sends the excess energy to the primary electrical grid for use by other customers


________electrical current that changes direction and strength; primarily used by power companies for distribution to residential areas


________independent, battery, or alternative based energy systems that are not connected to the primary electrical energy grid


________electrical current that only moves in one direction; it is primarily produced by batteries and solar cells


________contains an array of circuit breakers to control electricity into a residence or building; the switches (used as a safety device), installed within an electrical circuit, are designed to stop the flow of electric current through a circuit if the current reaches excessive levels (i.e., short circuits), which prevents fires and electrical shocks


________one of the most common elements in our universe, usually recognized as sand; it is used in many industrial applications, such as semiconductor devices, microchips, and solar cells


________the measurement of the amount of solar energy that is created in a specific area; energy levels are usually higher in the southwestern United States than in the northeastern United States


________a unit of electric energy equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour


________a durable, weatherproof panel consisting of several solar cells; the cells are interconnected for increased power output


________a very thin slice of semiconductor material that is used to make integrated circuits and solar cells

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________a measuring device or gauge used to determine the amount of electricity used in a residence or building; electrical energy is usually measured in kilowatt hours


________a method of generating electrical power from a material by exposing it to the sun and converting solar energy (sunlight) into direct current; solar cells are designed from silicon-based materials that exhibit this effect

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Solar Panel Energy System

Matching Terms and Definitions Answer Key

Section Two


C. Solar Cell a device that converts sunlight into electrical energy


M. Battery a device that converts stored, chemical energy directly to electrical energy in the form of direct current (DC)


F. Inverter- an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC)


E. Grid-linked- a solar electric system that creates electricity and sends the excess energy to the primary electrical grid for use by other customers


A. Alternating current (AC)- electrical current that changes direction and strength; primarily used by power companies for distribution to residential areas.


J. Stand-alone system- independent, battery, or alternative based energy systems that are not connected to the primary electrical energy grid


B. Direct current (DC)- electrical current that only moves in one direction; it is primarily produced by batteries and solar cells


N. Circuit breaker box- contains an array of circuit breakers to control electricity into a residence or building; the switches (used as a safety device), installed within an electrical circuit, are designed to stop the flow of electric current through a circuit if the current reaches excessive levels (i.e., short circuits), which prevents fires and electrical shocks


K. Silicon- one of the most common elements in our universe, usually recognized as sand; it is used in many industrial applications, such as semiconductor devices, microchips, and solar cells


G. Insolation- the measurement of the amount of solar energy that is created in a specific area; energy levels are usually higher in the southwestern United States than in the northeastern United States


D. Kilowatt-hours (kWh)- a unit of electric energy equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour


I. Solar module- a durable, weatherproof panel consisting of several solar cells; the cells are interconnected for increased power output


L. Wafer- a very thin slice of semiconductor material that is used to make integrated circuits and solar cells

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O. Electrical meter- a measuring device or gauge used to determine the amount of electricity used in a residence or building; electrical energy is usually measured in kilowatt hours


H. Photovoltaics (PV)- a method of generating electrical power from a material by exposing it to the sun and converting solar energy (sunlight) into direct current; solar cells are designed from silicon- based materials that exhibit this effect

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Solar Panel Energy System



An enormous amount of heat is beamed to earth in the form of ____________________, which is called ____________________.


When a solar cell is exposed to sunlight, the ____________________ in the light grey section are

____________________ and move toward the dark grey section, resulting in electron flow.


Solar modules and arrays are ____________________ in a variety of sizes and configurations depending on the ____________________.


In a solar energy system, a ____________________ creates energy from the sun in the form of



A circuit breaker box provides protection from ____________________ and acts as a ___________

________________ for wiring to the various rooms and electrical outlets within the residence.

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Solar Panel Energy System

Quiz Answer Key


An enormous amount of heat is beamed to earth in the form of ____________________, which is called ____________________.

Answers- sunlight, solar energy


When a solar cell is exposed to sunlight, the ____________________ in the light grey section are

____________________ and move toward the dark grey section, resulting in electron flow.

Answers- electrons, released


Solar modules and arrays are ____________________ in a variety of sizes and configurations depending on the ____________________.

Answers- manufactured, intended use


In a solar energy system, a ____________________ creates energy from the sun in the form of


Answers- solar array, Direct current (DC)


A circuit breaker box provides protection from ____________________ and acts as a _________

__________________ for wiring to the various rooms and electrical outlets within the residence.

Answers- overload conditions, distribution point

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