Practicum in
Unit III
How can I be a
productive and
Prior Student
Estimated Time
2 hours
Any business that has employees with poor workplace ethics could suffer
greatly in many different ways. It is important for an employee to understand
ethics and the consequences of violating them for the sake of his or her
employer and/or career.
The students will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of constructive criticism, ethics, and high
standards in the workplace.
2. Recommend how to handle constructive criticism in specific situations.
3. Develop logical arguments about how to best handle ethical situations
in the workplace.
4. Create solutions for real world complaints in the criminal justice
5. Critique the solutions students have created for these complaints.
Do an Internet search for: video behavior, ethics focus of police recruit
training. Have students watch the video. Afterward, discuss what ethics are,
what role they play in the criminal justice field, and how they may be different
in other industries. Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment.
Key Points
I. Workplace Ethics
A. Ethics are a code of values which guide our choices and determine the
purpose and course of our lives
B. In the criminal justice workplace we have to make ethical choices,
sometimes everyday
C. These choices can have major consequences because of the nature of
the LPSCS field
D. For the purposes of this lesson, ethics will also include employees’
work ethics, their ability to professionally conduct business in a way
that brings dignity to themselves and their employer, while being as
productive as their abilities will allow them to be
E. Oftentimes the measuring stick for this is the industry’s standards
II. Accept Constructive Criticism
A. A major indicator of a good employee is his or her ability to accept
constructive criticism
B. Criticism is the act of passing severe judgment, censure, and/or
C. Constructive criticism is criticizing with the intent of making the one
being criticized better at doing what they do or being who they are
III. Why Constructive Criticism is Necessary
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A. New employees in any job have a lot to learn, such as
1. The subculture of the business
2. The expectations of supervisors and coworkers
3. The simple yet important details, like where to report to work and
when and how to turn in a time card
4. Aspects of the profession that were not taught in school
5. Constructive criticism may consist of constant redirection and
correction until the employees have learned what is expected of
B. Employees who cannot accept constructive criticism will constantly
have their feelings hurt and will be seen as hard to work with or trust
C. This may cause fellow coworkers and supervisors to decide to stop
assisting new employees and let them learn on their own, which is
much harder and more time consuming
D. Worse yet, employees who becomes high maintenance may get
demoted, be assigned the least pleasant shifts or duties, or be fired
E. Not receiving constructive criticism cuts employees off from a valuable
path of self-improvement that will make them the professionals they
were hired to be
F. Constructive criticism is similar to continuing education. It is an
important tool that will make employees more valuable and effective in
their work if accepted correctly
G. Employees should always be of the mindset of accepting constructive
criticism, and not take it personally
H. Employees will receive training their entire career, so constructive
criticism will never go away
IV. Ethical Reasoning
A. Ethics is a code of values which guides our choices and determines the
purpose and course of our lives
B. Reasoning is the drawing of inferences or conclusions through the use
of reason or logic
C. A suggested definition of ethical reasoning is a standard or process
used to make decisions that aligns with values accepted by society
V. How to Make Ethical Decisions
A. Questions to consider when making ethical choices
1. Does it hurt anyone or anything?
2. Does it cheat anyone or anything?
3. Is it dishonest?
4. Would I make a different decision if someone was watching me?
5. Does it go against my upbringing?
6. Does it go against what I have been taught by moral authorities?
7. Is it illegal?
8. Will it get me into trouble?
9. How would it look if this story ended up on the news?
VI. Completing Tasks with the Highest Standards
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A. High standards have different meanings depending on the industry
B. Products and services that the public service industry provides
1. Justice
2. Security
3. Safety (from crime and fires)
4. Medical aid
5. Crime prevention
6. Proper prosecution
7. Adequate defense
8. Rehabilitation
C. High standards that must be met to deliver these products
1. Neutrality
2. Efficiency and Punctuality
3. Knowledge
4. Innovativeness
5. Ability to articulate things well
6. Legality
7. Integrity and Honesty
D. How these standards are met to deliver quality products and services
1. Quick response (to calls or needs)
2. Strong work ethic
3. Good training
4. Good reports
5. Good listening and communication skills
6. Problem-solving skills
7. Up-to-date with the latest court decisions
8. Clear chain of command
9. Self-control
1. Have students read the following situations and write a response to the
questions. The Writing Rubric may be used for assessment. An additional
question the students might want to consider when writing is, “What important
things might be at stake when someone such as a police officer or a
correctional officer is receiving constructive criticism in training?”
Imagine you are in training to be a police officer. You are in the
last week of training with your field officer. You both go to a domestic
disturbance call. During the call you mistakenly put another officer at
risk of serious injury. After the call your field training officer talks about
what happened. What is the best way to react to him? In your own
words, summarize what things he would have said to you and why it
would be important to take each of these things seriously?
Imagine you are a veteran correctional officer working with a
rookie. You are stubborn when it comes to new policies that the new
employees have been trained to obey. You and a rookie officer get into
a situation where you used force and a report has to be written. You
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volunteer to write the report since you have done a thousand of them
and you know it will not take you long. You fill out the paperwork in a
way which violates the new policies. The rookie officer warns you about
it but trusts you since you have more experience at the job. When the
report gets to your supervisor, you both get in trouble for the report.
What is the best way for you to react to this situation? Explain
attributes you would need to improve in these situations in order to be
a better employee.
Show various online videos involving scenarios of workplace ethic violations.
The students may write out the ethical violations and improved responses to
the situations, or you can conduct a class discussion about each one. The
Writing Rubric or the Discussion Rubric may be used for assessment.
For some potential videos do an Internet search for the following:
Video Futureproof: Ethical Dilemmas: Character Responses
Video Business Ethics
Video Ethics: Making the Right Choice (Part 1)
Video Ethics: Making the Right Choice (Part 2)
Video The office, ethics
Have students research three specific stories involving complaints about the
public safety and criminal justice industry and then trade their complaints with
another classmate. They are to find out why the complaints are valid and then
use the information in this lesson to describe how they would complete the
task with the highest standards/quality service. They should write from the
perspective of the person who caused the complaint. Have the students
present the stories and solutions to the class, who will play the role of the
public, and approve or disapprove of the suggested solution to the situation.
Use the Presentation Rubric or the Debate Rubric for assessment.
Work Place Ethics Exam and Key
Debate Rubric
Discussion Rubric
Presentation Rubric
Writing Rubric
Work Place Ethics computer-based presentation
Computer with Internet Access
Access to a computer lab
Sultan Qaboos University Center for Career Guidance
Ethics Resource Center
The Center for Experiential Learning, Leadership and Technology (CELLT)
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Do an Internet search for the following:
 Video behavior, ethics focus of police recruit training
 Dictionary Websters
 Video futureproof: ethical dilemmas: character responses
 Video business ethics
 Video ethics: making the right choice (part 1)
 Video ethics: making the right choice (part 2)
 Video the office, ethics
Accommodations for Learning Differences
For reinforcement, students will describe what occurs in the criminal justice
system when ethics are violated and services are not delivered to the highest
standards. Use the Writing Rubric for assessment.
For enrichment, students will explain how each of the following applies to at
least two aspects of the criminal justice system (Law Enforcement, Fire
Service, Court Systems, Correctional Services):
Quick response (to calls or needs)
Strong work ethic
Good training
Good reports
Good listening and communication skills
Problem-solving skills
Up-to-date with the latest court decisions
Clear chain of command
Use the Writing Rubric for assessment.
State Education Standards
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education
§130.301. Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (Two to
Three Credits).
The student demonstrates professional standards as required by
business and industry. The student is expected to:
accept constructive criticism;
apply ethical reasoning to a variety of situations in order
to make ethical decisions;
complete tasks with the highest standards to ensure
quality products and services;
College and Career Readiness Standards
English/Language Arts
V. Research
A. Formulate topic and questions.
1. Formulate research questions.
2. Explore a research topic.
B. Select information from a variety of sources.
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1. Gather relevant sources.
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Name________________________________ Date__________________________
Matching: Answer choices can be used more than once
_____1. The act of passing severe judgment, censure, faultfinding
_____2. This should not be taken personally
_____3. The measuring stick for this is often the industry’s standards
_____4. A code of values which guides our choices and determines the purpose and course of
our lives
_____5. Employees’ ability to professionally conduct their business in a way that brings dignity
to themselves and their employers while being as productive as their abilities will allow
_____6. Criticizing with the intent of making the one being criticized better at what they do or
who they are
_____7. This may consist of constant redirection and correction until employees have learned
what is expected of them
_____8. The drawing of inferences or conclusions through the use of reason/logic
_____9. This is similar to continuing education and is an important tool that will make
employees more valuable and effective in their work if it is accepted correctly
_____10. A standard or process used to make decisions that align with the values accepted by
A. Ethics
B. Work Ethic
C. Criticism
D. Constructive Criticism
E. Reasoning
F. Ethical Reasoning
_____11. You are training a new employee. Which of the following would not be necessary for
you to teach the new hire?
a) The subculture of the business
b) Where everyone goes after work to socialize
c) The expectations of supervisors and coworkers
d) Where to report to work and when and how to turn in a time card
e) Things about the profession that were not taught in school
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_____12. What can be a consequence of employees not accepting constructive criticism well?
I. Their feelings are easily hurt and their path to self-improvement is cut off
II. They are viewed as difficult to work with
III. They’re self-esteem is raised
IV. Co-workers and supervisors may stop assisting them
V. They could get demoted or fired
a) I
b) II, III, V
c) I, II, III, V
d) I, II, IV, V
e) I, II, III, IV, V
_____13. True or False. Constructive criticism is at its highest at the beginning of an employee’s
career, but will eventually go away as he or she progresses in the field.
a) True
b) False
For the following questions, decide if the item listed is
a) product or service
b) high standard
c) a high standard met to deliver a quality product or service in the public safety industry
_____14. Justice
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____15. Quick Response
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____16. Neutrality
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____17. Security
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____18. Safety
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____19. Strong Work Ethic
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____20. Good Training
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____21. Efficiency and Punctuality
a) Product or service b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____22. Good listening, communication, and problem-solving skills
a) Product or service b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
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_____23. Medical Aid
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____24. Knowledgeable
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____25. Crime Prevention
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____26. Up to date with the latest court decisions
a) Product or service b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____27. Clear chain of command and self-control
a) Product or service b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____28. Innovativeness
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____29. Proper prosecution
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____30. Ability to articulate things well
a) Product or service b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____31. Adequate defense
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____32. Legality
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____33. Rehabilitation
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____34. Integrity and Honesty
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
_____35. Good Reports
a) Product or service
b) High standard
c) How a high standard is met
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1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. E
9. D
10. F
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. C
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. A
26. C
27. C
28. B
29. A
30. B
31. A
32. B
33. A
34. B
35. C
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Debate Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Clear, accurate, and thorough
Facts, statistics, and/or examples
are used to support major points
Respectful body language
Respectful responses
Sarcasm avoided
Full participation
Attentive listening
Total Points (32 pts.)
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Discussion Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Participates in group discussion
Encourages others to join the
Keeps the discussion progressing
to achieve goals
Shares thoughts actively while
offering helpful recommendations to
Gives credit to others for their ideas
Respects the opinions of others
Involves others by asking questions
or requesting input
Expresses thoughts and ideas
clearly and effectively
Total Points (32 pts.)
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Presentation Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
 Topic discussed completely and in-depth
 Includes properly cited sources (if used)
 Integrates a variety of multimedia effects
to create a professional presentation
(transition and graphics) or appropriate
visual aid used
 Title slide, table of contents, bibliography
are included, using acceptable format
 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and
capitalization are correct
 Image and font size are legible to the
entire audience
Oral Presentation
 Communicates with enthusiasm and eye
 Voice delivery and projection are
dynamic and audible
Audience Interaction
 Presentation holds audience’s attention
and relates a clear message
 Clearly and effectively communicates the
content throughout the presentation
Total Points (20 pts.)
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Writing Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
The writing has all required parts from
introduction to conclusion in smooth
The writing is interesting, supportive,
and complete.
The writing demonstrates that the
writer comprehends the writing
Accurate spelling, grammar, and
The content of paragraphs
emphasizes appropriate points.
The writer shows an understanding of
sentence structure, paragraphing, and
All sources and references are clearly
and accurately documented.
Total Points (28 pts.)
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