PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE Course Practicum in LPSCS Unit II Workplace Conduct Essential Question What is standard professional attire and personal grooming for the workplace? TEKS §130.301(c) (1)(A)(F) Prior Student Learning The student should be able to identify employer expectations of dress and grooming. Estimated Time 1 hour Rationale Regardless of the specific field, each career in LPSCS has professional dress and grooming standards which they expect their employees to follow. From the initial interview to career promotions, LPSCS employers set appearance guidelines for individuals they hire and keep as employees. Objectives The students will be able to: 1. Compare professional attire and casual attire. 2. Identify professional attire to wear to job interviews and to the job site. 3. Access how appearances may form certain perceptions about a person. 4. Explain why personal grooming is important for securing employment. Engage Write the following quote on the board: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Ask students to think about the phrase and then write a few sentences describing what they believe the quote means. Have students discuss what they wrote. Next, write on the board, “First impressions last.” Ask students to think about the phrase and then write a few sentences describing what they believe the quote means. Have students discuss what they wrote. Explain that when pursuing a career, students need to remember both of these phrases for the job interview and for continued employment. Tell students that the “picture” they create will impact their chances of being hired. First impressions are usually formed during the first few seconds of a meeting. Therefore, students need to understand the importance of a professional appearance. Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment. Key Points I. Professional Attire A. Clothing 1. Neatly pressed or ironed 2. Fits properly B. Accessories 1. Minimal jewelry 2. Nothing distracting 3. Purse should match shoes C. Men’s Attire 1. Business a) Dark suit b) Long sleeve dress shirt 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved. c) Tie d) Belt and shoes should match e) Dark socks 2. Business Casual a) Nice slacks b) Tucked in, button-down shirt c) Casual leather shoes d) Tie and/or jacket (optional) D. Women’s Attire 1. Business a) Dark suit b) Knee-length hemline c) Shell or blouse d) Closed-toe dress shoes with a low heel e) Hose without runs 2. Business Casual a) Nice slacks or skirt b) Nice blouse or sweater c) Low-heeled dress shoes d) Jacket (optional) II. Personal Grooming A. Hair 1. Clean 2. Cut 3. Combed, brushed, or arranged 4. Inappropriate a) Eccentric cuts and/or colors b) Observably dirty hair B. Facial hair (men) 1. Freshly shaved 2. Mustache and beard neatly groomed 3. Inappropriate a) 5 o’clock shadow b) “Rip Van Winkle” beard C. Teeth and Breath 1. Brushed 2. Fresh breath 3. Inappropriate a) Avoid foods that have odors b) Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and coffee D. Makeup 1. Less is more 2. The natural look E. Perfume or Cologne 1. Use sparingly or not at all 2. Your scent should not stay after you leave F. Body 1. Freshly bathed or showered 2. Use deodorant 3. Remove body piercings and tongue rings 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved. 4. Cover tattoos 5. Clean fingernails III. Goals of Professional Dress and Grooming A. Project confidence B. Project positive attitude Activities 1. Divide students into groups of 3 to 5. Have students cut pictures from magazines or print pictures from the web. Pictures should show a comparison between professional attire and grooming, and personal or unprofessional attire and grooming. Tell students to glue pictures onto a poster board, showing the differences. Students will use the poster as a visual aid to present the comparison of professional verses nonprofessional attire. Use the Presentation Rubric for assessment. 2. Divide students into two teams: a) Professional dress and grooming b) Personal/casual dress and grooming. Have the teams plan a skit demonstrating their side. Tell the students to bring items from their homes to use in skit. The skits will be presented during the following class period. Use the Role Play Rubric for assessment. Assessments Professional Attire Quiz and Key Discussion Rubric Individual Work Rubric Peer Evaluation Rubric Presentation Rubric Role Play Rubric Writing Rubric Materials Professional Attire computer-based presentation Whiteboard and markers Poster board Magazines or pictures from web Markers Scissors Glue Resources Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center Do an Internet search for: khake vocational information center Accommodations for Learning Differences For reinforcement, students will list specific wardrobe items and specific personal grooming habits appropriate for the workplace. Use the Individual Work Rubric for assessment. 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved. For enrichment, students will interview an LPSCS professional regarding the professional attire and personal grooming standards for their job. Students will write a report based on their interview. Use the Writing Rubric for assessment. State Education Standards Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education §130.301. Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (Two to Three Credits). (1) The student demonstrates professional standards as required by business and industry. The student is expected to: (A) adhere to policies and procedures; (F) describe professional standards in protective services careers such as dress, grooming, and personal protective equipment as appropriate. College and Career Readiness Standards Cross-Disciplinary Standards I. Key Cognitive Skills A. Intellectual curiosity 2. Accept constructive criticism and revise personal views when valid evidence warrants. D. Academic behaviors 1. Self-monitor learning needs and seek assistance when needed. 2. Use study habits necessary to manage academic pursuits and requirements. 3. Strive for accuracy and precision. 4. Persevere to complete and master tasks. E. Work habits 1. Work independently. F. Academic integrity 1. Attribute ideas and information to source materials and people. 2. Evaluate sources for quality of content, validity, credibility, and relevance. II. Foundational Skills B. Writing across the curriculum 1. Write clearly and coherently using standard writing conventions. 2. Write in a variety of forms for various audiences and purposes. 3. Compose and revise drafts. E. Technology 1. Use technology to gather information. 2. Use technology to organize, manage, and analyze information. 3. Use technology to communicate and display findings in a clear and coherent manner. 4. Use technology appropriately. 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved. 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved. PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE QUIZ Name_____________ _____ Date_____________ _______ 1. First impressions ____________________________. 2. ____ Business casual includes blue jeans. a) True b) False 3. The two goals of professional attire include: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4. Your _______________________ should not stay in a room after you leave. 5. ____ Which of the following would not be considered eccentric? a) Neon pink hear b) Pierced lip ring c) Mohawk haircut d) Clean hair 6. Tattoos should be _________________________________. 7. ____ Clothing should always fit properly. a) True b) False 8. ____ Mini-skirts are appropriate attire for women. a) True b) False 9. ____ Dirty fingernails make a great first impression because they show that a person is a hard worker. a) True b) False 10. ____ Which of the following is business attire for men? a) Baseball cap b) Sandals c) Dark suit d) T-shirt 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved. PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE QUIZ KEY 1. Last 2. B 3. Projecting confidence and projecting a positive attitude 4. Scent 5. D 6. Covered 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved. Name_______________________________________ Date_______________________________ Discussion Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Participates in group discussion Encourages others to join the conversation Keeps the discussion progressing to achieve goals Shares thoughts actively while offering helpful recommendations to others Gives credit to others for their ideas Respects the opinions of others Involves others by asking questions or requesting input Expresses thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively Total Points (32 pts.) Comments: 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Name______________________________________ Date_______________________________________ Individual Work Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Follows directions Student completed the work as directed, following the directions given, in order and to the level of quality indicated Time management Student used time wisely and remained on task 100% of the time Organization Student kept notes and materials in a neat, legible, and organized manner. Information was readily retrieved Evidence of learning Student documented information in his or her own words and can accurately answer questions related to the information retrieved *Research/Gathering information (if relevant) Student used a variety of methods and sources to gather information. Student took notes while gathering information Total Points (20 pts.) Comments: 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. PEER EVALUATION Your Name___________________________________ Your Group Number_______ 1) Name of Student________________________________________ At what level of seriousness did they take this activity? Not Very Serious Very Serious 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the skit? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 What was the level of their participation in the skit(s)? None A Lot 0 1 2 3 4 Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Total Score_______ 2) Name of Student________________________________________ At what level of seriousness did they take this activity? Not Very Serious Very Serious 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the skit? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 What was the level of their participation in the skit(s)? None A Lot 0 1 2 3 4 Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Total Score_______ 3) Name of Student________________________________________ At what level of seriousness did they take this activity? Not Very Serious Very Serious 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the skit? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 What was the level of their participation in the skit(s)? None A Lot 0 1 2 3 4 Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Total Score_______ 4) Name of Student________________________________________ At what level of seriousness did they take this activity? Not Very Serious Very Serious 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the skit? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 What was the level of their participation in the skit(s)? None A Lot 0 1 2 3 4 Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Total Score_______ 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. 5) Name of Student________________________________________ At what level of seriousness did they take this activity? Not Very Serious Very Serious 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the skit? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 What was the level of their participation in the skit(s)? None A Lot 0 1 2 3 4 Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Total Score_______ 6) Name of Student________________________________________ At what level of seriousness did they take this activity? Not Very Serious Very Serious 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the skit? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 What was the level of their participation in the skit(s)? None A Lot 0 1 2 3 4 Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity? No Yes 0 1 2 3 4 Total Score_______ 12 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Presentation Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Topic/Content Topic discussed completely and in-depth Includes properly cited sources (if used) Creativity/Neatness Integrates a variety of multimedia effects to create a professional presentation (transition and graphics) or appropriate visual aid used Title slide, table of contents, bibliography are included, using acceptable format Mechanics Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct Image and font size are legible to the entire audience Oral Presentation Communicates with enthusiasm and eye contact Voice delivery and projection are dynamic and audible Audience Interaction Presentation holds audience’s attention and relates a clear message Clearly and effectively communicates the content throughout the presentation Total Points (20 pts.) Com ments: 13 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Role Play Rubric Comments: Objectives 4 pts. Excellent 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Relates to the audience Provides fluent rendition of the scenario All required content is included Acts with feeling and expression Varies intonation Presents characters appropriately Gives the scenario its full range Breaches are easily identified Total Points (32 pts.) 14 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Writing Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. The writing has all required parts from introduction to conclusion in smooth transition. The writing is interesting, supportive, and complete. The writing demonstrates that the writer comprehends the writing process. Accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation The content of paragraphs emphasizes appropriate points. The writer shows an understanding of sentence structure, paragraphing, and punctuation. All sources and references are clearly and accurately documented. Total Points (28 pts.) Com ments: 15 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.