Patrol Techniques

Patrol Techniques
Enforcement I
Unit XV
Critical Issues
What are the
different types of
patrols and
when are they
best used?
Prior Student
Estimated Time
2 to 3 hours
Police officers are more effective when they understand the many ways to
catch criminals, prevent crime, and build community relationships through
different types of patrol.
The student will be able to:
1. Identify why officers patrol and how they prepare for patrol
2. Discuss the different methods and patterns of patrols
3. Analyze scenarios that a patrol officer could have an impact on
through patrolling
4. Create proposals about how the problems in the scenarios could be
addressed through patrols
Use the following for a class discussion: Let’s say someone has been
creating graffiti in the school bathrooms, usually during this class period.
The principal has asked our class to help catch the person doing it. How are
we going to do this? How would a police officer on the street do this in a
larger context? Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment.
Key Points
I. Why do officers patrol?
A. Preserve peace with presence and proper action
B. Prevent crime by reducing opportunity
C. Suppress crime with timely response to crimes in progress
D. Regulate non-criminal conduct by obtaining and maintaining good
officer-citizen relationships
What should an officer know about the beat that he or she is patrolling?
A. Socio-economic makeup
B. Geographical characteristics
C. Street locations
D. Problem areas
E. Recent crime trends
III. What are things an officer does before patrol?
A. Briefing
1. Beat assignment
2. Roll call training
3. Events of the prior shift
4. Gossip
B. Uniform and equipment maintenance
C. Vehicle inspection (lights, tires, undercarriage, weapons, fire
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extinguisher, first aid kit, CPR mask, camera, computer, other
damage, etc.)
IV. Types of Patrols
B. Preventative Patrol
1. Maintain high visibility
2. Various patrol patterns
3. What an officer spends a lot of time doing
C. Selective Patrol – deals with specific problems or violations
D. Apprehension Patrol – low visibility and surveillance
V. Patterns
A. Circular Pattern – the car is driven from the center of the beat in
increasingly large circles or vice versa
B. Double Back Pattern
1. Helpful when learning the beat
2. Helpful in problem areas or cases where a second look at
something or someone is necessary
C. Random Pattern – whatever pattern is chosen, the beat is covered
with a lack of predictability
VI. How does an officer patrol?
A. Bicycle Patrols
1. Flexible where you can't use vehicles
2. Allows for high visibility and intense patrol
B. Motorcycle Patrols
1. Quick response
2. Flexibility of covering a large area
3. Can be used as escort units
4. Is effective in traffic enforcement
C. Foot Patrols
1. Immediate traffic control
2. Person-to-person contact
3. Good community relations
4. Increased knowledge of the beat
5. Develop informants
D. Automobile Patrols
1. Speed, mobility, visibility
2. Increases preventive patrolling
3. More protection for the officer
4. Permits the officer to carry more equipment
E. Fixed-Wing and Helicopter Patrols
1. Available in emergency situations
2. Can cover an enormous area
3. Allow a sky view of persons or vehicles
4. Excellent apprehension tool when used in conjunction with
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ground units
F. One-Officer Patrols
1. Advantage – can use his or her own techniques
2. Disadvantage – not as safe
G. Two-Officer Patrols
1. Advantage – safer
2. Disadvantage – personality conflicts
VII. Other things to consider
A. Lane Selection
1. The lane nearest the center of the roadway; the advantage
is that the officer can turn around quickly if needed
2. The lane nearest the curb; the advantage is that the officer
can get a better look into businesses, etc.
1) Give the students the Patrol Problem Solving Handout and have the
students create a proposal about which patrol method would be best to
address the issues. Pair the students up. Then give each pair just one
of the problems to solve, or have each pair solve each problem. You
may want to require the proposal to be a certain length or have more
than one option to choose from. If they are working on only one problem
per pair have the students present their proposals to the class. The
students may also want to have the class create problem scenarios for
the other groups to solve in addition to what is listed on the Problem
Solving Handout. Use the Presentation Rubric and the Writing Rubric for
assessment as needed.
2) Open-note quiz.
Patrol Techniques Exam and Key
Patrol Techniques Quiz and Key
Discussion Rubric
Presentation Rubric
Research Rubric
Writing Rubric
Patrol Techniques computer-based presentation
Patrol Problem Solving Handout
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education
(TCLOSE) Training
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Accommodations for Learning Differences
For reinforcement, students will research the crime trends in their city
through the statistics the police department has, and suggest what patrol
methods could help curb these crimes. Use the Research Rubric for
For enrichment, students will research what studies have proven or
disproven the effectiveness of patrol. Use the Research Rubric for
State Education Standards
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education
§130.293. Law Enforcement I (One to Two Credits).
The student uses critical-thinking skills independently and in
teams. The student is expected to:
analyze elements of a problem to develop creative
solutions; and
use problem-solving methods when developing
proposals and solutions.
Career and College Readiness Standards
Cross-disciplinary Standards
I. Key Cognitive Skills
C. Problem solving
1. Analyze a situation to identify a problem to be solved.
2. Develop and apply multiple strategies to solve a problem.
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Patrol Problem Solving Handout
You and your partner are lieutenants over patrol in the police department. The chief has full
confidence in your ability to manage the patrol division so he routinely brings you and your
partner situations he has been made aware of for you to take care of. Below is a current
problem presented for you to solve. Your job is to determine what patrol methods, types, and
patterns you want your officers using, and how many officers you will need for the situation to
take care of the problem. You will present this proposal to the chief for approval. You will need
to summarize the problem, give a detailed description of how it will be dealt with, and explain
why your solution will work. Each student will need to first work independently to develop his or
her own solution, and then combine it with the strengths of the other student’s solution for a final
proposal. Students must document what they each contributed to the final solution.
1. Violence and riots have increased in the Northeast Sector. The area is known for random
attacks on officers who are patrolling.
2. In the Northwest Sector there is an area that has had several burglaries and robberies lately.
These always seem to occur right after officers have just patrolled the area. It is believed that
there is a certain building where a lookout is assisting the criminals.
3. The neighborhoods in the Southwest Sector have had a rash of car break-ins at night.
4. There are teenagers in the park in the Northwest Sector after hours. The park cameras show
the teenagers coming back after police tell them to go and the police leave.
5. Center Street in the Northeast Sector has had several businesses broken into at night. The
common trait with these burglaries is that the telephone wires are being cut so the alarms
are not going off and the owners find out about what happened when they arrive the next
6. There have been several near accidents in the afternoons involving children pedestrians in
the Moore Elementary school zone in the Northwest Sector because of people speeding and
texting while driving.
7. There are unsolicited salesmen violating city code and going from business to business in
the downtown business strip.
8. There have been several serious accidents at the intersection of Main St. and Center St.,
where people are continually running the red light.
9. There is reported drug dealing and suspicious activity every day in the city park in the
Southeast Sector. This is mostly done in the sports fields in the park.
10. Citizens are constantly reporting about a strong belief of drug transactions occurring at 123
Easy St. where different people are visiting all hours of the night.
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11. Officers are frequently chasing suspects into wooded areas and setting up perimeters, but
oftentimes the suspects slip through the perimeters and escape.
12. ABC Business in the Southeast Sector is losing a lot of money because of shoplifters.
13. The 123 gas station in the Northeast Sector is losing a lot of money because of gas driveoffs at certain times of the day and night when it is the busiest.
14. At the corner of Church St. and Main St. in the Northeast Sector prostitution is reportedly
being solicited at night.
15. A few nights ago there was a domestic disturbance at 456 Lazy St. in the Southwest Sector.
The husband severely beat his wife but left before the police arrived. The wife is out of the
hospital and back at the house, but is afraid that the husband will show up and abuse her
again any day now.
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Patrol Techniques Exam
1. _____There are several objectives to patrol. What would one of them be?
a) Preserves peace by presence and proper action
b) Prevents crime by opportunity reduction
c) Suppresses crime by timely response to crimes in progress
d) All of the above
2. _____What are some things officers should know about the beats they patrol?
a) Street locations
b) Socioeconomic makeup
c) Where the free coffee is
d) Both a and b
3. _____What are some specific things an officer does before going on patrol?
a) Checks email
b) Has a good meal
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
4. _____Going over the events of the prior shift is something that is done in briefing.
a) True
b) False
5. _____One of the important things an officer does when checking his equipment is setting
the radio to one of his favorite radio stations.
a) True
b) False
6. _____An officer does not spend a lot of his time doing preventive patrol.
a) True
b) False
7. _____An officer wants to remain highly visibly during preventive patrol.
a) True
b) False
8. _____What kind of patrol deals with specific problems?
a) Preventive patrol
b) Random patrol
c) Selective patrol
d) Apprehension patrol
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9. _____What kind of patrol maintains low visibility?
a) Preventive patrol
b) Random patrol
c) Selective patrol
d) Apprehension patrol
10. _____In what kind of pattern is the car driven from the center of the beat in increasingly
large circles?
a) Circular pattern
b) Double back pattern
c) Random pattern
d) All of the above
11. _____What kind of pattern is helpful in learning a beat?
a) Circular pattern
b) Double back pattern
c) Random pattern
d) All of the above
12. _____What kind of pattern is helpful when an officer needs to take a second look at
someone or something?
a) Circular pattern
b) Double back pattern
c) Random pattern
d) All of the above
13. _____What kind of pattern is useful when the officer wants to cover the beat with a lack
of predictability?
a) Circular pattern
b) Double back pattern
c) Random pattern
d) All of the above
14. _____Foot patrol is helpful in establishing good community relations.
a) True
b) False
15. _____What kind of patrol is useful in developing informants?
a) Foot patrol
b) Motorcycle patrol
c) Automobile patrol
d) Helicopter patrol
16. _____Helicopter patrol cannot cover an enormous area.
a) True
b) False
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17. _____What kind of patrol allows an officer to carry more equipment?
a) Foot patrol
b) Motorcycle patrol
c) Automobile patrol
d) Helicopter patrol
18. _____What kind of patrol allows a sky view of people and vehicles?
a) Foot patrol
b) Motorcycle patrol
c) Automobile patrol
d) Helicopter patrol
19. _____Automobile patrol does not increase preventive patrol.
a) True
b) False
20. _____Bicycle patrol can reach areas that other patrols cannot.
a) True
b) False
21. _____What kind of patrol is effective for traffic enforcement.
a) Foot patrol
b) Motorcycle patrol
c) Automobile patrol
d) Helicopter patrol
22. _____What kind patrol allows for escort units?
a) Foot patrol
b) Motorcycle patrol
c) Automobile patrol
d) Helicopter patrol
23. _____Two-man patrol is safer than one-man patrol.
a) True
b) False
24. _____The lane nearest the curb allows an officer to take a better look into businesses on
the side of the road.
a) True
b) False
25. _____If an officer wants to be able to turn around quickly to catch a vehicle that is
speeding the opposite direction, he would want to be in the lane closest to the
center of the roadway.
a) True
b) False
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Patrol Techniques Exam Key
1. D
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. A
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Patrol Techniques Quiz
1. What are the four objectives of patrolling?
2. Name five things an officer should know about the beat they patrol?
3. What are three things an officer does before going on patrol?
4. What kind of patrol does an officer spend most of his time doing?
5. What kind of patrol maintains low visibility and surveillance?
6. What kind of patrol deals with specific problems and violations?
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7. What kind of pattern is helpful when an officer needs to take a second look at someone or
8. What kind of pattern is useful when the officer wants to cover the beat with a lack of
9. What kind of pattern is helpful in learning a beat?
10. In what kind of pattern is the car driven from the center of the beat in increasing circles?
11. What kind of patrol is helpful in establishing good community relations?
12. What kind patrol allows for escort units?
13. What kind of patrol allows a sky view of people and vehicles?
14. What kind of patrol increases preventive patrol?
15. What kind of patrol is useful in developing informants?
16. What kind of patrol can cover an enormous area?
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17. What kind of patrol allows an officer to carry more equipment?
18. What kind of patrol can reach areas that vehicles cannot?
19. What kind of patrol is effective for traffic enforcement?
20. What is an advantage of one-man patrol?
21. What is an advantage of two-man patrol?
22. What is a disadvantage of two-man patrol?
23. If an officer wants to take a better look into businesses on the side of the road, what lane
does he need to be in?
24. If an officer wants to be able to turn around quickly to catch a vehicle that is speeding the
opposite direction, what lane does he need to be in?
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Patrol Techniques Quiz Key
1. a. Preserve peace by presence and proper action
b. Prevent crime by opportunity reduction
c. Suppress crime by timely response to crimes in progress
d. Regulate non-criminal conduct by obtaining and maintaining good officer-citizen
2. a. Socio-economic makeup
b. Geographical characteristics
c. Street locations
d. Problem areas
e. Recent crime trends
3. a. Briefing
b. Uniform/equipment maintenance
c. Vehicle inspection
4. Preventive patrol
5. Apprehension patrol
6. Selective patrol
7. Double back pattern
8. Random pattern
9. Double back pattern
10. Circular pattern
11. Foot patrol
12. Motorcycle patrol
13. Fixed wing or helicopter patrol
14. Automobile patrol
15. Foot patrol
16. Fixed wing or helicopter patrol
17. Automobile patrol
18. Bicycle patrol
19. Motorcycle patrol
20. Can use own techniques
21. Safer
22. Personality conflicts
23. Lane nearest the curb
24. Lane nearest the center of the roadway
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Discussion Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Participates in group discussion
Encourages others to join the
Keeps the discussion progressing
to achieve goals
Shares thoughts actively while
offering helpful recommendations to
Gives credit to others for their ideas
Respects the opinions of others
Involves others by asking questions
or requesting input
Expresses thoughts and ideas
clearly and effectively
Total Points (32 pts.)
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Presentation Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
 Topic discussed completely and in-depth
 Includes properly cited sources (if used)
 Integrates a variety of multimedia effects
to create a professional presentation
(transition and graphics) or appropriate
visual aid used
 Title slide, table of contents, bibliography
are included, using acceptable format
 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and
capitalization are correct
 Image and font size are legible to the
entire audience
Oral Presentation
 Communicates with enthusiasm and eye
 Voice delivery and projection are
dynamic and audible
Audience Interaction
 Presentation holds audience’s attention
and relates a clear message
 Clearly and effectively communicates the
content throughout the presentation
Total Points (20 pts.)
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Research Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Student identified and communicated a question
or goal of the research
Research/Gathering information (if relevant)
Student used a variety of methods and sources
to gather information. Student took notes while
gathering information
Student drew insightful conclusions and
observations from the information gathered.
Information is organized in a logical manner
Student communicated the information gathered
and summary or conclusions persuasively.
Student demonstrated skill in the use of media
used to communicate the results of research
Student reflected on the importance of the
research and its potential application
Total Points (20 pts.)
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Writing Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
The writing has all required parts from
introduction to conclusion in smooth
The writing is interesting, supportive,
and complete.
The writing demonstrates that the
writer comprehends the writing
Accurate spelling, grammar, and
The content of paragraphs
emphasizes appropriate points.
The writer shows an understanding of
sentence structure, paragraphing, and
All sources and references are clearly
and accurately documented.
Total Points (28 pts.)
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