History of Fingerprinting Course Forensic Science Unit IX Fingerprints Essential Question When and how was the science of fingerprints discovered? TEKS §130.295(c) (4)(E)(F) (8)(F) Prior Student Learning History of Forensic Science Estimated Time 4 to 6 hours Rationale Fingerprinting is used as a means of identification in criminal investigations. In order to fully understand its scientific and legal applications, a Latent Print Examiner must be familiar with the history and development of fingerprinting. Objectives The student will be able to: 1. Recognize the major contributors to the development of fingerprinting 2. Illustrate the history of fingerprinting 3. Explain the Automatic Fingerprint Identification System Engage Do an Internet search for the following: Savvy criminals obliterating fingerprints to avoid identification. Read and discuss the article as a class. Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment. Key Points I. Fingerprints A. Definition – A fingerprint is the impression left by a finger’s friction ridges upon contact with a surface. These fingerprints are a unique trademark. B. Patterns of classification – arch, loop, and whorl II. Discovery Timeline A. The ancient world 1. Ancient China – documented use 3000 years ago 2. Babylon – used for identity on clay tablets B. The modern world 1. 1686 – Marcello Malpighi noticed the ridges, spirals, and loops. 2. 1823 – John Purkinje published a discussion of 9 fingerprint patterns. 3. 1858 – Sir William Herschel required Indians to sign contracts with hand prints and later with fingerprints. 4. 1880 – Dr. Henry Faulds recognized the importance of fingerprints as a means of identification. 5. 1888 – Sir Francis Galton published “Finger Prints” which discussed the anatomy of fingerprints and pattern types. 6. 1891 – Juan Vucetich created a fingerprint classification system in Argentina. 7. 1897 – Sir Edward Richard Henry created another fingerprint classification system in England that included grouping fingerprint patterns according to arches, loops, and whorls. The Henry System is still in use today. C. The United States 1. 1901 – the New York City civil service commission adopts fingerprinting for personal identification of all applicants; the first 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. in the U.S. 2. 1903 – Will West case 3. 1904 – World’s Fair in St. Louis: representatives from Scotland Yard train several U.S. Police officials. 4. 1906 – the U.S. Army began using fingerprints. 5. 1924 – the Identification Division of the FBI was established. 6. 1948 – Introduction of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) 7. 1977 – the International Association for Identification (IAI) voted to establish the world's first certification program for fingerprint experts. 8. 2009 – the Automated Fingerprint Identification System: a computerized fingerprint database that can search through millions of records in a short period of time. It provides a list of potential identification "hits" that can be verified by a certified Latent Print Examiner. 9. 2010 – the Integrated Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) operated by the FBI; Inquiring agencies receive electronic responses to criminal submissions within two hours. Activities 1. Have students work as individuals or small groups to create a poster illustrating the history of fingerprinting with a timeline using the major contributors to forensic science. The students may present their posters to the class. Use the Presentation Rubric for assessment. 2. Have students research the IAFIS and write a minimum one-page paper explaining the system. Students should cite the resources and edit their work. Use the Writing Rubric for assessment. Assessments History of Fingerprinting Quiz and Key Discussion Rubric Individual Work Rubric Presentation Rubric Research Rubric Writing Rubric Materials History of Fingerprinting computer-based presentation Poster board and markers Computers with Internet access Resources http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cjisd/iafis.htm Do an Internet search for the following: Savvy criminals obliterating fingerprints to avoid identification Onin fp history Sirchie 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Accommodations for Learning Differences For reinforcement, the student will assemble a timeline using premade materials. Use the Individual Work Rubric for assessment. For enrichment, the student will research details of an assigned scientist who made an impact on the science of fingerprints. Use the Research Rubric for assessment. State Education Standards Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education §130.295. Forensic Science (One Credit) (4) The student explores the history, legal responsibilities, and career options for forensic science. The student is expected to: (E) recognize the major contributors to the development of forensic science; and (F) illustrate the history of forensic science. (8) The student analyzes fingerprints in forensic science. The student is expected to: (F) explain the Automatic Fingerprint Identification System College and Career Readiness Standards English Language Arts I. Writing A. Compose a variety of texts that demonstrate clear focus, the logical development of ideas in well-organized paragraphs, and the use of appropriate language that advances the author’s purpose. 1. Determine effective approaches, forms, and rhetorical techniques that demonstrate understanding of the writer’s purpose and audience. 2. Generate ideas and gather information relevant to the topic and purpose, keeping careful records of outside sources. 3. Evaluate relevance, quality, sufficiency, and depth of preliminary ideas and information, organize material generated, and formulate a thesis. 4. Recognize the importance of revision as the key to effective writing. Each draft should refine key ideas and organize them more logically and fluidly, use language more precisely and effectively, and draw the reader to the author’s purpose. 5. Edit writing for proper voice, tense, and syntax, assuring that it conforms to standard English, when appropriate. 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name: Date: History of Fingerprinting Quiz Part I: Matching Select the best choice from the right column and write the corresponding letter: 1) William Herschel a) recognized the importance of fingerprints as a means of identification 2) Henry Faulds b) Started requiring Indians to sign English contracts with fingerprints 3) Francis Galton c) Created a searchable fingerprint classification system 4) Will West d) Published “Finger Prints” which discussed the anatomy of fingerprints and pattern types 5) Edward Richard Henry e) A criminal whose case contributed to the use of the fingerprint system Part III: Short Answers Classify the following fingerprints using the 3 pattern types: 6) 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 7) What is AFIS? 8) What city/agency was the first in the U.S. to utilize fingerprints as a means of identification? 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. History of Fingerprinting Quiz Key 1) B 2) A 3) D 4) E 5) C 6) Loop 7) Arch 8) Whorl 9) Automated Fingerprint Identification System; computerized fingerprint database that can search through millions of records in a short period of time. It provides a list of potential identification "hits" that can be verified by a certified Latent Print Examiner. 10) New York City Civil Service Commission 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name_______________________________________ Date_______________________________ Discussion Rubric Objectives 4 pts. Excellent 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Participates in group discussion Encourages others to join the conversation Keeps the discussion progressing to achieve goals Shares thoughts actively while offering helpful recommendations to others Gives credit to others for their ideas Respects the opinions of others Involves others by asking questions or requesting input Expresses thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively Total Points (32 pts.) Comments: 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name______________________________________ Date_______________________________________ Individual Work Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Follows directions Student completed the work as directed, following the directions given, in order and to the level of quality indicated Time management Student used time wisely and remained on task 100% of the time Organization Student kept notes and materials in a neat, legible, and organized manner. Information was readily retrieved Evidence of learning Student documented information in his or her own words and can accurately answer questions related to the information retrieved *Research/Gathering information (if relevant) Student used a variety of methods and sources to gather information. Student took notes while gathering information Total Points (20 pts.) Comments: 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Presentation Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Topic/Content Topic discussed completely and in-depth Includes properly cited sources (if used) Creativity/Neatness Integrates a variety of multimedia effects to create a professional presentation (transition and graphics) or appropriate visual aid used Title slide, table of contents, bibliography are included, using acceptable format Mechanics Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct Image and font size are legible to the entire audience Oral Presentation Communicates with enthusiasm and eye contact Voice delivery and projection are dynamic and audible Audience Interaction Presentation holds audience’s attention and relates a clear message Clearly and effectively communicates the content throughout the presentation Total Points (20 pts.) Comments: 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name______________________________________ Date_______________________________________ Research Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Question/goal Student identified and communicated a question or goal of the research Research/Gathering information (if relevant) Student used a variety of methods and sources to gather information. Student took notes while gathering information Conclusion/Summary Student drew insightful conclusions and observations from the information gathered. Information is organized in a logical manner Communication Student communicated the information gathered and summary or conclusions persuasively. Student demonstrated skill in the use of media used to communicate the results of research Reflection Student reflected on the importance of the research and its potential application Total Points (20 pts.) Comments: 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Writing Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. The writing has all required parts from introduction to conclusion in smooth transition. The writing is interesting, supportive, and complete. The writing demonstrates that the writer comprehends the writing process. Accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation The content of paragraphs emphasizes appropriate points. The writer shows an understanding of sentence structure, paragraphing, and punctuation. All sources and references are clearly and accurately documented. Total Points (28 pts.) Comments: 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.