SCBA Air Management and Safety

SCBA Air Management and Safety
Firefighter I
Unit II
Safety and
Why are
expected to
Prior Student
Estimated Time
3 to 5 hours
Firefighters work in smoky, toxic atmospheres that can be detrimental to
their health. The Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) allows
firefighters to perform their duties in these environments, but they must
understand SCBA’s limitations, know its operational rules and requirements,
and calculate its air supply continually during use.
The students will be able to:
1. Identify the firefighters’ physical requirements for wearing a selfcontained breathing apparatus
2. Describe and demonstrate how to calculate the air supply duration in
the cylinder
3. Describe the uses and limitations of the SCBA
4. Demonstrate the replacement of an extended cylinder on a selfcontained breathing apparatus assembly with a full cylinder
5. Document routine maintenance for the SCBA
Bring a SCBA to class. Allow the students to handle and examine the SCBA.
Discuss as a class the importance of fully understanding a SCBA prior to
use. Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment.
Key Points
I. SCBA Review
A. Four reasons people need to wear SCBA devices
1. Oxygen falls below 18% (21% is normal)
2. Atmosphere is full of smoke
3. Toxic fumes, gasses, or materials are in the area
4. The environment is over 120 degrees Fahrenheit
B. Two types of SCBA systems
1. Closed system
a) The SCBA recirculates the air the wearer exhales and adds
oxygen to it
b) Nothing leaves the SCBA and goes into the environment
c) This type of SCBA is rare in the fire service
2. Open system (two kinds)
a) Demand – air is provided to the user on demand, every time he
or she takes a breath
b) Open – pressure in the mask is slightly above that of the
normal atmosphere, keeping contaminants out
C. An SCBA cylinder typically holds around 2000-2200 psi of air. A good
rule of thumb is that this will last an average of 30 minutes
D. NFPA requires that all SCBA devices have a personal alert safety
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system (PASS) device go off if the individual wearing it stays inactive
for 30 seconds
E. When the pressure reaches or drops below 500 psi the person
wearing it (and his or her partner) MUST evacuate the scene. This
includes when a rescue is underway
F. Safety checks on an SCBA:
1. Safety checks should be done daily
2. Check the cylinder pressure gauge. When full, the gauge should
read approximately 2000 psi
3. Ensure that the face piece is clean and without cracks or damage.
The straps must be in good working order
4. Check all of the pressure lines for damage or wear and abuse
5. Check all of the straps to ensure they are in good condition
6. Check the exhalation valve for proper functioning
7. Check all of the gauges for proper readings
8. Check the low pressure alarm to be sure it is functioning properly
II. SCBA Air Management
A. The low-air alarm signifies that there is
1. 25 percent of the cylinder’s air remaining
2. Up to 5 minutes of air supply
3. Insufficient time to exit from deep inside a large or complex
B. For your own safety
1. Comply with the accountability system in use
2. Maintain your situational awareness
3. Manage your air supply
C. Three basic elements to effective air management
1. Know your point of no return (beyond 50 percent of the air supply
of the team member with the lowest gauge reading)
2. Know how much air you have (at all times)
3. Make a conscious decision to stay or to leave when your air is
down to 50 percent
D. The decision to stay or to leave is
1. A team decision that is always made by your supervisor
2. If your team has only two members, both members must leave at
the same time
E. To maximize your air supply, check it
1. At the beginning of your shift (make sure that the cylinder is at
least 90 percent full)
2. When donning the SCBA and opening the cylinder valve
3. While working, at 5-10 minute intervals and at key points, such as
when changing locations and finishing assignments
4. During egress from the hazard zone, at 2-3 minute intervals
5. When refilling or replacing a cylinder
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III. SCBA Limitations
A. Limitations of the wearer
1. Physical factors
a) Physical condition
b) Agility
c) Facial features
2. Medical factors
a) Neurological functioning
b) Muscular/skeletal condition
c) Cardiovascular training
d) Respiratory functioning
3. Mental factors
a) Adequate training in equipment use
b) Self-confidence
c) Emotional stability
B. Limitations of the equipment
1. Limited visibility
2. Decreased ability to communicate
3. Increased weight
4. Decreased mobility
C. Limitations of the air supply
1. Physical condition of the wearer
2. Degree of physical exertion
3. Emotional stability of the wearer
4. Condition of the apparatus
5. Cylinder pressure prior to use
6. Training and experience of the wearer
IV. SCBA Safety Precautions and Special Uses
A. Firefighters
1. Must be physically fit
a) Breathing equipment can weigh from 25 to 35 pounds (11 kg to
16 kg)
2. Must be trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of heatrelated illnesses
3. Should closely monitor how they are feeling while wearing SCBA
and rest when they become fatigued
4. Must be fit-tested annually if they are certified to wear SCBA
5. Must remember that air-supply duration varies with the following
a) Size of the cylinder and the beginning pressure
b) Firefighters’ conditioning
c) Type of task being performed
d) Level of training
e) Operational environment
f) Degree of firefighters’ stress
6. Should not remove their SCBA until they leave the contaminated
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7. Must work in teams of two or more while they are in any
Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) atmosphere
a) Team members must remain in physical, voice, or visual
b) Firefighters should check their air supply status frequently
B. Special Uses
1. Operating in areas of limited visibility
a) Crawling
(1) Helps firefighters avoid the higher temperatures found at
the ceiling
(2) Helps firefighters remain below the thermal layer and
increase visibility
b) Crawling and probing with a tool
(1) Prevents firefighters from falling through holes or down
stairs or elevator shafts
(2) Allows firefighters to feel for victims under beds and behind
c) Crouch or “duck walk”
(1) Is faster than crawling
(2) Is more dangerous than crawling unless firefighters can
see the floor in front of them
d) Using a tag-line such as a
(1) Hose line
(2) Rope
(3) Electrical cord
e) Using a wall to find an exit (door or window)
V. Changing SCBA Cylinders
A. SCBA cylinders need to be changed frequently during extended
emergency operations
B. A salvage cover should be placed on the ground to protect spare
C. Empty cylinders should be segregated from the supply of cylinders
ready for use
D. Out-of-service cylinders should be clearly marked
E. Methods for changing a cylinder
1. One-person method
a) Place the SCBA unit on a firm surface
b) Close the cylinder valve
c) Bleed air pressure from high- and low-pressure hoses
d) Disconnect the high-pressure coupling from the cylinder
e) Remove the empty cylinder from the harness assembly
f) Verify that the replacement cylinder is 90-100% of rated
g) Check the cylinder valve opening and the high-pressure hose
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fitting for debris
h) Place the new cylinder into the backpack
i) Connect the high-pressure hose to the cylinder and then
tighten the connection
j) Slowly and fully open the cylinder valve and listen for an
audible alarm and leaks as the system pressurizes
(1) If air leaks are detected, determine if connections need to
be tightened or if valves, donning switch, etc. need to be
(2) SCBA with audible leaks due to malfunctions shall be
removed from service, tagged, and reported to the officer
(3) On some SCBA, the audible alarm does not sound when
the cylinder valve is opened. You must know the operation
of your particular unit
2. Two-person method
a) The firefighter wearing the SCBA
(1) Disconnects the regulator from the face piece or
disconnects the low-pressure hose from the regulator
(depending on the type of SCBA)
(2) Positions the cylinder for easy access by kneeling down or
bending over
b) The firefighter removing the cylinder
(1) Fully closes the cylinder valve
(2) Releases the air pressure from the high- and low-pressure
(3) Disconnects the high-pressure coupling from the cylinder
(4) Removes the empty cylinder from the harness assembly
(5) Inspects replacement cylinder and ensures that cylinder is
90-100% of rated capacity
(6) Places new cylinder into the harness assembly
(7) Checks the cylinder valve opening and the high-pressure
hose fitting for debris and clears any debris by quickly
opening and closing the cylinder valve
(8) Connects the high-pressure hose to the cylinder and handtightens
(9) Slowly and completely opens the cylinder valve and listens
for an audible alarm and leaks as the system pressurizes
(10) On some SCBA, the audible alarm does not sound when
the cylinder valve is opened
c) The firefighter wearing the SCBA
(1) Dons regulator and takes normal breaths
(2) Checks pressure reading on remote gauge and/or
indicators and reports reading
1. SCBA Inspection Procedure – Have the students conduct an SCBA
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inspection. During the inspection, have the students touch each
component and state its name and condition. Use the SCBA Inspection
Procedure Rubric as a student guide and as an assessment. (Note: This
activity may be completed with the students grouped as partners while
evaluating each other. Regardless of the method of assessment the
components do not have to be completed in the order listed on the SCBA
Inspection Procedure Rubric. The inspection should be performed with
the cylinder removed from the back plate.)
2. Cylinder Replacement – Have the students demonstrate replacing a
SCBA cylinder using the one- and two-person methods. Use the SCBA
Cylinder Replacement–One-Person Method Checklist and the SCBA
Cylinder Replacement–Two-Person Method Checklist to guide the activity
and for assessment.
SCBA Air Management and Safety Quiz and Key
SCBA Inspection Procedure Checklist
SCBA Cylinder Replacement–One-Person Method Checklist
SCBA Cylinder Replacement–Two-Person Method Checklist
Discussion Rubric
Individual Work Rubric
Presentation Rubric
SCBA Air Management and Safety computer-based presentation
Computer with interactive white board
Computer(s) with Internet access or computer-based presentation software
Note-taking materials
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Paper and pencils
0135151112, Essentials of Firefighting and Fire Department Operations (5th
Edition), International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA)
Accommodations for Learning Differences
For reinforcement, students will create a technical illustration of the SCBA
using paper and pencils. The illustration should include and label all of the
SCBA components. Use the Individual Work Rubric for assessment.
For enrichment, students will create a technical demonstration about either
an SCBA inspection or an SCBA operational check using computer-based
presentation software. Use the Presentation Rubric for assessment.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
State Education Standards
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education
§130.299. Firefighter I (One to Two Credits).
(10) The student analyzes the internal systems that sustain life in
the human body and identifies the physical requirements of a
self-contained breathing apparatus wearer. The student is
expected to:
identify the firefighter's physical requirements for
wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus;
(11) The student demonstrates confidence in performing fire fighting
skills while wearing self-contained breathing apparatus. The
student is expected to:
describe and demonstrate how to calculate the air
supply duration in the cylinder;
describe the uses and limitations of the self-contained
breathing apparatus;
demonstrate the replacement of an extended cylinder on
a self-contained breathing apparatus assembly with a
full cylinder;
(12) The student demonstrates inspection, care, and testing
procedures for the self-contained breathing apparatus. The
student is expected to:
document routine maintenance for the self-contained
breathing apparatus;
College and Career Readiness Standards
Cross-Disciplinary Standards
I. Key Cognitive Skills
C. Problem solving
1. Analyze a situation to identify a problem to be solved.
2. Develop and apply multiple strategies to solve a problem.
3. Collect evidence and data systematically and directly relate to
solving a problem.
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Name ________________________________
Date ___________________
SCBA Air Management and Safety Quiz
Multiple Choice:
1. _____An oxygen-deficient atmosphere contains less than which of the following
percentages of oxygen?
A. 15.5%
B. 19.5%
C. 25.5%
D. 30.5%
2. _____Which of the following is not a physical factor that affects the firefighter's ability to
use respiratory protection?
A. Agility
B. Facial features
C. Physical condition
D. Emotional problems
3. _____Which of the following is a medical factor that affects the firefighter's ability to use
SCBA effectively?
A. Cardiovascular training
B. Neurological functioning
C. Muscular/skeletal condition
D. All of the above
4. _____Which of the following is NOT a mental factor that affects the firefighter's ability
to use respiratory protection effectively?
A. Agility
B. Self-confidence
C. Emotional stability
D. Adequate training in equipment use
5. _____Which of the following is NOT an equipment limitation of SCBA?
A. Decreased visibility
B. Decreased weight
C. Decreased mobility
D. Decreased ability to communicate
6. _____Which of the following is an air-supply limitation of SCBA?
A. Limited visibility
B. Increased weight
C. Physical condition of user
D. Cylinder pressure after use
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7. _____Which of the following is a basic element to effective air management?
A. Know your point of no return (beyond 50 percent of the air supply of the team
member with the lowest gauge reading)
B. Know how much air you have (at all times)
C. Make a conscious decision to stay or to leave when your air is down to 50 percent
D. All of the above
8. _____Which of the following always makes the decision to stay or leave?
A. Individual
B. Supervisor
C. Company officer
D. First-responding firefighter
9. _____Which of the following is one of the recommended points at which a firefighter
should check air supply status?
A. At the end of the shift
B. When doffing the SCBA
C. At the beginning of the shift
D. When closing the cylinder valve
10. _____Which of the following constitutes the main weight of the breathing apparatus?
A. Regulator
B. Face piece
C. Air cylinder assembly
D. Harness
11. _____How often should firefighters who are certified to wear SCBA be fit-tested?
A. Weekly
B. Monthly
C. Annually
D. Biannually
12. _____Which of the following does NOT have an effect on air-supply duration?
A. Level of training
B. Degree of stress
C. Task being performed
D. End pressure of cylinder
13. _____Firefighters donning SCBA during an incident who feel they may lose
consciousness should do which of the following?
A. Keep searching for an exit
B. Lie flat on the floor, close to a wall
C. Lie flat on the floor in the center of the room
D. Lean against the wall in a location near the door
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14. _____Which of the following methods of moving in areas of limited visibility allows
firefighters to feel the floor as they move along?
A. Rolling
B. Walking
C. Crawling
D. Crouching
15. _____In which of the following atmospheres should firefighters always have a tag-line?
A. Wet
B. Hot
C. Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)
D. Limited visibility
16. _____Which of the following is a true statement about restricted openings?
A. They allow space for a hose line
B. They lead to an area of limited visibility
C. Only highly trained firefighters may access them
D. They are too small to pass through while wearing SCBA
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SCBA Air Management and Safety Quiz Key
1. B
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. D
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ________________________________
SCBA Inspection Procedure Checklist
Directions: During the inspection, touch each component as you state its name and condition. Your
partner or your instructor will check off the components on the list below as you complete them. The
components do not have to be completed in order listed. (Note: Perform the inspection with the
cylinder removed from the back plate.)
1 pt. each
Performance Objectives
Component 1: Cylinder and Valve Assembly
Read the cylinder pressure
Read the hydrostatic date
Confirm/verbalize that the cylinder and valve assembly are clean and undamaged
Component 2: Back plate and Harness Assembly
Confirm/verbalize that the:
Back plate is clean and undamaged
Straps are clean, undamaged, and fully extended
 Regulator mount is clean and undamaged
Component 3: Regulator Assembly
Confirm/verbalize that the:
O-ring is clean and undamaged
High-pressure hose is clean and undamaged
Pressure reducer is clean and undamaged
PASS Device is clean and undamaged
Remote gauge is clean and undamaged
Auxiliary hose is clean and undamaged
EBSS hose is clean and undamaged
Low-pressure hose to regulator is clean and undamaged
Regulator Gasket is clean and undamaged
 Red bypass valve moves freely and is clean and undamaged
 Donning switch is clean and undamaged
 Lock moves freely and is clean and undamaged
Component 4: Face piece Assembly
Confirm/verbalize that the:
Regulator mount is clean and undamaged
Voice Amps is clean and undamaged
Face shield is clean and undamaged
Nose cup is clean and undamaged
Face seal is clean and undamaged
 Head harness is clean and undamaged
 Straps are fully extended
Total points (25 pts. possible)
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Name: _______________________________ Date: __________________________
SCBA Cylinder Replacement–One-Person Method Checklist
Performance Objectives
10 pts. each
Place the SCBA on a firm surface
Close the cylinder valve
Bleed the air pressure from the high- and low-pressure hoses
Disconnect the high-pressure coupling from the cylinder
Remove the empty cylinder from the harness assembly
Verify that the replacement cylinder is 90-100% of rated capacity
Check the cylinder valve opening and the high-pressure hose fitting
for debris
Place the new cylinder into the backpack
Connect the high-pressure hose to the cylinder and hand-tighten
Slowly and fully open the cylinder valve and listen for an audible
alarm and/or leaks as the system pressurizes
If air leaks are detected, determine if the connections need to be
tightened or if the valves, donning switch, etc. need to be adjusted
Total Points (110 pts. possible)
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________________
SCBA Cylinder Replacement–Two-Person Method Checklist
Performance Objectives
10 pts. each
Disconnect the regulator from the face piece or disconnect the lowpressure hose from the regulator
Position the cylinder for easy access by kneeling down or bending over
Fully close the cylinder valve
Release the air pressure from the high- and low-pressure hoses
Disconnect the high-pressure coupling from the cylinder
Remove the empty cylinder from the harness assembly
Inspect replacement cylinder and ensure that the cylinder is 90-100% of
rated capacity
Place the new cylinder into the harness assembly
Check the cylinder valve opening and the high-pressure hose fitting for
debris and clear any debris by quickly opening and closing the cylinder
Connect the high-pressure hose to the cylinder and hand-tighten
Slowly and completely open the cylinder valve and listen for an audible
alarm and/or leaks as the system pressurizes
Don regulator and take normal breaths
Check the pressure reading on the remote gauge and/or indicators and
report reading
Total Points (130 pts. possible)
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Discussion Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Participates in group discussion
Encourages others to join the
Keeps the discussion progressing
to achieve goals
Shares thoughts actively while
offering helpful recommendations to
Gives credit to others for their ideas
Respects the opinions of others
Involves others by asking questions
or requesting input
Expresses thoughts and ideas
clearly and effectively
Total Points (32 pts.)
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Individual Work Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Follows directions
Student completed the work as directed,
following the directions given, in order and to the
level of quality indicated
Time management
Student used time wisely and remained on task
100% of the time
Student kept notes and materials in a neat,
legible, and organized manner. Information was
readily retrieved
Evidence of learning
Student documented information in his or her
own words and can accurately answer questions
related to the information retrieved
*Research/Gathering information (if relevant)
Student used a variety of methods and sources
to gather information. Student took notes while
gathering information
Total Points (20 pts.)
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Presentation Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
 Topic discussed completely and in-depth
 Includes properly cited sources (if used)
 Integrates a variety of multimedia effects to
create a professional presentation (transition
and graphics) or appropriate visual aid used
 Title slide, table of contents, bibliography are
included, using acceptable format
 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and
capitalization are correct
 Image and font size are legible to the entire
Oral Presentation
 Communicates with enthusiasm and eye
 Voice delivery and projection are dynamic
and audible
Audience Interaction
 Presentation holds audience’s attention and
relates a clear message
 Clearly and effectively communicates the
content throughout the presentation
Total Points (20 pts.)
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