History of Information Technology Computer Technician Practicum Lesson Plan Performance Objective Upon completion of this lesson, each student will have an understanding of the evolution of technology and how information technology impacts their lives today. Specific Objectives Students will explain the history of computers and technology. Students will describe the evolution of the computer and technology. Students will list the elements of a computer. Students will compare and contrast the earliest iterations of the computer to modern computing. This lesson should take three class days to complete; add at least 2 days for presentations. Preparation TEKS Correlations This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes or alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. 130.275. Computer Technician Practicum (1) The student demonstrates professional standards/employability skills as required by business and industry. The student is expected to: (B) identify and demonstrate positive personal qualities such as flexibility, openmindedness, initiative, listening attentively to speakers, and willingness to learn new knowledge and skills; (C) employ effective reading and writing skills; (D) employ effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills; (I) demonstrate planning and time-management skills such as project management and storyboarding. Interdisciplinary Correlations English 110.42(b) Knowledge and skills. 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. (6) Reading/word identification/vocabulary development. The student uses a variety of strategies to read unfamiliar words and to build vocabulary. The student is expected to: (A) expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing; and (B) rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary. (7) Reading/comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies. The student is expected to: (F) identify main ideas and their supporting details; (G) summarize texts; and (J) read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time. Speech 110.56 (b) Knowledge and skills. (1)(A) explain the importance of communication in daily interaction; (2)(E) participate appropriately in conversations for a variety of purposes; (3)(A) The student uses appropriate communication in group settings; (E) use appropriate verbal, non-verbal, and listening strategies to communicate effectively in groups; (5)(B) use language clearly and appropriately; Tasks Students will research the major developments in information technology since 1993 to create a timeline of events that have occurred (approximately) within their lifetime. Students will select, research, and give a formal presentation regarding information technology events that have occurred within their lifetime (1993 – present). Accommodations for Learning Differences Lessons must accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website (cte.unt.edu). Preparation Copy the handout sheets for the students. Have materials ready to go prior to the start of the lesson. Secure a computer lab if one is not readily accessible. Instructional Aids Student outline and handouts Student activity handouts 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Materials Needed Butcher paper or poster board as an option for the “It’s About Time” activity Map pencils/markers Students can provide other materials as needed Equipment Needed Teacher computer Projector (for digital presentation) Introduction Learner Preparation No special preparation necessary for this lesson. Lesson Introduction Ask students to describe what they believe technology ‘looked like’ in the years 500 AD and earlier (they may not realize it but counting boards and abaci were the first forms of technology). Ask students if they have ever heard of the Digesting Duck. Tell them it was the first example of an automated machine. Students should be made aware that various forms of ‘computers’ have been in existence and used since ancient times. Ask students: why do they think it is important to see where technology was in the past? Use the multimedia presentation to present the concepts of technology from early days to modern day. 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Outline MI OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Counting boards and abaci Jacques de Vaucanson 1709 – 1782 Charles Babbage 1791 – 1871 Countess of Lovelace (Augusta Ada Byron King) 1815 – 1852 Konrad Zuse 1910 – 1995 Grace Hopper 1906 - 1992 John von Neumann 1903 – 1957 ENIAC 1946 Keyboards and RAMACs 1956 Jack Kilby 1923 - 2005 1960 – Development of Major Languages 1301 Disk Storage Unit ASCII 1963 1964 1. Networking 2. BASIC 1965 Space race UNIX 1970 1. ATM 2. ARPANET 3. Shakey 1972 1. 8008 CPU 8800 Computer Kit Steve Wozniak 1950 – 1977 1. PET (Personal Electronic Transistor) 2. TRS-80 3. 2600 Game console INSTRUCTOR NOTES Notes are provided in the multimedia presentation for teacher extension. Have the Student Notes Outline ready to hand out at the beginning of class. Have students fill in the missing blanks during your presentation, 1. Do “It’s About Time” which involves students making and presenting their own timeline. 2. Have the students complete the “Peer Review” that goes with this assignment. 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Worms 1979 1981 1984 1. First mouse and GUI driven computer introduced C++ is introduced 1990 1. World Wide Web 2. Windows 3.0 1991 1993 1. Pentium CPU 2. Mosaic 3. Do “Then and Now” have students complete both of these assignments which will take at least 4 days total for all activities, including student presentations. 4. Use the suggested rubrics for grading. Multiple Intelligences Guide Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic/ Bodily Logical/ Mathematical Musical/Rhythmic Naturalist Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Application Guided Practice The teacher will show the multimedia presentation and explain the changes made in information technology throughout the ages and up to 1993. Point out that as new technology is developed the lifecycle of technology shortens and advances more rapidly. This should be a reference tool for the writing assignment in this unit. Independent Practice Students will perform independent research to complete the following activities. Create a personal timeline detailing specific IT events that have occurred within their lifetime. Develop a multi-media presentation based on their personal timeline. Write an essay comparing and contrasting two forms of technology. Summary Review What changes have taken place in information technology over the years? How has information technology become more complex? Which decade to you feel has experienced the biggest change? Why? Application Informal Assessment Daily work on assignments to monitor progress. Formal Assessment Rubrics will be used to assess both activities. 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. History of Computers Student Notes Outline 1. Counting boards and abaci 1. Humans have needed to count as long as we have been alive 2. Until the invention of humans used various objects to count for them such as 3. In the times of people created counting boards that allowed for the usage of units (10’s, 100’s etc.) in business transactions 4. Counting boards are documented as being used as early as by the Babylonians 1. The as we know it today is considered to be the ‘modern’ abacus 1. Appearance first occurs circa 1200 A.D. in China 2. These were actually the and allowed people to utilize large numbers and 2. 1. 2. 3. Son of a glove-maker who aspired to be a Fascinated with automata Best remembered for two machines; the Digesting Duck and the 1. 2. 3. 4. The Digesting Duck was made up of over parts and was able to flap its wings, quack, drink water, eat, and even simulate defecating Between Vaucanson built on the work of others and built a fully automated weaving loom (called the Jacquard Loom) Charles Babbage 1. English mathematician, engineer, philosopher and inventor 2. Believed that and went on to design the first two computers; the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine 1. was developed to compute the values of polynomial functions 1. By using finite differences it was possible to avoid the need of multiplication and division 2. marked the advancement of computers into the programmable realm 1. Using loops of Jacquards to control a mechanical calculator it implemented control, , and to perform full general-purpose computations Countess of Lovelace (Augusta Ada Byron King) 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5. Daughter of Lord Byron (yes the poet) Ada had an unusual life as an aristocratic girl in the Mother insisted Ada’s tutors educate her in Met Charles Babbage at age of 17 1. Eventually became her She was given the opportunity to see Babbage’s and became completely captivated by it Was asked to translate one of Babbage’s articles from French into English 1. Adding her own the ‘translated’ article was significantly longer than the original 1. Included ideas such as and how codes could be used to translate and as well as Considered to be the Konrad Zuse 1. German born civil engineer, inventor and computer pioneer 2. Greatest invention, the , came about in 1941 1. Z3 was the world’s first fully computer based on a floating-point number and switching system 1. Most significant difference between the Z3 and modern computers is the 3. Developed what is considered to be the first programming language in 1945 1. Called Plankalkül 1. First language to utilize to solve problems 2. Used his new language to write the world’s first computer 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. in the U.S. Navy Helped program the and Developed the first computer Working on the in she discovered that the program it was running had a compiler error 1. Upon inspection she found a stuck between a set of and logged it in the engineering book as having found a in the computer Later work led to the development of John von Neumann (1903 – 1957) 1. Austrian-Hungarian mathematician 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 2. 1945 undertook a study of computation that demonstrated that a computer could have a fixed structure and that and could be stored in the same place 1. Revolutionary in terms of how we thought about computers and their usage 1. Proposed that computers should store alongside the they 2. In his report of he described the stored program by drawing an analogy between digital computers and the 8. ENIAC 1946 1. announced the advent of a machine that could complete mathematical equations 1. ‘birth’ of – the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer 2. Introduced to the public by the US Army 1. vacuum tubes 2. 8 feet tall 3. 3 feet deep 4. 100 feet long 5. Weighed tons 6. First set of calculations was to compute for rocket launches and in only days completed a job that would have taken three months of effort by a dedicated mathematician 9. Keyboards and RAMACs 1956 1. researchers begin developing a method for input into the computer system 1. Later became known as a 2. Introduction of the first storage device 1. 305 shipped to Zellerbach Paper 1. The Random Access Method of Accounting and Control consisted of: 1. 50 coated metal platters with 5 million bytes of data (do the math, that’s 5 whole megabytes) 2. These platters were on a common drive shaft which rotated 3. RAMACs were the first drives 10. Jack Kilby (1923 – 2005) 1. July, employed as an engineer 2. Kilby studied the exorbitant costs of manufacturing individual components required to build computers 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 3. 4. 5. 1. Called the Realized that the individual transistors could be made of a single material and integrated onto a Encouraged by supervisor to provide a In publically announced the concept of the 1. Possibly one of the most significant accomplishments in world history 11. 1960 – Development of Major Languages 1. – Once again the military comes into play 1. Several manufacturers and the Pentagon developed or COBOL 1. Aimed at making code more easily readable and machine they hoped COBOL would run on most computers for which a existed 2. 1. First language developed for writing 2. Offered programmers in organization 12. 1301 1. Announced on June 2, for use with mainframe computers 2. Maximum storage capacity for this disk was characters 3. Had arms and heads which are still used in modern mechanical hard drives 4. It was leased for per month or purchased for 13. 1963 1. Introduction of 1. Allowed for a standardized representation of each key on the keyboard; 1. (both upper and lower case letters) 2. Special characters 3. Certain functions such as return (what we now call ‘enter’) 2. Permitted the exchange of between of computer systems 14. 1964 1. Networking 1. First 1. 2. 2. transaction processing reservation system Allowed flight data to be retrieved in less than 3 seconds via a telephone network system that connected and programming language 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 1. Developed and released by and who needed an easy to learn programming language for their students at ______ 15. 1965 1. Kristen Nygaard and Ole-John Dahl developed the first programming language 1. Object-oriented languages group data and instructions into called objects 2. Each object represents one facet of a system intended for 16. ‘Space race’ 1. 2. 1. 17. race against Russia to land on the moon space craft was guided into Earth’s orbit by the in Same computer would take to the moon one year later 1969 1. 1. 2. 3. (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) created ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) as an environment for new technologies The first nodes that formed ARPANET were and Research Institute First WAN to implement packet switching and protocols 18. 1970 1. First was installed in Valdosta, Ga. 2. ARPANET expanded by adding four more universities to its network 3. First mobile robot controlled by 1. Called Shakey 2. Equipped with 1. camera 2. Range 3. Bump sensors 3. Shakey transmitted the via sensors to a computer which then radioed back commands 19. 1972 1. 2. CPU introduced 1. word (256 unique arrangements of binary digits) 2. Ability to work with the majority of the system including upper and lowercase letters, all numbers (0 – 9), punctuation, and many other symbols First true is released 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 1. 2. 20. 1975 1. 1. Designed by Al Alcorn Very popular and revolutionized the arcade industry while launching the modern video game industry computer kit appeared on the front cover of Popular Mechanics Based on the CPU became wildly popular within a short period of time 1. Invented by the 8800 sold for $300.00 - $400.00. Roberts was the first person to use the term ‘ ’ 2. Paul Allen and Bill Gates licensed as the software language for the Altair 21. Steve Wozniak 1. Designed a in 2. A Mountainview, CA computer store ordered 50 machines leading Steve Wozniak and to found their own computer firm 22. 1977 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Came Easy to operate Could order it with either was released Included a Z80 CPU or kilobytes of memory 4 kilobytes of memory was primary language storage Manuals Machine was considered a bargain at $600.00 1. In the first month of release more than 10,000 units were sold 3. 1. 2. 3. 23. First personal Video Computer System processor Designed to be connected to a home Shockwave Rider 1. John Brunner authored 1. In the book a program attacks and runs through a network of computers. 2. John Shoch and Jon Hupp that same year discover the first computer 12 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 1. 2. 3. 24. 1981 1. 1. 2. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Initially to provide a more efficient use of idle in a for purposes Unfortunately worms tend to invade computers on a given network which ultimately creates a Having read Mr. Brunner’s book Schoch adopted the term and thus the first ‘virus’ was named PC Ran on a Utilized the 1984 1. processor operating system and driven computer introduced Bjarne Stroustrup published 1. Developed the language due to a desire to write in a language faster than Simula 2. C++ became dominant programming language 1990 1. Scientist at CERN developed 1. Allowed Internet to expand into the things such as , , , to servers. 2. First OS that satisfied PC users and provided support for large applications was released implementing , and queries 1991 1. Finnish student was dissatisfied with the state of the computer software industry as they became more secretive and with their code 1. Subscribed to 2. Wanted to work with an operating system whose code was to the user 3. Wrote first widely available OS 1993 1. processors released 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. th 5 generation of the line Was the basis for the and its clones web browser introduced Average user finally gained access to the Internet Prior to this time all Internet access was through browsers line 13 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. History of Computers Student Notes Outline Answer Key 1. Counting boards and abaci 1. Humans have needed to count as long as we have been alive 2. Until the invention of numbers humans used various objects to count for them such as stones and twigs 3. Eventually in the times of Plutarch people created counting boards that allowed for the usage of units (10’s, 100’s etc.) in business transactions 4. These counting boards are documented as being used as early as 500 B.C. by the Babylonians 1. The abacus as we know it today is considered to be the ‘modern’ abacus 1. Its appearance first occurs circa 1200 A.D. in China 2. These were actually the first calculators and allowed people to utilize large numbers and numbering systems 2. Jacques de Vaucanson 1. Son of a glove-maker who aspired to be a clock-maker 2. Fascinated with automata. 3. Best remembered for two machines; the Digesting Duck and the automated loom. 1. The Digesting Duck was made up of over 400 parts and was able to flap its wings, quack, drink water, eat, and even simulate defecating 2. Between 1745 and 1750 Vaucanson built on the work of others and built a fully automated weaving loom (called the Jacquard Loom) 3. Charles Babbage 1. English mathematician, engineer, philosopher and inventor 2. Believed that ‘computers’ should be programmable and went on to design the first two mechanical computers; the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine 1. Difference Engine was developed to compute the values of polynomial functions 1. By using finite differences it was possible to avoid the need of multiplication and division 2. Analytical Engine marked the advancement of computers into the programmable realm 1. Using loops of Jacquards punch cards to control a mechanical calculator it implemented sequential control, branching, and looping to perform full general-purpose computations 4. Countess of Lovelace (Augusta Ada Byron King) 1. Daughter of Lord Byron (yes the poet) Ada had an unusual life as an aristocratic girl in the 1800’s 2. Mother insisted Ada’s tutors educate her in science and math 3. Met Charles Babbage at age of 17 14 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 5. 1. Eventually became her mentor 4. She was given the opportunity to see Babbage’s Difference Engine and became completely captivated by it 5. Was asked to translate one of Babbage’s articles from French into English 1. Adding her own notes the ‘translated’ article was significantly longer than the original 1. Included ideas such as looping and how codes could be used to translate letters and symbols as well as numbers 6. Considered to be the first computer programmer Konrad Zuse 1. German born civil engineer, inventor and computer pioneer 2. Greatest invention, the Z3, came about in 1941 1. Z3 was the world’s first fully programmable digital electronic computer based on a binary floating-point number and switching system 1. Most significant difference between the Z3 and modern computers is the ability to store data 3. Developed what is considered to be the first high-level programming language in 1945 1. Called Plankalkül 1. First language to utilize algorithms to solve problems 2. Used his new language to write the world’s first computer Chess game 6. Grace Hopper 1. Rear admiral in the U.S. Navy 2. Helped program the Harvard Mark I and II 3. Developed the first computer compiler 4. Working on the Mark II in 1945 she discovered that the program it was running had a compiler error 1. Upon inspection she found a moth stuck between a set of relays and logged it in the engineering book as having found a ‘bug’ in the computer. 5. Later work led to the development COBOL 7. John von Neumann 1. Austrian-Hungarian mathematician 2. 1945 undertook a study of computation that demonstrated that a computer could have a fixed structure and that data and programs could be stored in the same place 1. Revolutionary in terms of how we thought about computers and their usage 1. Proposed that computers should store data alongside the programs they executed 2. In his EDVAC report of 1945 he described the stored program by drawing an analogy between digital computers and the human brain 15 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 8. ENIAC 1946 1. New York Times announced the advent of a machine that could complete complex mathematical equations 1. ‘birth’ of ENIAC – the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer 2. Introduced to the public by the US Army 1. 18,000 vacuum tubes 2. Eight feet tall 3. 3-feet deep 4. 100 feet long 5. Weighed 30 tons 6. First set of calculations was to compute trajectories for rocket launches and in only ten days completed a job that would have taken three months of effort by a dedicated mathematician 9. Keyboards and RAMACs 1956 1. MIT researchers begin developing a method for direct input into the computer system 1. Later became known as a keyboard 2. Introduction of the first magnetic storage device 1. 305 RAMAC shipped to Zellerbach Paper 2. The Random Access Method of Accounting and Control consisted of: 1. 50 magnetically coated metal platters with 5 million bytes of data (do the math, that’s 5 whole megabytes) 2. These platters were ‘stacked’ on a common drive shaft which rotated 3. RAMACs were the first hard disk drives 10. Jack Kilby (1923 – 2005) 1. July, 1958 employed as an engineer 2. Kilby studied the exorbitant costs of manufacturing individual components required to build computers 1. Called the ‘tyranny of numbers’ 3. Realized that the individual transistors could be made of a single material and integrated onto a silicon wafer 4. Encouraged by supervisor to provide a proof of concept 5. In 1959 publically announced the concept of the integrated circuit 1. Possibly one of the most significant accomplishments in world history 2. 1960 – Development of Major Languages 1. COBOL - Once again the military comes into play 1. Several manufacturers and the Pentagon developed Common Business Oriented Language or COBOL 1. Aimed at making code more easily readable and machine independence they hoped COBOL would run on most computers for which a compiler existed 2. LISP 11. 16 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 1. 2. First language developed for writing Artificial Intelligence Offered programmers flexibility in organization 12. 1301 Disk Storage Unit 1. Announced on June 2, 1961 for use with mainframe computers 2. Maximum storage capacity for this disk was 28 million characters 3. Had read/write arms and heads which are still used in modern mechanical hard drives 4. It was leased for $2100 per month or purchased for $115,000 13. 1963 1. Introduction of American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 1. Allowed for a standardized binary representation of each key on the keyboard; 1. Alphanumeric (both upper and lower case letters) 2. Special characters 3. Certain functions such as return (what we now call ‘enter’) 2. Permitted the exchange of data between manufacturers of different computer systems 14. 1964 1. Networking 1. First online transaction processing 1. SABRE reservation system 2. Allowed flight data to be retrieved in less than 3 seconds via a telephone network system that connected 65 cities and 2000 terminals 2. BASIC programming language 1. Developed and released by Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny who needed an easy to learn programming language for their students at Dartmouth 15. 1965 1. Kristen Nygaard and Ole-John Dahl developed Simula the first object-oriented programming language 1. Object-oriented languages group data and instructions into blocks called objects 2. Each object represents one facet of a system intended for simulation 16. ‘Space race’ 1. 1960’s race against Russia to land on the moon 2. Apollo 7 space craft was guided into Earth’s orbit by the Apollo Guidance Computer in 1968 1. Same computer would take Neil Armstrong to the moon one year later 17 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 17. 1969 1. ARPANET 1. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) created ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) as an experimental environment for new networking technologies 2. The first nodes that formed ARPANET were UCLA and Stanford Research Institute 3. First WAN to implement packet switching and TCP/IP protocols 18. 1970 1. First ATM was installed in Valdosta, Ga. 2. ARPANET expanded by adding four more universities to its network 3. First mobile robot controlled by artificial intelligence 1. Called Shakey 2. Equipped with 1. T.V. camera 2. Range finder 3. Bump sensors 3. Shakey transmitted the data via sensors to a computer which then radioed back commands 19. 1972 1. 8008 CPU introduced 1. 8-bit word (256 unique arrangements of binary digits) 2. Ability to work with the majority of the ASCII system including upper and lowercase letters, all numbers (0 – 9), punctuation, and many other symbols 2. First true video game is released 1. Designed by Al Alcorn 2. Very popular and revolutionized the arcade industry while launching the modern video game industry 20. 1975 1. 8800 computer kit appeared on the front cover of Popular Mechanics 1. Based on the Intel 8080 CPU became wildly popular within a short period of time 1. Invented by Ed Roberts the 8800 sold for $300.00 - $400.00. Roberts was the first person to use the term ‘personal computer’. 2. Paul Allen and Bill Gates licensed BASIC as the software language for the Altair 21. Steve Wozniak 1. Designed the a single-board computer in 1976 2. A Mountain View, CA computer store ordered 50 machines leading Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs to found their own computer firm 18 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 22. 1977 1. Personal Electronic Transistor (PET) 1. Came fully assembled 2. Easy to operate 3. Built-in drive 4. Could order it with either 4 or 8 kilobytes of memory 2. TRS-80 was released 1. Included a Z80 CPU 2. Video display 3. 4 kilobytes of memory 4. BASIC was primary language 5. Cassette storage 6. Manuals 7. Machine was considered a bargain at $600.00 1. In the first month of release more than 10,000 units were sold 3. 2600 Video Computer System 1. First personal Video Computer System game console 2. 8-bit processor 3. Designed to be connected to a home T.V. 4. Last of the Atari line were sold in 1990 23. Shockwave Rider 1. John Brunner authored 1. In the book a tapeworm program attacks and runs through a network of computers 2. John Shoch and Jon Hupp that same year discover the first computer worm 1. Initially designed to provide a more efficient use of idle processors in a network for testing purposes 2. Unfortunately worms tend to invade all computers on a given network which ultimately creates a security threat 3. Having read Mr. Brunner’s book Schoch adopted the term and thus the first ‘virus’ was named 24. 1981 1. 5150 PC 1. Ran on a 4.77MHz 8088 processor 2. Utilized the MS-DOS operating system 25. 1984 1. First mouse and GUI-driven computer introduced 26. Bjarne Stroustrup of published “The C++ Programming Language” 1. Developed the language due to a desire to write event-driven simulations in a language faster than Simula 2. C++ became dominant object-oriented programming language 19 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. 27. 1990 1. Scientist at CERN developed HTML 1. Allowed Internet to expand into the World Wide Web implementing things such as URL, HTTP, browsers, links, and queries to servers 2. First OS that satisfied PC users and provided support for large graphical applications 28. 1991 1. Finnish student Linus Torvalds was dissatisfied with the state of the computer software industry as they became more secretive and proprietary with their code 1. Subscribed to Usenet 2. Wanted to work with an operating system whose code was open to the general user 3. Wrote first widely available open source OS 29. 1993 1. Pentium processors released th 2. 1. 5 generation of the x86 line 2. Was the basis for the 5051 PC and its clones First GUI web browser introduced 1. Average user finally gained GUI access to the Internet 2. Prior to this time all Internet access was through command line browsers 20 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. “It’s About Time” OBJECTIVE Students will organize and develop a personal timeline. The purpose of this activity is to classify and explain key events related to technology in their lifetime. PROCEDURE You are to design a personal timeline that includes the following information: 5 Historic events 7 Information Technology events from 1993 to the current year 10 personal milestones in your life MATERIALS NEEDED: Poster boards or butcher paper, string or yarn, rope, pictures, computer, printer and paper. Be as creative as possible! Use pictures to make your timeline more appealing! No markers or handwritten information may be used. Everything must be typed, cut, and pasted. The string, yarn or rope should be used to make the actual timeline and should be adhered to the poster board or butcher paper. TIME ALLOTTED: Be ready to share your timeline with the rest of the class. 21 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Individual Presentation Rubric Presentation Title: Name Teacher ID# Date of Presentation Criteria Organization Content Knowledge 0–5 6 – 10 11 – 15 16 - 20 Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Student is uncomfortable with information and is able only to answer rudimentary questions. Student occasionally used visuals that rarely support text and presentation. Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration. Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. Student used no Visuals visuals. Mechanics Delivery Points Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. Visuals related to text and presentation. Student’s presentation had four or more spelling errors and or grammatical errors. Presentation had three misspellings and or grammatical errors. Presentation had no more than two misspellings and or grammatical errors. Presentation had no misspellings or grammatical errors. Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms and speaks too quietly for students in the back of the class to hear. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficultly hearing presentation. Student’s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Student used clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms. Total Teacher Comments: 22 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. “Then and Now” OBJECTIVE: Students will conduct research and investigate similarities and differences between selected forms of hardware technology by comparing past and present components. PROCEDURE: You are to research one or two forms of hardware technology from the past. Compare and contrast your choice(s) with one or two current forms of hardware technology. Answer these questions in your response: 1. How important are your selections to current computing processes? 2. Where would the state of technology be if advances had not been made in this component? 3. How would you compare the day to day activities using the past form of technology to that of the current form? Summarize your findings in a 450 – 500 word typed essay. 23 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Research Report Rubric Research Report Title: Name Teacher ID# Criteria 1 Introduction/Topic Questions or problems are teacher generated. Points 2 Student(s) require prompts to generate questions and or problems. Conclusions Reached A conclusion is made from the evidence offered. Some detailed conclusions are reached from the evidence offered. Information Gathering Information is gathered from non-electronic or electronic sources only. Information is gathered from limited electronic and non-electronic sources. Weakly organized. Well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing and sentence structure. There are four or more errors in punctuation and or capitalization. There are two or three errors in punctuation and or capitalization. Summary Paragraph Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling 3 Student(s) generate questions and or problems. Several detailed conclusions are reached from the evidence offered. Information is gathered from multiple electronic and nonelectronic sources. Well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or sentence structure. There is one error in punctuation and or capitalization. 4 Student(s) properly generate questions and or problems around a topic. Numerous detailed conclusions are reached from the evidence offered. Information is gathered from multiple electronic and non-electronic sources and cited properly. Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and sentence structure. Punctuation and capitalization are correct. Total Teacher Comments: 24 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved.