General Housekeeping: Forms Computer Technician Practicum Lesson Plan Performance Objective Upon completion of this lesson, each student will demonstrate characteristics necessary to be a successful student in the Computer Technician Practicum program. Specific Objectives Students will identify the critical rules of program operation. Students will explain the procedures for reporting an absence from school or work. Students will learn the policies and procedures of the Computer Technician Practicum program. Students will obtain the necessary signatures on required forms. This lesson should take 5 class days to complete. TEKS Correlations Preparation This lesson, as published, correlates to the TEKS listed immediately below. Any changes or alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. 130.275. Computer Technician Practicum (c) Knowledge and skills. (1) The student demonstrates professional standards/employability skills as required by business and industry. The student is expected to: (A) identify and demonstrate positive work behaviors that enhance employability and job advancement such as regular attendance, promptness, attention to proper attire, maintenance of a clean and safe work environment, appropriate voice, and pride in work; (B) identify and demonstrate positive personal qualities such as flexibility, openmindedness, initiative, listening attentively to speakers, and willingness to learn new knowledge and skills; (C) employ effective reading and writing skills; (D) employ effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills; (I) demonstrate planning and time-management skills such as project management and storyboarding. 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. (3) The student applies academic knowledge and skills to research and develop projects. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills with individuals from varied cultures such as fellow workers, management, and customers; (4) The student applies communication, mathematics, English, and science knowledge and skills to research and develop projects. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate proper use of written, verbal, and visual communication techniques consistent with information technology industry standards; (13) The student creates a personal portfolio. The student is expected to: (A) create a portfolio that documents all projects and accomplishments such as academics, volunteer experience, employment experience, awards, and certifications; (B) organize and prioritize information within the portfolio; and (C) use written, verbal, and visual communication techniques consistent with information technology industry standards. English 110.42(b) Knowledge and skills. (6) Reading/word identification/vocabulary development. The student uses a variety of strategies to read unfamiliar words and to build vocabulary. The student is expected to: (A) expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing; and (B) rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary. (7) Reading/comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies. The student is expected to: (F) identify main ideas and their supporting details; (G) summarize texts; and (J) read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time. Speech 110.56 (b) Knowledge and skills. (1)(A) explain the importance of communication in daily interaction; (2)(E) participate appropriately in conversations for a variety of purposes; (3)(A) The student uses appropriate communication in group settings; (E) use appropriate verbal, non-verbal, and listening strategies to communicate effectively in groups; (5)(B) use language clearly and appropriately; Tasks Students will secure signatures on all forms, as specified by the teacher. Students will return all paperwork in a timely manner. 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Accommodations for Learning Differences Lessons should accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website ( Preparation Display each form on projector screen if possible. Copy the handout sheets and rubric for the students. Have materials ready prior to the start of the lesson. SUGGESTION: Make folder packets for each student ahead of time. Have students write their names on the folder; the folder becomes part of the year’s permanent record files for the school year. Instructional Aids Student handouts Materials Needed Copies of all forms Equipment Needed Teacher computer Projector (for digital presentation) Introduction Learner Preparation Ask students why rules are necessary. Ask why daily attendance is important. Explain that is an honor to be accepted into this program and that all students must maintain high expectations to remain in the class. Lesson Introduction Explain each form in detail and check for understanding. Tell the class that all forms must be returned with appropriate signatures by the end of the first week of class. Obviously, if a student has not secured employment by the first day of school, that student will not be able to fill out the Training Plan form; however, make sure they fill in everything except the employment information. (The student will need to do this once they are employed.) 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Outline MI OUTLINE NOTES TO TEACHER The following forms are included in the students’ packets: Training Plan Form Used by the teacher to complete a student’s training plan Can also be used by the teacher when visiting training stations, if kept in a Visitation binder Student Responsibilities Rules of the program should be strictly adhered to in order to avoid problems. Key rule: if a student is absent from school, that student is not to report to work. Key rule: a student may not quit a job without the teacher’s permission, or is in jeopardy of failing the class for the grading period. Key rule: theft is not condoned. If caught, students will face immediate removal from the program. Syllabus Details what the students will learn Grading policy Classroom Rules A must for every teacher Personalize to your methods Unemployed Student Policy Dependability Grade Copy the instructions and grading rubric and make into a packet. Tell the class about some of the things you learned at previous jobs. Explain how those skills helped you to become a teacher. Explain the necessity of learning as much as possible about a job because some of the skills learned will help with future employment. Explain to the class that customers see a business much differently than the employees see it. Ask the class if they ever wanted to work at a place where they shopped. Have them give reasons why they wanted to work there. 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Summary Verification Signatures Form Ensures the parent received all the paperwork Wage and Hour Report This is an auditable document and all students must keep an accurate record of the hours worked. Keep these in the permanent record files. There are several samples included “Mobile Me” Activity: Students will create a mobile about themselves and will share it with the class. Assign this on the first or second day of class (due by the end of the first week). Go over all the criteria in the assignment and check for understanding. Teacher will hand out the instructions go over them for this assignment. If possible, it would be helpful if the teacher were to make one to show as an example. Hang all of the mobiles in the classroom for the first few weeks of school. Multiple Intelligences Guide Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic/ Bodily Logical/ Mathematical Musical/Rhythmic Naturalist Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Application Guided Practice The teacher will go over each form individually and thoroughly. All students must understand what is required of them in order to be in the program. Set a deadline (usually the end of the first week of school) for all forms to be returned with signatures. Keep in mind that during the first few days of classes, students will leave or enter your program. You will need to keep up with all paperwork and will need to see that the new students receive all documents. Independent Practice Students will complete all worksheets and forms. Students will obtain appropriate signatures as required by the deadline set by the instructor. Summary Review Why is it important to follow all rules of the program? Why do students have to secure permission before they quit their job? What happens to a student who is fired from their job? What is the policy on theft? Evaluation Informal Assessment Incentive for turning in all forms before the deadline Formal Assessment Daily grade or test grade on the deadline 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Computer Technician Practicum Syllabus Welcome to the dynamic world of Computer Technician Practicum! You have been selected from many applicants to experience a fun and rewarding year. It is my intent for you to learn a great deal about the world of work as you learn about yourself. This course consists of the following topics: Introduction Portfolio Information Preparation for First Day of Class Useful Websites Practicum Schedule General Housekeeping Training Station Orientation History Leadership Management and Interpersonal Skill Goin’ Global Math Career Exploration Program Forms Additional Activities Works Cited 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. As you can see, we will cover a lot of ground this year. Please take this suggestion seriously: READ ALL COURSE MATERIALS! A lot of information will be given and discussed in class that is not in the text; however, you are still accountable for reading assigned chapters. Students entered in Computer Technician Practicum competition are more successful due to reading the material in the text. GRADING: Your grade will consist of the following: weekly work reports, dependability grades (see Dependability sheet), individual and group assignments, daily work, tests, and your employer evaluation. (Insert Club Name Here) : Computer Technician Practicum All co-op students are expected to join (enter professional competition organization here) and to participate in competitive events. Dues are $______ for the school year. _______________________ Parent Signature _____________________ Student Signature 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Student Responsibilities in Cooperative Training Program Type Your School District Name Here Career and Technical Education Department In order to establish and maintain a responsible, high quality Cooperative Training Program for (insert name of school or school district), it is essential that the student, the parents, the training sponsor, the coordinator, and school administrators agree to these basic principles: 1. The coordinator must provide appropriate interview opportunities for student job placement. The coordinator must grant final approval of all job placements. 2. The student must remain at the same training station throughout the training period. A change may only be made when approved by the coordinator. 3. A student will be removed from the Cooperative Training Program and lose state credits for any of the following reasons: a. If the student is dismissed from the training station and the coordinator determines that the dismissal was for sufficient reasons. Example: theft or un-ethical conduct. b. The second time a student has been fired and or quits without the permission of the coordinator, the student is released from the program without credit. c. If a student’s attendance drops below 90%, the student may be removed from the Cooperative Education Program. Removal from the class would result in loss of credit for the term. 4. The student is under school supervision at school, and during the work schedule at the training station. School credit is given for four hours spent on the job, as well as in the classroom. The student must work a minimum of 15 hours a week, 10 hours of which must be Monday through Friday. 5. If the student is to be absent from school on any particular day for any reason, the student is required to notify the teacher-coordinator no later than 12:00 (noon) on the day of the absence. Students may not report to the training station without having first received permission from the coordinator. Failure to observe this rule will result in unexcused absences in all classes missed. 6. A student who is fired or quits a job shall receive a nine weeks grade no higher than 60 for the grading period during which the student was fired. The student is expected to find their own employment within five days. Grades will be reduced from the sixth day forward. 7. Students enrolled in Cooperative Education are expected to belong to the youth organization, as activities are related. 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. We enter into this agreement with the above understanding to provide the best training for the individual student. _________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature ______________________________ Student Signature _________________________________ Coordinator Signature ______________________________ Principal Signature ** If you wish to communicate via e-mail, please list your e-mail address below: 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Classroom Rules 1. You must be in class on time; failure to do so may result in an after class detention on the day you are late! Class is from INSERT TIME 2. Bring your materials to class and be ready to work on assignments. ALWAYS BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK. 3. Sleeping is NOT allowed in class. We will cut your work hours if you are too tired. 4. No work from other classes is to be done in our class. You are earning credit for this course, so you must devote your attention to our subject material. 5. Do not comb hair, put on makeup, paint fingernails, etc. You don’t have to impress us—we like you as you are. 6. Treat all guest speakers with respect. Treat all substitutes as respectfully as you treat me. 7. Respect each other at all times. Refrain from talking to your neighbors when someone else has the floor. 8. No food or drinks are allowed in our class. 9. You are responsible for your conduct in your other classes. If you are a behavior problem in another class, it will be brought to my attention. You will be subject to removal from the co-op program due to behavioral problems. 10. Park in the designated parking lot only. Do not park in the front of school or in the teachers’ lot. ________________________________ Parent or Guardian’s Signature _________________________________ Student Signature 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Dependability Grade An important characteristic of a good employee is dependability. Students must realize the vital importance of being dependable on the job and in the classroom. To reinforce this, a “DEPENDABILITY GRADE” has been created. This is a MAJOR TEST GRADE and is averaged in with the other major test scores. When a student is absent from school for ANY REASON, the student must telephone their Practicum (co-op) teacher before NOON that day. If the teacher’s phone rings to voice mail, the student should leave the following information: Name, date, time, reason for absence, and phone number The student is responsible for phoning their employer to report their absence from work in a timely manner. Practicum students are also required to sign in each day on the Practicum Dependability Log, located in the classroom. Practicum students are required to sign in each day on the Practicum Dependability Log! Failure to phone the teacher in the event of an absence or to sign in when present will result in the deduction of points from the “Dependability Grade” in the following manner: ABSENT 0 DAYS = 100% 1 DAY 2 DAYS 3 DAYS*** 4 DAYS 5 DAYS CALLED IN FAILED TO CALL or SIGN IN 97% 93% 90% 87% 83% 87% 78% 65% 37% 0 ***If you are absent 3 or more continuous days, and you have a doctor’s note, you will be exempt from this system for the period of time in which you were absent. As you can see, it is critical that you become a dependable, responsible, young adult! ____________________________ ______________________________ Parent or Guardian’s Signature Student Signature Practicum Teacher’s Phone Number: (xxx) xxx-xxxx 12 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Policies Governing Unemployed Students 1. If a student is released from a job because they have been found guilty of theft and or unethical conduct, the student is released from the program with no credit. 2. Students fired from jobs for reasons other than theft and or unethical conduct, even though they go to work at another job, may receive a NINE-WEEKS / SIX WEEKS (circle one) grade of no higher than 60 for the grading period during which the student was fired. 3. Students fired from jobs are expected to find their own employment within five school days. Grades will be reduced from the sixth day forward. 4. Students who are laid off will have ten days to find a job and the coordinator will assist them in finding a job. Grades will be reduced from the eleventh day forward. 5. If a student quits a job without permission from the coordinator, the student will receive a NINE-WEEKS / SIX WEEKS (Circle one) grade of no higher than 60 for the grading period during which the student quit the job. 6. The second time a student has been fired and or quits without permission from the coordinator, the student will be released from the program with loss of credit. I understand that any time the Practicum student is not employed in an APPROVED training station, the student must be under the supervision of the Practicum instructor from the end of the class period through the end of the school day, until a new training station is secured. The student may be exempt from this restriction if the student has a scheduled appointment for a job interview. (Documented proof of interview is required.) __________________________ ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature 13 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Summary Signature Verification Form I have reviewed the following forms: Computer Technician Practicum (Co-op) Syllabus Student Responsibilities in Cooperative Training Program Classroom Rules Dependability Grade Policies Governing Unemployed Students My signature acknowledges I have read all documents listed above and agree to abide by the stated policies. ___________________________ _________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature Student Signature Please return this form to the teacher. 14 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Wage and Hour Report _________________________ Name/ID# _________________________ Hourly Wage $ _________________________ Training Station _________________________ Total Hours for 3 Weeks _________________________ Student Signature WEEK Fill in by local HOURS From WORKED To MONDAY TOTAL HOURS CLASSES MISSED 1 2 3 TUESDAY 1 2 3 WEDNESDAY 1 2 3 THURSDAY 1 2 3 FRIDAY 1 2 3 SATURDAY SUNDAY REASON FOR ABSENCE 1 2 3 1 2 3 TOTAL HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY TOTAL HOURS FOR WEEK 15 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Mobile Me Objective The student will introduce themselves to the class by creating a mobile that reflects the individual’s interests and personality. Materials Needed Coat hanger String, ribbon or yarn A one-hole punch Family Pictures Pictures and words cut out from magazines Directions Make a mobile that depicts who you are and be prepared to share it with the class. You must include a minimum of three pictures of yourself (or family) and at least six of the following items: Achievements Car you drive Pets Sports Favorite nursery rhyme Pet peeve Favorite food Favorite color Favorite music Quotation The last book you read Your Choice Have fun with this project! We will hang them in the classroom after everyone presents theirs to the class. 16 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All Rights Reserved.