Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Computer Maintenance
Session Title: Multimedia
Lesson Duration: 180 Minutes
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to understand the importance of
multimedia, how multimedia has advanced through the years, and the functions of video cards,
sound cards, and virtual reality in multimedia.
Specific Objectives:
• Describe the history of multimedia.
• Describe how a sound card works.
• Describe how a video card works.
• Install a video card and sound card.
• Set up and troubleshoot a video card and sound card.
• Choose a video card and sound card.
• Upgrade a video card and sound card.
• Explain how virtual reality works.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
complete work orders for repair and installation.
estimate supplies, materials, and labor costs for installation, maintenance, and repair
work orders, and
interpret appropriate documentation such as schematics, drawings, charts, diagrams,
technical manuals, and bulletins.
differentiate among digital analog, and input and output electronics theory.
describe the function of computer components such as central processing units, storage
devices, and peripheral devices.
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identify the operational features and proper terminology related to computer systems.
identify the purpose and function of computer components in the operation of the
computer system such as central processing unit, motherboard, sockets, chipsets, basic
input and output system and their drivers, memory, hard drive technologies, video cards,
input and output devices and ports, and modem and network interface cards (NIC).
install and configure computer components and peripherals.
PC Upgrade and Repair Simplified 2nd Edition
How Computers Work; Ron White
CompTIA A+ Certification Instructors Edition
Instructional Aids:
1. Multimedia PowerPoint Presentation
2. Multimedia PowerPoint Presentation – Handouts
3. Multimedia Exam
4. Multimedia Exam Key
5. Multimedia – Lab 1
6. Multimedia – Lab 2
7. Multimedia – Lab 3
Materials Needed:
1. Copies of Lab Assignments 1, 2, and 3 for each student
2. Picture of an IBM DOS screen display with no media (graphics or colors)
Equipment Needed:
1. A projection system to display the PowerPoint presentation
2. A personal computer with access to the Internet
3. Computers that the students can take apart and work with
Students should read the appropriate curriculum material for multimedia, depending on the text/
curriculum being used for this course. This lesson can be taught with only the PowerPoint
presentation and the equipment outlined above.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
Show: Image of the IBM DOS screen.
SAY: The original IBM PC was a poor, little thing. It didn’t say, sing, or play
IT: Computer Maintenance: Multimedia Lesson Plan
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anything. It didn’t even display graphics well, or show more than four
colors at a time. Information was formally defined as rows of text, and
there were no video or sound cards in the PC.
Has anyone ever created a PowerPoint presentation? (With PowerPoint
we can paste pictures and add sound; that’s an example of multimedia.)
There are, in fact, industry standards for what types of hardware make up
an official multimedia PC.
Multimedia also has become an integral part of the Internet.
What features on an Internet website are examples of multimedia?
(animated icons or banners, music and demo links)
The real advantages of multimedia CDs, like a DVD movie, are sound and
visuals combined with text and easy, quick access to all of it.
Who has a DVD player at home? Does it allow you to skip to any scene of
the movie? (These are some advantages of multimedia.)
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
Introduction and Overview (PPT slides 1-3)
A. Definition (slide 4)
B. The history of multimedia (slides 5-6)
Note: Instructors can use
the PowerPoint slides,
handouts, and note pages in
conjunction with the following
III. Sound Card
A. How a sound card works (slides 7-9)
B. MIDI (slide 10)
C. FM synthesis (slide 11)
D. Digital sound (slide 12)
E. 3D audio (slide 13)
F. MP3 music (slide 14)
G. Installing a sound card
H. Troubleshooting a sound card
I. Choosing a sound card (slides 15-17)
IV. Video card
A. Definition (slide 18)
B. How a video card works (slides 19-20)
C. Installing a video card
D. Troubleshooting a video card (slide 21)
E. Choosing a video card (slides 22-25)
Virtual Reality (slide 26)
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VI. Have students complete Labs 1-3.
VII. End the lesson with the Multimedia Exam.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
1. The teacher demonstrates each lab principle.
2. The teacher maintains direct supervision in the lab, providing guidance when
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
1. Students work individually on lab assignments, demonstrating their skills in
identifying and discussing the various lab requirements and results.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Checking for understanding (Q&A Session) (slide 27)
Q: How has multimedia advanced through the years?
A: The original PC did not have a sound card or video card, so all that was
displayed was text. Now we have speakers and color graphics on our screens.
Q: What features should you look for when choosing a video card?
A: Resolution, color depth, and refresh rate.
Q: Which features should you look for when choosing a sound card?
A: MIDI support, FM and Wavetable synthesis, sound blaster compatibility.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Monitor student progress during independent practice and provide independent reteach/redirection as needed.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Use the Multimedia Exam and Exam Key.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Students that have mastered the lab assignments can peer-tutor students (one-onone) that are having difficulty individually completing the lab activities.
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Teaching Strategies
Personal Development
Lecture, discussion, journal
writing, cooperative learning,
word origins
Reading, highlighting, outlining,
teaching others, reciting information
Problem-solving, number
games, critical thinking,
classifying and organizing,
Socratic questioning
Mind-mapping, reflective
time, graphic organizers,
color-coding systems,
drawings, designs, video,
DVD, charts, maps
Use music, compose songs
or raps, use musical
language or metaphors
Organizing material logically, explaining
things sequentially, finding patterns,
developing systems, outlining, charting,
graphing, analyzing information
Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing
with color, mental imagery (drawing in
the mind’s eye)
Use manipulatives, hand
signals, pantomime, real life
situations, puzzles and board
games, activities, roleplaying, action problems
Reflective teaching,
interviews, reflective listening,
KWL charts
Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming,
cross-cultural interactions
Natural objects as
manipulatives and as a
background for learning
Socratic questions, real life
situations, global
Creating rhythms out of words, creating
rhythms with instruments, playing an
instrument, putting words to existing
Moving while learning, pacing while
reciting, acting out scripts of material,
designing games, moving fingers under
words while reading
Reflecting on personal meaning of
information, studying in quiet settings,
imagining experiments, visualizing
information, journaling
Studying in a group, discussing
information, using flash cards with
others, teaching others
Connecting with nature, forming study
groups with like-minded people
Considering the personal relationship to
the larger context
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Computer Maintenance - Multimedia
Lab 1: Installing video cards
Student Name: _____________________________
Date: __________
• Install a video card
In this procedure you will install a video card to a computer that does not have one. You will go
through all the steps of the installation.
The following resources will be required:
• PC Tool Kit
• Anti Static Wrist Strap
• Personal computer (PC)
• video card of your choice
NOTE: Before installing a video car, turn off the computer, unplug the power cable and
remove the cover from the computer case. Make sure you and the computer case are
Step 1
Select the expansion slot on the system board where you want to install the video card.
Step 2
Remove the expansion slot cover from the back of the computer case. The cover is usually held
in place by a small screw.
Step 3
If necessary, use cables to connect the video to other devices.
Step 4
Place the video card in the expansion slot. Press down firmly and evenly across the top of the
card until it is securely inserted in the expansion slot.
Step 5
Secure the video card to the computer case using a small screw. Then replace the cover on the
computer case.
Step 6
When you have finished installing the video card, your computer may automatically detect and
set up the video card for you. The video card may include and installation program you can use
if your computer does not automatically detect and set up the video card.
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Computer Maintenance - Multimedia
Lab 2: Installing sound cards
Student Name: _____________________________
Date: ______________
• Install a sound card
In this procedure you will install a sound card to a computer that does not have one. You will go through
all the steps of the installation.
The following resources will be required:
• PC Tool Kit
• Anti Static Wrist Strap
• Personal computer (PC)
• Sound card of your choice
NOTE: Before installing a sound card, turn off the computer, unplug the power cable and remove
the cover from the computer case. Make sure you and the computer case are grounded.
Step 1
Select the expansion slot on the system board where you want to install the sound card.
Step 2
Remove the expansion slot cover from the back of the computer case. The cover is usually held in place
by a small screw.
Step 3
If necessary, use the jumpers or switches on the sound card to adjust the settings for the sound card.
Step 4
Place the sound card in the expansion slot, pressing down firmly and evenly across the top of the card
until it is securely inserted in the expansion slot.
Step 5
If necessary, connect the audio cable to the sound card. Then connect the audio cable to the sound card.
Step 6
Then connect the audio cable to the CD-ROM drive. This allows your computer’s speakers to play sound
from compact disks.
Step 7
Secure the sound card to the computer case using a small screw. Then replace the cover on the
computer case.
Step 8
When you have finished installing the sound card, your computer may automatically detect and set up the
sound card for you. If your computer does not automatically set up the sound card, you can consult the
sound card documentation for information about resource settings such as IRQ’s, DMA channels that the
card requires. Make sure other devices are not using the same settings.
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Computer Maintenance - Multimedia
Lab 3: Selecting video cards and sound cards
Student Name: _____________________________
Date: __________
• Using the internet, research three different suppliers of video cards. How much do video cards
cost? What capabilities of the video card reflect the cost? Which video card would you purchase
and why?
• Using the internet, research three different suppliers of sound cards. How much do sound
cards cost? What capabilities of the sound card reflect the cost? Which sound card would you
purchase and why?
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Computer Maintenance
Name ________________________
Date _________________________
Multimedia Exam
Directions: Multiple Choice – For each of the statements or questions below, select the one
best answer from the options listed:
1. Which card allows a computer to play and record high-quality sound?
a. NIT cards
b. Video card
c. Network card
d. Sound card
2. Which card generates the text and images that appear on the display area of the
a. NIT cards
b. Video card
c. Network card
d. Sound card
3. What type of signal does a soundcard receive first?
a. Digital signal
b. Multiplier signal
c. Analog signal
d. None of the above
4. ADC stands for _______ in the function of the soundcard.
a. Analog to dynamic converter
b. Analog to digital converter
c. Analog delivery computer
d. None of the above
5. DSP stands for _______ in the function of the soundcard.
a. Digital system performance
b. Left click once
c. Dragging
d. Digital signal processor
6. When choosing a soundcard, the following should be considered EXCEPT:
a. The number of components on the card
b. Sound blaster capabilities
c. FM Synthesis
d. MIDI support
7. MPEG stands for
a. Motion Pictures Experienced Group
b. Monitors and Pictures Excellent Group
c. Making Pictures Effectively and Gently
d. Motion Pictures Expert Group
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8. If your monitor is not displaying information due to a malfunctioning video card, you
should first :
a. Purchase a new video card
b. Test your monitor on another computer
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
9. When choosing a video card, the following should be considered EXCEPT
a. Resolution
b. Capacitors and resistors
c. Color depth
d. Refresh rate
10. Adding memory chips to a video card can increase the ___________and __________
__________ the video card can display.
Resolution and refresh rate
Sound and color depth
Resolution and color depth
None of the above
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Computer Maintenance
Name ________________________
Date _________________________
Multimedia Exam - Key
Directions: Multiple Choice – For each of the statements or questions below, select the one
best answer from the options listed:
1. Which card allows a computer to play and record high-quality sound?
a. NIT cards
b. Video card
c. Network card
d. Sound card
2. Which card generates the text and images that appear on the display area of the
a. NIT cards
b. Video card
c. Network card
d. Sound card
3. What type of signal does a soundcard receive first?
a. Digital signal
b. Multiplier signal
c. Analog signal
d. None of the above
4. ADC stands for _______ in the function of the soundcard.
a. Analog to dynamic converter
b. Analog to digital converter
c. Analog delivery computer
d. None of the above
5. DSP stands for _______ in the function of the soundcard.
a. Digital system performance
b. Left click once
c. Dragging
d. Digital signal processor
6. When choosing a soundcard, the following should be considered EXCEPT:
a. The number of components on the card
b. Sound blaster capabilities
c. FM Synthesis
d. MIDI support
7. MPEG stands for
a. Motion Pictures Experienced Group
b. Monitors and Pictures Excellent Group
c. Making Pictures Effectively and Gently
d. Motion Pictures Expert Group
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8. If your monitor is not displaying information due to a malfunctioning video card, you
should first :
a. Purchase a new video card
b. Test your monitor on another computer
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
9. When choosing a video card, the following should be considered EXCEPT
a. Resolution
b. Capacitors and resistors
c. Color depth
d. Refresh rate
10. Adding memory chips to a video card can increase the ___________and __________
__________ the video card can display.
Resolution and refresh rate
Sound and color depth
Resolution and color depth
None of the above
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