Statistics and Risk Management Risk Management Strategies Performance Objective: After completing this lesson, the student will understand the basic concepts of risk and management strategies for reducing risk. Approximate Time: When taught as written, this lesson should take 4-5 days to complete. Specific Objectives: The student will discuss the root causes of risk. The student will understand where to look for potential risk. The student will review and apply some basic fundamental techniques to alleviate potential risks. This lesson corresponds with Unit 2 of the Statistics and Risk Management Scope and Sequence. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 1 TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS for Regression. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. 130.169 (g)(1)(C) (1) The student uses career planning concepts, tools, and strategies to explore a career in the area of risk management. The student is expected to: (A) compare and contrast the fundamentals of risk management, including the nature and benefits of risk management; (B) discuss the role of ethics and responsibility in risk management; InterdisciplinaryTEKS: English: 110.31 (C) (21) (B) … organize information gathered from multiple sources to create a variety of graphics and forms (e.g., notes, learning logs)… 110.31 (C) (22) (B) …evaluate the relevance of information to the topic and determine the reliability, validity, and accuracy of sources (including Internet sources) by examining their authority and objectivity… 110.31 (C) (23) (C) … use graphics and illustrations to help explain concepts where appropriate… Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 2 110.31 (C) (23) (D) … use a variety of evaluative tools (e.g., self-made rubrics, peer reviews, teacher and expert evaluations) to examine the quality of the research… Math: 111.36 (C) (4) (A) … compare theoretical and empirical probability; 111.37. (C) (3) (B) … use probabilities to make and justify decisions about risks in everyday life Occupational Correlation (O*Net - Marketing Managers 11-2021.00 Similar Job Titles: Business Development Manager, Account Supervisor, Business Development Director, Commercial Lines Manager Tasks: Formulate, direct and coordinate marketing activities and policies to promote products and services, working with advertising and promotion managers. Identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics, and cost and markup factors. Direct the hiring, training, or performance evaluations of marketing or sales staff and oversee their daily activities. (Soft) Skills: Active Listening; Critical Thinking; Persuasion; Social Perceptiveness Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 3 Instructional Aids: 1. Display for presentation, websites for assignments and class discussion 2. Assignment Worksheets 3. Supporting Spreadsheets Materials Needed: 1. Printer paper 2. Assignments and website information ready to distribute to students. Student projects will be displayed to increase interest in Statistics Equipment Needed: 1. Computer with presentation and Internet Access 2. Computers for Students to Conduct Research and Collect Data for Projects Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 4 References: Managing Risk This article by Dr. Geoff Benson of North Carolina State University breaks down risk management from an agricultural perspective. The article provides an indepth look at sources of risk, setting risk management priorities, risk management strategies, implementing strategies, and controlling risk using agricultural based examples that can be applied to other business industries. Business Risks Managing Risk, Crisis Management and Business Continuity Planning, IT Risk Management, and Assess and Minimize Your IT Risks. Identifying Strategies and Tactics for Reducing Risks This article on risk management will help students answer the following questions. What is risk reduction? What are protective factors? What is the difference between strategies and tactics? Who should be involved in selection of risk reduction strategies? The article also provides information on how to select risk reduction strategies. Risky Business – Or Not! This online activity allows students to learn about the risks in company stocks and other risk factors within a company. The activity is completely laid out with all needed materials listed and will take approximately three class periods to complete. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 5 Teacher Preparation: Teacher will: 1. presentation, and handouts. 2. resources and websites. 3. websites ready. Review terms in outline, Locate and evaluate various Have assignments and Learner Preparation: It is time to wrap up what the students have learned about statistics. You will briefly describe commercial software for statistics with examples the student might find interesting. Then the student will get to apply what they have learned to analyzing data. Introduction: STUDENTS will watch the Unit video found here: STUDENTS will take the practice test and review using the Key, found in Common/Student Documents. EXHIBIT: Excitement the topic of Risk. INTRODUCE: The definition/concept of “risk”. ASK: Ask students to explain if they’ve ever fallen in a restaurant or store because of the store’s negligence? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 6 I. Risk Management Fundamentals A. Financial Risk Management 1. The practice of creating economic value in a firm by using financial instruments to manage exposure to: a. Credit Risk b. Market Risk c. Organizational Context Use 12.1_RiskManagement Fundamentals.pptx B. What is the Organization's Mission? 1. Must address the problem of protecting itself against changes that can place the pursuit of this fundamental objective “at risk”. C. Identify Weaknesses 1. Do you have Specific Weaknesses? 2. Weak Management team 3. Cash Flow Issues 4. Over Budgeted Expenses 5. Work Force Shortages 6. Intense Competition 7. Risks Inherent to: D. External Context: emergence of unfavorable laws and/or regulations; negative changes to market conditions; technological innovations that favor competitors; etc. E. Operative Management : noncompliance with contractual requirements; possible loss of market share; possible loss of skills; possible physical damage to personnel; possible environmental pollution; etc. F. Financial Management : difficulty in collecting accounts receivables; unfavorable changes in exchange rates; imbalances in liquidity; etc. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 7 G. Identify Change 1. What is driving the change? 2. Opportunity, Government, Economy, Marketing, Financing, Risks Consequences H. Why Money Loss 1. Revenue Falls Short 2. Escalating Expenses 3.Judgments, Fines, and Penalties 4. Security Breaches 5. Why Time Loss 6. Limited Human Resources 7. Limited Expertise I. Calculate Probabilities 1. Comparison within Organization 2. Comparison within Industry 3. Calculate Risk Provide Assignment sheets and discuss and answer any questions about assignment (In class or take homeInstructor’s Option) II. Risk Management Techniques A. Protections 1. The value already created by the organization 2. Its future opportunities, favoring secure growth 3. Identify Rectifiers 4. Find and eliminate for road blocks 5. Find Flow Restrictions and open up the flow 6. Identify alternative courses of action. 7. Identify Opportunities Provided .docx files 12.1a_RiskManagement Fundamentals.docx Use 12.2_RiskManagement Tecniques.pptx Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 8 8. Adds a positive approach to a often negative response process. 9. Examining and Solving a problem often leads to additional opportunities. 10. Management Presentation a. Documents b. Presentations c. Memo and Notes d. Follow-ups e. Where to Apply f. Advertising g. Effective? Which add campaign? Which markets? h. Quality control i. Defect rate? Cost? Are improvements working? 11. Finance a. How high? How to control? At what cost? b. Auditing financial statements. Are errors material? c. Lobbying (no explanation needed) B. Economic forecasting, background info, measuring and controlling productivity (human and machine) 1. Associations a. Professional or Industry Associations are often used to reduce risk. b. Political Action Committee Organizations in the US which campaign for/against political candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation. Provide Assignment sheets and discuss and answer any questions about assignment (In class or take homeInstructor’s Option) 12.2a_RiskManagement Techniques.docx Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 9 Guided Practice: See assignments. Independent Practice: Review document “Spreadsheets for Statistical Purposes” – in Common Documents. See assignments. Review: Question: Describe what is meant by risk? Question: Describe some of the basic tactics for reducing risk. Question: Have the students do a general overview of their parents’ garage or tool and make a list of potential areas of risk. Describe them in detail; then, list the ways in which parents are liable. Create a plan of action for parents to reduce risk. Informal Assessment: Instructor should observe student discussion and monitor interaction. Formal Assessment: Completion of provided assignments using included keys for grading. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 11 Student Assignment 12.1a Risk Management Fundamentals Key Name: ____________________ According to King James the 1st in (1566-1625) “Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs.” How has the Cigarette industry mitigated risk to their core business of manufacturing and selling cigarettes? Find examples and explain. Key word search: cigarette company research, cigarette company ethics, cigarette company marketing, cigarette company politics Answers will vary per student, but look that they have made an effort to fulfill the requirements of this assignment any various levels. You may ask yourself does this student demonstrate the ability to find some definitive research on which to base their opinions on. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 12 Student Assignment 12.2a Risk Management Techniques Key Name: ____________________ You have decided when you graduate you want to see the world and have decided to travel across the globe. You parent have agreed to match your savings up to $5000.00 to fund the trip. What risks can you identify that will you encounter on your trip? What precautions can you take to mitigate these risks? Answers will vary per student, but look that they have made an effort to fulfill the requirements of this assignment any various levels. This should really be a fun assignment. The student can really be creative on where they want to go and all the issues that may arise. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 13 Name:__________________________ Date:________________________ Class:___________ Risk Management Strategies Test TRUE/FALSE: _____1. Basically risk management helps the business make the right moves in order to protect itself against bad things happening. _____2. Not every business should be concerned with risk. _____3. A company should identify their weaknesses in order to understand their risks. MATCHING: a. External Context b. Operative Management c. Financial Management _____4 Risks include non-compliance with contractual requirements, loss of market share, loss of skills, physical damage to personnel, environmental pollution _____5. Risks include difficulty in collecting accounts receivable, unfavorable changes in exchange rates, imbalances in liquidity _____6. Risks include emergence of unfavorable laws and/or regulations, negative changes to market conditions, technological innovations that favor competitors _____7. Which of the following would NOT be a weakness of a company? a. Cash Flow Issues b. Over Budgeted Expenses c. Weak Management Team d. Work Force Shortages e. Minor Competition _____8. The possible financial loss that a policyholder will suffer if property is damaged or destroyed would be: a. An insurance policy b. The amount of $400 c. A risk d. The deductible _____9. Which type of risk would NOT be an example of a non-insurable risk? a. A road closure in front of your business b. Products that can’t be sold because the fashions have changed c. The theft of expensive furs from your store d. A poor investment choice made by a financial manager Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 14 Name:__________________________ Date:________________________ Class:___________ 10. List three reasons that a company might lose money: 1.___________________________________ 2.___________________________________ 3.___________________________________ MATCHING: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Insured Insurer Peril Policy Policyholder Premium Risk _____11. Person or business purchasing insurance _____12. Persons or organizations covered by the insurance policy _____13. Uncertainty that a loss may occur _____14. Company that sells insurance _____15 Written agreement, or contract, between the insurer and the policyholder _____ 16. Payment by a policyholder to the insurer for protection against risk _____17. Cause of a loss for a person or organization. An example would be a fire. Briefly explain each of the following techniques for managing risk, and give at least one example of each: 18. Avoidance: 19. Loss Control: 20. Retention: 21. Noninsurance Transfers: 22. What might happen to a company if the owners decided to put money into savings rather than purchase an insurance policy? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 15 Name:__________________________ Date:________________________ Class:___________ MATCHING: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Burglary and robbery insurance Fire insurance Business income insurance Transportation insurance Collision insurance Comprehensive insurance Vehicle Liability insurance Health insurance Disability insurance Life insurance Liability insurance Malpractice insurance Bonding 23._____Provides funds to replace such items as buildings, furniture, machinery, raw materials, and inventory damaged or destroyed by fire. 24._____A type of liability insurance that protects against financial loss arising from suits for negligence in providing professional services. 25.____Provides protection against the expenses of individual health care 26.____Protects against damage, theft, or complete loss of goods while they are being shipped 27._____Offers payments to employees who are not able to work because of accidents or long-term illness 28._____Pays money upon the death of the insured 29.____Provides protection from loss resulting from the theft of money, inventory, and other business assets 30._____Pays damages to people whose losses are caused by the negligence or dishonest of an employee or by the failure of a business to complete a contract 31._____Provides protection against damage to the insured’s own vehicle when it is in a collision with another car or object 32._____Provides protection against damage caused by the insured’s vehicle to other people or their property 33._____Protects against losses from injury to people or their property that result from the products, services, or operations of the business. 34._____Compensates firms for loss of income during the time required to restore damaged property. 35._____Covers loss to your vehicle by something other than collision. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 16 Risk Management Strategies Test Key 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. E 8. D 9. C 10. Revenue falls short, expenses increase, a judgment, fine, or penalty imposed on the business, security breach 11. E 12. A 13. G 14. B 15. D 16. F 17. C 18. Avoidance: avoid the risk, to avoid divorce, don’t get married 19. Loss Control: loss prevention and loss reduction, strict security measures at the airport, installing a sprinkler system 20. Retention: retaining part of the risk, active retention would be having a deductible so that you can save money, passive retention which could be due to ignorance or indifference, or self‐ insurance 21. Noninsurance Transfers: transfer risk by contract, by 22. What might happen to a company if the owners decided to put money into savings rather than purchase an insurance policy? Answers will vary Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 17 MATCHING: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Burglary and robbery insurance Fire insurance Business income insurance Transportation insurance Collision insurance Comprehensive insurance Vehicle Liability insurance Health insurance Disability insurance Life insurance Liability insurance Malpractice insurance Bonding B23._____Provides funds to replace such items as buildings, furniture, machinery, raw materials, and inventory damaged or destroyed by fire. L24._____A type of liability insurance that protects against financial loss arising from suits for negligence in providing professional services. H25.____Provides protection against the expenses of individual health care D26.____Protects against damage, theft, or complete loss of goods while they are being shipped I27._____Offers payments to employees who are not able to work because of accidents or long-term illness J28._____Pays money upon the death of the insured A29.____Provides protection from loss resulting from the theft of money, inventory, and other business assets M30._____Pays damages to people whose losses are caused by the negligence or dishonest of an employee or by the failure of a business to complete a contract E31._____Provides protection against damage to the insured’s own vehicle when it is in a collision with another car or object G32._____Provides protection against damage caused by the insured’s vehicle to other people or their property K33._____Protects against losses from injury to people or their property that result from the products, services, or operations of the business. C34._____Compensates firms for loss of income during the time required to restore damaged property. F35._____Covers loss to your vehicle by something other than collision. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 18 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 19