– Why a Virtual Business? Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan – Why a Virtual Business?
Course Title – Virtual Business
Session Title – Why a Virtual Business?
Performance Objective:
 Upon completion of this lesson, the student will describe how the Internet is
exposing businesses to a wider audience.
 Upon completion of this lesson, the student will understand different types of online
Approximate Time:
When taught as written, this lesson should take four to five days to complete.
Specific Objectives:
 Students will identify successful e-commerce businesses and strategies.
 Students will discuss common business uses of the Internet besides selling
 Students will outline the steps for starting a new e-commerce business.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
 130.120(c)(1)(A)
identify the nature, history, and duties of a virtual business office
 130.120(c)(1)(C)
assess personality characteristics to determine suitability for being a self-employed
virtual business office employee
 130.120(c)(1)(D)
inventory skills, interests, strengths, and weaknesses to determine appropriate
services to offer.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
110.33(b)(1)(A) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
…determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple
content areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin,
Greek or other linguistic roots and affixes.
110.33(b)(1)(C) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
…infer word meanings through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word
110.33(b)(12)(B) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout, pictures, typeface in print
media, images, text, sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-layered media.
110.33(b)(12)(C) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media.
110.33(b)(12)(D) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate changes in formality and tone across various media for different audiences and
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Occupational Correlation (O*Net – http://www.onetonline.org/)
43-6014.00 - Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and
Similar Job Titles: Office Manager, Administrative Support Assistant (ASA), Administrative
Set up and maintain paper and electronic filing systems for records,
correspondence, and other material
Answer telephones and give information to callers, take messages, or transfer calls
to appropriate individuals
Complete forms in accordance with company procedures
Soft Skills:
Information Ordering, Written Expression, Problem Sensitivity
Accommodations for Learning Differences:
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may
be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files
found on the Special Populations page of this website.
Teacher Preparation:
1. Business Principles and Management, Everard Burrow, South-Western Thompson
2. Learning E-Commerce: Business Analysis and Design, Nancy Stevenson, DDC
3. Start Your Own E-Business, Entrepreneur Magazine, Entrepreneur Press
4. http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/cats/population.html
5. http://export.gov/sellingonline/eg_main_020761.asp
6. http://www.sba.gov/content/starting-online-business
7. http://imedia.sba.gov/vd/media1/training/YoungEntrepreneurs/player.html
8. http://archive.sba.gov/advo/research/rs313tot.pdf
Instructional Aids:
1. “Why Virtual?” Presentation
2. “Internet Timeline” Assignment #1
3. “Internet Timeline” Assignment #1 Rubric
4. “Career Research Newsletter” Assignment #2
5. “Career Research Newsletter” Assignment #2 Rubric
6. “Report on the Future of E-Commerce” Assignment #3
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7. “Report on the Future of E-Commerce” Assignment #3 Rubric
Materials Needed:
1. Poster board or flipchart paper
2. Markers
Equipment Needed:
1. Computers for students to complete projects
2. Projector for presentation
Learner Preparation:
1. Ask students about how many hours a day they spend on the Internet. Also ask
them if they have either purchased any items online or if they have shopped online,
even if they did not purchase anything.
Lesson Plan
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I)
1. Ask students if they spend more time shopping or “window shopping” on the Internet
than they do in stores such as at the malls. Most likely they will spend more time
looking for items on the Internet. Have them search on the Internet for the top three
items that are purchased online. See if any of them have recently bought one of
these three types of items.
Important Terms for this Lesson:
 Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) – The process of conducting business
transactions on the Internet.
 E-Tailers – Retail businesses that sell directly to the consumer through the web.
 B2B – Business to business.
 B2C – Business to consumer.
 C2C – consumer to consumer
 E-Marketplace – Online shopping location.
 Dot-Com Business – A company that does almost all of its business activities
through the Internet.
 Brick and Mortar Business – A business that completes most of its business
activities at a physical location rather than through the Internet.
 Intranet – A private internal network of computers available only to employees of a
 Venture Capitalists – people who provide funds to start a company in exchange for
part ownership of a company.
 Business Model – A defined plan for doing business.
 Storefront – Either a physical store location or in the case of a virtual business or the
web site that represents the business online.
 Complementary Business – A business that sells products or services that people
who use your products or services might be interested in
Outline (LSI Quadrant II)
Instructors can use the presentation program/software, slides, handouts, and the Internet in
conjunction with the following outline.
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What is a Virtual Business?
A. primarily conducts business electronically
B. can be an extension of a brick-and-mortar
C. Synonymous with:
1. e-commerce
2. online business
3. digital business
Notes to Instructor
Use presentation as
an aid.
Start a discussion
with students about
owning their own
business. Ask them
what qualities they
think are necessary
for a self-employed
entrepreneur and
have a student write
the responses. Then
direct students to
the following web
site and discuss the
attributes in the
“Trends in Data”
Ask students what
they think the word
“virtual” means.
They may find it
difficult to articulate
an actual definition
but they know it
involves computers
and the Internet.
Provide students
with the synonyms
and have them
companies they
think would be
considered “virtual”.
Remind them that
virtual can be a
business strictly
online or one with a
physical location as
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What is a Netreprenuer?
A. An innovative business owner who
Conducts business online
B. Sees the vision of a “storefront” although
The “walls” are not visible
C. Understand new ways to get information
about customers
D. Responds rapidly to changes in laws and
E. Know when or if they should innovate
Ask students to
think about the
difference between
an entrepreneur and
a netrepreneur. On
the board draw a tchart with each
name, one on the
left side and one on
the right side. Write
down their
responses on the
appropriate sides for
the characteristics
of each. Many will
be the same but be
sure to include the
characteristics in AE on the left in this
III. Resources for Business Owners
A. Small Business Administration (SBA)
B. Small Business Development Center –
part of the SBA
C. Service Corps of Retired Executives
D. Women’s Business Center
Many resources are
available for
individuals wanting
to start a small
business, but not as
many for small
online businesses.
Have students visit
these resources and
look for links that
have to do with tips
for starting online
IV. Internet Milestones
A. ARPANET – Advanced Research Projects
1. network created by the U. S.
Department of Defense in 1969
2. original purpose was for electronic
communication in case of nuclear war
or natural disasters
Discuss the
purposes of
Compare the
beginnings of ecommerce to the
California Gold
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B. 1982 – the term “Internet” is born
C. 1991 – Internet became available for
commercial use
Rush. In pairs, have
students research
the Gold Rush and
create a short
including slides with
similarities and
slides with
differences. Both
had groups of
people flocking to
where they thought
the money was.
Both created
attention worldwide.
Both were ways for
people, although not
everyone, to make
money. Both
increased revenue
for businesses
along the way as
well as
However, California
was a physical
location where the
Internet is not a
physical location.
V. Virtual Business Advantages
A. Redefines buyer/seller relationships
B. Open 24/7
C. Minimizes distribution channels
D. Increases productivity and revenue
E. Unlimited customer reach
F. Affordable
G. Flexible schedule
H. Easy startup
I. Telecommuting
J. Hlobal business potential
Ask students to
volunteer responses
to what they believe
the advantages are
to going virtual.
Write them on the
board or document
camera and then
rank the reasons by
having students
show hands.
VI. Types of Virtual Businesses
A. B2B
1. business to business
Discuss the
differences between
the types of
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customers are primarily other
B. B2C
1. business to consumer
2. customers are the general public
C. C2C
1. consumers selling to other consumers
2. auction web sites
VII. Business Uses of the Internet
A. Business communications
1. internal – emailing employees
2. external – current and potential
a. videoconferencing
b. company web sites
B. Information gathering
1. research to assist in decision-making
2. information on current and prospective
a. mailing lists
b. product registration
c. FAQs
3. competitor information
a. product comparisons
b. customer reviews
C. Improving business operations
1. inventory records
2. shipping information
3. financial statements
VIII. E-Commerce Careers
A. Web designers
B. Web developers
C. Web technologists
D. Customer service support
E. Technical writer
businesses and to
provide examples
for each on the
board. Ask students
what the advantage
would be in B2B as
opposed to the
other types.
Answers may
include that
businesses typically
buy in larger
volumes than
Discuss with
students reasons
businesses use the
Internet in addition
to buying and selling
products. Some
answers may be
providing directions
to their store, user
manuals for
products, company
information for
investors, or
advertising job
businesses have not
only increased ways
to conduct business
today, but have also
increased new job
opportunities and
expanded existing
jobs. Direct
students to any of
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
the popular job
search web sites
and search for ecommerce
positions. Ask
students in pairs to
provide a phrase or
two for three
positions they find
and create a table
displaying their
Copy and Paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
 Conduct Internet research to see which companies are the top Internet retailers. Ask
students if they have purchased from these companies in the past. Have students in
pairs research the top three Internet retailers in the year 2000 and compare them to
the current top Internet retailers.
 Ask students which countries they think use the Internet the most. Have them each
search on the computer and volunteer a country name and rank them on the board
or document camera. Discuss why the countries may be ranked the way they are.
Answers may include that the higher ranked may be more highly industrialized with
higher income levels
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
 Internet Timeline Assignment #1 – List 10 events that occurred regarding the
history of the Internet and how they have impacted business. At least two
companies must also be included in the timeline.
 Career Research Newsletter Assignment #2 – Students are to create a one-page,
two-column newsletter using either word processing or desktop publishing software
that displays three different career opportunities related to the Internet, such as
Webmaster or Web Site Designer. They will conduct Internet research on several of
the job-search web sites to locate three job openings. These openings should
include the job title, job description, and education, training, or certification
 Report on the Future of E-Commerce Assignment #3 – Students will write (or
type with word processing software) a properly formatted one-page report on the
future of virtual business, based upon population projections listed in the following
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web site: http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/cats/population.html
The report should contain an explanation of what the projections are and how ecommerce could be affected, for example, whether there will be more users of
certain types of web sites, if web sites will be used for different reasons in the future,
how different age groups may use the Internet, or if there will be more of certain
types of e-businesses in the future.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Q: What was the Internet’s original purpose?
A: The Internet was originally created for communication in the event of nuclear war or
natural disasters.
Q: Which type of business has customers selling to each other?
A: The C2C type which is commonly found in auction web sites.
Q: What are three ways that businesses use the Internet that is not the buying and selling
of products or services?
A: Three ways businesses use the Internet are: communications, information gathering,
and improving business operations.
Q: What is the main difference between a netrepreneur and an entrepreneur?
A: While they both are visionary, the entrepreneur actually visualizes a potential business
that may not even have a physical location, but potentially only an online “storefront”.
Q: What are three advantages to going virtual?
A: Three advantages are that going virtual allows for unlimited customer reach, the
Internet is open 24/7, and virtual businesses are more affordable with less overhead
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
1. Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice.
2. Instructor will assist students as needed.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrants III and IV):
Use the assigned rubrics to evaluate the two Independent Practice Assignments (LSI
Quadrant III).
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
1. Interview a teacher, parent, or business person regarding the changes in technology
that have occurred in his/her lifetime. In particular, ask the interviewee what he or
she feels has had the most impact on his/her life or career. What aspect of using
computers does he/she wish was around when they were the interviewer’s age?
2. Interview at least three different people to determine the top five web sites they visit
most often. Then determine whether the sites they visit would be considered B2B,
B2C, or C2C sites. Prepare a summary of your findings using a table or other
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Why Virtual?
Independent Practice Assignments
Internet Timeline Assignment #1 – List 10 events that occurred regarding the
history of the Internet and how they have impacted business. At least two
companies must also be included in the timeline.
Career Research Newsletter Assignment #2 – Students are to create a onepage, two-column newsletter using either word processing or desktop publishing
software that displays three different career opportunities related to the Internet,
such as Webmaster or Web Site Designer. They will conduct Internet research
on several of the job-search web sites to locate three job openings. These
openings should include the job title, job description, and education, training, or
certification requirements.
Report on the Future of E-Commerce Assignment #3 – Students will write (or
type with word processing software) a properly formatted one-page report on the
future of virtual business, based upon population projections listed in the
following web site: http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/cats/population.html
The report should contain an explanation of what the projections are and how ecommerce could be affected, for example, whether there will be more users of
certain types of web sites, if web sites will be used for different reasons in the
future, how different age groups may use the Internet, or if there will be more of
certain types of e-businesses in the future.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Why a Virtual Business?
Internet Timeline Assignment #1
Student Name:
Facts were accurate
for all events
reported on the
Facts were accurate
for almost all events
reported on the
Facts were accurate
for most (75%) of the
events reported on
the timeline.
Facts were often
inaccurate for events
reported on the
An accurate,
complete date has
been included for
each event.
An accurate,
complete date has
been included for
almost every event.
An accurate date
has been included
for almost every
Dates are inaccurate
and/or missing for
several events.
The overall
appearance of the
timeline is pleasing
and easy to read.
The overall
The timeline is
appearance of the
relatively readable.
timeline is somewhat
pleasing and easy to
Spelling and
Spelling and
capitalization were
checked by another
student and are
correct throughout.
Spelling and
capitalization were
checked by another
student and were
mostly correct.
Spelling and
There were many
capitalization were
spelling and
mostly correct but
capitalization errors.
were not checked by
another student.
All graphics are
effective and
balanced with text
All graphics are
effective but there
appear to be too few
or too many.
Some graphics are
Several graphics are
effective and their
not effective.
use is balanced with
text use.
The timeline is
difficult to read.
Total Score _____________
Maximum 100 Points
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Why a Virtual Business?
Career Research Newsletter Assignment #2
Student Name:
All of the required
Almost all the
At least 75% of the
Less than 75% of
content was present. required content was required content was the required content
was present.
Layout Columns
Columns are neatly
typed in the
\"justified\" type style.
A glance at the
newsletter makes
you think
Columns are neatly
typed. A glance at
the newsletter
makes you think
"fairly professional."
Columns are typed. It
is easy to read, but
looks somewhat
Columns are not
neatly typed.
Newsletter is
somewhat difficult to
Spelling and
No spelling or
grammar errors
remain after one or
more people (in
addition to the typist)
read and correct the
No more than a
couple of spelling or
grammar errors
remain after one or
more people (in
addition to the typist)
read and correct the
No more than three
spelling or grammar
errors remain after
one or more people
(in addition to the
typist) read and
correct the
Several spelling or
grammar errors
remain in the final
copy of the
Graphics are in
Graphics are in
80-100% of the
focus, are wellfocus and are clearly graphics are clearly
cropped and are
related to the topic. related to the topic.
clearly related to the
More than 20% of
the graphics are not
clearly related to the
topic OR no
graphics were used.
Articles Interest
The newsletter
contains facts,
figures, and/or word
choices that make it
interesting to
The newsletter does
not contain facts or
figures that might
make it interesting
to read.
The newsletter
contains facts,
figures, and/or word
choices that make it
interesting to
The newsletter
contains some facts
or figures but is
marginally interesting
to read.
Total Score _____________
Maximum 100 Points
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Why a Virtual Business?
Report on the Future of E-Commerce Assignment #3
Student Name:
Information is very
organized with wellconstructed
Information is
organized with wellconstructed
Information is
organized, but
paragraphs are not
The information
appears to be
Internet Use
Successfully uses
suggested internet
links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Usually able to use
suggested internet
links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Occasionally able to
use suggested
internet links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Needs assistance or
supervision to use
suggested internet
links and/or to
navigate within these
Diagrams &
Diagrams and
illustrations are neat,
accurate and add to
the reader\'s
understanding of the
Diagrams and
illustrations are
accurate and add to
the reader\'s
understanding of the
Diagrams and
illustrations are neat
and accurate and
sometimes add to
the reader\'s
understanding of the
Diagrams and
illustrations are not
accurate OR do not
add to the reader\'s
understanding of the
No grammatical,
spelling, or
punctuation errors.
Almost no
spelling, or
punctuation errors
A few grammatical,
spelling, or
punctuation errors.
Many grammatical,
spelling, or
punctuation errors.
Quality of
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It includes
several supporting
details and/or
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It provides one
to two supporting
details and/or
Information clearly
Information has little
relates to the main
or nothing to do with
topic. No details
the main topic.
and/or examples are
Total Score _____________
Maximum 100 Points
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.