Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance Session Title: The Roles of Government in Business (Part 3) Performance Objective: The student identifies the role and impact of government, the legal system, and organized labor in business. Specific Objectives: 3 (5) (C) Ascertain the role of the legal system in business. Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of one or more of the TEKS listed. Interdisciplinary Correlations: English: §110.42. English I (c) The student is expected to: (8)(B) read in such varied sources as diaries, journals, textbooks, maps, newspapers, letters, speeches, memoranda, electronic texts, and other media; (6)(A) expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing; and, (4)(F) compile written ideas and representations into reports, summaries, or other formats and draw conclusions. Economics: §118.2. Economics (c) The student is expected to: (3)(B) Identify and evaluate examples of restrictions that the government places on the use of business and individual property. (15)(B) Evaluate government rules and regulations in the U.S. free enterprise system. Instructor/Trainer References: 1. O’Sullivan, Arthur and Sheffrin, Steven M. (2007). Economics: Principles in Action. Boston: Pearson Prentice 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hall. ecedweb.unomaha.edu/lessons/fecga.htm www.jmu.edu/madison/teacher/jeopardy/jeopardy.htm definitions.uslegal.com/ www.ftc.gov/bc/antitrust/antitrust_laws.shtm www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ahrpa/opa/kids/special/kidbright.html www.merriam-webster.com rubistar.4teachers.org/ Instructional Aids: Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 1 1. Optional – Overhead, SmartBoard, Internet, ELMO (if available and where applicable). Materials Needed: 1. Textbook 2. Internet 3. Poster board/card board 4. Markers 5. Construction paper Teacher Preparation: Instructors should review content from textbook, PowerPoint, and websites prior to class. Learner Preparation: Learners will review PowerPoint the night before class. Lesson Plan Vocabulary: Revisit terms from previous lesson: 3 (5) (B) Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): According to the Houghton Mifflin dictionary, to ascertain is “to discover with certainty, as through examination or experimentation.” During the last two lessons we have discovered the role of government in business. We have examined the six roles: Maintaining Legal and Social Framework Maintaining Competition Providing Public Goods and Services Redistributing Income Correcting for Externalities Stabilizing the Economy And, we have looked at these roles from two perspectives — government in a regulatory role and government in a provisionary role. Studying these two sets of information gives us a framework for understanding that government support of the economy. So, the next step is to examine how the government performs these roles, specifically looking at the legal system. A major part of the backbone of our government is its system of laws. It is these laws that provide standards to our lifestyles, and, in this case, to our method of running business. Today, we will further examine government in business by considering the laws and entities that govern trade. Outline Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages to support and reinforce the Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 2 following outline. MI See Multiple Intelligences (MI) key below. ` I. Outline Application – Guided Practice A. Students consider information about laws that affect government and business. B. Students demonstrate comprehension of content. I. II. Application – Independent Practice A. Students research businessrelated laws or governmental entities. B. Students gather answers to specific questions about the law or entity. C. Students complete an oral assessment based on their documented research. II. Notes to Instructor Application – Guided Practice A. Instructor leads class in a discussion of business-related laws. 1. Review PowerPoint slides paying strict attention to the law slides for each category. 2. Provide commentary on the laws documented in each area. B. Instructor utilizes the Government Jeopardy PowerPoint to review content. 1. Divide students into small teams. 2. Serve as scorekeeper. Application – Independent Practice A. Instructor directs students to research business-related laws or government entities. 1. Students choose one of the laws from the PowerPoint. 2. Students may work collaboratively if necessary in 2-person teams. B. Instructor directs students to answer specific questions about the law or government entity. 1. When was the law created or government entity opened? 2. Which people were key in initiating this law or entity? 3. What is the purpose of the law or entity? 4. How has the law or entity changed over time (cite affect of amendments, etc). Why were these amendments deemed necessary? 5. How has the law or union impacted business? C. Instructor provides student assessment that is an oral examination consisting of background knowledge probe. Summary I. Summary Review Questions A. Students will answer review questions. I. Summary Review Questions A. Ask review questions found on page 5 (see Summary). Evaluation I. Evaluation A. Students create learning I. Evaluation A. Instructor directs students to complete an Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 3 games based on class content. instructional learning game of their choosing using information gathered from class’ independent research. 1. Students determine game type. 2. Students work collaboratively in teams of 3 – 5 people. 3. Game must have written instructions, rules, and key. 4. Complexity of the game will be reflected in grade. 5. Rubric is provided. 6. Option: Instructor can provide poster board, cardboard, markers, glue, etc., to assist in the learning process. Extension/Enrichment I. Extension/Enrichment A. Students associate current events with laws and government agencies. B. Students research other laws, such as Department of Labor laws. C. Students debate issues relating to the labor industry. I. Extension/Enrichment A. Provide students with copies of periodicals (hard or soft). Allow students to select a current event and research applicable laws. B. Direct students to U.S. Department of Labor website to continue research into labor laws: http://www.dol.gov/opa/aboutdol/lawsprog.h tm Copy and paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column. Verbal Linguistic Logical Mathematical Visual Spatial Musical Rhythmic Bodily Kinesthetic IntraPersonal InterPersonal Naturalist Existentialist Application Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): I. Application – Guided Practice Instructor leads class in a discussion of business-related laws. 1. Review PowerPoint slides paying strict attention to the law slides for each category. 2. Provide commentary on the laws documented in each area. B. Instructor utilizes the Government Jeopardy PowerPoint to review PowerPoint content. A. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 4 1. 2. Divide students into small teams. Serve as scorekeeper. Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): II. Application – Independent Practice A. Instructor directs students to research business-related laws or government entities. 1. Students choose one of the laws from the PowerPoint. 2. Students may work collaboratively if necessary in 2-person teams. B. Instructor directs students to answer specific questions about the law or government entity. 1. When was the law created or government entity opened? 2. Which people were key in initiating this law or entity? 3. What is the purpose of the law or entity? 4. How has the law or entity changed over time (cite affect of amendments, etc). Why were these amendments deemed necessary? 5. How has the law or union impacted business? C. Instructor provides student assessment that is an oral examination consisting of background knowledge probe. Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): • • Question: Name and describe laws that protected workers’ rights. Answer: Example – Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) which established a minimum wage and addressed child labor issues. • • Question: Why are antitrust laws extremely important? Answer: Antitrust laws protect competition. The enforcement of these laws benefits consumers while protecting competition. Consumers benefit by purchasing products and services at lower prices. Antitrust laws result in business regulation, making the formation of monopolies or the employment of price fixing methods illegal. • • Question: What would occur if there was not a legal system in place? Answer: Laws declare what is in the best interest of the population. Laws establish boundaries and set standards; they give us an understanding of what is acceptable. Living within a society without laws, law enforcement, and legal consequences will yield a society existing in total chaos. • Question: New laws usually result from historical events. Provide one example, reference the historic period and the laws relative importance. Answer: Example – As a result of the Great Depression and severe losses to investors, the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 was passed. This Act regulated the financial markets. • • • Question: Name a current event that is impacted by environmental laws. State how the law is impacted. Answer: Answers will vary. Evaluation Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 5 Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): Evaluate answers to independent practice. Address issues raised in independent practice. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): I. Evaluation A. Instructor directs students to complete an instructional learning game of their choosing using information gathered from class’ independent research. 1. Students determine game type. 2. Students work collaboratively in teams of 3 - 5 people. 3. Game must have written instructions, rules, and key. 4. Complexity of the game will be reflected in grade. 5. Rubric is provided. 6. Option: Instructor can provide poster board, cardboard, markers, glue, etc., to assist in the learning process. Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): I. Extension/Enrichment A. Provide students with copies of periodicals (hard or soft). Allow students to select a current event and B. research applicable laws. Direct students to the U.S. Department of Labor website to continue research into labor laws: http://www.dol.gov/opa/aboutdol/lawsprog.htm UNT in partnership with TEA, Copyright © 2010. All rights reserved. 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 6 Game Rubric Teacher Name: ___________________________ Student Name: ___________________________ CATEGORY Knowledge Gained 20 18 16 14 Most students in the Several students in All students in group All students in the group could easily and group could easily and the group could NOT could easily and correctly state facts correctly state 1‐2 correctly state several correctly state 1‐2 facts about the topic facts about the topic facts about the topic about the topic used for the game without used for the game used for the game used for the game without looking at the without looking at the without looking at the looking at the game. game. game. game. Accuracy of Content All parts of the game All but one part of the All but two parts of Several parts of the are factually correct. game is factually the game are factually game are not factually correct. correct. correct. Contrasting colors and Contrasting colors and Contrasting colors and Little or no color or "borrowed" graphics fewer than 3 graphics at least 1 original at least 3 original graphics were used to graphic were used to were used to give the were included. give the game visual give the game visual game visual appeal. appeal. appeal. Attractiveness Rules Rules were written, Rules were written, The rules were not Rules were written clearly enough that all but 1 part of the game but people had some written. needed slightly more difficulty figuring out could easily the game. explanation. participate. Creativity The group put a lot of thought into making the game interesting and fun to play as shown by creative questions, game pieces and/or game board. The group put some thought into making the game interesting and fun to play by using textures, fancy writing, and/or interesting characters. Little thought was put The group tried to into making the game make the game interesting and fun, interesting or fun. but some of the things made it harder to understand/enjoy the game. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 7 Category Question Category 1‐10 What is the Federal Trade Commission Act? Category 1‐20 What are antitrust laws? Category 1‐30 What is the Sherman Antitrust Act? Category 1‐40 What is the Clayton Act? Category 1‐50 What is the Federal Trade Commission? Category 2‐10 What is the Uniform Commercial Code? Category 2‐20 What is a breach of warranty? Category 2‐30 What is a breach of fiduciary duty? Category 2‐40 What is an anticipatory breach? Category 2‐50 What is breach of rental agreement? Category 3‐10 What is the Patent Act of the U.S.? Category 3‐20 What is the Lanham Act [trademark]? Category 3‐30 What is the Copyright Law? Category 3‐40 What is the difference between a patent and a trademark? Category 3‐50 What is intellectual property? Category 4‐10 What is collusion? Category 4‐20 What is an oligopoly? Category 4‐30 What is price fixing? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 8 Government Jeopardy Answer Key Category 4‐40 What is a group boycott? Category 4‐50 What is a monopoly? Category 5‐10 What is the Family and Medical Leave Act? Category 5‐20 What is the Fair Labor Standards Act? Category 5‐30 What is the Social Security Act? Category 5‐40 What is the Occupational Safety and Health Act? Category 5‐50 What is the Fair Labor Standards Act? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 9